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  • Thread starter zer05ive
That is a shame. Wet weather racing would be fun. Theoretically more mistakes would be made and passing would be easier. However I'm not speaking from experience

You shouldn't be relying on mistakes to get passing done. You can put as much pressure on as you want within the rules, but mistakes are never a given.
I don't think that is quite true. If rain settings are both all the way up, water of track and weather, than the water % will stay 100 the entire race.

Yes, what postman just said.

To the point of this discussion though, its another dead horse. We have had this discussion several times over the years. I do not foresee it changing.

FFVII was the last I played as well. I am not much for RPG's though. Even the MMORPGs grate on me after a month. I am not good for grinding, at all. I play games for the enjoyment of playing the game. If I have to grind for hours on end to level up, or pay out the butt to do it, I am not going to play it for very long
No sir. Read all the weather settings in your race screen.
After reading your post and watching replays from last nights practice I came to realization that you are describing my situation right now.
It seems I have earned a reputation as being very difficult to pass at times... much to the annoyance of some of my competitors. After watching replays I have to admit that I think my passion for racing has led to some stubbornness on track and a needless urge to fight tooth and nail for every position.

Anyway I liked to say sorry to the guys last night for being a "royal pain in the ass " as someone so eloquently put it, and anyone else who feels I may have wronged on the track.
I will definitely keep trying to improve my racecraft so everyone can have a better experience.

See you all Sunday :cheers:

you may be interested in these videos:

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Our Throwback Thursday has bled into a Flashback Friday!

JRPGs (Japanese Role Playing Games) just haven't been able to hook me since I played FFVII - I still complete a game of FFVII every now and then. It's super pedestrian in terms of complexity and story, but it's like Gaming comfort food...

Action RPGs are more of a big thing for me, stuff like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect and the like. Spent a TON of time in Destiny recently as well - Something about a shooter with stats, leveling, and abilities that really excites me!

The typically static, turn based nature, androgynous/perverse characters, and bizzare storytelling of JRPGs bug the CRAP out of me... I know there are good ones out there, just not my bag :(

I like the Final Fantasy series, but I agree that a lot of JRPG's are just not all that (suikoden is the best in my opinion). Kinda like if you've played one, you've played them all. FFVII was the first rpg I played, so I have a special place for it. Never managed to defeat that damn emerald weapon! I done FFXIII aswell recently and have to say I really enjoyed it. Was linear, but good, battles were fast paced most of the time aswell. Back in the day I used to fall asleep during some fights in these games as thy took waaaay too long. (just normal ones i'm talking about, not boss fights, I like them taking ages)

Oh, Mass Effect! Been meaning to get on that since they ported it to PS. Wanted to buy an xbox just for it. Cost too much though. That could be my next project! Idea for what santa can bring me! Yas, nice one, cheers for mentioning it.
I like the Final Fantasy series, but I agree that a lot of JRPG's are just not all that (suikoden is the best in my opinion). Kinda like if you've played one, you've played them all. FFVII was the first rpg I played, so I have a special place for it. Never managed to defeat that damn emerald weapon! I done FFXIII aswell recently and have to say I really enjoyed it. Was linear, but good, battles were fast paced most of the time aswell. Back in the day I used to fall asleep during some fights in these games as thy took waaaay too long. (just normal ones i'm talking about, not boss fights, I like them taking ages)

Oh, Mass Effect! Been meaning to get on that since they ported it to PS. Wanted to buy an xbox just for it. Cost too much though. That could be my next project! Idea for what santa can bring me! Yas, nice one, cheers for mentioning it.
You should play lunar silver start story for sega. Its really good but not that known. SO's favorite game lol. There is also a ps1 and psp version.
I like the Final Fantasy series, but I agree that a lot of JRPG's are just not all that (suikoden is the best in my opinion). Kinda like if you've played one, you've played them all. FFVII was the first rpg I played, so I have a special place for it. Never managed to defeat that damn emerald weapon! I done FFXIII aswell recently and have to say I really enjoyed it. Was linear, but good, battles were fast paced most of the time aswell. Back in the day I used to fall asleep during some fights in these games as thy took waaaay too long. (just normal ones i'm talking about, not boss fights, I like them taking ages)

Oh, Mass Effect! Been meaning to get on that since they ported it to PS. Wanted to buy an xbox just for it. Cost too much though. That could be my next project! Idea for what santa can bring me! Yas, nice one, cheers for mentioning it.
Ya man! The Mass Effect trilogy is only $30 new for PS3 and is supposed to come out on PS4 in the near future.

