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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Just a heads up that the Skylines powerband is 4,500 to 6,800 but redline is about 8,200.

Still a strange car to drive and I have no pace here. I guess I need to figure it out. Turns out I'm done work at 730 this Sunday. It's next week that I work late and can't race.

Received the T3PA Pro pedals today. Have them installed with a little more rake. Also using the GT edition pedal face plates on the Pros. The BBJ yellow conical brake mod was shipped on Monday. Going to paint the rig on Monday. Really pleased with how well everything is coming together.
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Just a heads up that the Skylines powerband is 4,500 to 6,800 but redline is about 8,200.

Still a strange car to drive and I have no pace here. I guess I need to figure it out. Turns out I'm done work at 730 this Sunday. It's next week that I work late and can't race.

Received the T3PA Pro pedals today. Have them installed with a little more rake. Also using the GT edition pedal face plates on the Pros. The BBJ yellow conical brake mod was shipped on Monday. Going to paint the rig on Monday. Really pleased with how well everything is coming together.
I'm jealous of the Merc seat. That was a heck of a find. I got a nice, like new leather and suede seat out of some kind of a Dodge, but it's no Mercedes seat. And we paid the same! Great build.
I appreciate the time involved in track selection, and the pressure it can bring, especially when time is short to choose, I thank winners who are able to do so.

I do feel though, that the Tokyo Expressway doesn’t fit our Snail profile? Whether it’s on GTS or not. Great TT track, but as a competitive location amongst our drivers, I’m not too sure!
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Sunday's Trio is all polished up and ready...

I won't be there this week but I hope that Subaru sticks around. It's basically a GT3 car that's lighter and more powerful. Sounds good to me :)
is this replacing the Audi?


I appreciate the time involved in track selection, and the pressure it can bring, especially when time is short to choose, I thank winners who are able to do so.

I do feel though, that the Tokyo Expressway doesn’t fit our Snail profile? Whether it’s on GTS or not. Great TT track, but as a competitive location amongst our drivers, I’m not too sure!

I had something completely different picked for the track and went against my better judgement for the sake of originality at the last second.

This is the beauty of SNAIL though. If a combo isnt liked or wanted by the masses - it disappears for the following week.

I suggest everyone get in some practice @ Tokyo. It took me probably 30 laps to feel like I knew what I was doing tonight. I didnt have any prior experience on the track though.

It may seem like absolute mayhem (it was in prac tonight) but you may find it surprisingly fun if you can manage clean laps with other people. With so few passing opportunities you have to get creative to pull it off and it being such a high speed car you really have to hit your marks.

Love it or hate it - I picked a track we havent used thus far in Sport. And maybe this is the last time we'll ever see it
Sam is right. It is fun once you get used to it. You definitely have to pull off a near perfect lap each time and none of us are perfect, (except Sam that is) who can pull off multiple fast laps at this track. My fear though is it seems like when we “touch” somebody an IR gets filed. I may just drive around way behind the field to keep an IR from being filed against me.... on a side note about IR I think for this instance it will be important to remember, since this is a tight course and everyone will have slightly different braking points and being nose to tail on “bumper” view we will easily get lost as to which corner or tunnel we are in, so please keep that in mind when wanting to file an IR against one one who accidentally bumped you just because he is confused as to which tunnel they are in due to being nose to tail. I’d be willing to bet that we have a record number of IR’s filed come Monday.
I appreciate the time involved in track selection, and the pressure it can bring, especially when time is short to choose, I thank winners who are able to do so.

I do feel though, that the Tokyo Expressway doesn’t fit our Snail profile? Whether it’s on GTS or not. Great TT track, but as a competitive location amongst our drivers, I’m not too sure!

There is no SNAIL profile other than the list of accepted cars and track list. I would suggest practicing some single player races at that track to get time racing in traffic. This, like all combos, presents it's own set of challenges.

In my opinion a huge part of racing is trying to anticipate what's happening in front of you and practice a bit of patience. You'll have to pick your spots for sure during this combo or risk ramming into someone or bouncing off guardrails.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but due to the guardrails and no runoff areas, I believe that anyone making contact with the guardrail will be under track re entry rules?
I posted the following on a GTS thread discussing the Daily Races:

"Glad that many of you folks enjoy the various events that GTS offers.

