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  • Thread starter zer05ive
The group 4 race seems to be the best for balance. I have won in the 4c, cayman and nsx now and can run very similar times in most cars. I think mid engine cars have an edge slightly but have seen vipers and vettes win too. I wouldn't recommend the group 3 race if you value your safety rating.
Yeah, that Gr.3 race was crazy for sure. Lapping people always brought up problems because nobody yields. I saw that they already changed the N300 race to a one make Civic Type R race. IMO if the BOP system worked properly it would be nice to see a diverse field, but in the meantime I think that this is the best way to go forward for now. Heck, if anything it feels a little SNAIL like with the One Make Racing.
It was great to see another SNAIL in a sport lobby. I wasn't nearly as worried about getting rammed off the track and me getting penalized for it :lol: You did a great job to come back for 2nd after going off at Suzuka east btw. :cheers:

Also, to anyone running Sport races.

- N300 - The detuned N400 BMW M4 is severely OP, take that if you want to have any sort of chance to win.
- Oval race - The R35 GT-R Schultz(sp?) is the OP car of the group.

I saw that last night... absolutely no BIAS in the game.... right!
The group 4 race seems to be the best for balance. I have won in the 4c, cayman and nsx now and can run very similar times in most cars. I think mid engine cars have an edge slightly but have seen vipers and vettes win too. I wouldn't recommend the group 3 race if you value your safety rating.
Are u having to tune cars aggressive to be competitive and how’s the controller working.
I’ve got to say, I’m really enjoying the daily races so far and it seems like great practice for SNAIL since everyone is on a fairly even playing field. I haven’t been able to do too many but so far I haven’t finished outside the top ten. Had a 3rd place finish, a 5th, and two 8th. Think I might’ve had a 6th place finish in there too. Still need to get that first win though :D
Are u having to tune cars aggressive to be competitive and how’s the controller working.

I haven't touched the tuning yet. Pretty sure all of the sport races lock out tuning. I was getting murdered in the demo but now that the game has released I am about as fast comparatively as I was in gt6. I am convinced they adjusted the ds4 settings a bit because it feels great now whereas in the demo I was struggling.
I haven't touched the tuning yet. Pretty sure all of the sport races lock out tuning. I was getting murdered in the demo but now that the game has released I am about as fast comparatively as I was in gt6. I am convinced they adjusted the ds4 settings a bit because it feels great now whereas in the demo I was struggling.
Can u send me what your controller settings are, I’m planning on getting GTS, this evening hoping tuning prohibited gets added for community online racing soon.
I feel compelled to say, after seeing things like the drivehub,

the possibilities touted in the livery editor,

with the capability to get rid of all those annoying stickers and make a car truly my own, and Mr. KazYam himself stating

KY: Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added. Whether it be the campaign mode, or the offline gameplay, or the open lobbies, everthing has been raised in quality and there is more of it, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing has been dropped.
my resolve began to, if not crumble, at least have taken a couple body blows. Last week I was actively looking for deals on a PS4 and determining if a new TV might be required to experience the game to its fullest.

However. After seeing that Mr. KazYam did not hold up to his marketing claims, up there in that quote in bold, and seeing others discover the release did not include in game functionality to manage the club community, perhaps the PS4/PSN community features have functionality to manage this aspect of SNAIL but since I don't have the PS4 this is only conjecture, there is also no current functionality to limit all tuning. Perhaps SNAIL management should contact the GTP WRS admins and see if they would be willing to share the way they check submitted replays for car and track settings and if it can be adapted to monitor and report on multiple cars in one replay. Lacking as well at game release in the livery editor is the ability to import custom graphics. This is GT6 all over again. If nothing has been dropped, where is the Track creator/Track Path Editor? If only things have been added, where's all the tracks the previous games have featured. Cars? Pretty sure @Handlebar prophesied just such a model some time ago.

