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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sigh. 3 hours of running nonstop in the gtr. A 1.56 seems a lil beyond me. I guess a 1.57.3 is the best I cn do for now. I admit defeat fpr now speed gods. But you shall not deny me forever
New subject here. I think we should disable "ghosting" when cars are about to collide. There are two problems in my opinion. It does not encourage the complaint system because you can't complain about somebody ghosting through you, or at least it's hard to make a case. Secondly, it does not promote good race craft. Bump someone enough, get a complaint against you, change your ways. You ghost through someone, no foul, you keep doing it. Maybe even real lasting damage might promote better race craft. Thank you all.
Have you read our rules?
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/500x/46446374.jpg
New subject here. I think we should disable "ghosting" when cars are about to collide. There are two problems in my opinion. It does not encourage the complaint system because you can't complain about somebody ghosting through you, or at least it's hard to make a case. Secondly, it does not promote good race craft. Bump someone enough, get a complaint against you, change your ways. You ghost through someone, no foul, you keep doing it. Maybe even real lasting damage might promote better race craft. Thank you all.
Ohhhh man. Please dnt get fish slapped
New subject here. I think we should disable "ghosting" when cars are about to collide. There are two problems in my opinion. It does not encourage the complaint system because you can't complain about somebody ghosting through you, or at least it's hard to make a case. Secondly, it does not promote good race craft. Bump someone enough, get a complaint against you, change your ways. You ghost through someone, no foul, you keep doing it. Maybe even real lasting damage might promote better race craft. Thank you all.
12: Ghost Cars:


A ghost car is any car that is transparent and/or flickering transparent.
If your car is a ghost car, you take on the responsibilities of the following "Recovering from an incident" and "Re-entering to the track after running off" topics as you are at fault. You also give the correct driving line to the non-ghosted cars (taking a turn wide so others can pass on the inside). Do not return to the driving line if possible until your car is back to the normal state. This may be hard to tell if you use bumper cam, but do your utmost to determine your state. Naturally, if you are serving a penalty, assume you are ghosted.
If you are approaching one or more ghost cars on the track, you must avoid any contact with them at all as they may return to a normal state immediately. Then the contact would be your fault and in turn you may become a ghost car and have to make room for others while your car slows due to the penalty. Passing through a ghost car that is not entirely out of control in an effort to pass them will bring a penalty.
If your car becomes a ghost, you are not permitted to overtake other non-ghosted cars. If you happen to overtake a car while being a ghost, you must return to your original position safely.
If your car is a ghost you are not allowed to intentionally drive through other cars, just as they are not allowed to drive through you. In short, all cars on the track should be considered solid, no matter what state the game displays them.

In the event of an accident ahead of you in which cars have the potential to be ghosted, you should treat this incident as if the cars in front of you are going to be solid when you arrive. This means braking for an accident in front of you and not just trying to run through it at full speed.
The ghosting comes with the setting for penalties on weak. You can't have one without the other. This setting has been discussed, at length, both here in the main thread and by the bulk of the steward corp, on more than one occasion. So far the only division that runs without the in game penalties set to on is 1 AKA area 51.

I will say that I was a victim of the penalty programming last night when another car and I collided and I was given a collision penalty. Since I don't have the replay for that particular race, although I intend to get it and take a look, at the time I thought I was unjustly punished for the contact by the in game penalty system. Having said that, I can only say, once again, the advantages for having the in game penalty system, and hence ghosting, turned on, far outweigh the benefits of having it off, in the SNAIL racing environment. Even in its broken and unreliable state, the in game penalty system saves more races than it breaks.
The main reason I work on my pace so bad is because I want to be able to see where my limit is. And I want to be able to do it consistently lap after lap. I see the european players do it all the time so I try my best to emnulate the same thing. They make it look easy. Pasm. Twissy. Tidgney. Tony. Doodlemonopoly. There pace and consistency is unreal. I get the opportunity because of the wrs to meet them. Its absolutely bonkers just watching them run can teach you. So thats y I try like a dummy day in and day out. I'm jealous of there speed. I want it too.

