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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Team S.N.A.I.L.
April Update

Promotion and Relegation has been completed and as usual, there has been some movement for some of our Team members. Most of the divisions look pretty good but there are still a few key spots that need to be addressed before tonight.

If you are a member of Team SNAIL and have been moved to another division, you have been placed in your new division in the same capacity as you were before. In most cases it is a back up position if there was an existing division driver for a specific duty.

I recommend that all divisions review the roster and sort out who will cover what duties for tonight. Since we will be up against another update, it is imperative that we have everything in order so we complete the nights racing before the servers go down.

As with every month, all members should double check my work and make sure I haven't made any mistakes in regards to who is doing what. As I said, most divisions look pretty good. Division 4 needs the most attention but there are still open slots in all divisions. If you are interested in becoming a member of Team SNAIL, let me know (via PM) and I will get you signed up and provide any training you may need.

I will be working on this right up to race time so any additions or corrections can be made in a timely manor!

April 6th, 2014 lineup
banners by @Troggy

Lancia Delta HF Integrale Evoluzione '91
(219HP / PP 408) (Sports Hard tires)
at Deep Forest
7 laps (7 minutes of qualifying)

photo by @shmibal_GT

2000 Mazda Roadster Touring Car
(214HP / PP 471) (Racing Hard tires)

at Tsukuba Circuit
11 laps (5 minutes of qualifying)


photo by @Wolfsatz

BMW M3 CSL '03
(371HP / PP 497) (Sports Medium tires)
at Apricot Hill Raceway - Forward
7 laps (7 minutes of qualifying)

photo by @KTR5
Does anyone know what font is being used in the map/car combo pictures? Is it nitpicking to say that the font is kind of ugly? Can I make my whole post out of questions?
@Oshawa-Joe...why am I on the part time section of D3? I'm preety regular. Just missed 2 weeks but came back last sunday.

@JLBowler is in charge of Promotion, Relegation and Driver Status. The status policy is here.

"Any driver who has raced in half or less of the Sunday night events available to them will be considered part time active for the following season. i.e. 1 of 2, 1 of 3, 1 of 4, 2 of 4."
I'll contribute instead of complain.


I used the font Calibri, bold.
No complaining. I like that font you chose. If I don't pick a font then ill be there all night making a decision. Thanks for the feedback.

Verdana FTL
I can't race tonight as I need to be on the road by 4am. I will be however testing if added rigidity makes any noticeable difference on a combo I'm having a hard time with, namely the BMW and Apricot Hill. I'll post my findings if anyone is interested.
Ok SNAIL's got a little idea and want to hear from you all.

Just for curious if anyone has any ideas for a catchy slogan for SNAIL Racing.

"We are SNAIL"
"Fast & Clean"

Something along this. Anything you think of please post up. Maybe quote this and add to it.
I don't really find the Beamer to be a big issue, it has a nice amount of oversteer that I find somewhat easy to control. Mind you, I'm the kind of person that get goosebumps when you can get the car to 4 wheel slide all the way to the kerb...
Team S.N.A.I.L.
April Update

Promotion and Relegation has been completed and as usual, there has been some movement for some of our Team members. Most of the divisions look pretty good but there are still a few key spots that need to be addressed before tonight.

If you are a member of Team SNAIL and have been moved to another division, you have been placed in your new division in the same capacity as you were before. In most cases it is a back up position if there was an existing division driver for a specific duty.

I recommend that all divisions review the roster and sort out who will cover what duties for tonight. Since we will be up against another update, it is imperative that we have everything in order so we complete the nights racing before the servers go down.

As with every month, all members should double check my work and make sure I haven't made any mistakes in regards to who is doing what. As I said, most divisions look pretty good. Division 4 needs the most attention but there are still open slots in all divisions. If you are interested in becoming a member of Team SNAIL, let me know (via PM) and I will get you signed up and provide any training you may need.

I will be working on this right up to race time so any additions or corrections can be made in a timely manor!

We still need a score keeper and data specialist for Division 4. Anyone?

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