◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
D4 Host/Director/Replay Uploader/Scoresheet keeper and Racer Report: Good racing last night, tight and clean, no disco issues and only 8 people in the beginning and 6 in the end.
Congrats to Jones that was able to take full advantage of my mishap with AG in Fugi and manage is leadership through Nurb.
To all D-6:
My most sincere apologies for any difficulties that you may have experienced due to the Lag issues that I "unknowingly" experienced last night. Have contacted the Service Provider - they are sending out a Tech tomorrow afternoon to physically check all connections from Pole-to-PS3. Their History on my service indicated some "Ranging" issues (whatever that means). So, maybe there is a Cure in the near future.
Again, please accept my apology to each and every one.
To all D-6:
My most sincere apologies for any difficulties that you may have experienced due to the Lag issues that I "unknowingly" experienced last night. Have contacted the Service Provider - they are sending out a Tech tomorrow afternoon to physically check all connections from Pole-to-PS3. Their History on my service indicated some "Ranging" issues (whatever that means). So, maybe there is a Cure in the near future.
Again, please accept my apology to each and every one.

If they are checking it for free great, but don't be too quick to blame your isp this week. Every time the ps4 launches in a new territory psn is very unstable for 1-2 weeks. As it launched in their second biggest market this week (Japan) I would expect connection issues to stick around for a while longer still.
Not a fan of the GTR at all, but then again, it would have helped if I knew...

1) I was supposed to shift early
2) I was supposed to set the brakes to 5/10
3) I was supposed to blow up the transmission downshifting on every turn to get the car to rotate.

Actually, I'm not really a fan of 3 combos that require modifications to the brake balance to be quick...at least not in a spec racing series.

I ran almost all the races with default settings. I didn't adjust the brakes until the last race of the night and even then, I went to my standard 3/3 settings.

As far as shift points go, all cars have a unique way of shifting for optimal acceleration, so short shifting the GTR isn't different (although maybe unexpected by some). And as far as the downshifting thing goes, I didn't use that technique at all and won back to back. There were even complaints about tire wear, but my tires were all 10's at the end of both races.

The GTR is a vast improvement over the RX7 in my opinion. I hated having to constantly fight wheelspin on that thing.
I have to admit that this evening was one of the top racing experiences I've had on GT6. The intensity is absolutely amazing. I wish I would've joined S.NA.I.L a lot sooner now, lol. Thanks to all D6 drivers for making this a night to remember. Can't wait to get back on and race next Sunday with yall.

More people need to realize that online is where the real fun is. They moan about how boring the race is, but they never venture beyond the AI events.

If there isn't a damn good reason to go offline racing, I avoid it.

Guys I need to switch. To another time zone.
Please at the bottom division...
The races at the west coast start too late for me personally.
Great bunch of ppl there tho. @jobyone

I will be able to move you to the D1-8 time slot starting with the March season. The reason for this is that it creates a record keeping mess to move drivers between D1-8 and WC in the middle of the month and try and score them in both.
5.7 TPI (L98) :)

NHRASanctioned Track - 11.49 requires Roll Bar (8 point IIRC)

IHRA Sanctioned Track - 11.99 requires Roll Bar

I race at a track that allows No Clocks. I get a slip but my times are not shown on the boards. Which means my goal for 10.99 in the Evo will not result in getting kicked out of the track.

I don't understand, you can get kicked out of the track for going too fast?
I ran almost all the races with default settings. I didn't adjust the brakes until the last race of the night and even then, I went to my standard 3/3 settings.

As far as shift points go, all cars have a unique way of shifting for optimal acceleration, so short shifting the GTR isn't different (although maybe unexpected by some). And as far as the downshifting thing goes, I didn't use that technique at all and won back to back. There were even complaints about tire wear, but my tires were all 10's at the end of both races.

The GTR is a vast improvement over the RX7 in my opinion. I hated having to constantly fight wheelspin on that thing.
Maybe I should have specified that in D3 the three items were a requirement to run fast and all combined are worth about 1-2 seconds per lap. In D4+ my lap times with default brakes, redline shifting, and not downshifting early would have been just fine to race with the pack. Usually I figure out the shift points but I missed Thursday practice and only got about 30 minutes in this car Friday. I would have never figured out the downshifting thing if I hadn't watched the replays.

