- 5,930
- Texas
- zer05ive
New Tie-Breaking Process
Starting tonight, there will be a new and improved process for breaking ties in the combo elimination vote. This new process is basically the same as the process outlined here, but with one notable difference. From now on, when there's a tie in the combo elimination vote, the first step we'll take to break the tie is to look for any driver who voted to eliminate a combo that he didn't participate in. When found, those votes will be nullified. If there's still a tie after those votes are nullified, we'll continue from there with our existing process. In summary, here are our tie-breaking steps in order:
- Nullify any elimination votes for a combo in which the driver did not participate in
- If a tie remains, the Prize A winner's vote will be nullified
- If a tie remains, the Prize B winner's vote will be nullified
- If a tie remains, the Prize C winner's vote will be nullified
- It's almost impossible that there would still be a tie after the four steps above have been taken because it would mean that all of the nullified votes were cast for the most popular combo of the night. However, if that ever happens, we will start nullifying votes of the remaining division winners (the ones who didn't win Prize A, B, or C). We'll start with the one with the highest adjusted score and go down from there.
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