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  • Thread starter zer05ive
GT7 servers still down? Wtf? The one night I decide to sit down and do some GT7…figures.

It is meant to build you patience threshold!

KAZ put the wrong motor oil.. you can only play music rally and the stadium one. Nothing else is available.

I extended my music rally gold by .21 miles.
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GT7 servers still down? Wtf? The one night I decide to sit down and do some GT7…figures.
I was just about to get on GT7 to get my last gold in the license tests with S5 rally license. Don't know what issue they found, PD is not being specific when the extended maintenance will end.
The game not connected to the servers is a total JOKE; not even 10% of the features are available . You cannot even make liveries, or go to photo scapes.

Tried the arcade for the 1st time since GT6 and raced the Xbow at Deep Forest. Lovely!

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1.08 is live!
but servers are not working...
I am guessing this update lets you play the "game" offline without having to turn internet off in system settings. The spinning GT is now several warnings about game saves and such, then the title screen.

update: GT7 works again!
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So they limit the amount of credits you can earn in-game, yet don't patch or acknowledge how broken online gameplay is right now. Looks like we know where their prioritie$ are at the end of the day.

I'm the first to admit I know nothing about video game development. But I do remember a time when post release patches were not a thing pre internet days. You bought a game and sure there'd be bugs and exploits people would find if you looked hard enough, but the game was still playable, worked just fine, and was a final product. These days it just seems like game developers can half-ass release something knowing they have an "out" and can always attempt to fix it down the road with a patch. And even after delaying the release of the game which PD is notorious for doing, it's still littered with even the most basic functionality issues.

And this whole micro transaction thing is becoming more and more common in our world unfortunately. Can you imagine if PD goes down the iRacing route and decide that online lobby hosts will be charged X amount of credits just to host an in-game lobby? But you've already spent all your credits on cars, better pony up some real cash to replenish your credit balance just to be able to race with some friends/league mates. I was shocked to find this is the case when I signed up for iRacing.

It's also being talked about how there may now be issues with the game being cross platform between PS4 and PS5. Doesn't Sony/PD have a network of beta testers to check these things? Or why not roll out a beta test to the general public like they did with Sport? Can anyone make sense of this?

Cross play is nothing new. Some of my favorite gaming memories was the Myth series by Bungie before Halo over 20 years ago. It was an RTS similar to Command and Conquer with an epic storyline, voice acting, soundtrack, everything. My friends and I thought it was the coolest thing ever that we could play each other PC vs Mac back in 1998. Unfortunately the games wouldn't last long if someone in the house picked up the phone or if you were receiving a call since we only had dial-up. All the cool kids had DSL. Such an underrated title. They could've made a movie or TV series like they're doing right now with Halo.

Anyways. I hope PD listens to the fans and/or takes a peak at the GT7 section of the forum to see how outraged everyone is at the current state of the game. And look how dead it is here. We've got a brand new title on our hands and it's as quiet as ever.
Still not a word about multiplayer and our precious lobbies...but they are doing test tournaments. Their priorities doesnt seem to be at the right place, especially after the outrage that they fully deserved.
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Red Flag @ Sebring! One of the Datsun's crash hard into a pile of tires.

Anyone following WEC ?

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So they limit the amount of credits you can earn in-game, yet don't patch or acknowledge how broken online gameplay is right now. Looks like we know where their prioritie$ are at the end of the day.

I'm the first to admit I know nothing about video game development. But I do remember a time when post release patches were not a thing pre internet days. You bought a game and sure there'd be bugs and exploits people would find if you looked hard enough, but the game was still playable, worked just fine, and was a final product. These days it just seems like game developers can half-ass release something knowing they have an "out" and can always attempt to fix it down the road with a patch. And even after delaying the release of the game which PD is notorious for doing, it's still littered with even the most basic functionality issues.

And this whole micro transaction thing is becoming more and more common in our world unfortunately. Can you imagine if PD goes down the iRacing route and decide that online lobby hosts will be charged X amount of credits just to host an in-game lobby? But you've already spent all your credits on cars, better pony up some real cash to replenish your credit balance just to be able to race with some friends/league mates. I was shocked to find this is the case when I signed up for iRacing.

It's also being talked about how there may now be issues with the game being cross platform between PS4 and PS5. Doesn't Sony/PD have a network of beta testers to check these things? Or why not roll out a beta test to the general public like they did with Sport? Can anyone make sense of this?

