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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I’m on PS4 controller and I’ll look into your suggestion, much appreciated
Oh duh, didn’t even cross my mind that you might be using a PS4 controller… lol ok then yeah, I understand your frustrations now. Looking forward to seeing you out there racing with a rig!
How so? To me this is one of the most fleshed out GTs to date, and undoubtedly they will add plenty of content in the future just as they have with previous titles. Of course it has its issues, as any game does. I think credits are too hard to come by, jump physics in dirt rally are completely broken, and UI can be a bit jumbled at times. But I’m just curious what you think is required for it to be ready.

I would suggest any Fanatec wheel base over a Thrustmaster. Fanatec has belt driven wheel bases just like the T300 that perform better, and you would still be under $1k with everything combined. I use the CSL Elite Wheel Base with the load-cell kit, and a GT-Omega stand. Then I just use a chair I bought at Office Depot, total under $1k.

Not sure what to tell ya for firmware updates, other then ask someone you know to borrow their laptop. I don’t know where you are but I’m sure if any one of us happens to be near you, we would be more than happy to help you out.

I don’t have nearly as much experience with using a controller in GT as you do, but is it really that bad? I drove a race with my controller to test out the new feedback and haptics and I loved it. I think they did a great job at communicating changing conditions through the controller.
The online lobby settings is what I was specifically referring to. Track change...er...lack thereof. Or any change. Unless I am really missing something. Among a few other things.
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Got golds in the stupid music rally. The Cobra one was pretty hard.
Stupid Cobra was pissing me off.. but finally Gold it. Who the heck is How_Co... are you driving by the the Snail boundaries. or mulching that tall grass around? hmm hmm hmm

No more cutting that final chicane unless you want to be a TV Star. The angle of that chicane is now more pronounced than GT6.
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My take on GT7 after playing it for the first time for a few hours tonight (and just long enough to unlock online)

The good:

  • The graphics look gorgeous and I only have the PS4 Pro.
  • The physics are definitely different, you have to be much more gentle exiting turns with throttle inputs. You'll find out real quick in some of the License tests.
  • Bringing back some of the old courses, the oil changes, car washes, aftermarket parts. All great stuff which made the previous games so great.
  • The new weather radar while I didnt actually get to test out, seems like a pretty cool idea especially for endurance racing. And it allows you to zoom in and out for a wider view while its up on the HUD.
  • Some of the FIA World Tour drivers are actually in the game as instructors and AI - pretty damn cool if you ask me.
  • Smoke for days. Tire smoke was turned up about 10 notches, and youll now find theres smoke coming from under the hood after a hard enough impact. Your hood will also look crinkled.
  • Finally we have a proper cockpit view for spectating/watching replays. The motions of the driver arent super fluid but its still a very good feature.
  • Weather! And allowing for multiple slots

The bad: Ugh where do I begin.

  • My initial thought right out of the box was this is just Sport 2.0 right out of the box. Why am I hearing the same songs that were used in Sport? Why are some of the menu sounds the same? Why is the HUD IDENTICAL to Sport? I thought this was supposed to be a new game?
  • Radar. They actually made the "targets" in radar appear much smaller than Sport, with no way of zooming in or out. Why they allow you to zoom in/out for something as trivial as the Weather Radar (for us at least),and not give the option to zoom in on something as important as cars within close proximity? Isnt that what its there for? To help navigate close quarters racing?

  • If you're in cockpit view the car seems to bounce around and shake very unrealistically, at least to me.
  • Just as I feared, ghosting is still alive and well in GT7 (RIP C&M). Theres literally an option when you host (and yes they recycled the SAME Sport lobby settings/screen) called "Ghosting During Race". If you select "None", you'd think there'd be no ghosting whatsoever. Nope, that'd make too much sense.

The Ugly:

  • No credits rewarded for completing an online race. Its already been talked about here already how much harder it is to grind credits. Well it seems like its going to be that much harder. But hey if you want to shell out $x of your own hard earned cash, why not just buy credits!
  • You can't make any adjustments to the Lobby Settings after you host a room. Want to change the track? Nope. Want to change the time of day? Nope.
  • There is no 'members list'. Want to see what hp/weight everyone is at? Good luck, no option.
  • No race results page.
  • The only way to enforce "tuning prohibited" is by enabling BOP.
Yes, most of these things directly above will almost surely be patched (hopefully?). And if memory serves me right, I think we ran into the same issue when Sport was launched with the no tuning/BOP. But to release a game missing so many basic features? The hell have you guys been doing PD?