On FFXiii, hoo boy did I hate it... I fought with myself all the way through and was never satisfied... The worst androgyny, forced situations with no control of WHO you were using, and such a jacked progression system I wanted to snap the disc!

Glad you were able to enjoy it though. I thought It did have amazing visuals, a pretty good story overall, and the battle system was fun and fast once I figured out how to exploit it properly, but God what a slog!
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Personally I grow VERY tired of guys bitching about combos selected by WINNERS.

The VAST majority of us like this organization and DISLIKE the constant bitching. If you can't say something constructive...shut up and drive....and if you don't like the combo...oh well...you'll get over it.
You gotta know how to separate opinion from bitching tho...
After reading your post and watching replays from last nights practice I came to realization that you are describing my situation right now.
It seems I have earned a reputation as being very difficult to pass at times... much to the annoyance of some of my competitors. After watching replays I have to admit that I think my passion for racing has led to some stubbornness on track and a needless urge to fight tooth and nail for every position.

Anyway I liked to say sorry to the guys last night for being a "royal pain in the ass " as someone so eloquently put it, and anyone else who feels I may have wronged on the track.
I will definitely keep trying to improve my racecraft so everyone can have a better experience.

See you all Sunday :cheers:
. Hey paddy, this is rambo and I didn't mean anything by that remark I was just saying I had a hell of a time trying to get by you. I wasn't mad at you or anything and I didn't want you to leave either. I don't have a problem with you at all so don't worry about it. My apologies.
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After reading your post and watching replays from last nights practice I came to realization that you are describing my situation right now.
It seems I have earned a reputation as being very difficult to pass at times... much to the annoyance of some of my competitors. After watching replays I have to admit that I think my passion for racing has led to some stubbornness on track and a needless urge to fight tooth and nail for every position.

Anyway I liked to say sorry to the guys last night for being a "royal pain in the ass " as someone so eloquently put it, and anyone else who feels I may have wronged on the track.
I will definitely keep trying to improve my racecraft so everyone can have a better experience.

See you all Sunday :cheers:

In addition to @Wolfsatz video post
the SNAIL OLR section 7 rule E states:

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact. The ahead driver must not make any sudden changes to their line in an attempt to defend their position in this situation.

Personally I grow VERY tired of guys bitching about combos selected by WINNERS.

The VAST majority of us like this organization and DISLIKE the constant bitching. If you can't say something constructive...shut up and drive....and if you don't like the combo...oh well...you'll get over it.
Lots of all caps and even a solid "shut up" in there. Which is probably worse than a "step off".

Easy fella..."they" are watching :)
Given all the gaming posts I'd like to ask a question. I am looking for a good to great WW2 real time or turn based tank/Navy military PS3 game so I can use in the lounger downstairs rather than in my I Love Me room ( refined man cave with professional junk, framed, on the walls) and its back killing office chair at the PC. Prefer Strategy with ability to participate in individual action.

Are most PS3 versions of PC GAMES dumbed down...
You should play lunar silver start story for sega. Its really good but not that known. SO's favorite game lol. There is also a ps1 and psp version.

Ah, my brother has played this, said he really enjoyed it, not mde it round to it myself. Hope to though. Not enough hours in the day!

Ya man! The Mass Effect trilogy is only $30 new for PS3 and is supposed to come out on PS4 in the near future.

On FFXiii, hoo boy did I hate it... I fought with myself all the way through and was never satisfied... The worst androgyny, forced situations with no control of WHO you we using, and such a jacked progression system I wanted to snap the disc!

Glad you were able to enjoy it though. I thought It did have amazing visuals, a pretty good story overall, and the battle system was fun and fast once I figured out how to exploit it properly, but God what a slog!

It really opened up at chapter 11 (I think?) and got a lot better, problem is that was like 20 odd hours into the game. The worst part for me was having to put up with Hope! Probably never go back to it.