A new direction for the marquee is it? I'm befuddled to determine what that direction might be Mr. KazYam. I'm concerned the direction you and your cohorts in the FIA are taking the game will only serve to make Gran Turismo a legitimately gross money grab. I'll illustrate. If I fall for this current half baked scheme and wish to play Gran Turismo Sport in all its 4k/HDR glory, I'll first have to spend $400 for the console, another $300+ for a compatible wheel that's close to comparable to what I had with GTs 5 & 6, another $300+- for a 42" 4k/HDR TV and, since my receiver is a few years old and I doubt its compatibility for 4k/HDR I'll probably need another $400+ for that. So, roundabouts $1500.00 and I'll get less, of everything, than both the previous 2 games. That's even without the most trivial costs of the game itself and the PS+ subscription to support playing it. Was that the "only have been added" part you meant? While I've no evidence yet to support it, I suspect there will be costs involved with allowing you to make good on that above promise with certain car and track DLC packs. While I applaud your decision to offer what little DLC there was to have in GT6 for free, those freebies do not entice me to put down anything further on your products. Current reports I'm seeing don't encourage me at all that I might enjoy the game to previous levels and the fact that more than a few of the Nothings that weren't dropped have been feels like, at worst, a punch to the crotch of SNAIL and other similar organizations and, at best, a thumb to the nose at those same organizations.

I seem unable to find any hard data for the first 2 days the game has been on sale, perhaps no one will publish anything until after the weekend, so maybe this half baked scheme will turn out not to be so half baked if the market bears it up. I kind of hope not after the half-assed batch of functions was revealed.

My resolve has been forged anew. It will take something significant to break or melt it now.

While I hope, for SNAIL's sake, Polyphony Digital will quickly patch in those features that weren't going to be dropped, I have little faith in the level of honor displayed and even less confidence in the integrity of the entire Gran Turismo team to deliver on the promises of their leader.
I don't mean to instigate a revolt against the brand and certainly not against SNAIL BoD decisions, but this league requires reasonably controllable spec car lobbies to even come close to embracing its own vision. Gran Turismo Sport needs a spec tune patch. Period. Otherwise, a migration may be imminent. That would be unfortunate and honestly not the better avenue for this league. Just my 2 cents.
Ummm... I had no idea about the 25% Buttkicker discount. That's like, over forty beans in savings. Well, that's all it took for me. Should receive my Buttkicker Gamer 2 in a few days. Whoo Hooo!!! Thanks for the heads up @zer05ive . 👍

Ughh... Having to redo these tedious license tests... Blahhh :crazy: . At least we get paid for them again.
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Joined a SNAIL Room tonight - ran 1 race, and all seemed well.

Then they changed to a Corvette that was not available at the Dealership (Brand) - so went back to room to watch the race.
GTS locked up as soon as the race started.
Had to leave the game - so, just turned it off for the evening.

Back to Grinding thru the Challenge Sessions tomorrow.
I am hoping to try some online lobby racing this weekend.

The 'quick race' options are examples of abysmal sportsmanship, lots of non-SA ghosting, and... ultimately disheartening. However, if the is an addition of spec racing and closed lobbies, I may consider this a "maybe."

Not going to fool me again : Katz /PD has a huge history wildly over-promising and greatly or very late under delivering.
I posted the following on the GTSport thread:

"Mr Kaz said that nothing would be taken away, only added in GTS.

GT6 had Clubs & Leagues available which provided for a Spec Racing association of over 100 drivers. We have not found a means of restricting any modifications to the cars entered in our events. BoP does not prevent Tuning.

We are hoping that our League will be able to continue in GTS."
Has anyone noticed if GTSport has credit multipliers? Kinda like how you could max out your days signed in with GT6, and get a 200% bonus. I'd hate to do a bunch of these license tests and missions knowing they'll pay more if I sign in for multiple days. :confused:

Separate question:

Are we only able to do Career/Campaign mode when the servers are online? I just had a license test not save because the servers went into Maintenance Mode, while I was doing the test.

