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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
I'm soooo jealous of all these fancy rigs people play on lol. People dnt believe half the time wen I tell them I use a dinner tray table and a chair from one of my classrooms and the tray table sits over my g27 pedals and I have it taped down. Its uncomfortable as all get out. But hey it works. Score 1 for the cheap college student living in a dorm with 6 other roommates who nag at me on a daily basis in the middle of a race just to get me to spin out. Its home that's for sure lol

Do you have $50 to spend?
Something I noticed looking at the director's doc: There is a vote cast in division 4 by a driver that did not race. Not sure if this was caught already, but figured I'd say something before the updated prizewinners are announced.

I'llchange the calc's so the vote is not included in the future.

Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

I agree completely.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
I agree 100%
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

This is nmcp1 from S.N.A.I.L racing and I approved the above message. 👍 :D
Being on probation should be considered an opportunity to learn. You are under increased scrutiny to show you are willing to sacrifice your race versus someone else's when a mistake is made. There was actually a case of that this past week when one driver got out of shape in the last corner of the last lap, got squared away before exiting the turn, but the pursuing driver didn't notice soon enough and caused some contact that sent the one driver off track. The pursuing driver pulled over and allowed the one to get back on track and under way when he could have gone on for the win. This is the kind of behavior we wish all our drivers would exhibit, at all times.

You must race in Sunday night league night to get off probation. Weeks not raced are not counted as time served.

I'll add another story to this one. A driver completely missed a brake point and made the decision to turn their car toward the apex of the corner that they were carrying way too much speed to have any chance of making the corner. The decision to turn toward the apex put another driver in jeopardy and resulted in a penalty. The driver could have done one simple thing to avoid the penalty. Instead of pointing their car at the apex in a futile attempt to make a corner they had no chance of making, they should have turned their car away from the apex and miss the corner to the outside where they couldn't do any damage to anyone else. This simple act would have avoided any penalty and earned some respect from the other drivers in the division. It is better to take yourself out of contention than it is to take yourself and someone else out of contention.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

I wholeheartedly agree!
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
Agree for sure but being as I'm in d8 I feel I'm more lenient with mistakes especially when I can tell it was unintentional I mean being as I'm in the slowest division and with more beginners should I be lenient or should I be harder on people not that I have many problems anyway just curious for future reference
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Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
Nicely Put And So True.
I Don't Always Reply To Posts But When I Do I Capitalize Every Word!
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

I agree.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

I agree with this statement.
Agree for sure but being as I'm in d8 I feel I'm more lenient with mistakes especially when I can tell it was unintentional I mean being as I'm in the slowest division and with more beginners should I be lenient or should I be harder on people not that I have many problems anyway just curious for future reference

the rules are the same for Area 51 as for D8 and everything in between. If you feel that someone is being too aggressive, excessive bumping, dive bombing, etc. File Incidents. The stewards will review the incident from a impartial point of view.

Mistakes will happen, but if they don't get addressed, the same mistake may continue over and over and may never get fixed.


On the other side of the coin, sometimes when racing with new drivers (beginning of the month) I am a little lenient as we are learning new break points, styles of driving, etc. But poor race craft in general always needs to be addressed.
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Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.
I agree with the statement on penalties as well.

Also, can anyone briefly explain differences between practicing in arcade TT mode versus using a SNAIL online lobby for practice? I'm talking in terms of lap times; is there any reason to expect faster times in one versus the other?
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

I agree and I'm going to expand on this a little.

If you witness an act that is against your understanding of the SNAILOLR, report it. It doesn't have to directly affect you.

I agree with the statement on penalties as well.
Also, can anyone briefly explain differences between practicing in arcade TT mode versus using a SNAIL online lobby for practice? I'm talking in terms of lap times; is there any reason to expect faster times in one versus the other?

Traditionally, at least with GT5 and I suspect GT6 as well, online rooms generally have less grip than offline. Whether this is due to a different physics model being used or just network and/or processor lag doesn't matter. It's there and unfortunately we must deal with it. When I first started online racing and even when I first started with SNAIL, I would practice a lot in offline mode. I would always have slower lap times and the car just wouldn't react the same way in online mode. This effect even came up when I would practice in online mode with myself as host. For the last year or so I never practice for online races in my own lobby or in offline mode for that simple reason. The cars just don't act the same.
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I agree with the statement on penalties as well.

Also, can anyone briefly explain differences between practicing in arcade TT mode versus using a SNAIL online lobby for practice? I'm talking in terms of lap times; is there any reason to expect faster times in one versus the other?
You will get faster lap times in Arcade TT mode. I believe this is because of tire wear factors, but some have also reported physics differences when playing online. Practice online if you can.
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Doctor approved! 👍
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Agreed 100%
Thank you to everyone who filed incident reports this week. Please remember that YOU are responsible for the clean racing in this league. If YOU don't submit incident reports for things that should be reported then YOU aren't helping to promote clean racing. And if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! Clean racing doesn't just happen.. It takes respect, accountability, and the responsibility to point out when someone is not driving cleanly.
Please reply to this post if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Sounds fine to me :)
wow I cannot believe I won prize A. AND I know the perfect combination. We need faster cars and more livery. SO I did some testing and thought of a combo that I think satisfies the need for speed and at the same time a lil technical for skill and technique with a good track to compliment it I feel. Where do I report my combo at guys? I think a lot of people will like this one. ITs easy but also very deep in terms of mastering both he car and the course together to make a truly blistering lap time and I think this compliments it completely
wow I cannot believe I won prize A. AND I know the perfect combination. We need faster cars and more livery. SO I did some testing and thought of a combo that I think satisfies the need for speed and at the same time a lil technical for skill and technique with a good track to compliment it I feel. Where do I report my combo at guys? I think a lot of people will like this one. ITs easy but also very deep in terms of mastering both he car and the course together to make a truly blistering lap time and I think this compliments it completely

Post it here. Do you now understand why I wanted you to wait before doing the work of testing car and track and trying to figure out which one to keep.