◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Does a reply to an incident report email not go into consideration for penalty points? I had responded to a complaint via there and acknowledged my error.


Check out our very own @vovik05 putting SNAIL in the news!!

Don't miss GTPlanet's feature of our very own @CoachMK21!

Congrats to @Neovre for making his debut at Le Mans
(where he scored an incredible P5 finish!)

Congrats to all the SNAILs who competed in the
2015 GT Academy USA Finals!!

2015 USA Finalists

Back Row: @LoCoArMeN, @vovik05, @Ryan Lynch, @Ricky Wilson, @TRL_Importlife, @Tyler Utley, @gtr3123
Front Row: @ConnorWolf, @Crystalline_T
Not Shown (qualified for, but unable to attend finals):@GTP_Compton3, @Matt Sierras, @msgt-sd
* - advanced to Silverstone finals!!

And good luck to the SNAILs who are competing in the 2016 GT Academy Mexico Finals!!

2016 Mexico Finalists

@Enzo_Goiko (second from left), @Ness (second from right), and @pakicote (far right)

Welcome to SNAIL
From our humble beginnings, SNAIL (aka Sunday Night American Interactive League) is now the largest console-based sim racing league in the world. Our mission is to provide our members with clean, intense, and competitive racing - regardless of skill level! We believe that providing full grids of evenly-matched competitions is the most realistic way to race, improve skill, and refine racecraft! Our league night is Sunday at 9:30pm Eastern / 6:30pm Pacific, but we also have a a wide variety of other events held on other nights of the week. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please keep reading to learn more about us and how to join.

What Makes Us Different
SNAIL is the only sim racing league in the world that's able to combine five key features into one consolidated package. First of all, we provide you with evenly-matched competition to drivers of all skill levels. In fact, the intense level of competition that we produce has established SNAIL as the "go to" place to prepare for GT Academy. And if you want to keep track of your improvement along the way, you'll be glad to know that we keep the most comprehensive race data available on GTPlanet. We also feature an interactive process that allows all of our members to have a say in which cars and tracks we race. And last but not least, we're the only league that awards our members with valuable prizes just for racing with us!

Evenly-Matched Competition
Have you ever watched a professional race where drivers with completely different skill levels were competing on the same track? Of course not! That wouldn't be fun to watch, let alone fun to participate in. Unfortunately, that disparity of pace is something you'll often find in organized online racing. When this happens, you'll be lucky to have just a few drivers that you're truly competitive with. Everyone else will usually either be faster or slower than you. We prevent that from happening in SNAIL by dividing our drivers into separate divisions based on speed and skill. This results in full grids of evenly-matched competition and creates the closest and most intense sim racing experience around!

Prepare for GT Academy
If you'd like to compete in GT Academy, there's no better place than SNAIL to hone your skills to the elite levels necessary to make it to the finals. You need to be the best of the best to make it to Silverstone, and that's exactly what the drivers in our top division are. Half of last year's and half of this year's Silverstone Finalists have raced in SNAIL. And since our race format (which features multiple sprint races) is almost identical to the format used at the GT Academy national finals, they were able to use their SNAIL experience to help them advance to Silverstone. Click here if you want to advice from last year's eventual champion and click here if you want advice from last year's runner-up.

Valuable Prizes
Have you ever wished you could win free stuff just for having fun? If so, then you might want to know that our members win valuable real-world prizes just for racing with us! These prize are based on participation and not on race results. Some examples of prizes our members have won include GranStand sim racing products like this, this and this, ButtKicker products like a Gamer2 and a Wireless ButtKicker Kit. You can also join Team SNAIL and earn even more prizes, such as shirts (e.g. S.N.A.I.L. shirt, F1 shirt, GT Academy shirt), video capture devices (e.g. Hauppauge PVR), sim racing equipment (e.g. Playseat Evolution), and even gift cards (e.g. Amazon and PSN).

Spec Racing
SNAIL has always been a one-make series, but when we decided to prohibit tuning in all of our races, we became the first "spec" racing league on GTPlanet. Spec racing ensures that success is determined primarily by driving skill and not by differences in power, gearing, suspension, weight, or aerodynamics. Because variables in the car are eliminated, spec racing is the truest measure of driver skill! It also produces intense battles for position because all of the cars are equally strong or weak in the same areas of the track. Plus, you'll never spend hours tuning cars or wondering if someone is truly faster than you or if they just have a better tune.

Race Format
Our league night lasts for two hours and is split into three rounds. Each round consists of two races that last 10 to 12 minutes on a predetermined car and track combo. At the beginning of each round, a brief qualifying session determines the order of the starting grid. The first race is set to 'Fastest First' to reward the best qualifiers and the second race is set to 'Reverse Grid' in order to promote on-track action. Points are awarded based on our "perfect" points system. After a round is completed, we move on to the next round and repeat the same process with the next car and track combination. Once all three rounds are complete, we tally up the points and then let our interactive format kick in.

