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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Well how many push-ups and pull-ups can you do;)

I'm not horribly out of shape. I hit the heavy bag 20 minutes, 3 days a week, do some light lifting etc. I have an anxiety disorder though, and the pain is right around the heart area, so it's messing with my concentration a bit. :ill:
It's not quite that easy Dabneyd. The original playseat has the pedal base between the seat and the vertical arm that supports the steering wheel. There is a vertical arm at the edge of the pedal base and there is the bar on the floor at the other end of the pedal base.

This doesn't allow the pedals to sit on the base. They either have to rest on one bar or the other and that makes it very unstable. I could run without the shifter but I can't use it with the pedals flopping side to side.

You could always try putting a block under the pedals and place under the grips, etc. A piece of 1x12 lumber cut to the length of the foot pedal mount should provide the separation for the G25 pedals to fit.
I'm sure it's from increased FF. When I started using the wheel I would get neck pain(muscle soreness). I stopped using it so much for a while and it went away. I would say turn FF down for a while and don't play so much.
OCD updated to "concept car week"

Mazda6, Atenza, RX-8(both I & II), HCD6, Clix, GSX-R/4, NSX-R, Dualnote, GTR, Nardo, and the '00 and '01 Supras.
I'm sure it's from increased FF. When I started using the wheel I would get neck pain(muscle soreness). I stopped using it so much for a while and it went away. I would say turn FF down for a while and don't play so much.

My traps got pretty sore when ibfirst got my g27, and I do work out. Well. Did. That's something else that's taken a hit since the days have started running short on hours.
You guys should try one of these:

The Wheelstandpro is an excellent stand. I had one for about 4 months until I purchased one of these:

OCD updated to "concept car week"

Mazda6, Atenza, RX-8(both I & II), HCD6, Clix, GSX-R/4, NSX-R, Dualnote, GTR, Nardo, and the '00 and '01 Supras.

I recently got the Nardo as a prize and it is scary fassst! :scared: Tail happy but still fun to drive if you don't try to accelerate to quickly coming out of the apex.
I just found my new favorite color in the OCD; Camellia Red from the RX-8 CONCEPT 1 '01. If anyone has this color and could hook me up it would be much appreciated.

TEZZGM99 I will be changing my official color to Camellia Red. Rims same, number same, thanks.

edit: just found out a cool trick to get paint from OCD for free! Buy the car on alt. account. Send paint, back out load backup and continue till you sent 5!
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I'm changing my car colour as well thanks to the Lancer, Issel Blue Pearl, wheels same.

Well, nuts! I did the same to mine last night. Hope we're not in the same division. :/
BTW, has anyone ever used one of these?

Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless Gt F430 Scuderia Edition Cockpit


I like the idea of being wireless and collapsible for out of sight storage as I race in the family living room.

For that price you could get a g27(they r on sale now, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001NT9TK4/?tag=gtplanet-20). I would go with a g27 personally.

EDIT: I also have very limited space right now, so i just built a lil table for my G27. Works good for now & fits in the closet:tup:.
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BTW, has anyone ever used one of these?

Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless Gt F430 Scuderia Edition Cockpit


I like the idea of being wireless and collapsible for out of sight storage as I race in the family living room.

That thing looks pretty sweet, but no Force Feedback. :/

I use my G27 on a small, rolling laptop stand. The bottom of it wedges up under my couch perfectly.
For that price you could get a g27(they r on sale now, http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-941-000045-G27-Racing-Wheel/dp/B001NT9TK4). I would go with a g27 personally.

:drool: Probably the only thing I don't really like about the dfgt is the lack of brake pedal resistance. Will wait until GT6 comes out and see what the wheel manufacturers offer up then, but I'm wishing I'd had the forethought to ask Santa for the G27. From the reviews it appears to be a much better tool.
For that price you could get a g27(they r on sale now, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001NT9TK4/?tag=gtplanet-20). I would go with a g27 personally.

