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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I also like the other '63 and the '54. Those late '90 and early '00 never did much for me, visually. The older ones look nice, but maybe that is because... I am old? :sly:

I'm not old (well, not particularly, anyway), but the '63 split window coupe has always had an affect on me.
I'd really like to allow selecting any car, Premium or Standard. There are so many good cars in the Standard car dealerships.

Me too. Of course the problems are obvious. Even if you own all of the cars in the game there's a good chance that you've irreversibly modified one of them. (You, not me, at least one of everything that I have is stock. ;) )

I posted a site a while back that will tell you exactly which day any car will show up in the UCD. From there it's a simple matter of going through the license tests to advance to the day the car will show up. I know it's not ideal but it is a relatively painless way to get a car you need/want. I used it to complete my Standard car collection.

There are two problems with that. One is the labor. It can be tedious as hell. The other is the fact that you never know how many miles are going to be on it when you get it. The car you're looking for might come in at 100,000 miles with permanent engine degradation already set it. No engine rebuild will put all the horsepower back after a certain point.

I never know when the OCD is going to refresh, I wait for Vol to tell us :)

Basically it's every other week on Wednesday night as I understand it. Sometime around 9:00 or 10:00 CT. Picking an OCD car next week would give us over a week to get the car and/or stockpile as necessary.

I'll submit that if an OCD car is picked and stays around for a couple of weeks, those newcomers who don't have the car could use the UCD cycling method to get one. They'll just have to sacrifice the effort and/or power if necessary. No combo lasts forever so surely they wouldn't have to drive it for long.
I'd really like to allow selecting any car, Premium or Standard. There are so many good cars in the Standard car dealerships.

I posted a site a while back that will tell you exactly which day any car will show up in the UCD. From there it's a simple matter of going through the license tests to advance to the day the car will show up. I know it's not ideal but it is a relatively painless way to get a car you need/want. I used it to complete my Standard car collection.

I know I'll probably get shot down, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

I would love for any car to be an option, but even with that website you posted (which was amazing btw), there is still a little bit of work/time involved with getting the car. This could be problematic in two scenarios that I can think of right off the bat. First, when there's a racing complaint or anything else that delays the new car and track selections, there might only be a very small amount of time to get the cars before our Wednesday practice/unofficial races. Secondly, if there is a new driver who posts on Sunday afternoon that he wants to race with us for league night, it might be too much to ask of him to go through that process.

I am definitely open to the idea of allowing standard cars, but just want to make sure we have all the barriers identified and addressed before doing so. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'd really like to allow selecting any car, Premium or Standard. There are so many good cars in the Standard car dealerships.

I posted a site a while back that will tell you exactly which day any car will show up in the UCD. From there it's a simple matter of going through the license tests to advance to the day the car will show up. I know it's not ideal but it is a relatively painless way to get a car you need/want. I used it to complete my Standard car collection.

I know I'll probably get shot down, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

I never know when the OCD is going to refresh, I wait for Vol to tell us :)

Maybe we can compile some data as to who has what cars to offer based on demand? Say, as an example, I want to try to use the Fireblade for a selection down the road. We poll drivers to see who has one and then from there determine how many we need based on lineups for next week. People do what they do to get the cars and then that car, gifting it to D1 lounge, and only then can it become a valid selection for a combo when we net a positive number of cars (+5 for example). Of course, data needs to be compiled every week as the number of drivers increases.

In this method I would limit the number of cars that can be viable choices for combos based on at least a certain number of votes, say 5-7 cars total.

I don't know after writing all that if there is a simple way to get standard cars into the mix. I guess we could limit it to OCD and after a refresh we poll people about the new cars and the top five are then harvested as best we can for the 2 weeks they are there. Sounds like a part-time job though just to manage any scenario...
Seems to me most of you guys know how to copy any car or ticket quite easily, if there's a bunch of you that could be ready to duplicate tickets for sending to the odd person who doesn't get a car in time, wouldn't that work? It's not like there would be twenty guys missing the car. Am I missing something here? I might be, I don't know.
As long as a car is "giftable", it can be moved around the league full circle in a day or two I think. If a (giftable) car is selected then, a trading circle would need to be quickly set up and executed. Can be done without creating stock piles of standard cars.
I've been working since I set up this new account on getting one of every car in stock form. I've still got a couple hundred to go, but it would make for a good source for a trading circle to get started. If anyone else has done the same we can start in more than one spot and just go (assuming the cars have similar mileage). It could even be more of a web–if everyone gifts two it'll go a lot faster.