Mass Effect is getting ordered next time i'm paid!
In addition to @Wolfsatz video post
the SNAIL OLR section 7 rule E states:

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact. The ahead driver must not make any sudden changes to their line in an attempt to defend their position in this situation.
That happened to me during some practice last night (the bold text). Now I know I was ok and it was the defending driver in err. Glad you brought that to light. I couldn't find it but I thought I had read something like that, and behold, there it is!!! :)
@JoeW is to this forum; as gas is to fire.
It's awful really. Because I can be helpful too :)

I'm rarely the mob leader, but I sometimes like to be the mob. Shmiggz and even Turnup have had some good comments lately...I just step in and say something like "yeah!" And click like every now and then.

@Dr_Strange summed it up very eloquently I might add.

But yes, when I have spare time I can be like a box of chocolates...Gump style. And this is the downtime for my business so...I may make an appearance here and there.
Given all the gaming posts I'd like to ask a question. I am looking for a good to great WW2 real time or turn based tank/Navy military PS3 game so I can use in the lounger downstairs rather than in my I Love Me room ( refined man cave with professional junk, framed, on the walls) and its back killing office chair at the PC. Prefer Strategy with ability to participate in individual action.

Are most PS3 versions of PC GAMES dumbed down...
The last really good WWII game I really liked was the original Battlefield 1942 game on the PC. Man that game was awesome. I wish someone would revisit that...all the techno futuristic games bore me due to lack of...realism?
Given all the gaming posts I'd like to ask a question. I am looking for a good to great WW2 real time or turn based tank/Navy military PS3 game so I can use in the lounger downstairs rather than in my I Love Me room ( refined man cave with professional junk, framed, on the walls) and its back killing office chair at the PC. Prefer Strategy with ability to participate in individual action.

Are most PS3 versions of PC GAMES dumbed down...

Company of Heroes 1&2 come to mind, both on pc only I believe... Never played them myself, but they are highly rated.

And the 'dumbed down' for consoles comment is true in a lot of ways, but it really varies and is dependent on the type of game and if it was designed with consoles as a priority or not... It's not always a given though.
Given all the gaming posts I'd like to ask a question. I am looking for a good to great WW2 real time or turn based tank/Navy military PS3 game so I can use in the lounger downstairs rather than in my I Love Me room ( refined man cave with professional junk, framed, on the walls) and its back killing office chair at the PC. Prefer Strategy with ability to participate in individual action.

Are most PS3 versions of PC GAMES dumbed down...

I'm interested in what turn-based games have worked well on PS3. Any recommendations?

With the schedules my kids have, I seldom get to play many games or hit many tournaments. I've played most of the big wargames - 40k/WFB/GW-various (my previous gaming addiction), as well as Bolt Action, Hordes/Warmachine, some Flames of War, etc.
Given all the gaming posts I'd like to ask a question. I am looking for a good to great WW2 real time or turn based tank/Navy military PS3 game so I can use in the lounger downstairs rather than in my I Love Me room ( refined man cave with professional junk, framed, on the walls) and its back killing office chair at the PC. Prefer Strategy with ability to participate in individual action.

Are most PS3 versions of PC GAMES dumbed down...
Look for the saboteur, I hear that's good. There is also brother in arms, birds of steel, COD world at war and enemy front.
Are folks down for a somewhat impromptu celebration tonight? I was thinking it might be fun to do a selection of combos from SNAIL and all it's offshoots. For example, we could run:
1 or more "classic" SNAIL Sunday night combos
1 "Concourse Car Club" combo
1 kart combo
1 cat & mouse combo
1 Racecar series inspired combo (40 minutes is likely too long for this kind of sampler platter)
Other combos from series and offshoots I forget or never knew existed


Also, congrats to you and Major's parents; 61 years is quite an accomplishment!
I'd be interested as I'm off the rest of the day and will be on GT6 later.
I wasn't directing that towards you at all Paddy. I was just commenting on my bad habit. I was defensive to a fault and often caused myself more grief than good by being so.
No no Rally I didn't take it that way at all. I was just saying I can understand what your saying as it applies to my own situation.

No worries...all good.👍
I don't even particpate on Sundays anymore so maybe none of my business,...but what in the hell is going on in here?!

SNAIL as a whole needs to be friendly and free from tension in order to remain a welcoming place for the current and to be racers.

Seems like this place needs a new posting rule..

"Absolutely no discussing combos that have yet to be actually raced on a Sunday night"

:P Tis the season guys, be nice! Very disappointing last couple of pages