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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Ok well we purpose a challenge F2007 tuning prohibited no abs no driver lounge no tuning But oil change and breaking in and I'm gonna set the pp and it's gonna be in my lounge.

What happened to you guys liking to race cars from 500pp - 600pp? :sly: All joking aside, I'm not sure how many SNAILs would be interested in racing F1 cass since we're not an F1 league. If there are six SNAILs who show interest in your challenge, then we will gladly accept! However, you might have better luck challenging us in a more traditional car.

SNAILs, please post a reply if you're interested in an F2007 race with no ABS. If there are six of you, the race is on!

Not tonight next week Tuesday

Tuesdays are not good for us. We do parity racing on that night. Click here for our schedule. The best night for us to race would be on a Thursday night. We only did Wednesday last time because that's the night you said you wanted to race on.

Ok so here is how we are setting up the room not to cause lag or problems
2rooms 10 people each room one person per team supervises because you can use racing soft 1 time. Aka f1 style also my team are goin to host both rooms Tuesday night times are optional for each room. Also there will be weather change so the lay out is 4v4 in each room with one spectator from each team to supervise also 18 laps.

Regardless of what car we end up racing, I'd rather have one race with all of the participants racing at the same time. Racing 4v4 isn't really anything to get excited about because there's only eight cars on the grid. As far as lag is concerned, the only person who had issues in the last race was your driver in the UK. If you think that the UK driver had lag because we had too many people in our lounge last time, we can simply disallow spectators so that only active drivers can be in the lounge during the race. There really isn't a need for supervisors either since everyone can just save the replay to see if anyone abused whatever tire policy was in place.

Also, we've made it a point to minimize the number of accounts that our members have to add in order to participate in our races. Therefore, I won't be asking any of our members to add any additional PSN ID's to their friends list on top of the three they already added to join our league in the first place.
^ All that being said, count me in as interested in an F2007 challenge with no ABS! With me and Joe, we need four more SNAILs to make six.
Here's some pics from D1 last night!:D






















^ All that being said, count me in as interested in an F2007 challenge with no ABS! With me and Joe, we need four more SNAILs to make six.

There's no need for luck because this time our cars will be broken in also we do not wish to race in your lounge any more we are'nt taking the chance in doing that again. Because all of our member but two were dc'd out of no where also 4v4 to not cause lag,or we can wait for the first 8 to go then the next 8 wil go. I know that I said we race 500-600 but our team decided this after the race. The race will equal 30mins of racing from both 4v4.
There's no need for luck because this time our cars will be broken in also we do not wish to race in your lounge any more we are'nt taking the chance in doing that again. Because all of our member but two were dc'd out of no where also 4v4 to not cause lag,or we can wait for the first 8 to go then the next 8 wil go. I know that I said we race 500-600 but our team decided this after the race. The race will equal 30mins of racing from both 4v4.

Just so you are aware. That can happen in any lounge. Especially when you have people racing from across the pond. Not all networks are built the same, and a lot of countries seem to have compatibility issues with others. This why we are a north American league. This is the general rule though, and so there is always an exception. However. I heard from a number of people the room was fine until someone with a overseas flag entered. Remember. A lobby is an environment within the gt5 servers, not one that is connected solely to the lobby owners ps3. Hence the reason you can enter a friends lobby without them being there. The first person to enter the room then becomes the rooms host, and if someone then enters the room that has network compatibility issues with the host, then everyone is going to start seeing the effect. I had more, but smart phones are stupid!!!!

Ok, that said, I'll take up the challenge. I'll pull a Loeb and switch it up from rally to f-1, for a bit at least. The f2007 actually isnt as bad as I had expected without abs. I thought it would have locked up way easier.
Devious, if you also take on the challenge, let me know when your practicing, and I will be sure to get some time in with you.
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There's no need for luck because this time our cars will be broken in also we do not wish to race in your lounge any more we are'nt taking the chance in doing that again. Because all of our member but two were dc'd out of no where also 4v4 to not cause lag,or we can wait for the first 8 to go then the next 8 wil go. I know that I said we race 500-600 but our team decided this after the race. The race will equal 30mins of racing from both 4v4.

To add on to what Rally said, lag issues have nothing to do with what lounge you are in. The connection speed of the person hosting the lounge is the most important thing. That's why we've taken steps in this league to make sure that the guys with the fastest connections are the hosts in our lounges. To see what I'm talking about, click here and look for our Primary Host and Backup Host positions for each of our divisions.

Please keep in mind that the only person who got disconnected due to lag issues was your driver in the UK. Your other drivers disconnected on their own. In fact, I just logged on to our Division 2 account and found a nasty message from on of your members saying that the race was "complete BS" and the he disconnected because we cheated!

