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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'll post some D1 photos tonight:). I took some Kart pics this morning and they look pretty good.
Well, if D3 takes the second vote, I hope we retain the track. Put a car with downforce on there and we'll have a real show of speed.
Well, I finished four out of six races. That's four more than last week.

I'm going to try to get a new router this week, and hopefully with a constant 100% signal strength I'll have no more connection issues. If all else fails I may figure out a way to make a wired connection.

To echo some others ideas, try setting it up wired first. Huge difference in performance between the two.
Hmm.. good point.

Joe, could you re-run speedtest.net from a wired computer since your PS3 is wired?

True, but geographically he's closer to a lot of you than I am here in Texas. I think Oshawa is close to the border with the US.

Joe, sorry to pile on here, but I have to agree with the guys on this one, I did a search to find your home based on your speed test and was shocked what I found. Here is the pic of my findings, notice the Yeti in the far left corner, hosting a room may not be a great idea for you Joe:)


Again, sorry Joe, just lookin out for the best interests of the Snails:sly:
Sorry you are wrong Glenn. That picture is a couple weeks old and most of the snow is gone now.

Now you can see my wireless set up:
And on another note, how do you recover from an absolutely horrible night of racing? Don't get me wrong... It was actually a great race night, it was just that my performance was less than stellar. I blame it on almost 3 weeks out of the loop and some other distracting issues but I am just so bummed that I had such a bad night. In retrospect, I guess if this was just a mediocre, run of the mill league I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal but the standards in which this group adheres to really makes it harder to swallow such a bad night. Bummed as I am, I can't wait until next week! Redemption shall be mine!!!

I was in the same boat with you last night Exo. This is what happenned in Turn 2 of the first race. Stupid Lag...:grumpy:

All fine and dandy.

Boom! Everyone pushed wide.

Then everyone back in place.

Resulting in me being backwards.

Other people on voice chat noted some lag, but I guess I got the Kaz treatment.
I was in the same boat with you last night Exo. This is what happenned in Turn 2 of the first race. Stupid Lag...:grumpy:

All fine and dandy.

Boom! Everyone pushed wide.

Then everyone back in place.

Resulting in me being backwards.

Other people on voice chat noted some lag, but I guess I got the Kaz treatment.

Yeah that is the first time i have seen that happen while ive been racing with the snails. I saw a bunch of people slide in front of me out of no where. good thing for me i was in the back so i wasnt affected.
I had that happen, also at Tsukuba, a couple of weeks ago. The lag made it look like I hit BeRandom into the sand on the first turn about mid-race. I let off to let him back on. Next thing I know everyone is jagging around. Finally, people settle down, and I'm about 7 seconds back. Crud.

I only caught lag off of one or two cars last night. I'll look at the replay, because the incident you posted showed only one car lagging, I think. Next thing I know, you're off and backwards!
I'll have to take a look at my replay. During that incident, I think spooble was in front of me, greyish, orange rims. Im the blue car in the third pic, whomever that is in front of me. Anyway, they twitched a little to the right, went sideways, then everything was normal again. I hardly noticed the glitch and my cars motion wasnt effected at all.
I was in the same boat with you last night Exo. This is what happenned in Turn 2 of the first race. Stupid Lag...:grumpy:

All fine and dandy.

Boom! Everyone pushed wide.

Then everyone back in place.

Resulting in me being backwards.

Other people on voice chat noted some lag, but I guess I got the Kaz treatment.

Here's what my replay of that incident looks like:

Kaz treatment indeed :ouch:
Here's what my replay of that incident looks like:


Kaz treatment indeed :ouch:

Haha, your replay makes it look like I'm the only one that spazzed out. What do you use to capture video from your PS3? I could take a video with my cell phone if anyone is interested in seeing this incident in motion.
I think that's pretty much what mine looked like, too. Of course, you are watching it from my view. hehe

I couldn't really believe that I got through that smoke without any contact.

Haha, your replay makes it look like I'm the only one that spazzed out.

...maybe you were...
Usually when you see everyone else lagging all over the place and your car looks good, the other drivers are seeing you all over the place and everything else looks good and it's your issue. It happens that way right before I get dropped. Every other car drives off the side of the track and then a couple of seconds later, I'm dropped.
Haha, your replay makes it look like I'm the only one that spazzed out.

