◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Heyguys, sorry I've been MIA. My home internet connection is down for some reason after switching it from my old roommate's name to my new one and they're sending someone out on Monday. I've also been having a tough time these last couple weeks trying to break my cars in and everything while planning a trip to europe and dealing with some other stuff. I thnk it's probably best that I put this on hold for now at least until I'm back from europe, and I get the earlier shift at work so I have more time after to do all this stuff! I'll probably still be playing later on in the evenings occasionally once my internet is back up. See you guys around!
What you can do to help minimize connection and lag issues

Prior to joining your SNAIL_DivisionX lounge:

1) Reboot your isp's modem/router.
2) Reboot your PS3.
3) Clear your GT5 in game System Cache.

Step 1 is not usually necessary. I've found when my modem is on for long periods and not rebooted, I can have connection issues. If you've experienced connection issues in the past, it's not going to hurt.

Perfect advice.
Ive just been "repairing" my connection. (Right click your LAN icon in the system tray, click repair) And then clearing the system cache

Anothee topic.
Why are we racing part of a track that isnt programmed in GT5 as part of the track. The motorcycle chicane. Immediately after you go into it the game makes you a ghost. Need I say more?
Really dissapointed that I couldn't finish off the night with most points in D5.
Great battles tonight. I am getting this internet fixed this week and ill be back next Sunday. Great racing from everyone in Division 5 and great organization from handlebars
Racing in Div 2 was EPIC tonight. Tons of great battles, especially with me and dgafaboutany1420. Things may have gotten a bit wild in the final race, but I think we can chalk that up to the beast of a machine that we were driving. Fenders rubbed and gravel flew, but nothing I would consider "dirty". That was what racing is all about!
Won my first race and first night as a SNAIL :). Great racing in D3!

EDIT: Anyone in D3 have any issues whatsoever with my connection?

EDIT#2: Where can I view points per whatever you achieve, and what do points accumulate to? (Bonuses/prizes)
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Won my first race and first night as a SNAIL :). Great racing in D3!

EDIT: Anyone in D3 have any issues whatsoever with my connection?

EDIT#2: Where can I view points per whatever you achieve, and what do points accumulate to? (Bonuses/prizes)

I'll be making a "results post" in about two hours. It will include a link to the Google Doc that we use to tally the points for each division. The preliminary prize winners will also be announced (nothing becomes official until all of the racing complaints are reviewed and all the penalties are applied).
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Even if you are a Preliminary Winner, please hold off on announcing any combo changes until the official results are issued.
I'll be making a "results post" in about two hours. It will include a link to the Google Doc that we use to tally the points for each division. The preliminary prize winners will also be announced (nothing because official until all of the racing complaints are reviewed and all the penalties are applied).

Alrighty:tup: Sounds good.
Dammit, I missed round 1 and 2 (4 races) because I was waiting to see SNAIL_Division3 loging in. I was surprised to see that the room was already open even if SNAIL_Division3 wasn't logged in. So the only races I did was the last 2 with a car I hate... McLaren MP4.

Nevermind, I've had good time racing with good drivers.

See you next week ... on time!

Thanks everyone in D2, was a fun night!

I'd like to have one corner back, I caught turbo's rear quarter panel and then compounded it by not knowing where to be on track to let him back through and caught a bunch of other people by surprise.

My apologies for that D2!
Thanks everyone in D2, was a fun night!

I'd like to have one corner back, I caught turbo's rear quarter panel and then compounded it by not knowing where to be on track to let him back through and caught a bunch of other people by surprise.

My apologies for that D2!

Yeah, that got a bit hairy. I think we can forgive you if you can forgive us for piling into the back of you, lol
Thanks everyone in D2, was a fun night!

I'd like to have one corner back, I caught turbo's rear quarter panel and then compounded it by not knowing where to be on track to let him back through and caught a bunch of other people by surprise.

My apologies for that D2!

Yeah, that got a bit hairy. I think we can forgive you if you can forgive us for piling into the back of you, lol

I'm guilty of that too. I'm glad I didn't hit kcheeb hard enough to mess up his race. I really did like the Monza races, but you need binoculars to see the first chicane from its braking point.
I'm guilty of that too. I'm glad I didn't hit kcheeb hard enough to mess up his race. I really did like the Monza races, but you need binoculars to see the first chicane from its braking point.

Braking for that turn is a hopeful enterprise. I thought I was fast in the McLaren. I was wrong.
If anyone wants in on some shuffle/spec the room number is 1472-4711-0467-9859-7805

May be there in 20 or so. Though I would prefer some more focused practice. Say standard car 500pp mr/rr at fuji:)
May be there in 20 or so. Though I would prefer some more focused practice. Say standard car 500pp mr/rr at fuji:)

Hey joby, i have try so much time the number u give n i cant find ur room of shuffle
Wow what a night in D1. Had some good races and some not so good ones. Having a real rough time with my DFGT. Seems like the brake is never the same twice on it. I over shot my braking a few times tonight because of it. Sorry to anyone I hit under braking, was totally unintentional. I think I need to try some other modifications to the pedals or at least adjust the mod I did. I put a rubber ball behind the pedal which is better than stock. Anyone have any experience with this wheel that might have any suggestions?

BTW great job tonight Owens. Was impressed with your racecraft tonight.
Wow what a night in D1. Had some good races and some not so good ones. Having a real rough time with my DFGT. Seems like the brake is never the same twice on it. I over shot my braking a few times tonight because of it. Sorry to anyone I hit under braking, was totally unintentional. I think I need to try some other modifications to the pedals or at least adjust the mod I did. I put a rubber ball behind the pedal which is better than stock. Anyone have any experience with this wheel that might have any suggestions?

BTW great job tonight Owens. Was impressed with your racecraft tonight.

Some kind of bungee strap or strong rubber bands work best, you know something that doesn't impede the area underneath. In my experience I could never really tolerate anything that interfered with the pedals, it always gave me problems/ inconsistency.
I'm guilty of that too. I'm glad I didn't hit kcheeb hard enough to mess up his race. I really did like the Monza races, but you need binoculars to see the first chicane from its braking point.

I actually quite enjoyed the Monza races as well, even though I struggled with it like most and did not finish well. I feel that I can learn better car control through that monster, if I can teach myself to tame that beast then my confidence in any car that follows it should be much greater because of it. That is not to say I wish to drive that car much longer though haha

Great racing in D2 tonight guys, and 👍 to Oshawa-Joe, I think we both did pretty good for our first night in a new division :cheers: