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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sunday Night Race Host and Driver Responsibilities

All Sunday Night Lobbies Will be Club Only Rooms

All drivers must be a member of the SNAIL_SpecRacing club

What the host should do:

1. No earlier than 9 pm Eastern time the host should open a club only room from the club page for the night's racing. This room should be set to the first track from the time it is opened. The host should not allow hot lapping or practice before the start of the race night.

2. The host/director should continue to watch the main thread, refreshing often, until they see a message from JLBowler that it is clear to start racing for the night.

3. Before starting qualifying or any race, the host/director should have all drivers gather in turn one and ask if everyone can see the same number of drivers listed in the upper left corner of the screen. Drivers must be on the track for this and not sitting in the pits. If all drivers don't see the same number of drivers the host should ask those drivers to leave and rejoin while the host waits to start the night. Drivers should not be using this time to run laps or go and drift other parts of the course. Just go sit in turn one and let everyone count so we can get started.

4. The host/director is responsible for handling any lag issues during the night. If a driver is lagging, the host/director should ask them to leave the room, clear their cache, and re-enter the room. The host/director should allow 3 minutes for the driver to take care of this. If the lag is still present, the host/director should ask the driver to leave for the night. If the host/director doesn't make the lagging driver aware of the issue and give them the chance to rectify the issue then the fault lies with the host/director. Most of the time, the driver that is lagging will not know it. Other cars will appear to have slight jittery movements to them. Meanwhile, the driver lagging will be flying all over the track with tires smoking.

What the driver should do:

1. If you can't enter your assigned room because it is full, post in the thread before 9:25 Eastern time and I will make sure drivers are moved. If you wait until 1 or 2 minutes before race time, you run the risk of not being able to get in. We want to start the night on time so that we can finish on time. Do not take it upon yourself to go to a different division and race.

2. If you wait until after JLBowler has given the all clear to start racing to post that a room is full, you're too late. We will not move drivers around to accommodate a late arriving driver.

3. If you are told that you are lagging badly and affecting other drivers, please do the considerate thing and leave in the middle of the race. You will receive last place points but you won't ruin the race for another driver. This will give you extra time to try and get your connection sorted and get back for the next race without holding up the room too much. It's better to get last place points for leaving early to get it sorted than it is to miss the start of the next race and get 0 points if you can't get back to the room in three minutes.

Special Instructions for invisible drivers or glitch race starts.

1. In the event that all drivers are not able to see all other drivers on track the host should ask that all affected drivers leave the room and reenter. If this does not fix the issue any driver that can not be seen by everyone else in the room should be asked to leave the room for the night. Example: Driver A can not see Driver B. The rest of the room can see Driver B but not Driver A. Both drivers should leave the room and reenter. Upon reentering, the problem is the same. Driver A should leave for the night as the rest of the room can't see them. Driver B can stay because the only person that couldn't see them was Driver A.

2. In the event that a driver gets "stuck" on the starting grid, everyone will quit the race and we will restart the race with the grid set manually. If the driver gets "stuck" in this manual grid race, they should press start and sit through the race. After that race is over, the room should close and switch to the back up host for the next race. If that host gets "stuck" on the grid, follow the same procedure that is listed above.

Note: Do not spend any more time on these issues than what is listed here. The schedule is very tight as it is and we don't want the night's racing to go on until the wee hours of the morning.
Special instructions for “fixed host” rooms.

Rooms should only be operated as “fixed host” if you have been given permission from SNAIL administration to operate the room as “fixed host”.

If the room is being run as “fixed host” and the hosts gets disconnected, they entire room will close. If this occurs during a race, you will have to restart the race. If this occurs during the race countdown or before the race results can be entered, you will have to rerun the race. In order for results to be official, there will need to be a replay saved or at least two photos of the finish screen with all drivers finished or the time expired and the results entered. As long as one of these two requirements are met, results can be entered from that information immediately after the night’s racing is completed.

These are not suggestions or guidelines. These instructions must be followed by all hosts and drivers. If you are a host and can't or won't be willing to follow this policy, please let us know and we will work to find a host who can and will follow this policy.

List of drivers approved to run fixed host:
1. @llNovall

Document created 11/26/2014 and is subject to revision as we find out more about GT6 clubs.
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Don't we have a 'Prize Coordinator' to help the prize winners with what was raced in the past so 'Fresh Combos' could be chosen?:confused:
We have a prize coordinator but when the prize winner chooses not to take the advice or guidance of the coordinator, there's not much that can be done except tell the guy to duck when the complaints start to fly.

To weigh in on the random number selection. If you want it to be truly random based on a race, it's best that the group of racers have no knowledge that their lap times have anything to do with someone winning something. This is why we have used a real life event where those drivers have zero interest or knowledge of what we have riding on it. It completely removes any shadow of a doubt about how the time was set.

Edit: Sorry for the double post but I grabbed a TOPP and didn't even realize it.
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We have a prize coordinator but when the prize winner chooses not to take the advice or guidance of the coordinator, there's not much that can be done except tell the guy to duck when the complaints start to fly.

To weigh in on the random number selection. If you want it to be truly random based on a race, it's best that the group of racers have no knowledge that their lap times have anything to do with someone winning something. This is why we have used a real life event where those drivers have zero interest or knowledge of what we have riding on it. It completely removes any shadow of a doubt about how the time was set.
That's why I suggest C&M. If you've done it, you know there really is no way to rig your time. We could use the nurburgring or the new track so it will be only one lap.
To weigh in on the random number selection. If you want it to be truly random based on a race, it's best that the group of racers have no knowledge that their lap times have anything to do with someone winning something. This is why we have used a real life event where those drivers have zero interest or knowledge of what we have riding on it. It completely removes any shadow of a doubt about how the time was set.
I said that already! :sly: and wasn't the point that there were no live events going on right now so they were looking for something else that could be used also I just suggested using the time trials which can minus 2-3 be used with out the knowledge of the group.

However there are other events during the week/weekend through snail that could be used. Also we have that website to live stream any event we want to keep the chosen event honest and it could create traffic for the site (if the Snail executives are interested in helping the site) I'm mainly just thinking out loud trying to solve a problem that I read.:sly::mischievous::dopey:
I said that already! :sly: and wasn't the point that there were no live events going on right now so they were looking for something else that could be used also I just suggested using the time trials which can minus 2-3 be used with out the knowledge of the group.

However there are other events during the week/weekend through snail that could be used. Also we have that website to live stream any event we want to keep the chosen event honest and it could create traffic for the site (if the Snail executives are interested in helping the site) I'm mainly just thinking out loud trying to solve a problem that I read.:sly::mischievous::dopey:

I now regret expressing my thoughts on the matter. Consider my pet peeve hit and a nerve struck.

If only!

The final round of the FIA World Endurance Championship (6 Hrs of Sao Paulo) takes place this Sunday at Interlagos. Qualifying Practice will be run on Saturday. How about using the pole position time to decide the Buttkicker winner?

I know someone suggested the next Formula E race but that is 2 weeks away.
Now you're talking! I was thinking we'd have to wait until the next Formula E race, but the delay wouldn't be ideal. Also, it wouldn't really be fair to GranStand to have all of the ButtKicker picks made in the middle of the new GranStand Challenge. I'm not saying Bill would mind (because he probably wouldn't), but I'd like to avoid it if we can.

@Die_Birdy_Die and @zer05ive

Both of your arguments are moot in any case. The points and picks will not likely get done until sometime NEXT week so the RoC is out and we'll need some other sporting event on the weekend of Dec 6th to work with on determining which number gets picked.
I just checked the incidents on file this week and there's only one that affects a potential ButtKicker finalist. Is there any way we could put a priority on that one incident? If so, we just might be able to get the finalists set and the picks in by Sunday. :D
If you liked the WSR F3 so much, why not upgrade to the Red Bull X2014 Junior? Or use the LCC Rocket? Similar but not exactly the same.
Now you're talking! I was thinking we'd have to wait until the next Formula E race, but the delay wouldn't be ideal. Also, it wouldn't really be fair to GranStand to have all of the ButtKicker picks made in the middle of the new GranStand Challenge. I'm not saying Bill would mind (because he probably wouldn't), but I'd like to avoid it if we can.

I just checked the incidents on file this week and there's only one that affects a potential ButtKicker finalist. Is there any way we could put a priority on that one incident? If so, we just might be able to get the finalists set and the picks in by Sunday. :D

Once the steward summary goes out, I can have the challenge sheet updated within a couple of minutes of me seeing the steward summary. I think the goal was to have reviews done tonight so everyone could have the holiday off and I could get moving on P&R.
Don't we have a 'Prize Coordinator' to help the prize winners with what was raced in the past so 'Fresh Combos' could be chosen?:confused:
Yes we do and I am one of them. I was present throughout the selection process with him. I made him aware of the situation with the WSR being used three weeks ago and he if fact was PM'd information regarding originality.

It is ultimately the choice of the prize winner, given all the information and history of the combos, to make his choice. We go through this every week. Regardless of the decision of the prize winners, each and every one of us GROWN ADULTS have a choice as well, race it or don't.
Both of your arguments are moot in any case. The points and picks will not likely get done until sometime NEXT week so the RoC is out and we'll need some other sporting event on the weekend of Dec 6th to work with on determining which number gets picked.
Now you're talking! I was thinking we'd have to wait until the next Formula E race, but the delay wouldn't be ideal. Also, it wouldn't really be fair to GranStand to have all of the ButtKicker picks made in the middle of the new GranStand Challenge. I'm not saying Bill would mind (because he probably wouldn't), but I'd like to avoid it if we can.
One option is to use the pole lap from one of the Wednesday Race Car Series races @GGGMotorsport runs.
We have used the RBJ somewhat recently. It's only 200k, not 2 million.
Which is why I love it. It's not hard to attain and it's not hard to drive. It's just like the WSR but more aero so it can attack turns at a faster speed. Since we're so used to the WSR it would be like pushing ourselves to the limit further and further finding the speed. Lots of fun. How recently were the Rocket and RBJ used?
View attachment 262041

SNAIL will be moving to Club Lobby rooms for racing conducted on 30 November 2014 and beyond.

Friend requests are unnecessary and will not be accepted by the SNAIL_SpecRacing account.

Current member count is at 94, with 175 invites attempted, 152 invite messages successfully sent, 23 invites failed to send, making an 87% invite success rate, putting Phase II at 54% complete.


all divisions are as of November 2014
The following drivers need to send the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club (PSN ID SNAIL_SpecRacing) a message through GT6 Community messaging to receive their invites and be able to race;

A_K_AJay7 / @A_K_AJay7
dangerzone641 / @dangerzone641
Hydromatos22 / @Matt Sierras
Juicybeans916 / @juicybeans916
Klutch-D / @K1utch
Schmedracer / @Vegasracer
Ace_a_Spadez / @xACE58x
racefan78 / @racefan78
Schmiggz / @Schmiggz
turbo91stdcivic / @Turbo91stdcivic
Zspark / @Zspark23
Drrgreenthumb67 / @Drgreenthumb977
gotdirt410sp / @gotdirt410sp still unable to send invite.
zii1993 / @Zii1993
MCR-Toretto / @KalvinWilliam
Vinnybear-O1 / @mopar440
Draxom84 / @ESettlemyer
FBR_Steve / @FBR_Steve
Glowplug007 / @Glowplug007
Mr_Smile / @FSportIS
Rangerlife / @Rangerlife
Ronwill73 / @Ron Williams
tezgm99 / @tezgm99

Ch11chcftzp / @Mike Lobban got GT6 msg from PSN lobbanmike and invited.

The following drivers have invites pending and must accept those invites by finding and clicking the Join Club button before they will be able to race;

GumballCGT / @GumballCGT
juice1484 / @lomuchacho
martin20az / @martin20az
Nic-KL / @Nicktune
redsoxboy80 / @redsoxboy80
WestRoadZ / @WestRoadZ
GTXf_Flat6fun / @GTXf_Flat6fun
Kgffy28 / @Kgffy invite sent to kgffty
kotobin / @bucci
kross_24 / @Kross24
TheNoseKnows__ / @noseknows36
xXl_R-rated_lXx / @R rated
DrKronin / @DrKronin
faciar / @faciar
GTP_Patrick1 / @GTP_Patrick1
GTP_Vertigo / @GTP_Vertigo
OGR_ROCKSTAR86 / @rockstar95
oharagbr19 / @oharagbr19
Roman_SPQR / @Roman_SPQR
serge_1919 / @serge19
Unleashed159 / @GTP_unleashed
Volcoman3 / @kadrek
alienunleashed25 / @alienracing
bezerker34 / @bezerker34
djhedges / @djhedges
EvoSpec10 / @EvoSpecX
JJLopez_427 / @JJLopez427
lfarris3 / @ATLskydiver
whatbadgerseat / @whatbadgerseat
DeathToll_619 / @Master Uafoo
gofaster2013 / @RedLine73
MaDDstAR116 / @Madstar116
MareckX / @MareckX
reigninblood1975 / @reigninblood
SALTIRE_RCN_03 / @GTD_druid
ShrumpRacer86 / @Rockhound18
ThE_MaX_GaMeR_89 / @ThE_MaX_GaMeR
akira8654 / @akira86
dexxy / @dexatron
H220965 / @HugoNout
jay-c2000 / @Jayc2k
TomMang_68 / @TomMang_68
awsisme / @awsisme
brendan7_ / @brendan7_
C3boo / @Craig B
D1_driver_83 / @D1_Driver_83
Oog_42 / @jamilla
PlatinumRolex / @PlatinumRolex
RustyGunzz / @RustyGunzz
chickensmasher15 / @chickensmashr
flesxruoyxllik / @flesxruoyxllik
thatguyyouknoe / @Shoop01
When I saw new club events being made as Time Trials my initial thoughts were to use them as qualifying rounds so there would be more actual racing Sundays. Then I saw the results aren't compiled in a concise leader board so finding everyones qualifying time would be tedious. Can anyone find a work around?
Which is why I love it. It's not hard to attain and it's not hard to drive. It's just like the WSR but more aero so it can attack turns at a faster speed. Since we're so used to the WSR it would be like pushing ourselves to the limit further and further finding the speed. Lots of fun. How recently were the Rocket and RBJ used?

Theres a doc in the FUD that will give you a list of combos used.
View attachment 262041

SNAIL will be moving to Club Lobby rooms for racing conducted on 30 November 2014 and beyond.

Friend requests are unnecessary and will not be accepted by the SNAIL_SpecRacing account.

Current member count is at 94, with 175 invites attempted, 152 invite messages successfully sent, 23 invites failed to send, making an 87% invite success rate, putting Phase II at 54% complete.

View attachment 262708
all divisions are as of November 2014
The following drivers need to send the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club (PSN ID SNAIL_SpecRacing) a message through GT6 Community messaging to receive their invites and be able to race;

A_K_AJay7 / @A_K_AJay7
dangerzone641 / @dangerzone641
Hydromatos22 / @Matt Sierras
Juicybeans916 / @juicybeans916
Klutch-D / @K1utch
Schmedracer / @Vegasracer
Ace_a_Spadez / @xACE58x
racefan78 / @racefan78
Schmiggz / @Schmiggz
turbo91stdcivic / @Turbo91stdcivic
Zspark / @Zspark23
Drrgreenthumb67 / @Drgreenthumb977
gotdirt410sp / @gotdirt410sp still unable to send invite.
zii1993 / @Zii1993
MCR-Toretto / @KalvinWilliam
Vinnybear-O1 / @mopar440
Draxom84 / @ESettlemyer
FBR_Steve / @FBR_Steve
Glowplug007 / @Glowplug007
Mr_Smile / @FSportIS
Rangerlife / @Rangerlife
Ronwill73 / @Ron Williams
tezgm99 / @tezgm99

Ch11chcftzp / @Mike Lobban got GT6 msg from PSN lobbanmike and invited.

The following drivers have invites pending and must accept those invites by finding and clicking the Join Club button before they will be able to race;

