◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Has anyone else noticed that the penalties at Le Sarthe are pretty jacked up? I just ran a few practice laps and I was getting hit with shortcut penalties when I still had two tires on the pavement. Not even on the rumble strip but still on the actual racing surface. This happened four times in one lap.
Has anyone else noticed that the penalties at Le Sarthe are pretty jacked up? I just ran a few practice laps and I was getting hit with shortcut penalties when I still had two tires on the pavement. Not even on the rumble strip but still on the actual racing surface. This happened four times in one lap.

I got hit with penalties Wednesday night when I was sure I was fine. I think I had a handful in one lap, once I figured out where the boundaries were ...
dylansan I see that the magic lap races start @ 9:00easttime. I'm in california so it's @ 5:00 for me? Just don't want to show up late & be "that guy". :ouch:
dylansan I see that the magic lap races start @ 9:00easttime. I'm in california so it's @ 5:00 for me? Just don't want to show up late & be "that guy". :ouch:

Hey aubdogg, I think 9:00 Eastern Time is 6:00 Pacific time.

Now you can be early ;)
Has anyone else noticed that the penalties at Le Sarthe are pretty jacked up? I just ran a few practice laps and I was getting hit with shortcut penalties when I still had two tires on the pavement. Not even on the rumble strip but still on the actual racing surface. This happened four times in one lap.

I noticed that also! Practice definitely need for that track.
I cannot make the magic lap, the weather here has played havoc with the slo-pitch season and our last postponed game is tonight (they only posted it this morning) :grumpy:
I noticed that also! Practice definitely need for that track.

I hate to say it, but better just play it safe, you'll get the draft anyways so you wont be slowed down in the end, if the guy ahead thinks he's going to pull away, he'll more then likely get the short-cut and lost ground.
In rule enforcement news:

There was one (sort of) protest this week. It was actually many complaints about one driver, j-ddog11985. The stewards have reviewed the replays and have found many gross violations of the OLR. Therefore he has been disqualified from last week's races and will be on probation. Further violations of the OLR will result in further sanctions. This doesn't affect the standings in D3.

I just wanted to let everyone know that the results post from last Sunday has been updated. j-dogg11985 was disqualified from the night for a Level 5 penalty. Therefore, per our OLR Rules, he will be on probation for a number of weeks equal to the level of penalty he was found guilty of. This would normally mean that he would be on probation for the next FIVE WEEKS that he chooses to race with us. However, he was in fact found guilty of multiple penalties so he will instead be on a SIX WEEK probation, which is the maximum probation period under our rules. During this probation period, any penalty that he is assessed will be DOUBLED in value.

If this seems harsh, well frankly, it's supposed to be! As exhibited by the amount of time our stewards have spent developing our penalty system, we take clean racing very seriously in this. If you do the crime, you do the time! Simple as that! Fortunately, we are a very clean group of drivers overall, so we don't have to issue penalties very often. Let's keep it that way! 👍
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I know I will not be giving anybody any room in any spot that I might get a penalty. I'm not going to be overly considerate and run the risk of getting a penalty that is not deserved. I also won't be trying any passes in these same spots. A nine second shortcut penalty for not even leaving the racing surface is ridiculous in my mind, and I will not put myself in position to get one.

Zero: wasn't Jdogg found guilty of multiple level 5 penalties and would therefore have them added together for the purpose of determining a probation period? That would set him at the max of six weeks that he chooses to race.
I hate to say it, but better just play it safe, you'll get the draft anyways so you wont be slowed down in the end, if the guy ahead thinks he's going to pull away, he'll more then likely get the short-cut and lost ground.

True. True. But practice anyway for the sake of everyone else. ;)
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Thanks, it was fun. Looking forward to Sunday. 👍

I owe you one for the Caterham, Is there a car or ticket I could send you?

As a matter of fact, anything that you don't see listed here would be very much appreciated! If you have anything you don't see listed, please send it to the SNAIL_Division1 account so that it can be easily awarded to our Prize C winners each week. 👍
If anyone can't show up on time, feel free to come later in the night. We do plenty of racing all night so show up whenever, it's not like we keep score. ;)
As a matter of fact, anything that you don't see listed here would be very much appreciated! If you have anything you don't see listed, please send it to the SNAIL_Division1 account so that it can be easily awarded to our Prize C winners each week. 👍

Dooh! I thought you HAD all those levels of tickets - crapsties.