I am continually amazed at the concept that we can compete on a track against other drivers who are sitting anywhere in the world. Also, the graphics of GTS on the PS4 are simply amazing. Critics may pick it apart, but to a 75 year old it's really something.

Tried the GTS Daily Races for a while - got fed up with getting penalized when some air-head smashes into me from behind, or foolishly Divebombs a corner. Just like the Open Lobbies in GT-6, which were just another Electronic Demolition Derby.

So, will not run another Daily Race.

The SNAIL Sunday night league, and the WRS, are the only places I have ever found Clean and Competitive racing over the last 5 years on GT. Not perfect, but then all of us are flawed.
Look them up on GT Planet."
There is no SNAIL profile other than the list of accepted cars and track list. I would suggest practicing some single player races at that track to get time racing in traffic. This, like all combos, presents it's own set of challenges.

In my opinion a huge part of racing is trying to anticipate what's happening in front of you and practice a bit of patience. You'll have to pick your spots for sure during this combo or risk ramming into someone or bouncing off guardrails.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but due to the guardrails and no runoff areas, I believe that anyone making contact with the guardrail will be under track re entry rules?
That's a bit steep no?
There is no SNAIL profile other than the list of accepted cars and track list. I would suggest practicing some single player races at that track to get time racing in traffic. This, like all combos, presents it's own set of challenges.

In my opinion a huge part of racing is trying to anticipate what's happening in front of you and practice a bit of patience. You'll have to pick your spots for sure during this combo or risk ramming into someone or bouncing off guardrails.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but due to the guardrails and no runoff areas, I believe that anyone making contact with the guardrail will be under track re entry rules?

You are correct to an extent. I have copied section 13 and 14 from our OLR for reference.

13: Recovering from an incident:

It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident. A relevant incident may include, but is not limited to -
1. Being spun out
2. Facing the wrong way,
3. Perpendicular to the track
4. Going abnormally slow for where you are on the track.
5. Getting penalized for any amount of time by the penalty system
If you are off the track, serving a penalty, or recovering from an incident in which you didn’t leave the track but are significantly slower than the race pace then the rules on "Re-entering to the track after running off" apply.

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

An off track incident includes but is not limited to:
1. Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
2. More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
3. Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic

Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.

Re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what’s coming up the track behind you and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate themselves to your situation.

E: When re-entering the track, you must take all available measures to not affect any other driver on the track. If this means you have to come to a complete stop on the side of the track and wait for the track to be clear, then that is what you must do.

Basically, if you hit the wall and it slows you down, you have to rejoin the racing line when you can do so without having an impact on any other driver. Being that there is no run off room or any room other than the track at Tokyo, if you hit the wall and get slowed down, you had better stay on the wall until you can get back on the racing line without having any effect on anyone. If that means you have to let the whole field go by then so be it.

Another reminder would be that using walls to gain an advantage, i.e. wall riding, is prohibited in SNAIL and is subject to penalty.

One final reminder would be that if you don't know the track well enough or don't have sufficient visibility from the racing view that you choose, you should probably back away from the car in front of you so that you have time to react to what they are going to do.

Good luck and have fun with this one.
I thought it was gonna be tough to learn and became impatient quickly. But, after my first session there I went back and ran 15 more laps and was flying around the track and it was a lot of fun. Ran a few 1.14.3's. I hope I can hit my marks now in traffic.
I thought it was gonna be tough to learn and became impatient quickly. But, after my first session there I went back and ran 15 more laps and was flying around the track and it was a lot of fun. Ran a few 1.14.3's. I hope I can hit my marks now in traffic.

Custom race in Arcade mode. You can run a one make race with this car. Put yourself at the back of the grid, standing start, etc. I used it to learn the track without getting bored.
I posted the following on a GTS thread discussing the Daily Races:

"Glad that many of you folks enjoy the various events that GTS offers.

I am continually amazed at the concept that we can compete on a track against other drivers who are sitting anywhere in the world. Also, the graphics of GTS on the PS4 are simply amazing. Critics may pick it apart, but to a 75 year old it's really something.