I really want this game to be successful, as a player and for SNAIL as a whole. But in its current form I just cant back the idea of it being the best GT to date which I've heard from multiple reviewers. Time will tell
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My take on GT7 after playing it for the first time for a few hours tonight (and just long enough to unlock online)

The good:

  • The graphics look gorgeous and I only have the PS4 Pro.
  • The physics are definitely different, you have to be much more gentle exiting turns with throttle inputs. You'll find out real quick in some of the License tests.
  • Bringing back some of the old courses, the oil changes, car washes, aftermarket parts. All great stuff which made the previous games so great.
  • The new weather radar while I didnt actually get to test out, seems like a pretty cool idea especially for endurance racing. And it allows you to zoom in and out for a wider view while its up on the HUD.
  • Some of the FIA World Tour drivers are actually in the game as instructors and AI - pretty damn cool if you ask me.
  • Smoke for days. Tire smoke was turned up about 10 notches, and youll now find theres smoke coming from under the hood after a hard enough impact. Your hood will also look crinkled.
  • Finally we have a proper cockpit view for spectating/watching replays. The motions of the driver arent super fluid but its still a very good feature.
  • Weather! And allowing for multiple slots

The bad: Ugh where do I begin.

  • My initial thought right out of the box was this is just Sport 2.0 right out of the box. Why am I hearing the same songs that were used in Sport? Why are some of the menu sounds the same? Why is the HUD IDENTICAL to Sport? I thought this was supposed to be a new game?
  • Radar. They actually made the "targets" in radar appear much smaller than Sport, with no way of zooming in or out. Why they allow you to zoom in/out for something as trivial as the Weather Radar (for us at least),and not give the option to zoom in on something as important as cars within close proximity? Isnt that what its there for? To help navigate close quarters racing?
View attachment 1119987

  • If you're in cockpit view the car seems to bounce around and shake very unrealistically, at least to me.
  • Just as I feared, ghosting is still alive and well in GT7 (RIP C&M). Theres literally an option when you host (and yes they recycled the SAME Sport lobby settings/screen) called "Ghosting During Race". If you select "None", you'd think there'd be no ghosting whatsoever. Nope, that'd make too much sense.

The Ugly:

  • No credits rewarded for completing an online race. Its already been talked about here already how much harder it is to grind credits. Well it seems like its going to be that much harder. But hey if you want to shell out $x of your own cash you can buy credits!
  • You can't make any adjustments to the Lobby Settings after you host a room. Want to change the track? Nope. Want to change the time of day? Nope.
  • There is no 'members list'. Want to see what hp/weight everyone is at? Good luck, no option.
  • The only way to enforce "tuning prohibited" is by enabling BOP.
Yes, most of these things directly above will almost surely be patched (hopefully?). And if memory serves me right, I think we ran into the same issue when Sport was launched with the no tuning/BOP. But to release a game missing so many basic features? The hell have you guys been doing PD?

I really want this game to be successful, as a player and for SNAIL as a whole. But in its current form I just cant back the idea of it being the best GT to date which I've heard from multiple reviewers. Time will tell
Pretty much agree with all of your points here, except the radar. I personally thought the radar was zoomed in too far in GTS, and I really like the change here in GT7. I think this point is more of a preference thing, so on that note, it’s stupid you can’t zoom in/out to adjust it to your own preference.

And as for the cockpit, I noticed there’s a setting to change the “wobble” effect. There’s two options. Give that a shot if you haven’t already
The in game economy is totally rigged to push you toward microtransactions especially if you want to have a competitive car in the daily races. And of course not being able to sell prize cars doesnt help. 17 000 cr for winning daily B and that includes the clean race bonus, absolutely ridiculous.

Speaking of lobbies, anyone noticed that the quick chat options have disappeared. (Thanks for the race, I’m sorry and all the other replies)
It was helpful considering it is slow typing with a controller.
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Half an hour left to copy this data disc. My only major wish (and sounds to be reality) is that it will be more challenging than GTS. Granted I never played a lot of GTS, but I was so turned off by how easy it was to gold all the license tests.
The in game economy is totally rigged to push you toward microtransactions especially if you want to have a competitive car in the daily races. And of course not being able to sell prize cars doesnt help. 17 000 cr for winning daily B and that includes the clean race bonus, absolutely ridiculous.