Heh, even if it was just your lag, it's not like you could have done anything about it. These things happen to everyone at one point or another. At least you didn't hit anyone. I always feel guilty when lag causes me to punt someone off-track, even though there's nothing I could have done.

What do you use to capture video from your PS3? I could take a video with my cell phone if anyone is interested in seeing this incident in motion.

I use a Hauppauge 1445 HD-PVR (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005P5UMVM/?tag=gtplanet-20). It records up to 720p (or 1080i, but I think 720p looks better). It's a bit of a pain in the ass switching PS3 output to composite and changing the resolution every time I want to capture something, but other than that it's pretty awesome.
I use a Hauppauge 1445 HD-PVR (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005P5UMVM/?tag=gtplanet-20). It records up to 720p (or 1080i, but I think 720p looks better). It's a bit of a pain in the ass switching PS3 output to composite and changing the resolution every time I want to capture something, but other than that it's pretty awesome.

That's the one I use, works very well. Best to have a reasonably powerful PC to capture the Hauppage output though.
I thought I noticed something odd last night and the replays confirm it. None of my qualifying times registered for the races. So for the first race of every stint I started in last place despite consistently qualifying around number 5. Bummer.
Haha, your replay makes it look like I'm the only one that spazzed out. What do you use to capture video from your PS3? I could take a video with my cell phone if anyone is interested in seeing this incident in motion.

Looks the same in my replay as well. Good thing you ghosted when it happen. Had it not i would have be catapulted half way across the track!!!
Monday Mayhem!!!! update.

Remember, tonight the first hour will be a staged rally, with two classes competing for the best overall time. We will be racing 2 races on three stages for a total of 6 events. The classes are a 500pp open class, and a 380pp 2wd street car class (ie, no rm, prototype, tuner cars). If you plan on competing tonight, please prepare 1 car from each class before arriving to the room.
I just watched my replay from that first race and the same thing happens in mine, there is a little hiccup, then BeRandom, you go spinning like a mad man. Like Bowler was saying, generally, in that case, the one who see's everyone on track go crazy, is the one lagging. Or, the one that everyone else sees jumping around, is the one who is lagging. Which in this case, you fit both bills. Crazy how that happened though, I dont remember you having issues any other times, and I was behind you a few times.
Monday Mayhem!!!! update.

Remember, tonight the first hour will be a staged rally, with two classes competing for the best overall time. We will be racing 2 races on three stages for a total of 6 events. The classes are a 500pp open class, and a 380pp 2wd street car class (ie, no rm, prototype, tuner cars). If you plan on competing tonight, please prepare 1 car from each class before arriving to the room.

Ok... What is "open class" from a SNAIL perspective? What is or is not allowed? The 500's can be an Rm car with a +3 engine mod, dialed down to 500 or ?

Can the 380's be tuned, dialed down?

I enjoyed the one C&M I attended, but found I needed to ask more questions first, hence... ;)

I hope to attend.
Well, you could click the link... the open class is just that, any car you can get to 500pp. I'm expecting people to of course run WRC cars in this class. Tuning is as always on a Monday, prohibited, but, you can of course detune the engine to meet the PP requirements.
Ok well we purpose a challenge F2007 tuning prohibited no abs no driver lounge no tuning But oil change and breaking in and I'm gonna set the pp and it's gonna be in my lounge.
f2007 with no ABS? Dun dun duuuunnnnnn! Time to practice that! Got a track to go along with that?
Ok well we purpose a challenge F2007 tuning prohibited no abs no driver lounge no tuning But oil change and breaking in and I'm gonna set the pp and it's gonna be in my lounge.

Sounds good. What time tonight? I can't get on until about 10pm eastern.

edit: oh, you're not a SNAIL, I think I should only practice with SNAILS as this sounds like one of those "challenges" :dopey:
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Crazy how that happened though, I dont remember you having issues any other times, and I was behind you a few times.

Finishing in last place in that first race, I was behind BeRandom quite a bit. He had a few minor hiccups during the rest of that race but nothing that messed me up or anything. He seemed fine for the rest of the night.
Ok so here is how we are setting up the room not to cause lag or problems
2rooms 10 people each room one person per team supervises because you can use racing soft 1 time. Aka f1 style also my team are goin to host both rooms Tuesday night times are optional for each room. Also there will be weather change so the lay out is 4v4 in each room with one spectator from each team to supervise also 18 laps.