What's up with that? I won't let one sore loser be a bad reflection on your entire team, but I do want to remind you that this was supposed to be a friendly challenge. You challenged and we accepted. We raced clean and won fair and square so I don't think it's cool for one of your drivers to call us cheaters. :rolleyes:

Regardless, as I mentioned before, I won't be asking any of our members to add any additional friend requests to participate in our league events. Therefore, if you don't want to race in one of our lounges, the race isn't going to happen. However, you are more than welcome to have one of your drivers serve as the "host" for the lounge if you feel like it will help your driver in the UK have a more stable connection. After all, he was by far and away your best driver. 👍
Oh snap! Laying it down zer0! Hope this guy doesn't get sand in the 🤬 after that. I'm digging the whole challenge thing going on here. I'm actually looking forward to repping the d2 crew too. He meant no bad feeling there Mazda, I'm sure, us snails, we have hard shells, ya know.
What did I say that was "Oh snap!" worthy? I wasn't talking trash or anything, I just wanted to let him know that I don't appreciate our league being called "cheaters" by a sore loser on his team.

mazdaman, hopefully you didn't take any offense to anything I said. I personally didn't feel like there was any malice in my post, but I'm sorry if you feel differently. It certainly was not intended.
In fact, I just logged on to our Division 2 account and found a nasty message from on of your members saying that the race was "complete BS" and the he disconnected because we cheated!

I would like to hear how he thinks we cheated.
I would like to hear how he thinks we cheated.

These were his exact words:

that team run was complete bs! those ferraris had been broken in. plus adr was involved. it was adr_bronco. i disconnected. u guys cheated

Nevermind that we told them to break-in there engines and get an oil change in this post.

Also nevermind that ADR_BRONCO has been a SNAIL for a long time and every time he enters a lounge, his greeting message says, "Former ADR member".
These were his exact words:

that team run was complete bs! those ferraris had been broken in. plus adr was involved. it was adr_bronco. i disconnected. u guys cheated

Nevermind that we told them to break-in there engines and get an oil change in this post.

Also nevermind that ADR_BRONCO has been a SNAIL for a long time and every time he enters a lounge, his greeting message says, "Former ADR member".

{sigh} I'm not trying to generalize here (I am) but I wish there was a way to exclude everyone under 18 from interacting with me online. It's usually a bad time.
Well, if the group is full of idiots, jerks and people with no sense of sentence structure, capitalization or proper spelling I suggest we find a different one to associate with. With a group the likes of the former there will be more of a challenge in communication then there will be on the race track. It just wouldn't be worth it, in my opinion.
Ok, I don't even know what's going on about who's cheating and blaming adr. All I know is you're dealing with me and me only when it has something to do with our team. With that being said 5 of our drivers dc'd. Including the one you let us sub with so please explain that. Also three of my drivers was in the top 5 position before the disconneting issue happened. I'm not the type to sit here and argue over a "friendly challenge" but what I am here for is to have FUN. Also I've never mention adr and from what I recall you didn't mention anything about breaking in the engine.
After further reading, I've seen and understood who you were talking about that pm'ed you. This is our new member who has joined our team yesterday. This situation will be brought up tonight about the pm because it was uncalled for and disrespectful. It will not be tolerated in any team I'm in because it causes drama so I'm sorry about this matter, I didn't find anything you said offensive but I understood your fustration with the pm via reading earlier post to understand who you were talking about.
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It's too bad that you don't recall that, but zer0 has already posted a link to the original post (dated May 25 with no edits) and it lists breaking in the engine. Also stop starting so many sentences with "also".

I wasn't even there and I'm getting annoyed.

Edit: Oh, and zer0's post was in your thread.
Ok, I don't even know what's going on about who's cheating and blaming adr. All I know is you're dealing with me and me only when it has something to do with our team. With that being said 5 of our drivers dc'd. Including the one you let us sub with so please explain that. Also three of my drivers was in the top 5 position before the disconneting issue happened. I'm not the type to sit here and argue over a "friendly challenge" but what I am here for is to have FUN. Also I've never mention adr and from what I recall you didn't mention anything about breaking in the engine.
After further reading, I've seen and understood who you were talking about that pm'ed you. This is our new member who has joined our team yesterday. This situation will be brought up tonight about the pm because it was uncalled for and disrespectful. It will not be tolerated in any team I'm in because it causes drama so I'm sorry about this matter, I didn't find anything you said offensive but I understood your fustration with the pm via reading earlier post to understand who you were talking about.

We definitely need to have the room hosted by the best connection available but any weak links (ps3 on wifi, slow connection etc) can make the entire room unstable. In the past I've seen high quality hosts have to shut down and start up a new lobby. Maybe we need a "minimum standard" for attending the race? We could ask drivers to post speedtest.net links to show line quality (ping test). I'm not an expert on this, just trying to help out.

Most importantly, we need to remember this is all in the name of fun.
Well, if the group is full of idiots, jerks and people with no sense of sentence structure, capitalization or proper spelling I suggest we find a different one to associate with. With a group the likes of the former there will be more of a challenge in communication then there will be on the race track. It just wouldn't be worth it, in my opinion.

American teenager. What do you expect?