Speaking of lobbies, anyone noticed that the quick chat options have disappeared. (Thanks for the race, I’m sorry and all the other replies)
It was helpful considering it is slow typing with a controller.
I'm not at all surprised by this. Unfortunately, microtransactions are just the way the gaming world works nowadays. It's hella profitable. It's mind boggling to me how easily many people will happily spend $2 on different colored pixels or whatever the fix of the day is. It is what it is unfortunately.
So apparently the DriveHub accessory is causing GT7 (at least on the PS5) to lag the game, not frame drops but the game literally slows down time and the controls get wonky.

Just an FYI
Frankly I'm glad to hear about this apparent micro-transition bias in the daily races. One more reason for me not to do the daily races. Maybe the nail in the coffin. I'll wait and see how the FIA races are implemented.

I look forward resuming our Sunday spec racing and eventually figuring out how to get back to @llNovall exceptionally well balanced Michelin and Porsche series'. Thats where I've found myself trying to measure up to the cleanest most talented racers.

Meanwhile, my cars are on vacation and sent this selfie to me in GT7.

Gran Turismo® 7_20220305144741.jpg
I don't see much of an advantage to just buying credits. Once more of the game is opened up, I'm confident there will be certain races we can grind for credits. I started this morning with 1.5 mil credits (25th Anniversary Edition), spent a ton of money on tuning parts (cause I suck) and still wound up walking away today with over 1.8 mil

Now, if they start selling stuff that is exclusively for money only, that would be disappointing to me.
@platymusPrime I’m with you. MT in free to play games or cosmetic stuff only I’m OK. Lets hope they bring seasonal events with huge payouts like GT5 and 6 who knows.

On a positive note, I’m still amazed at the dynamic time, seeing the sun rise on Fuji Speedway is simply beautiful. I can only think how awesome it will be if we use dynamic time and random weather in our league races.
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@platymusPrime I’m with you. MT in free to play games or cosmetic stuff only I’m OK. Lets hope they bring seasonal events with huge payouts like GT5 and 6 who knows.

On a positive note, I’m still amazed at the dynamic time, seeing the sun rise on Fuji Speedway is simply beautiful. I can only think how awesome it will be if we use dynamic time and random weather in our league races.
Dude yeah, the dynamic weather and time system is amazing. Just did a 3 lap race on Tsukuba that started in the evening in dry conditions, and the last lap was pitch dark and heavy rain. The transition was stunning and adds a whole new dimension to the game, and I really hope we utilize this in our league.

On a side note, holy cow these comfort tires are slippery, especially in FR cars. In that same race, I drove the ‘89 Miata with Comfort Mediums, and even at ⅓ throttle going 40mph, the back end would leap out from under me. So I bought SS tires and the difference is night and day. Every once in a while the back end will still want to slide out, but it’s easily recoverable
If I go to create a new lobby I can only see a limited number of tracks. That suggests I have to play thru all 39 menu books to unlock access to all tracks in lobby mode? Or is there something else I’m missing??
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I’ve been doing lots of searching online today, quick ? I’m still little confused,
Leaning towards T300 with load cell pedals $700, fanatec DD with good pedals over $1000,

My ? Is I don’t have laptop or computer or tablet just an I Phone, how can I do updates for wheel and if want to send me an PM to not overload thread im cool with that,

So far with wheel and good pedals and foldable chair im
Right under 1k$ that’s my max budget

I’m enjoying new physics of game but with controller it’s a nightmare and on the grinding

GT7 will be with us for 5 years I’m loving the longer campaign mode and future updates on more events.
I am an Apple user, iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. None of which can be used to update either of the wheel/pedal sets I've owned, T300RS nor Fanatec CSL Elite with load cell Brake. Unless things have changed in the past year, updates to software (a requirement when you first get new hardware) must be done with a Microsoft based PC or laptop. I ended up buying a ThinkPad on Craigslist just for that reason. In fact I am doing so right now to adjust the dead zone on my brake pedal. I need more tech savvy neighbours. 😁
I just unlocked multiplayer so at least I can do that now. There is a bop/tuning prohibited setting and then below that you can fine tune all the settings. Has anyone tried that yet?

I actually like the added difficulty/realism of driving. I bought a used ‘89 M3 to get me through some of the first few drives. Super fun car. I actually like having to pay attention to throttle control. Took me by surprise a few times but once you know what to expect then you respect it :)

Got my B license. Lots of early grinding it looks like. I hate the roulette thing…never get anything worth a damn. Used cars are expensive as hell. I don’t like having to spend a bus load of cash to buy a car just to complete a menu book…had to buy a Japanese FR over 500pp…not cheap I tell you. I bought the Integra DC2 only to win it in a menu book a few minutes later…argh.

Overall would like a 50% bump in prize money. Otherwise I do love it…can’t wait for added tracks. I had forgotten how to drive the old tracks it’s been so long. Not sure why they changed Trial Mountain and Deep Forest…but I’ll deal with it.

Also I hate that it makes you drive Tokyo so damn much. I hate the Tokyo tracks!

But those are nitpicks…I’m just pissed that I am working all weekend and have no time to dig deeper into the license tests and menu books. Once the weekend is over I’ll be able to explore more.
I just unlocked multiplayer so at least I can do that now. There is a bop/tuning prohibited setting and then below that you can fine tune all the settings. Has anyone tried that yet?

I actually like the added difficulty/realism of driving. I bought a used ‘89 M3 to get me through some of the first few drives. Super fun car. I actually like having to pay attention to throttle control. Took me by surprise a few times but once you know what to expect then you respect it :)

Got my B license. Lots of early grinding it looks like. I hate the roulette thing…never get anything worth a damn. Used cars are expensive as hell. I don’t like having to spend a bus load of cash to buy a car just to complete a menu book…had to buy a Japanese FR over 500pp…not cheap I tell you. I bought the Integra DC2 only to win it in a menu book a few minutes later…argh.

Overall would like a 50% bump in prize money. Otherwise I do love it…can’t wait for added tracks. I had forgotten how to drive the old tracks it’s been so long. Not sure why they changed Trial Mountain and Deep Forest…but I’ll deal with it.

Also I hate that it makes you drive Tokyo so damn much. I hate the Tokyo tracks!

But those are nitpicks…I’m just pissed that I am working all weekend and have no time to dig deeper into the license tests and menu books. Once the weekend is over I’ll be able to explore more.
I’ve found it’s much cheaper and easier to just tune cars you already own to beat the races. Been easily winning races well above my vehicle’s weight class just by switching to sport tires and buying a few mods, usually no more than 15k cr worth.

Supposedly the used car dealership reflects the real world value of those cars, and may sometimes be even more expensive then if you were to buy them from the dealership new.
I am an Apple user, iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. None of which can be used to update either of the wheel/pedal sets I've owned, T300RS nor Fanatec CSL Elite with load cell Brake. Unless things have changed in the past year, updates to software (a requirement when you first get new hardware) must be done with a Microsoft based PC or laptop. I ended up buying a ThinkPad on Craigslist just for that reason. In fact I am doing so right now to adjust the dead zone on my brake pedal. I need more tech savvy neighbours. 😁
Thanks for advice
Ill check out Think Pad
Not looking to spend lots on way to
Just update wheel,
I was worried about upgrades in the event I screwed up a car to the point I can’t remove the mods. Especially used cars I might not be able to acquire again for awhile since I don’t know the rarity of them yet.

Anyone know how to gain access to all the decals etc I have from GTS that I used to make liveries?
I was worried about upgrades in the event I screwed up a car to the point I can’t remove the mods. Especially used cars I might not be able to acquire again for awhile since I don’t know the rarity of them yet.

Anyone know how to gain access to all the decals etc I have from GTS that I used to make liveries?
From what I understand, the only mods you can do that are irreversible are replace engine and replace frame. Maybe weight reduction as well, but there’s ballasts that can be added.
I was worried about upgrades in the event I screwed up a car to the point I can’t remove the mods. Especially used cars I might not be able to acquire again for awhile since I don’t know the rarity of them yet.

Anyone know how to gain access to all the decals etc I have from GTS that I used to make liveries?
Supposedly, as long as the decals were shared to the public in gtsport, they are supposed be transferred over to gt7. However, I have not explored the livery editor yet to find out if any content is there. Of the 2 that I made and shared publicy,, only 1 was showing up as uploaded. I may go back to sport and share the rest to see if they upload
Supposedly, as long as the decals were shared to the public in gtsport, they are supposed be transferred over to gt7. However, I have not explored the livery editor yet to find out if any content is there. Of the 2 that I made and shared publicy,, only 1 was showing up as uploaded. I may go back to sport and share the rest to see if they upload
I made quite a few decals in gtsport and the ones I shared publicly show up for me in gt7. I hadn't yet unlocked the editor (and still don't know if I have) but it looked like they were only available to me. However it gave me the option to reshare them so that is what I did with the SNAIL decals.
I made quite a few decals in gtsport and the ones I shared publicly show up for me in gt7. I hadn't yet unlocked the editor (and still don't know if I have) but it looked like they were only available to me. However it gave me the option to reshare them so that is what I did with the SNAIL decals.
I found three of them of a Helmet and car livery...