This is kind of a bummer. I've never seen a game that relies on a server connection to play the career mode. Basically this would mean you can't earn any credits or trophies if there is no connectivity to PD's servers. Am I seeing this wrong?
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I don't mean to instigate a revolt against the brand and certainly not against SNAIL BoD decisions, but this league requires reasonably controllable spec car lobbies to even come close to embracing its own vision. Gran Turismo Sport needs a spec tune patch. Period. Otherwise, a migration may be imminent. That would be unfortunate and honestly not the better avenue for this league. Just my 2 cents.

I don't think you're going to start a revolt by any means. GTS is not ideal without a tuning prohibited option. The other issues are minor and we can easily overcome them to keep doing what we are doing. The alternative, I'll say it's name in PCars2, has it's own issues. I'm still seeing reports of cars not getting enough fuel to finish the race with default setups are selected. That may be a non-starter type of issue if we couldn't even finish a race. I've also seen reports of the room crashing when the track is changed or the car is changed. These are also game-breaking issues. To be completely honest, SNAIL has never been able to fully enforce tuning prohibited as brake balance and differential split were able to be adjusted throughout GT5 and GT6. During the life of GT5, some of us were relatively certain that at least one driver, and maybe more, were using hacked cars with completely different power and weight settings than the car that was selected.

I don't want to sugar-coat anything. There are going to be issues and there are going to be changes. The goal is to handle this migration and move forward with the issues and changes that have the least impact on the nightly activities. With enough divisions and drivers placed based on their performance week to week, I really think it's possible to allow tuning in Sunday night SNAIL and still have very close, competitive racing across all divisions. If a guy that may be in D3 in a spec series is a good tuner, then his performance would move him up to D2 or maybe even D1 where he would be racing against guys with more talent but maybe not as good a setup. The options that GTS allows are not going to be the type of options that drastically change brake points or straight line speed. It would not be like driving completely different cars. Additionally, I have every confidence in our community that setup tips, even full setups, would be shared. I would like to think that our membership would be very willing to help out the other drivers in the interest of making everyone better and more competitive.

The BoD has some tough decision to make and those conversations are ongoing. By my count, there are currently no fewer than 9 separate issues that are being addressed. I don't want to turn the thread into an argument but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm sure they would be taken under advisement by the BoD and would be appreciated as long as everyone can stay civil about it.
Has anyone noticed if GTSport has credit multipliers? Kinda like how you could max out your days signed in with GT6, and get a 200% bonus. I'd hate to do a bunch of these license tests and missions knowing they'll pay more if I sign in for multiple days. :confused:

Separate question:

Are we only able to do Career/Campaign mode when the servers are online? I just had a license test not save because the servers went into Maintenance Mode, while I was doing the test.

This is kind of a bummer. I've never seen a game that relies on a server connection to play the career mode. Basically this would mean you can't earn any credits or trophies if there is no connectivity to PD's servers. Am I seeing this wrong?

Don't know about multipliers. The 'off-line' mode of the game requires a server connection and is utter 🤬 IMO. Had the game crash last night when the servers went off line while playing campaign mode, tick'd me off a bit.
Servers went off again a few minutes ago. It showed my gold balls on the screen and I got my prize cars, but it could not upload the results to the server. I just hope it keeps it on the local drive and uploads it when I start the game again. That last Rally challenge is not easy....
The new N300 race is better for me than I thought it'd be... top 10 on leaderboard and when I just did a race, 2nd's quali time was a full second slower than mine.. and my race pace was faster than his PB... I guess I like the Civic type R now? Although I can't imagine the real car drives quite like this.

Also I noticed in the settings for the daily race you can see where it has "Settings: Fixed", meaning no tuning. I hope we get that in lobbies, maybe you can do it only through BoP?...
If everyone had stable internet and with how easy it is to stream (you press two buttons and you're live) we could have everyone broadcast on Sunday. Before the race begins you would go to the tuning page and show that your setup is bone stock and then proceed to the race. It could be a new division duty, have someone check and verify after the races that everyone that competed is clean. I could see it being a 10 minute job. The problem is you need a stable internet connection to broadcast, and not everyone is quite there yet. But talk about exposure...thatd be a lot of streams going up on YouTube weekly. With the right tags and keywords it would also be a good recruitment tool. Not sure how practical that is, but its just a thought incase they dont roll out a patch for us.