Those guys are insanely fast... but they rarely crash. You, and I mean YOU, need to drive within your limit. It makes no sense to rip off a few 1:57s and crash 50% of the time; or keep "bumping" into the guy in front of you going into every corner. Instead, work on speed, car control, and racecraft, all at the same time, at least if you are planning on racing. Otherwise it's just a TT.
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Ghosting may save someone's race once in a while but getting caught up in someone else's mistake is part of racing. I'm on the side with Ago here in that having ghosting on encourages people to take chances they wouldn't take if wasn't on. It also encourages drivers to drive at a spinning car like it's going to ghost and they will drive right through which when the car doesn't ghost, it makes the accident larger than it would have been had everyone slowed down and tried to avoid contact. I know it already says in the rules that you should treat a ghosted car as solid because it may become solid again and cause actual contact but that just doesn't happen. It's faster to not slow down and hope the car stays ghosted or turns to a ghost if it's wrecking so that's what most drivers do. It's called racing and accidents happen and innocent victims get collected. Passing through cars like they aren't there doesn't happen,

I will say no more on the subject because it has been debated to death and I don't have the time or energy to debate it again.
1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by midnight EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍
I wont debate on the gosthing, as a "newbie" i dont want to be a target when the fire goes off, ( we say that in french, dont know if it work in english? Let me know hey hey) but i would be on with the heavy damage, its part of real race, and would probably make people more carefull,

i know its frustrating to lose a race cause of someone else mistake but its part of real life racing,
1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by midnight EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Are the races on Sunday evening or every wednesday evening?
Lineup says wednesday...
Man I suck at the Lotus race. So people of D6 what should I do because a lot of reports are being filed against me. Should I forfeit my victory and 4th place?

First things first. Take a moment to actually watch the replays. Second Decide if you think the report is valid. If you do not reply to the email and give your side. Then let the stewards decide.

If you think it is valid you have a few options. I would suggest that you take it as an opportunity to learn from the mistake and strive not to let it happen again.

Also please do not discuss incidents in the thread. Any discussion should happen via PMs.

First things first. Take a moment to actually watch the replays. Second Decide if you think the report is valid. If you do not reply to the email and give your side. Then let the stewards decide.

If you think it is valid you have a few options. I would suggest that you take it as an opportunity to learn from the mistake and strive not to let it happen again.

Also please do not discuss incidents in the thread. Any discussion should happen via PMs.
And yes I did do all the above I PM people and got PM back so I will not discuss reports in thread.
Those guys are insanely fast... but they rarely crash. You, and I mean YOU, need to drive within your limit. It makes no sense to rip off a few 1:57s and crash 50% of the time; or keep "bumping" into the guy in front of you going into every corner. Instead, work on speed, car control, and racecraft, all at the same time, at least if you are planning on racing. Otherwise it's just a TT.

And that's why I said klutch's approach for fast laps made me not feel like wanting to beat him lol. I don't think you have improved much since we last ran together from looking at Oshawa's comment.. Like I have said before, slow down your pace by a few tenths, RESPECT other drivers on track with you AND THEN work on your pace, then you'll truly be undefeatable, that's my approach.
One other significance of that is it means you are capable of running different lines due to on track situation and still be quick. I honestly don't see much glory in just being the fastest time attacker.
Saying sorry dozens of times is not a way out. You can't just say sorry when you messed up someone else's car IRL.
Can someone please post the D3 results from Round 3 / Race 1? They're missing from the directors' doc/scoresheet. If someone can just post them here, I'll enter them in so that I can post the unofficial results from last night. 👍
Mmmmm slow down huh. Mmm maybe I will gain more if I do. Ok I will. Ill take my time and see where it goes. I'm gona follow your advice neo. Since your way more experienced in the idea of racing you wouldn't say it unless I realy would benefit from it so I will see where your advice leads me. Thanks neo
I would like to take a moment to apologize to D6, the stewards and the whole League. Last night I drove and acted like an ape. I let my emotions get the better of me and I my conduct was unbecoming of a SNAIL. I am truly sorry to everyone that I affected last night. I will never let this happen again.
New subject here. I think we should disable "ghosting" when cars are about to collide. There are two problems in my opinion. It does not encourage the complaint system because you can't complain about somebody ghosting through you, or at least it's hard to make a case. Secondly, it does not promote good race craft. Bump someone enough, get a complaint against you, change your ways. You ghost through someone, no foul, you keep doing it. Maybe even real lasting damage might promote better race craft. Thank you all.
Totally agree... Ghosting fools reality, It's not real, it's more fake than skid recovery force. I would vote for it's extinction.
I would like to take a moment to apologize to D6, the stewards and the whole League. Last night I drove and acted like an ape. I let my emotions get the better of me and I my conduct was unbecoming of a SNAIL. I am truly sorry to everyone that I affected last night. I will never let this happen again.
Jeeez Exo... what happened?
I have to admit that this evening was one of the top racing experiences I've had on GT6. The intensity is absolutely amazing. I wish I would've joined S.NA.I.L a lot sooner now, lol. Thanks to all D6 drivers for making this a night to remember. Can't wait to get back on and race next Sunday with yall.
It's great to hear you had such a good time! I hope you're in for the long haul. However, you should know that the word "sooner" is strictly prohibited on this thread. :sly:
Impressed by the accountability of everyone around here. Aren't too many places, especially in the online world, where people apologize when it's due.