I have many (not all) of them not cashed in. I'll start sending them into the D1 acct based on either what I think is important, or what others say is more important. G'Luck y'all, for any racing on Friday eve.
As a matter of fact, anything that you don't see listed here would be very much appreciated! If you have anything you don't see listed, please send it to the SNAIL_Division1 account so that it can be easily awarded to our Prize C winners each week. 👍

Cool. As soon as I receive the FR, I'll fill in the missing level tickets. Exept for 5,6,17, and 21, as I don't have them. 👍
Zero: wasn't Jdogg found guilty of multiple level 5 penalties and would therefore have them added together for the purpose of determining a probation period? That would set him at the max of six weeks that he chooses to race.

You're absolutely right! That's why I like to leave these types of announcements to you stewards, since you guys obviously know the rules better than I do! I've edited the post above to reflect a six week probation period, which is the maximum.
I'll be there 2nite. Quick Q? Tuning allowed?
If you're referring to Magic Lap tonight, tuning is allowed but not recommended. We think it makes more sense to race cars as they would be stock, but if you feel like tuning you can go ahead.

Especially on nights with a manufacturer theme, like tonight, I just think it makes more sense to race stock cars (though we do change the tires to the S.N.A.I.L ones, as it tends to keep cars from being overly difficult to drive. If you're in the room and not sure which tires to use, feel free to ask, I have the list here.)
MAGIC LAP Room Open!


Theme: Audis - They may all look mostly the same, but they certainly do not drive the same. Here's a chance to drive anything from and A2 to an R8 and still be competitive on the Nurburgring's GP Circuit. I hope to see a variety of cars, including wagons, concept cars, and race cars.

Track: Nurburgring GP/F
Car Restriction: Manufacturer - Audi
Hey, just letting the authorities know that I'd like to change my car color from Carbon Grey to Imolarot (red). The wheels will stay the same color.

I'm looking forward to finally being able to race again this sunday. That Ferrari looks like a tough customer.
Dooh! I thought you HAD all those levels of tickets - crapsties.

I have many (not all) of them not cashed in. I'll start sending them into the D1 acct based on either what I think is important, or what others say is more important. G'Luck y'all, for any racing on Friday eve.

Cool. As soon as I receive the FR, I'll fill in the missing level tickets. Exept for 5,6,17, and 21, as I don't have them. 👍

Thanks guys! Since we're on the topic of Prize C gifts, I'd like to make a special limited time offer! :sly:

Any SNAIL who tries out S.P.E.C. Racing Saturday night will get any car coupon of their choice from the Price C list!

That's right, you can get a $10M Ferrari F1 car just for showing up to race and have fun with some fellow SNAILs!! It's almost too good to be true!!
Thanks guys! Since we're on the topic of Prize C gifts, I'd like to make a special limited time offer! :sly:

Any SNAIL who tries out S.P.E.C. Racing Saturday night will get any car coupon of their choice from the Price C list!

That's right, you can get a $10M Ferrari F1 car just for showing up to race and have fun with some fellow SNAILs!! It's almost too good to be true!!



OH! I already am!!!!:dopey:

All kidding aside:), thats a great offer zer0. Trust me everyone, it is a great night of racing:gtpflag:
In case anyone doesn't read that thread, here's what I just posted in the Magic Lap thread:
Well, I've decided the open lobby just isn't the place for this. Yes, it's nice to have more people racing, and a few randoms have actually become weekly participants, but dealing with people who have no idea what's going on is just too hard.

For one, we have to explain the entire process every time anyone joins, and some people don't comprehend it and end up ruining races. Tonight we had someone who repeatedly told us to "just start the race, man" despite not setting any lap time. We eventually kicked him, but it's just too frustrating. At another point someone joined the room and the race right as it was starting, causing us to have to start over.

Most importantly, the time-saving technique of having people get times before they show up is worthless if random strangers are showing up too. Unfortunately, there is no way to let people run laps while the race is going on, without them leaving the room. And as if they would come back (except one did, which was nice). This means we still get very little racing accomplished as we spend most of our time just waiting.

In essence, it boils down to this: I would much rather do two hours of racing with three or four good drivers who know what's going on, than do about 45 minutes of actual racing with twelve drivers, some of whom are clueless and destructive. I'm willing to sacrifice the number of drivers for more and better quality racing overall.

If the process is streamlined enough, perhaps starting at 9 will be unnecessary. I noticed a few people left about two hours in at 11 anyway, so it didn't give us that much more time.

Anyway, if we're ditching open lobby, we need as much participation as possible. I know there are people who would be interested in this but have no idea about S.N.A.I.L., and now it will be very hard to reach these people and show them this. If anyone wants to try hosting this on their own time to find interested people and lead them here, feel free. But it's a lot of work to weed out the crazies and get good racing in, so I can't expect anyone to do so.

It's just a bit frustrating because getting the most enjoyment out of this requires several good drivers. It just isn't fun with very few people or with horrible drivers. Right now I'm just trying to find a balance between those two extremes. Any help getting there would be much appreciated.