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  • Thread starter zer05ive
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I think we've had this discussion before LOL.......... gtr is going to get to pick a new car or a new track ..... Isn't that the better prize

I may stand corrected but I don't remember this situation coming up before. It may well happen that Encvel freezes the track anyway (he did originally pick it after all) but if gtr is stuck with a car he was trying to drop I'm not too sure which is the better prize! ;)
Any update on my prize A?

The prize A winner will be announced no later than 10PM ET tonight. If you were in the top three in D4, you should start thinking about what you would do with prize A if you get it as you will not have a lot of time once the announcement is made. We will be looking at a deadline of noon ET on Thursday to have a pick made for prize A.

@Encvel you have until 8PM ET to choose to freeze the car or the track. If you fail to do so, D2 will have a quick vote to choose which to freeze. Once that pick is made, @gtr3123 will have until noon ET on Thursday to choose the other half of that combo.
I know I risk been seen as a dead horse beater but I don't understand why this was changed.

There is a long-standing rule that you can't use the same prize twice in a month. Encvel ended up with Prize B last week so he is locked into prize C this week which means that gtr3123 is locked in to prize B. It's the prize he actually won, he just doesn't get the option of picking between prize B and C.

zer05ive posted it in the results post and I posted it when I tagged them for their prizes. It has happened before but nobody made a big deal about it because the prize winners made their choices according to the instructions given.

I don't remember exactly when the policy of not being able to win the same prize twice in a month was instituted but I'm pretty sure it was close to two years ago and has been like that ever since. @zer05ive probably has the post saved somewhere that announced it so he might be able to get the exact date.
Thanks for the reply but the error is that Encvel did not win Prize B last week. He won Prize C last week and this week. gtr had more points than Encvel this week so he wins Prize B and should be allowed to choose what he wants.

How you deal with Encvel winning Prize C this week and last is a separate issue is it not?
Evidently, we need to take away the option for the second prize winner to choose between B and C. That would make this all very simple.

Encvel ended up using prize B last week therefore he can not end up with prize B this week. This means that he is locked in to prize C which by default locks gtr into prize B. It was explained this way as soon as it happened on Monday night with the results post and again when they were cleared to make picks. It has happened before so this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
If you think you were involved in the conversation that banned him, then I can assure you that you have no idea what got him banned. It was in fact not a conversation at all (at least not one involving anyone other than himself). That's the thing about trolls though; they get upset when you don't feed them so they keep trying until they get the reaction they want. To his disappointment he never got any reaction whatsoever, but his continued attempts to inject drama into the thread simply got old (and violated policy). I find it interesting, although not necessarily surprising, that you insist you know "exactly" what the situation was, while declining my offer to PM you the exact specifics if you'd like to know them.

I love how you are so certain of your claims while not having a clue about what you're talking about. Ignorance is bliss I guess. Again, my offer is still on the table for you to PM me if you'd like to know specifically what he was banned for and why. Furthermore, if you can show me one single example in our entire four year history of us "Banning people simply because of different opinions", I will step down from SNAIL immediately. I'm kinda tired of being a figurehead anyways. :rolleyes:

Yes, we have big plans for GT7 and all the other PS4 racing sims that will eventually be available. In the meantime, we're doing well with what's currently available and we continue to prosper. Even while being based on a game that's two years old, we're still running strong at six full divisions, and that's a credit to everyone in SNAIL committed to making this league the best Gran Turismo league in the world and one of the best sim racing leagues in general. If you want some perspective on how remarkable still having six divisions is, just take a look around. How many other GT6 leagues even have six drivers, let alone six divisions? There are countless clubs, leagues, and organizations that cease to even race anymore because they can't field anything that resembles a grid. I absolutely cringe at the thought of what kind of iron-fisted bad apple dictators must have ruled over those organizations to have driven off so many by ruining the racing fun for them. /sarcasm
It's ok Z. I know you have to fight the good fight and defend the league. This is in fact a well oiled machine. There is no other league that is as organized and regimented as this one...which is why the numbers are still up. If someone wants to race somewhere with other people then this is really the only fully operational death star still in existence.

But as much as you tout the numbers, I have found probably 3 divisions worth of people who would still be racing here if it weren't for the unfair treatment of certain people because they aren't in the good graces of those who judge. Most of these people are really good people and fast guys who made positive contributions to the league but were forced out due to unfair treatment.

It's fine...these guys prosper elsewhere but you are losing great members.

You can keep hiding behind your sarcasm and redirecting the spin while calling all dissenters "delusional" but the facts are in place.

You do have a great monopoly going right now. I don't see that changing anytime soon because of the sheer size and history of the series. But it will continue to be a rotating door until the "secret inner circle" mentality goes away. Just have a look at how many people join the series every week...still. Then wonder why the league is still shrinking. I know the gamut of reasons...too fast, too slow, too regimented, too strict, not for me, not time etc. But when you weed out all those guys...many are leaving because they felt they were treated poorly or unfairly. And you dismiss it like it's nothing.

We are still hundreds of divisions strong...no one else is that big...

Well there you go. Exactly how you were expected to respond.

Anyways...I'm off to see the wizard...I need a heart, brains, courage and all that jazz. Enjoy.

I'll reevaluate your league when GT7 drops and see if anything has changed. As I'm sure MANY of those who left might do. And we're talking a lot of people. You guys could see 10+ divisions easily if you can make it inviting again to those left because they felt slighted.
I suppose it's just semantics getting in the way. My understanding was that Prize B was simply the first choice and the Prize C winner just picked up what was left. Anyway, I'll move on now. :)
It's ok Z. I know you have to fight the good fight and defend the league. This is in fact a well oiled machine. There is no other league that is as organized and regimented as this one...which is why the numbers are still up. If someone wants to race somewhere with other people then this is really the only fully operational death star still in existence.

But as much as you tout the numbers, I have found probably 3 divisions worth of people who would still be racing here if it weren't for the unfair treatment of certain people because they aren't in the good graces of those who judge. Most of these people are really good people and fast guys who made positive contributions to the league but were forced out due to unfair treatment.

It's fine...these guys prosper elsewhere but you are losing great members.

You can keep hiding behind your sarcasm and redirecting the spin while calling all dissenters "delusional" but the facts are in place.

You do have a great monopoly going right now. I don't see that changing anytime soon because of the sheer size and history of the series. But it will continue to be a rotating door until the "secret inner circle" mentality goes away. Just have a look at how many people join the series every week...still. Then wonder why the league is still shrinking. I know the gamut of reasons...too fast, too slow, too regimented, too strict, not for me, not time etc. But when you weed out all those guys...many are leaving because they felt they were treated poorly or unfairly. And you dismiss it like it's nothing.

We are still hundreds of divisions strong...no one else is that big...

Well there you go. Exactly how you were expected to respond.

Anyways...I'm off to see the wizard...I need a heart, brains, courage and all that jazz. Enjoy.

I'll reevaluate your league when GT7 drops and see if anything has changed. As I'm sure MANY of those who left might do. And we're talking a lot of people. You guys could see 10+ divisions easily if you can make it inviting again to those left because they felt slighted.

To me you sound like a dog walker without a poop scoop. You made your point, your dog poop is on the lawn - now please leave.
I suppose it's just semantics getting in the way. My understanding was that Prize B was simply the first choice and the Prize C winner just picked up what was left. Anyway, I'll move on now. :)

Yep, that's option I. Option II is that Prize B can pass the freeze. In that case the B winner actually makes the final prize decision and it may seem the "#2 guy" is the one left with the scraps, even though he had made that decision via his earnings.

I don't look at it as though the B-winner is choosing to be the C-winner as @JLBowler kinda made it seem above. The prize winners' choice to decide to freeze or decide to pick IS his earnings. That's what makes B more valuable than C, there is always two decisions to be made, rather than one. Price C always gets to make just a single decision.
Think of it as fertilizer.
sounds to me that instead of doing as asked by 05. You are continuing to try and start ****!

Yes bowler is an ass but to leave because of him would be counter productive to the enjoyment with in the league.

It's about the racing and trying to do the best you can with in the rules. There are people who have come to the league driven like clowns then blamed the rules for their bad driving. Then their are people who have come to the league and learned from the experience (ME!).

So you don't like someones style fine. Don't deal with them! but to blame the league for your unwillingness to par take in our enjoyment that's on you. Now go away!
Allright guys. That's enough.

I can be an a**. I'm aware of that. I'm the guy that you get to deal with when you run afoul of the rules so most of the time, people are not dealing with me during the best of situations. I get to enforce rules that the other party doesn't agree with or can't seem to follow. It's not the best situation in the world and it's not one that can be handled by giving in to individuals.

Drivers came and went before I had any kind of responsibility in SNAIL and they will come and go after I'm gone. We have had drivers join, get placed in a division, never race a single night and never be heard from again. Every driver that has ever left has their own reason for doing so.
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I notice this happens to me in D1. I submit a vote, and in the summary it says ONESPACE did not submit a vote. And this week I know I voted for combo 2. But it says I voted for combo 1. I don't really care, but I don't like that supra. Just pointing it out, no hard feelings at all about it. It's not the first time my vote was wrong. I'm sure just an error.[/QUOTE]