SNAILs I have two ideas I would like to put out there for discussion.
Idea Number 1💡
1. With all the what is the combo where is this chatter going on what if we tried to use the TotP posts to have four icons that link to the most asked for info. I am currently working on this idea for the DTC series. Below are the rough icons that I am using for the moment. The links will be to the following:
1. The car will link to the sign up sheet to help people choose there lineup
2. The calendar will link to the details for the next event.
3. The gear will link to the detailed explanation of the series
4. The tracks will link to the current eligible tracks.

For SNAIL i would suggest these links:
1. Sign up - How to Join
2. Calendar - This weeks lineup
3. Gear - All about SNAIL Link page
4. Either OLR or Results
Obviously the icons would be designed for SANIL. If each of the main people that aim to grab the TotP had these icons/links they could add them to the post and then nearly every page would have a quick link to those important details.
Idea number 2💡
My second idea has to do with recognizing outstanding SNAILs. I feel it is time for us to have a SNAIL of the Month! We could have people post recommendations and then have a secret vote. The winer could have a quick Q&A session that could be posted in the thread. Perhaps there could be a small prize or some bonus Shells! I would suggest that only SNAILS that have been around for 1 year or SNAILs that are apart of team SNAILS could make the recommendations. Anyone could be nominated and every SNAIL would get a vote.
For instance I would Recommend @
Why I nominate him - Of all the fast racers I get to race with I feel none show the patience he does. He never tries to drive through me. He adjusts his speed and lines to mine until he is able to seize an opportunity to pass cleanly. I see him doing this with others as well. He is encouraging to others and is quick to try and stop negative behavior in rooms. He does not let the fact that English is not his first language be a barrier. Basically I think he is one hell of a SNAIL!
So those are my two ideas for the day. What do you all think?