(I'm not saying this with regards to anyone in particular. I just think it's really cool to see how much people respect the community here, when they could just hide behind a keyboard. That's the kind if thing that makes me willing to take the extra time to do replays, or data when needed. Already can't wait for next week. Also, <3 Nurburgring GP/F.)
I don't think you have improved much since we last ran together from looking at Oshawa's comment.. Like I have said before, slow down your pace by a few tenths, RESPECT other drivers on track with you...
I honestly don't see much glory in just being the fastest time attacker.
Saying sorry dozens of times is not a way out. You can't just say sorry when you messed up someone else's car IRL.
Holy crap this describes to a T someone I used to race against...name withheld to protect the guilty...all you would hear all night was "oh man sorry bout that" or "sorry, must have been some lag".
When you look behind you and see cars off in the grass or spinning out, you probably did something questionable.
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Ghosting may save someone's race once in a while but getting caught up in someone else's mistake is part of racing. I'm on the side with Ago here in that having ghosting on encourages people to take chances they wouldn't take if wasn't on. It also encourages drivers to drive at a spinning car like it's going to ghost and they will drive right through which when the car doesn't ghost, it makes the accident larger than it would have been had everyone slowed down and tried to avoid contact. I know it already says in the rules that you should treat a ghosted car as solid because it may become solid again and cause actual contact but that just doesn't happen. It's faster to not slow down and hope the car stays ghosted or turns to a ghost if it's wrecking so that's what most drivers do. It's called racing and accidents happen and innocent victims get collected. Passing through cars like they aren't there doesn't happen,

I will say no more on the subject because it has been debated to death and I don't have the time or energy to debate it again.

If we could separate the ghosting side from the track short-cutting part of the penalty system, I'd be all for it. I'd just as soon get rid of ghosting altogether, if for no other reason than I can't figure out why it ghosts some cars and not others at any given time. Bad enough we can't review a replay of qualifying rounds to review the integrity of that portion of our racing.

Can someone please post the D3 results from Round 3 / Race 1? They're missing from the directors' doc/scoresheet. If someone can just post them here, I'll enter them in so that I can post the unofficial results from last night. 👍

Working on that now @zer05ive .
Impressed by the accountability of everyone around here. Aren't too many places, especially in the online world, where people apologize when it's due.

(I'm not saying this with regards to anyone in particular. I just think it's really cool to see how much people respect the community here, when they could just hide behind a keyboard. That's the kind if thing that makes me willing to take the extra time to do replays, or data when needed. Already can't wait for next week. Also, <3 Nurburgring GP/F.)

You get "it." I've had no less than three conversations since the races last night with people I may have wronged or who felt that they might have wronged me. Few things make me think more of a person than being able to take criticism gracefully or dish it out respectfully. Very few times in my life have I landed in a group of people that embody that notion so well as SNAIL.
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