Cross play is nothing new. Some of my favorite gaming memories was the Myth series by Bungie before Halo over 20 years ago. It was an RTS similar to Command and Conquer with an epic storyline, voice acting, soundtrack, everything. My friends and I thought it was the coolest thing ever that we could play each other PC vs Mac back in 1998. Unfortunately the games wouldn't last long if someone in the house picked up the phone or if you were receiving a call since we only had dial-up. All the cool kids had DSL. Such an underrated title. They could've made a movie or TV series like they're doing right now with Halo.

Anyways. I hope PD listens to the fans and/or takes a peak at the GT7 section of the forum to see how outraged everyone is at the current state of the game. And look how dead it is here. We've got a brand new title on our hands and it's as quiet as ever.

I have come to a place with Gran Turismo where I can’t longer tolerate the h-word and w-word. Kaz is urinating on multiplayer / leagues. The GT title is big enough to survive one generation before fading confidence of devoted followers migrates elsewhere.
It’s not the direction that SNAIL would go, but I’m preparing an alternative … sim racing on platform … drum roll … personal computer. Not leaving Gran Turismo (as much as being driven away). I’m not leaving … but I’m looking around. Can’t wait to dabble in the telemetry world where one can enhance experiences that aren’t possible with GT. i.e. Buttkicker2; it will actually be put to use as intended with simhub software, mappable buttons on wheels, and so on.
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Red Flag @ Sebring! One of the Datsun's crash hard into a pile of tires.

Anyone following WEC ?

View attachment 1125996
I had it on while I was working. Only the third or so endurance race I've watched so I'm still getting used to following everything.

I have come to a place with Gran Turismo where I can’t longer tolerate the h-word and w-word. Kaz is urinating on multiplayer / leagues. The GT title is big enough to survive one generation before fading confidence of devoted followers migrates elsewhere.
It’s not the direction that SNAIL would go, but I’m preparing an alternative … sim racing on platform … drum roll … personal computer. Not leaving Gran Turismo (as much as being driven away). I’m not leaving … but I’m looking around. Can’t wait to dabble in the telemetry world where one can enhance experiences that aren’t possible with GT. i.e. Buttkicker2; it will actually be put to use as intended with simhub software, mappable buttons on wheels, and so on.
First time I was able to change something on my car with a tablet on iracing it felt really special.
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I had it on while I was working. Only the third or so endurance race I've watched so I'm still getting used to following everything.
you get to watch it again with the American version IMSA tomorrow. Just as exciting. They streamed for free the 24 hours last month.. maybe we'll get lucky again.

WEC = Toyota vs Alpine vs Glickenhaus (usa)
IMSA = Cadillac vs Acura

tomorrow... JPM races with Dragonspeed USA with his son. That's pretty cool!

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you get to watch it again with the American version IMSA tomorrow. Just as exciting. They streamed for free the 24 hours last month.. maybe we'll get lucky again.

WEC = Toyota vs Alpine vs Glickenhaus (usa)
IMSA = Cadillac vs Acura

yeah IMSA is on my schedule for tomorrow and I hope to watch most the season. Watched the 24 which was a cool all star type event.

And we have another red flag.
you get to watch it again with the American version IMSA tomorrow. Just as exciting. They streamed for free the 24 hours last month.. maybe we'll get lucky again.

WEC = Toyota vs Alpine vs Glickenhaus (usa)
IMSA = Cadillac vs Acura

tomorrow... JPM races with Dragonspeed USA with his son. That's pretty cool!