I would recommend just compiling the driver list in a google doc and putting it in alphabetical order. In the circle you just send to the next person down the line. A web would be a bit more complicated.
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Would we would need a Gift Car Web admin. for the occasions someone selects a standard that is not in the OCD?
I've been working since I set up this new account on getting one of every car in stock form. I've still got a couple hundred to go, but it would make for a good source for a trading circle to get started. If anyone else has done the same we can start in more than one spot and just go (assuming the cars have similar mileage). It could even be more of a web–if everyone gifts two it'll go a lot faster.

I would recommend just compiling the driver list in a google doc and putting it in alphabetical order. In the circle you just send to the next person down the line. A web would be a bit more complicated.

To me duping seems as much work as mindlessly going through the License tests.

I'm not sure how long it takes to backup and restore the GT5 data, but to me it's a pita. And I'm not convinced backing up and restoring hasn't caused some of the Save file issues we've seen.

That's just me though.
I think we should only be able to choose cars in the OCD. Do we really want to keep a list of cars and who has what? Seems a bit excessive to me.
I think we should only be able to choose cars in the OCD. Do we really want to keep a list of cars and who has what? Seems a bit excessive to me.

For sure, I'm not sure we need a list, keeping track of my own cars so I knew what I had was a pain, can't imagine keeping track of the S.N.A.I.L. Car Dealership would be * 10.

If someone selected a standard car, that's when I see the S.N.A.I.L. Car Dealership going into action. People duping cars or skipping through license tests to build up a stock of the car(s).
I think we should only pick those from the online dealership or prize cars, for now. And even doing that, we may still need the SNAIL Car Dealership as people join after the car has left the dealership.
Borrow glitch is a pita, but duping takes a few minutes and is safe as long as you know how to keep a current back up of your back up save.
Duping takes almost no time at all if you have a thumb drive.

1. copy gamesave to thumbdrive
2. enter game and send car
3. delete gamesave from account
4. copy gamesave from thumbdrive to account

The most time consuming part of that is loading the game and sending the car.

A chain could distribute a car to every snail in the space of a day as long as everyone takes a minute to log on.

I am also working on an account that will have every standard prize car as a ticket with zero miles.
If someone selected a standard car, that's when I see the S.N.A.I.L. Car Dealership going into action. People duping cars or skipping through license tests to build up a stock of the car(s).

You're forgetting that cars with different mileages would have different HP. I suppose we could find out what the most battered car's HP is and limit to that, though…

For sure, I'm not sure we need a list, keeping track of my own cars so I knew what I had was a pain, can't imagine keeping track of the S.N.A.I.L. Car Dealership would be * 10.

Mine's in my sig. ;) Updated every time I buy a car. Also, all of my cars have fresh oil and/or are fully restored immediately after purchase. :sly: This is actually one of the main reasons that I started a new playthrough. My old one had too many cars that I'd made a mess of through tuning.

I am also working on an account that will have every standard prize car as a ticket with zero miles.

What's borrow glitch? Never heard of that.

Borrow Glitch is this. I can only imagine how big the updates to be download are at this point, so you would need super fast download speeds. Only worth doing if there is a car or 2 you want bad enough that can't be gifted. It was a pretty big deal last fall I think it was.
Yeah. There's no way I could handle the borrow glitch. I wonder if I would even get the downloads done if I left the thing on all night.
What if...now stay with me...we move Wend practice to Thursday? That way we would be more prepared for the OCD in terms of car selection. When the new OCD is released, Wends night car selections can be made. Then we won't have to worry about the OCD cars changing because it will give us 2 weeks with the same OCD. I also think some sort of stock pile of said cars is a good idea. My account has only stock cars. I have another account with to much stuff to bother loading(8-9 min). So i started a totally stock account. Standard car stock pile project commence.
I don't really like the idea of moving the unofficial/practice races based on when the OCD refreshes. The bigger issue though, is waiting until Wednesday night or Thursday morning to announce the new cars and tracks. We have members who have a hard enough time waiting until Monday! :lol:

How about we do this.. It's obvious that allowing all standard cars will be difficult - not impossible, just not easy.. Rather than try to dive into that potential mess, let's just refine and perfect how we manage car selections from the OCD first. If we perfect that, then we can possibly move on to any standard car. We haven't even been in a situation where an OCD car lasted on the lineup longer than it lasted on the OCD. Until we're faced with this problem, we won't know how well we deal with it.