Tried the GTS Daily Races for a while - got fed up with getting penalized when some air-head smashes into me from behind, or foolishly Divebombs a corner. Just like the Open Lobbies in GT-6, which were just another Electronic Demolition Derby.

So, will not run another Daily Race.

The SNAIL Sunday night league, and the WRS, are the only places I have ever found Clean and Competitive racing over the last 5 years on GT. Not perfect, but then all of us are flawed.
Look them up on GT Planet."
I feel your pain but discovered once you get to High B+ level DR/S level SR, there's a lot less of the buffoonery.
You definitely have to pull off a near perfect lap each time and none of us are perfect, (except Sam that is)
thanks for the compliment but I am far from perfect :ouch:

I agree that following too closely to the car in front of you may cause problems especially in bumper cam. We just need to exercise caution when running closely and when attempting a pass. The track is split down the middle with lines. Practicing laps in your "lane" may help when an opportunity presents itself for a pass while running side by side. Of course you're going to lose a lot of speed by doing so since you wont be able to use the optimum line allowing others to catch up to you - but we all know the rules for clean overtaking.

Again I apologize for what seems like a lackluster combo. I couldve done a lot better and had I used last night as "testing" I would've gone with my original pick and not feel bad about using a repeat track. I was only able to test it with 1 other SNAIL late Tuesday night and wanted to get it announced asap.

@racingchamp30 will you be hosting practice again? I think we should do the same as last week. 1 lobby and if its full we can split into division rooms
I feel your pain but discovered once you get to High B+ level DR/S level SR, there's a lot less of the buffoonery.

I got up to "B" twice - gave up after getting knocked down the 2nd time. Too much non-entertainment factor for me to continue.
I got up to "B" twice - gave up after getting knocked down the 2nd time. Too much non-entertainment factor for me to continue.
I've been very lucky in my last few races. 4 of us pulled away from the pack in a few consecutive races and it was most enjoyable to race with strangers that show respect and skills. I was able to bump my rating up by over 5,000 points. However I'm very careful on the which races I do. I only do the long races on tracks that I personally like and I only do Gr3 & Gr4 races.
Unexpected company at practice time tonight. Sooo, will not be able to be there.
(Unless they change their travel plans?"
Okay Snails, it's that time again! The Formula 1 season season starts next weekend so we'll be able to use the race to determine our ButtKicker Challenge winner like we traditionally do. By the end of the Australian Grand Prix, one of you will be the future owner of a brand new ButtKicker!

Based on the rules of the contest, here are the finalists for the ButtKicker Challenge V as well as how many picks each finalist has earned:

@Grandpa Money - 7 picks
@socalnatv ----- 7 picks
@JamCar0ne ----- 7 picks
@nmcp1 --------- 6 picks
@MajorBlixem --- 6 pick
@IceWarden ----- 6 picks
@Kgffy --------- 6 picks
@TomMang_68 ---- 6 picks
@Wolfsatz ------ 6 picks
@gulfvet67 ----- 6 picks
@TEX36 --------- 5 picks
@Machinist ----- 4 picks
@Rednose58 ----- 4 picks
@SAMHAIN85 ----- 4 picks
@soundtiger95 -- 4 picks
@Whitey093 ----- 4 picks
@FREEREVN ------ 3 picks
@llNovall ------ 3 picks
@USERID_77a23 -- 3 picks
@Nicktune ------ 3 picks

The number of picks that each finalist earned is based on @msgt-sd's database that shows the number off ButtKicker points they earned. The winning number will be determined by the fastest lap set at the Australian Grand Prix.

As usual, all finalists will be allowed to select numbers from 00 to 99 to determine the winner. Simply put, the very last two digits of the fastest lap during the race will be the winning number and the finalist who picked that same two-digit number will be declared the winner. For example, if the if the fastest lap of the race is 1:26.538, then the finalist who picked 38 would be the winner.

All finalists will be receiving a PM from me tomorrow (March 16th) at about 12pm EST. It will include detailed instructions as well as the terms and conditions for participating in the contest. It'll also include directions to follow if you'd like to donate your picks and forego your chance to win. You will then have until the start of the race to follow the directions and submit your picks. All picks need to be posted here on this thread, but don't anything until you read my PM first.
Good luck to all of you!! :cheers: