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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Official SNAIL policy is that tuning is not allowed and all variables should be removed from the cars. That's paraphrased from the first post and what I quoted earlier. It has become very obvious that this statement is not clear enough for everyone here so something will be worked on and updated that will have less grey area than don't tune your car.
If you can win races with touching the brake bias and/or body rigidity, be happy about it. Whether other people will believe you or not shouldn't matter. What do we ultimately win at the end of the race, night or season? Who are we trying to prove? I'm in it for great racing and proving to myself what I'm capable of. I'll never adjust brake bias or body rigidity so I can prove to myself I can win without those aids. If someone beats me using them, oh well. To me, they are the race winner with an asterisk beside their name. Just my 2 non existant Canadian pennies :P
What about those two loonies? That'll really screw with the ones south of the border! :lol:
If you can win races with touching the brake bias and/or body rigidity, be happy about it. Whether other people will believe you or not shouldn't matter. What do we ultimately win at the end of the race, night or season? Who are we trying to prove? I'm in it for great racing and proving to myself what I'm capable of. I'll never adjust brake bias or body rigidity so I can prove to myself I can win without those aids. If someone beats me using them, oh well. To me, they are the race winner with an asterisk beside their name. Just my 2 non existant Canadian pennies :P
If I had of known by reading the OLR that it was illegal to add the "allowed" mods I never would have. But with conflicting information given to me by other snails I did it (well except my rims I added though's cause they looked cool)
Official SNAIL policy is that tuning is not allowed and all variables should be removed from the cars. That's paraphrased from the first post and what I quoted earlier. It has become very obvious that this statement is not clear enough for everyone here so something will be worked on and updated that will have less grey area than don't tune your car.
But depending on the view of the person brake bias isn't tuning there are cars that come with adjustable brakes from factory(aka spec)! BMW, Mercedes, and audi come to mind!
If I had of known by reading the OLR that it was illegal to add the "allowed" mods I never would have. But with conflicting information given to me by other snails I did it (well except my rims I added though's cause they looked cool)

But depending on the view of the person brake bias isn't tuning there are cars that come with adjustable brakes from factory(aka spec)! BMW, Mercedes, and audi come to mind!

"all variables removed from cars" this is used in the context of performance and changing anything that alters performance in any way would make it different from all the other cars in the field so any change would not be allowed based on that statement.
"all variables removed from cars" this is used in the context of performance and changing anything that alters performance in any way would make it different from all the other cars in the field so any change would not be allowed based on that statement.
Yes I understood where you were coming from an hour ago when you spelt it out that way!

But since I was under the understanding that most people were adjusting these things it was apart of what SNAIL allowed...well before this discussion started anyways.

And from all the posts in between you and I there are a lot of people who thought the same as me! So context apparently is key and like any sport we live in that grey area. Where the rules don't fully spell out what is expected of us!
Brake balance I don't think it helps really anyway, inproved body rigidity I think pd has let it go in gt6 gt5 it was a no go. But again it does really nothing other than tighten a car up if its really lose, its not like you gain a second in a half with it

and its funny every time I comment on something with a certain person in this club I get a moderator. HMM
Brake balance I don't think it helps really anyway, inproved body rigidity I think pd has let it go in gt6 gt5 it was a no go. But again it does really nothing other than tighten a car up if its really lose, its not like you gain a second in a half with it

and its funny every time I comment on something with a certain person in this club I get a moderator. HMM
tightening up a loose car can significantly increase your lap times well maybe not up there in SNAIEL territory but in D8 through 6 oh yeah!
What happened to just racing bare stock cars with an oil change and the only factor determining your win is driver skill?
A LOT apparently lol!
What happened to just racing bare stock cars with an oil change and the only factor determining your win is driver skill?

Somebody somewhere along the line decided to see what they could do to the car and get around the tuning prohibited setting rather than follow the rules that SNAIL had in place. I've had this same debate too many times to count over the last three plus years and it never really goes anywhere but around in a circle but the whole issue is a pet peeve of mine so I can't resist the urge to jump in and discuss and debate every time it comes up.
For the record, I'm glad this brake bias conversation took place. I have a better understanding now of what's expected of me as a SNAIL participant. My brake bias will never be adjusted. Should my body rigidity become weakened, I'll buy a new vehicle.

I think Birdie made some valid points concerning the conscience of our members. Most (and I understand it will never be all) members are happy to follow the rules if they are just clearly spelled out, regardless of their enforceability. A win by means of rule infraction would not be satisfying to me; I check my ego at the door.

The past discussions I've had on this issue in practice rooms were very different in regards to rule interpretation. It seemed to me that other members found brake bias to be the one thing we're allowed to adjust. Now, it's clear to me that it is not allowed, and adjusting brake bias is stepping outside the boundaries set forth by the administration.
I dont think buying a new car is necessary. There is a difference between improving body rigidity and restoring body rigidity. If your car starts to get a lot of miles you will notice it getting squirrelly while braking and exiting corners. To do the "restore body rigidity" option in the pit area will only bribg your car back to stock. Improving body rigidity will stiffen the car beyond the original stiffness.
Somebody somewhere along the line decided to see what they could do to the car and get around the tuning prohibited setting rather than follow the rules that SNAIL had in place. I've had this same debate too many times to count over the last three plus years and it never really goes anywhere but around in a circle but the whole issue is a pet peeve of mine so I can't resist the urge to jump in and discuss and debate every time it comes up.
I haven't used inproved body rigidity since the zonda but yes I have used it. maybe gt7 it will allow for more custom settings for online lobbies but I haven't seen no one talking about it so I doubt that will happen
I dont think buying a new car is necessary. There is a difference between improving body rigidity and restoring body rigidity. If your car starts to get a lot of miles you will notice it getting squirrelly while braking and exiting corners. To do the "restore body rigidity" option in the pit area will only bribg your car back to stock. Improving body rigidity will stiffen the car beyond the original stiffness.

This is true, but for some strange reason, it usually costs much more than just going and buying a new car.
This is great! But could you next time put some of the pictures in "spoiler" that way it doesn't take ages of scrolling down... And the ones most interested can open them if they want.

It is just a bit annoying, but nothing to fight for, it's just a suggestion. (Better clarify, because lately the thread seems so sensitive).
Ill be pleased to do that but i didnt know it existed. Been snail for a year now but still new with all the post stuff. How do i do this?
Ill be pleased to do that but i didnt know it existed. Been snail for a year now but s
DGuzmanG said
This is great! But could you next time put some of the pictures in "spoiler" that way it doesn't take ages of scrolling down... And the ones most interested can open them if they want.

It is just a bit annoying, but nothing to fight for, it's just a suggestion. (Better clarify, because lately the thread seems so sensitive).
till new with all the post stuff. How do i do this?
Hay I didn't know that worked for that! i'm going back to taking thousands of pictures and using 1 as a cover photo lol!(so much easier then one of those photo sharing websites)
Somebody somewhere along the line decided to see what they could do to the car and get around the tuning prohibited setting rather than follow the rules that SNAIL had in place. I've had this same debate too many times to count over the last three plus years and it never really goes anywhere but around in a circle but the whole issue is a pet peeve of mine so I can't resist the urge to jump in and discuss and debate every time it comes up.
Oh I can appreciate your frustration, especially when newish members like myself receive mixed messages from veteran members. Like I said before, I'm glad it's clear now. I'll do my best to share the correct information to other new members in the future.
The official position of SNAIL on tuning brake balance is that it's not allowed. If anyone ever told you that it was expressly allowed, they were mistaken. It is only tolerated because it can't be banned in the game or verified to issue penalties for doing so.

How can having a car that can start braking significantly later than another car on the track and still get slowed down in time for the corner not be considered an advantage? That is the kind of thing that changing the brake balance can do for a car.
Sorry I was unaware that adjusting brake bias is against the rules. Sorry to start such a heated discussion. Ultimately I have found more joy driving all cars at 5/5 anyway so it's not much of an issue for me.
Could you imagine real racers conversation if they were in a league where adjustments could be made, but shouldn't, because that wouldn't be nice and be considered cheating? Isn't that the basic premise racing is based on? Find a way to be faster than the other guy within the defined rules, allowable parameters and available resources to find that advantage. To me, the argument is a silly one really.

IMO - Any element that you can "adjust" and still get into a SNAIL SPC race should be allowed. Until you as managers can control stricter settings that wont allow for "adjusted cars" in GT6, you can do nothing other than use caps to yell at us or "frown upon" at anyone not following this " on your honor" system. Next your going to tell us not to use the e brake or downshift 3 gears at the last second...ya, cause that's realistic. Try doing that in a real car and see what happens. Every driver in GTA TT top 10 right now is using e brake and fast downshifting because the game allows it. Is that cheating too?

@Die_Birdy_Die for what its worth, I don't consider you a cheater. Mainly for the fact you bring these issues to light. Cheaters NEVER expose their secrets.
Sorry I was unaware that adjusting brake bias is against the rules.

That's because it's not.

The person that invited me to join snail told me about a large group of people where camaraderie, friendship and extreme clean racing walk hand in hand at all times. Now I'm wondering if that clean racing and camaraderie are just as good as Mr.Bowler and Mr.Birdie have been showing in this thread. I really hope not. In the meantime i kindly asked when would i be informed about my division placement but I guess my question sunk in the sea of caps lock.
If I had to guess by watching you in practice I'd say div 5 or better.
Btw it was a pleasure racing against you...or should I say behind you. :crazy:
My apologies singlepaddy, i started scrolling the argument down and missed your post.
Yes, i was very happy with our last night's little group as for the first time in a long time i felt safe passing and being passed as it was pretty clear the efford everybody made to race clean.
My division can't be too far from yours as i had to pull everything i had and a little more to catch you at the red bull ring and then in the karts such just didn't happened because i just couldn't keep up with you.
The person that invited me to join snail told me about a large group of people where camaraderie, friendship and extreme clean racing walk hand in hand at all times. Now I'm wondering if that clean racing and camaraderie are just as good as Mr.Bowler and Mr.Birdie have been showing in this thread. I really hope not. In the meantime i kindly asked when would i be informed about my division placement but I guess my question sunk in the sea of caps lock.

Welcome - like all groups, we do not always agree. Fortunately, it only occasionally devolves like this.

Way more good than bad. @nmcp1 will have you sorted out soon.
Sorry I was unaware that adjusting brake bias is against the rules. Sorry to start such a heated discussion. Ultimately I have found more joy driving all cars at 5/5 anyway so it's not much of an issue for me.
Just so everybody knows it! Fast people from D1 i've spoke with in the past... said that they were keeping the brakes 5/5 and they are putting down the fastest times... so instead of trying all the brake combinations to see if you can improve the car.. i suggest that drivers should put this time on practicing the combos. Enought time lost already!
The person that invited me to join snail told me about a large group of people where camaraderie, friendship and extreme clean racing walk hand in hand at all times. Now I'm wondering if that clean racing and camaraderie are just as good as Mr.Bowler and Mr.Birdie have been showing in this thread. I really hope not. In the meantime i kindly asked when would i be informed about my division placement but I guess my question sunk in the sea of caps lock.

I missed your question as well. My apologies for that. You will be getting a message with your division placement sometime tomorrow. What time exactly depends on how well my boys do in their basketball tournament.
Is it immoral then to add body rigidity too? It's unforceable but could be seen as taking advantage of a unidentifiable in game modification. Just asking to secure my own conscience around using it or not.

ps : Not to be confused with "restoring rigidity"
This option is more than often a pain in the ass because it will make your car stiffer but gives understeer. Majority doesnt use it becauses it slows you down!
brake bias totally helps ur time...from what i understand (having never messed with brake bias for snail)...if ur full braking and try to turn in...youll lock the fronts and slide off line. also just helps rotate the car in some turns. BUT! this isssss SPEC RACING GENTS! if you want to win...dont cheat...practice more, and learn new things. JUSTTT OIL change will do! Doing things like body rigidity and brake bias will help, but it doesnt make you a winner. even if ur in 1st. you shouldnt feel good winning ...while cheating. 100 percent why i joined snail to see how i far against people not cheating! and using same exact car...all comes down to skill.
Gotta love Snail for that!!