GumballCGT / @GumballCGT
juice1484 / @lomuchacho
martin20az / @martin20az
Nic-KL / @Nicktune
redsoxboy80 / @redsoxboy80
WestRoadZ / @WestRoadZ
GTXf_Flat6fun / @GTXf_Flat6fun
Kgffy28 / @Kgffy invite sent to kgffty
kotobin / @bucci
kross_24 / @Kross24
TheNoseKnows__ / @noseknows36
xXl_R-rated_lXx / @R rated
DrKronin / @DrKronin
faciar / @faciar
GTP_Patrick1 / @GTP_Patrick1
GTP_Vertigo / @GTP_Vertigo
OGR_ROCKSTAR86 / @rockstar95
oharagbr19 / @oharagbr19
Roman_SPQR / @Roman_SPQR
serge_1919 / @serge19
Unleashed159 / @GTP_unleashed
Volcoman3 / @kadrek
alienunleashed25 / @alienracing
bezerker34 / @bezerker34
djhedges / @djhedges
EvoSpec10 / @EvoSpecX
JJLopez_427 / @JJLopez427
lfarris3 / @ATLskydiver
whatbadgerseat / @whatbadgerseat
DeathToll_619 / @Master Uafoo
gofaster2013 / @RedLine73
MaDDstAR116 / @Madstar116
MareckX / @MareckX
reigninblood1975 / @reigninblood
SALTIRE_RCN_03 / @GTD_druid
ShrumpRacer86 / @Rockhound18
ThE_MaX_GaMeR_89 / @ThE_MaX_GaMeR
akira8654 / @akira86
dexxy / @dexatron
H220965 / @HugoNout
jay-c2000 / @Jayc2k
TomMang_68 / @TomMang_68
awsisme / @awsisme
brendan7_ / @brendan7_
C3boo / @Craig B
D1_driver_83 / @D1_Driver_83
Oog_42 / @jamilla
PlatinumRolex / @PlatinumRolex
RustyGunzz / @RustyGunzz
chickensmasher15 / @chickensmashr
flesxruoyxllik / @flesxruoyxllik
thatguyyouknoe / @Shoop01

I see most of the D8 part time guys on here, wth. C'mon D8 we need to get the numbers up.
Happy Thanks Giving Day to all.

We certainly have many freedoms, liberties, and family members for which to be thankful.
Take time to actually say "Thank You" at some point during the day.

A hug - when none is expected.
A smile when crazy Uncle Harry gets started again.
And a sincere prayer for our country before the meal begins.

Enjoy the freedom of your Freedom,

To @TEX36 Point


All caps - GOTDIRT410SP (not sure if it's case sensitive, but it certaily came up all caps when I raced on Sunday)[/QUOTE

yeah what he said Dragonwhisky try that
@Die_Birdy_Die and @zer05ive Both of your arguments are moot in any case. The points and picks will not likely get done until sometime NEXT week so the RoC is out and we'll need some other sporting event on the weekend of Dec 6th to work with on determining which number gets picked. Just tried with the all caps and it gave the same message as the lower case. You need to make sure your GT6 Community Profile is set to accept and send messages to non-friends. :@:Everybody
@Die_Birdy_Die and @zer05ive Both of your arguments are moot in any case. The points and picks will not likely get done until sometime NEXT week so the RoC is out and we'll need some other sporting event on the weekend of Dec 6th to work with on determining which number gets picked. Just tried with the all caps and it gave the same message as the lower case. You need to make sure your GT6 Community Profile is set to accept and send messages to non-friends. :@:Everybody
ok i have done that all are checked so i don't no what to do how about you send me a message so im not in game maybe that is what is happening . i know before the community if u accepted a invite they could not join till u where out of game then got back on it's worth a try ??????
Hey @zer05ive, how about cat and mouse? I'll be hosting a C&M event soon. We could coordinate it, then we could have a main event and use the winning teams time.
That's why I suggest C&M. If you've done it, you know there really is no way to rig your time. We could use the nurburgring or the new track so it will be only one lap.
One option is to use the pole lap from one of the Wednesday Race Car Series races @GGGMotorsport runs.
Those ideals could definitely work, but they're still not ideal. The winning number would preferably be something that is completely out any Snail's control. I also like the idea of simply linking to a website so that anyone can see the winning number posted for all of eternity (e.g. here or here). We'll revisit these ideas if the WEC doesn't work out. 👍

Once the steward summary goes out, I can have the challenge sheet updated within a couple of minutes of me seeing the steward summary. I think the goal was to have reviews done tonight so everyone could have the holiday off and I could get moving on P&R.
For the purpose of the ButtKicker Challenge we don't even need the steward summary to be completed. We just need the decision on that one reported incident a finalist was involved in. From there, you can update the sheet at your convenience while I can simultaneously determine how many picks each finalists will get. If we're able to announce the finalists tonight, they'd have more than three days to make their picks (which is more than enough time to give them IMO).
ok i have done that all are checked so i don't no what to do how about you send me a message so im not in game maybe that is what is happening . i know before the community if u accepted a invite they could not join till u where out of game then got back on it's worth a try ??????

Have you created your profile under the community tab in the game? If you have done that and sent the PSN message then you should get an invite tonight. If there are still problems, Dragonwhisky will let you know about it.