Even that BOB @Mike Lobban figured out how to stream. If he can do it you can too
I don't think you're going to start a revolt by any means. GTS is not ideal without a tuning prohibited option. The other issues are minor and we can easily overcome them to keep doing what we are doing. The alternative, I'll say it's name in PCars2, has it's own issues. I'm still seeing reports of cars not getting enough fuel to finish the race with default setups are selected. That may be a non-starter type of issue if we couldn't even finish a race. I've also seen reports of the room crashing when the track is changed or the car is changed. These are also game-breaking issues. To be completely honest, SNAIL has never been able to fully enforce tuning prohibited as brake balance and differential split were able to be adjusted throughout GT5 and GT6. During the life of GT5, some of us were relatively certain that at least one driver, and maybe more, were using hacked cars with completely different power and weight settings than the car that was selected.

I don't want to sugar-coat anything. There are going to be issues and there are going to be changes. The goal is to handle this migration and move forward with the issues and changes that have the least impact on the nightly activities. With enough divisions and drivers placed based on their performance week to week, I really think it's possible to allow tuning in Sunday night SNAIL and still have very close, competitive racing across all divisions. If a guy that may be in D3 in a spec series is a good tuner, then his performance would move him up to D2 or maybe even D1 where he would be racing against guys with more talent but maybe not as good a setup. The options that GTS allows are not going to be the type of options that drastically change brake points or straight line speed. It would not be like driving completely different cars. Additionally, I have every confidence in our community that setup tips, even full setups, would be shared. I would like to think that our membership would be very willing to help out the other drivers in the interest of making everyone better and more competitive.

The BoD has some tough decision to make and those conversations are ongoing. By my count, there are currently no fewer than 9 separate issues that are being addressed. I don't want to turn the thread into an argument but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm sure they would be taken under advisement by the BoD and would be appreciated as long as everyone can stay civil about it.
@JLBowler , this was a very refreshing response. What's the number one rule in making a business survive? Adaptability.

This league can absolutely adapt to tuning. Having everyone drive the same car will already force the competition to be tighter. And lots of members could result in the best tuners in the highest divisions. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so.

I'm not interested in having a tuning competition. But I'm confident, with enough members, we'll still have somebody close to us in performance to race with. Especially with the SNAIL brotherhood sharing tunes like we've seen in the Project Cars leagues.

I'm glad to hear that a NO TUNING option will not be a deal breaker for the survival of SNAIL. We shall adapt.
Has anyone noticed if GTSport has credit multipliers? Kinda like how you could max out your days signed in with GT6, and get a 200% bonus. I'd hate to do a bunch of these license tests and missions knowing they'll pay more if I sign in for multiple days. :confused:

Separate question:

Are we only able to do Career/Campaign mode when the servers are online? I just had a license test not save because the servers went into Maintenance Mode, while I was doing the test.

This is kind of a bummer. I've never seen a game that relies on a server connection to play the career mode. Basically this would mean you can't earn any credits or trophies if there is no connectivity to PD's servers. Am I seeing this wrong?
Game progress is saved to PD's cloud. I think there is very little you can do without being connected. The idea is that this way, no one can hack cars, or the game. PD never really accepted the modder crowd, but didn't have a ton of options to stop it on the PS3.
Game progress is saved to PD's cloud. I think there is very little you can do without being connected. The idea is that this way, no one can hack cars, or the game. PD never really accepted the modder crowd, but didn't have a ton of options to stop it on the PS3.

It hasn't certainly been suggested that the FIA affiliation has led to some user inconveniences. It will sell copies though..
Thanks for your interest in our league.

You will be added to a GT Planet conversation titled "Joining SNAIL for GTSport" shortly. Please keep an eye on this conversation as it will serve to inform you of upcoming requirements to join the league. 👍
Thank you

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