My proposal is that the next time a car is picked from the OCD, we have league members dupe the car and send the the dupe to one of the SNAIL_DivisionX accounts. Once we have enough dupes sent, we'll have a good stockpile of those cars in case it proves to be a really popular car and remains on the lineup well after it's removed from the OCD.

If a new member joins our league and that OCD car is still on the lineup (but not in the OCD anymore), I'll just send a car from the stockpile. The problem is I can only send one car per day. Actually, check that, I have two PS3's so I can actually send two cars per day! With that amount of sending power, the only way we wouldn't be able to keep up is if we had more than two members join every day for a week straight (yeah right!) or if we had more than two members join on a Sunday before a league night. However both of those scenarios are far-fetched and the probability of either happening is too low for it to get in the way of this plan.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
Sounds like a good place to start.

If an OCD car is picked we will have over a week to buy it from the OCD, because we only pick OCD cars when it is not going to be updated that week. If a new member comes for the second week that an OCD car is in the lineup, as long as he's signed up by Wednesday night he can get the car from the OCD, as well. That leaves only four days in two weeks worth of races when a new racer might need to be sent the car…and they might already have it.

If the car continues to be popular and rides the schedule for a long time, we might run out of the stockpile. I guess we can just ask members to keep an eye out for it in the UCD. Even if they're not quite as powerful or whatever it'd be helpful…and again the things could be limited if deemed necessary.
Sounds like a good place to start.

If an OCD car is picked we will have over a week to buy it from the OCD, because we only pick OCD cars when it is not going to be updated that week. If a new member comes for the second week that an OCD car is in the lineup, as long as he's signed up by Wednesday night he can get the car from the OCD, as well. That leaves only four days in two weeks worth of races when a new racer might need to be sent the car…and they might already have it.

That was almost too easy. ;) To make this more of a challenge, perhaps we should remove the stipulation that OCD cars can only be picked if the OCD list is not schedule to refresh that week?

Yeah right! That was just a joke! Please don't take that suggestion seriously. Well I guess you can, but you better have a pretty ingenious solution for sending the OCD car to every member of the league who doesn't buy the car before the OCD refreshes (it will be a lot of drivers who need the car in a very short amount of time). :nervous:

If the car continues to be popular and rides the schedule for a long time, we might run out of the stockpile. I guess we can just ask members to keep an eye out for it in the UCD. Even if they're not quite as powerful or whatever it'd be helpful…and again the things could be limited if deemed necessary.

Then again, the SNAIL_DivisionX accounts can dupe cars as well so perhaps running out of stockpile wouldn't be a huge concern. That being said, I definitely would still want members to send me dupes because I certainly don't want to have to dupe cars for everyone who needs it. :crazy:
If the car continues to be popular and rides the schedule for a long time, we might run out of the stockpile.

I'm sure there are enough dupers here that a "stockpile" is not even needed. There is literally nothing to it. Save, send, overwrite. It's the save game data (couple of megs) not the entire GT5 game data (gigs). As for potential corruption issues, dupe from your non-main account whenever possible and always keep an extra copy or 2 of the main save.
If you have a look through this thread, you'll notice that permanent engine wear only starts at 15000 km. Any car under that mileage can be restored to maximum condition with an engine restore (which also changes the oil automatically).

I have a spreadsheet for my own use which keeps track of mileage and when cars need oil changes and things, which allows me to see which cars are at their maximum performance. Perhaps something like that would be helpful in keeping track of the cars stockpiled and making sure they are all usable. Or perhaps you could just use any car under 15000 miles and let the drivers take care of required restoration on their own (though it would help them to know whether it needs an engine restore or oil change based on the mileage, so they don't have to guess).
I use a copy of Duck's car list Google spreadsheet now, to keep track of the 0-mile cars I have. All three SNAIL_Division accounts could be put on it.

But... something else to mention, someone could get a car from a ticket. So there are lots of ways to get 0 mile cars once it leaves the online dealership.