EDIT: I also have very limited space right now, so i just built a lil table for my G27. Works good for now & fits in the closet:tup:.

I may just jump an upgrade into the G27, this is a really good price; heck with convenience; the rolling laptop table idea seems like an excellent idea. Thanks for the tips.👍

BTW. When is GT 6 expected to be released?
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Here's a link to an earlier post with my set up.

I really like the Fanatec CSR-E and the GT2 is nice as well. I've not used a G27 but had a DFGT for a long time, hated the pedals.
Same setup here, except I've got my DFGT clamped onto a saw-horse.

Damn...sawhorse would be alot more stable. During heated sessions sometimes my pedals end up sliding out from under my feet or the table moves about 30 degrees askew. Always entertaining ;)

With two kids (7 and 3 yr old) running around and no clear "man cave" area...I just use the second TV (46" Plasma) in a room off of the kitchen. When the kids go to bed at night I drag the sewing table/wheel out, throw the pedals on the floor, drag the chair over, hook up the cables and go. I've got it down to 5 mins setup time ;)
BTW. When is GT 6 expected to be released?

Noone really knows. There are a bunch of threads in the GT6 forum with not much but hopeful guesswork going on. My own hopes are for a PS3 release so I don't have to split my wallet in two for the gear to play. Wait and see I reckon.
Noone really knows. There are a bunch of threads in the GT6 forum with not much but hopeful guesswork going on. My own hopes are for a PS3 release so I don't have to split my wallet in two for the gear to play. Wait and see I reckon.

Yeah I hope it's a PS3 release too. Otherwise, we'll be waiting years for GT6. :crazy:

(kinda like we did for GT5 I guess) :lol:
Yeah I hope it's a PS3 release too. Otherwise, we'll be waiting years for GT6. :crazy:

(kinda like we did for GT5 I guess) :lol:

My gut says it'll be released inside of 12 months. If me bowels ain't leadin' me astray, that should be on the current platform. From what little I've read Sony isn't doing as well as they'd like financially, so a new title from PD may help their current bottom line. But, I'm no corporate strategist so what do I know.

It's 100% official - we will be having official races this Sunday night using the new lineup.

The findings from our poll and PM's indicate that the vast majority of us will be able to race this Sunday night, and the number of absences we anticipate are not any higher than any other given Sunday.

Therefore, there will be five official league nights for the September season. Just like we did in August, every driver will be given a "mulligan" week in the event that they miss a league night, have network issues, or just have a bad night on the track. Simply put, only the top four scores for each driver will count towards their September Championship points tally.

Once again, the champion of each division will win one of these:

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I wanna join!

Hey stonej420,

So sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Totally missed your post, my apologies.

Glad there's another Canuck joining the S.N.A.I.L. ranks 👍

We run a clean league by enforcing the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and we expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both.

Follow These Steps:
1. I add you to the drivers list as a New S.N.A.I.L.
2. You run the Time Trial.
3. You Private Message my GTPlanet account with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
4. I assign you to the appropriate Division, to give you the best racing possible.
5. A PSN friend request will be sent from the appropriate SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That is where you race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday :)

The original post has a lot of information regarding the league, commit it to memory ;)

The second post has the current race lineup and is updated weekly.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread. To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events feel free to jump in and partake!

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)
Forgot to post this yesterday but here it is:


Here's the relevant information from the thread. I will post another reminder on Friday around noon.

The Procedure:
  • Drivers must take time before the racing to test each car they plan to run, in an online lobby, to get an approximation of their lap time. Drivers should write these down as I will not be able to keep track of more than one time per person. Ensure the room you test in matches the regulations below, as a difference in tire wear or grip reduction could make a big difference.
  • Once you join the room, wait for my instructions. I am experimenting with different ways to run the room, including requiring cars to get in order during free run so cars start in the correct grid spots, and having different portions of the night disallow certain cars. For example, at some point I may say "only cars above 400PP now." Anything required of drivers will be spelled out before the race, to allow for preparation.
  • Once you know the instructions, get in one of your cars and tell me your estimate of your lap time. I will use everyone's time to calculate a delay for each person, which is the amount of time they need to wait before starting to drive.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not drive around the track in free run mode, before the race. Instead, leave the pits in your car and wait for the delays. I will give the delays in order of slowest to fastest car, so you should arrange yourselves on the track in that order so the cars will be in the correct grid spots when the race starts. Once you are in the right spot, do not drive around the track.
  • When the race begins, start when the race clock matches your given delay. Keep your foot on the brake while waiting, as you may tend to roll if you do not.
  • Any time you want to switch cars, you may, but be sure to give me your time when you do so, and that it is within whatever PP limits I may have specified. I may give suggestions about switching to avoid two drivers having cars with very similar times, but I will always try to give you a chance to drive the cars you want eventually.
  • Also keep in mind that if your switch changes the lap time of the slowest car on the grid, everyone's time will have to be recalculated. It's not so much the calculation that takes time, but giving everyone that information. So bear that in mind. This is part of the reason we usually run the same race two or three times before switching cars.
Regulations and Settings:
The default regulations are as follows (based loosely on S.N.A.I.L. regulations):
Start Type:
Grid Start
Grid Order: Slowest First
Boost: Off
Penalty: Weak
Visible Damage: Off
Mechanical Damage: Light
Slipstream Strength: Weak
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption
: Off
Grip Reduction: Real

Tires are determined by the car's PP:

Production/Street Cars
below 450 PP -> Sports Hards
450-499 PP ---> Sports Mediums
500 PP & up --> Sports Softs

Race/Tuner Cars
below 600 PP -> Racing Hards
600 PP & up --> Racing Mediums

These are just recommendations, and you may use other tires if you prefer. I suggest either the S.N.A.I.L. tires, or stock tires, depending on your preference. However, I feel the aim of this series is to compare real life cars, and get to know cars you haven't driven. Neither can really be accomplished if you tune all your cars beyond recognition. You are free to tune if you wish, if there's a car that's special and you really enjoy driving it, but nothing confuses me more than slapping RS tires and a turbo on any random car, especially when having a higher performance car won't give you a better chance of winning!

Vehicle Tuning: Allowed (But not recommended)
Driving Aids: Only ABS allowed

The next set of races will be Friday, August 31st, at 10PM EDT.

Theme: Japanese Classics (same as last week) - As far as I can remember, which apparently isn't far, we haven't had a theme specifically dedicated to Japanese cars yet. But in many races so far, I've seen numerous drivers driving Japanese cars where eligible, most of them relatively modern. So to force them to drive something different, this week's theme will be classic Japanese cars. This is what Gran Turismo games are all about, it seems, and there's no shortage of cars to choose from.

If someone wants to be cheeky and use the Toyota 7, I can't stop them, but don't plan on using it the whole night. :D

You'll see me in a Toyota Sports 800 for sure, and possibly some historic rally cars. I'm allowing cars up to 1985 because they're classic enough, and we need some faster cars to kick the butts of the slower ones.
Track: Suzuka Circuit
Car Restriction: Country of Origin: Japan; Year: 1985 or earlier

Most importantly, please give the racing your full attention and try to keep things going as quickly as possible. Races can be set up very quickly if everyone is paying attention, but it can take forever if one person is dilly-dallying. We want to race as much as possible and we can't if there are people unprepared. In the same vein, if you show up and have not taken times for your cars, you will be asked to go to another room to get times before returning and racing. If I let one person get times in the lounge I'll have to let everyone, and we'll be back to running two or three races a night. Not good.

Finally, this is a fun, whimsical event that isn't meant to be entirely competitive. However, it is not dirty. I expect everyone to follow the OLR rules during the races. Concentration is especially important in these short races as one mistake can cost you or someone else everything. Instead of concentrating on speed, please focus on consistency and avoiding mistakes. I assure you that will make the whole night much more fun.
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