If you ever get the opportunity to go, jump on it. I went for Super Sebring in 2019, and it was one for the memory books. Awesome experience. VIR was last October, and I'm targeting Road Atlanta the last week in September for this year if other busy life things pan out. Best bang for your buck experiences.
If you ever get the opportunity to go, jump on it. I went for Super Sebring in 2019, and it was one for the memory books. Awesome experience. VIR was last October, and I'm targeting Road Atlanta the last week in September for this year if other busy life things pan out. Best bang for your buck experiences.
I was thinking of VIR... since Im here in VA.. just realized that you are close by in MD. We should hook up with @nmcp1 and challenge him on some Karts.
Went to law school about two hours from VIR. Not a lot of time for trips like that though. Also pandemic world for most of it.
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Check out this horse manure from Kaz:
View attachment 1126367
View attachment 1126366
Kaz, pack sand with a spoon buddy.
I'm seriously considering shelving GT7 until they get their act together, and blowing the dust off Assetto Corsa for the time being. I'm confident GT7 will become the title we all expected, but it us disappointing they submitted such an unfinished product to the market....and then to ask for more to gain access to credits to acquire cars and to be patient. That's like buying a new car and being asked to wait for the engine to be built and installed after taking delivery. Not cool.
I'm optimistic about the future development of GT7, but it's current lobby issues have definitely put a damper on things. Everything else about the game is perfect. Weather/Lighting, car physics, AI racing, all have been drastically improved. As far as 'grinding' for credits at the same track/event, I never really saw the appeal of it. Honestly got boring for me. And for the record, the fisherman ranch race sucked! I couldn't imagine doing that over and over and over again, lol
GT7 is obviously not finished at this point. Does that remind anyone of anything? It should remind you of GT5, GT6, and GTSport. None of those games were finished at release. It's just the nature of gaming with updates available. It's not like the days were everything had to be on the disc or you weren't going to get it.

Why are there licenses up to S but no events that require an S license? It's because we don't have those events yet. The plan is to give us those events. Those events have, historically, been the higher paying events in the games with a few exceptions that didn't really match the payout to the level of effort.

Kaz and PD have a precedent for working around Sony's microtransactions. Remember the seasonal events that would pay out millions for one race?

The game isn't usable right now by SNAIL and the economy is poo but that will change at some point in the future. That's not wishing or hoping, that's expected based on precedent and what is currently in the game.
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Photos of my 25th anniversary Yaris, with Canada, livery posed around Vancouver, BC. What does your country specific Yaris look like?

On the deck of Bridges Restaurant on Granville Island.
Gran Turismo® 7_20220319140229.jpg

Stanley Park drive with Lions Gate Bridge in the background.
Gran Turismo® 7_20220319140128.jpg

Stanley Park Drive with downtown in the background.
Gran Turismo® 7_20220319135419.jpg
GT7 is obviously not finished at this point. Does that remind anyone of anything? It should remind you of GT5, GT6, and GTSport. None of those games were finished at release. It's just the nature of gaming with updates available. It's not like the days were everything had to be on the disc or you weren't going to get it.

Why are there licenses up to S but no events that require an S license? It's because we don't have those events yet. The plan is to give us those events. Those events have, historically, been the higher paying events in the games with a few exceptions that didn't really match the payout to the level of effort.

Kaz and PD have a precedent for working around Sony's microtransactions. Remember the seasonal events that would pay out millions for one race?

The game isn't usable right now by SNAIL and the economy is poo but that will change at some point in the future. That's not wishing or hoping, that's expected based on precedent and what is currently in the game.
You are a 100% right. Following the immense backlash Sony faced this week (it is completely deserved IMO) they have no choice but to increase payouts via Seasonal Events. Also, sport mode payout should be 5-10 times what they are right now. That way you are getting credits but not by grinding but by having fun and playing the game.

Its a shame we cannot have complete games at release anymore. And its not like GT is an annual release like COD. They had 4 years to ship a complete working game. Modern gaming has its flaws unfortunately and the possibility to patch bugs after launch makes the developers lazy in a way. GT4 was complete at launch, there was no way to patch things afterwards so they had to get it right the first time

There is so much potential for more events, I don’t comprehend why we only have 2 « endurance » races hidden in the missions while PD developed a truly awesome dynamic time and weather system only to use it two times.

In the meantime, I still don’t like the physics, but I do OK with TCS 1 and ASM in Race C in which I have a lot a fun but it is still not the quality of racing I have here in the league. I can’t wait to start racing with you guys again, only positive is I’m not tired on monday morning since 3 weeks 😂
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edited: 9pET

Lobby will be open for racing this evening at 9pET for all divisions.

  1. i will start in GT7. First race at 7:15 sharp. ~8min races.
  2. if lobby fails I will move to GT sport at 7:45
  3. Alsace Test Course
  4. Subaru WRX STI Type S ‘14, 41,148Cr
  5. D2 SM tires
    D1 SH tires
Did this combo with another snail on track. No visible lag of the other car for me. No issues during race.

Focus is on some fun racing so no snap oversteer cars. IF GT7 lobby survives I’d be happy to open another if someone wants to suggest a suitable FF, MR, 4WD combo.

If I end up back in GT sport I will resurrect some recent combos. D2 on snail official tires, D1 one step harder.

Based on feedback I’ll try something again on Thursday practice slot.
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