I'm firmly in the "winners should pick what they want" camp. That said, an informed decision is still a worthy goal. So I would like to point something out for those who will end up winning the chance to choose next week's combos. It isn't my goal to criticize. The prize winners chose what they did, and it was their right. I'd just like to throw this out there as food for thought. If your goal is to produce clean racing, you need to consider what makes for a clean pass.

Passes between drivers of similar ability (and close racing is what SNAIL is all about) that aren't making mistakes almost exclusively happen on straights. Whoever can make the best exit of the corner preceding the straight has an advantage for that entire straight. Combos which require nothing other than a lead foot on exit do not reward the better driver with an exit speed advantage he can use to make a clean pass. Furthermore, combos where the only difficult part is wrestling the car in for a landing before each corner reward risky out-braking maneuvers that frankly, we in SNAIL rarely can do well. Some of that is down to latency and lack of visibility. Some of it is down to the fact that we are not all Lewis Hamilton.

I'll be out next week for work, but when I get back, I won't mind if there's some livelier cars in the mix by then ;)
100% agree but apparently no one liked the cars I chose which required finesse on corner exit. The RX-7 was a realistic race car. What I mean by that is it responded appropriately to trail braking, it broke loose if you had a lead foot (that tends to happen when boost kicks in), and it demanded respect of the track boundaries and rumble strips. You fight wheelspin on the track IRL if you mash the pedal so I like cars that properly convey the respect you have to give 450+ HP. The car caused drivers to make little mistakes, which makes for great racing. Those who made big mistakes with the car were simply over driving it.

Clearly that's not what the majority of SNAILers want. I understand now they simply want cars they can mash the brake and gas with (or not even brake at all as such with the Elise) and then draft pass on the straight.
My appologies for not showing up at D6 last.
Ive had a lot of disconnections along the weekend.
Decided to step away this sunday being afraid of causing any troubles during the race.
Wouldn't like to see my technical problems getting in the way of other fellow racers.
Hope to meet you next.
More people need to realize that online is where the real fun is. They moan about how boring the race is, but they never venture beyond the AI events.

If there isn't a damn good reason to go offline racing, I avoid it.
@Voodoovaj, I couldn't agree with you more. I've been racing online for years now, raced against you a couple times as well. I'm actually telling a lot of my online friends about S.N.A.I.L to try and get them into this.
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Hey guys anyone close to the 1.56 barrier in the gtr myet?
As of right now I have reached the time of a 1.57.3. Anyone else stuck cause I know I am lol. I hope everyone likes the combo cause I think its really fun lol
As of right now I have reached the time of a 1.57.3. Anyone else stuck cause I know I am lol. I hope everyone likes the combo cause I think its really fun lol
Loved that combo, best I laid down so far was a 2:00 in race 1.
I had fun driving the GTR getting a 2nd and a 1st place. It'a very secure car that accepts tons of throttle on exit and late shiftings. I had my bb at 3 /4 and the breaks worked very good. Cornering, exactly the same as the Golfie. Do all the breaking before turning, inside wheels on the curb and break it lose at the exit. Very estable car indeed
D2 Director/ Host Report

All in all a mostly trouble free night with regards to server/ connections. The grid was nicely stacked with 15 drivers and in the end we ended up losing 1. Still unacceptable but given the recent disasters with other rooms I think D2 got away on the light side. A few racers had to back out and come back in due to lag and/ or tuning restrictions but for the most part we managed and waited for them to get sorted.

On a personal note, probably the the worst night in terms of performance/ points I've had in SNAIL since joining. Had I not been hosting I would have probably called it quits after the second race. To all those who I may have impeded I send out my apologies. About the only good thing about running in the back of the pack is you get to watch all the close battles unfolding before you.

Thanks everyone in D2 for coming out!

D2 replays are up on the drive

D2 Director/ Host Announcement
As mentioned during the races last night, D2 will be switching host for next weeks races. Please make sure you have @JoeW / Ice_Warden on your PSN friends list.
Clearly that's not what the majority of SNAILers want. I understand now they simply want cars they can mash the brake and gas with (or not even brake at all as such with the Elise) and then draft pass on the straight.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that, although as you move down the ranks there will be more issues with car control. My beef with the RX7 and it's grip issues (for lack of a better term) is that they were in stark contrast to the other cars. You spend an hour and a half mashing the throttle, then you are tossed into a car that punishes that. I would be more with it if all the cars had to be handled the same way. Just so you could build an aptitude for an element of control over the course of the night or the course of a few rounds.
I don't understand, you can get kicked out of the track for going too fast?

Yes, you can get kicked out for going too fast without the proper safety equipment. If you run faster than 11.50 or 12.00 (depending on sanctioning body) you must have a roll cage.

A buddy of mine had a Kleeman CLK 55 with nitrous and a full interior that would run 10s but he would click it off around the 1000' mark and drag the brakes because he didn't have a cage. He was eventually kicked out because they estimated from his 1/8 mile time that he was WAY too fast to be racing without a cage.
SNAILs I have two ideas I would like to put out there for discussion.

Idea Number 1💡

1. With all the what is the combo where is this chatter going on what if we tried to use the TotP posts to have four icons that link to the most asked for info. I am currently working on this idea for the DTC series. Below are the rough icons that I am using for the moment. The links will be to the following:

1. The car will link to the sign up sheet to help people choose there lineup
2. The calendar will link to the details for the next event.
3. The gear will link to the detailed explanation of the series
4. The tracks will link to the current eligible tracks.

For SNAIL i would suggest these links:

1. Sign up - How to Join
2. Calendar - This weeks lineup
3. Gear - All about SNAIL Link page
4. Either OLR or Results

Obviously the icons would be designed for SANIL. If each of the main people that aim to grab the TotP had these icons/links they could add them to the post and then nearly every page would have a quick link to those important details.

Idea number 2💡

My second idea has to do with recognizing outstanding SNAILs. I feel it is time for us to have a SNAIL of the Month! We could have people post recommendations and then have a secret vote. The winer could have a quick Q&A session that could be posted in the thread. Perhaps there could be a small prize or some bonus Shells! I would suggest that only SNAILS that have been around for 1 year or SNAILs that are apart of team SNAILS could make the recommendations. Anyone could be nominated and every SNAIL would get a vote.

For instance I would Recommend @Drgreenthumb977 :cheers:

Why I nominate him - Of all the fast racers I get to race with I feel none show the patience he does. He never tries to drive through me. He adjusts his speed and lines to mine until he is able to seize an opportunity to pass cleanly. I see him doing this with others as well. He is encouraging to others and is quick to try and stop negative behavior in rooms. He does not let the fact that English is not his first language be a barrier. Basically I think he is one hell of a SNAIL!

So those are my two ideas for the day. What do you all think?

Late to the conversation ( I've been out of town the past few weeks), great ideas Joby!
I would definitely recommend and second the nomination for Dr Green being the SNAIL of the month if not the whole year! He is one class act and my favorite driver to run with on the track!:cheers:
To all D-6:
My most sincere apologies for any difficulties that you may have experienced due to the Lag issues that I "unknowingly" experienced last night. Have contacted the Service Provider - they are sending out a Tech tomorrow afternoon to physically check all connections from Pole-to-PS3. Their History on my service indicated some "Ranging" issues (whatever that means). So, maybe there is a Cure in the near future.
Again, please accept my apology to each and every one.
No problem about that, you were just randomly appering back and forth of me at fuji :D wich was pretty weird
I'm working on it right now

I also need D7 votes from ChaddingtonB, RebelYeller73, and dcallnight
Hi Goofy,
I Voted Last Night Before Leaving The Room. My Vote Is For Number 1, The Peoples Car, The Golfie, The V Dub, The Glorified Rabbit, Das Auto. I Had Fun Racing In Div 7 Last Night With Everyone. Can't Wait To Get A Full Night In Without Disconnection Or Lagging Issues. I Think It Would Be A Real Competitive Division If We Could All Be On For The Entire 6 Races. If That Ever Happens I Will Be Smiling Like Jeremy Clarkson! Power!!!!
im going to online today at 4;30 anyone feels like practicing. im going for that 1:56 barrier in the gtr figured id practice the other combos while im a it. I know they havnt been announced yet but who cares practice is practice. MR. bowler no fish slap please:bowdown:
I have had lots of good times racing with SNAIL. With that said, I am disappointed with the current state of GT6 OLR. The game is to glitchy for me to expect a clean set of combos every sunday night and then have to listen to the moans and jestures about connection issue that others are assuming I cause. Because of this issue I AM retiring from SNAIL racing. However, I will be online to race other events or practice with many of the great drivers I have come to know.

Again, it was a good time for the past YEAR and best of luck to all SNAILs, new and old!


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