Interactive Participation
Our unique format allows everyone to have a say on which cars and tracks we race. It's also used to strike a balance between familiarity and variety of our car and track combos. In other words, the progression of cars and tracks that we race is slow enough for us to learn them well, but fast enough that they don't get "old". At the end of every league night, everyone votes on which car and track combo they enjoyed the least. The combo that receives the most "elimination votes" is dropped from the next week's lineup entirely. The combo that receives the second most votes is also dropped, but only partially. This is where our prizes come into play:

A prize is awarded to the divisions winners with the three highest scores*. The division winner with the highest score gets Prize A. The division winner with the second highest score gets Prize B. The division winner with the third highest score gets Prize C: (NOTE: We now have a new process for breaking ties in the elimination vote)
Prize A: The right to select the new car and track combo to replace the combo that was voted off
Prize B: The right to replace either the car or the track of the combo that received the second most votes
Premio C: El derecho a " congelar " ya sea el auto o la pista del combo que obtuvo el segundo mayor número de votos

Ascenso y descenso
Aunque dividimos a nuestros conductores en divisiones separadas según el desempeño y el nivel de habilidad, nos damos cuenta de que nuestros conductores mejoran constantemente y merecen la oportunidad de ascender en la escalera del éxito. Es por eso que ascendemos y relegamos pilotos antes de cada temporada en función de los resultados y datos recopilados durante la temporada anterior. Esto también se hace para garantizar que nuestras carreras sean lo más competitivas posible para todos los miembros de nuestra liga, de arriba a abajo. Independientemente de en qué división te encuentres, casi siempre estarás luchando por ganar o defender una posición en la pista. En pocas palabras, ninguna otra liga de Gran Turismo en el mundo puede ofrecer carreras tan competitivas para tantos niveles de habilidad diferentes.

Datos completos de carrera
No siempre es exacto ascender y relegar a los pilotos basándose únicamente en los puntos del campeonato. Es por eso que las enormes cantidades de datos que rastreamos son invaluables para nuestra liga. Sería difícil encontrar una liga de carreras de simulación en cualquier parte del mundo que rastree los datos de los conductores y los resultados de las carreras de manera más completa que nosotros. De hecho, nuestro documento SNAIL Data contiene tanta información que tenemos que archivar datos antiguos para evitar exceder la capacidad máxima de GoogleDoc. Puede utilizar estos datos para realizar un seguimiento del campeonato de puntos de cada temporada y compararse con otros pilotos en categorías como vueltas rápidas, ritmo de carrera total, puntos totales, puntos promedio por carrera y clasificaciones de potencia .

Esperamos que todos los conductores sigan nuestras Reglas OLR y busquen una buena habilidad para competir en todo momento. Si no estás seguro de qué es una buena técnica de carreras, mira este vídeo . Se puede resumir en una sencilla ' regla de oro ' de los deportes de motor: es responsabilidad del conductor que adelanta, es decir, del coche que intenta ejecutar el adelantamiento, asegurarse de que el adelantamiento se realice de forma limpia y sin incidentes. Si no estás de acuerdo con esta regla o crees que no se aplica a ti, esta no es la liga para ti. Si alguna vez siente que un conductor no sigue las reglas, espere hasta que termine la noche de la liga y luego presente un Informe de incidente de carrera. Nuestros delegados revisarán el incidente y emitirán las sanciones correspondientes.

Configuración del vestíbulo
Configuración de neumáticos :
Basado en el PP del concesionario (no el PP después de un cambio de aceite)
por debajo de 349 PP -> Confort Medios
350-399 PP ---> Suaves Confort
400-449 PP --> Deportes Duros
450-499 PP --> Medios Deportivos
500-549 PP ---> Blandos deportivos
550-599 PP ---> Carreras duras
600 PP y más --> Medios de carreras

Cómo unirse a nosotros
Paso 1 : Publique una respuesta (haciendo clic en el botón 'Responder' al final de esta publicación) que indique: "Leí la primera publicación y me gustaría unirme" y cuéntenos cómo se enteró de SNAIL. (No inicies una conversación con nadie, simplemente publica tu solicitud en este hilo).
Paso 2 : mire el hilo para obtener una respuesta a su publicación y siga las instrucciones proporcionadas.
Paso 3 : Compra los tres autos que figuran en la alineación para nuestras próximas carreras .
Paso 4 : Espere a que le asignen una división y luego únase al salón de esa división el domingo por la noche.
Si no está seguro de a qué división está asignado, consulte la Lista de conductores oficiales

Para obtener una lista de enlaces útiles y preguntas frecuentes, haga clic aquí .

He leído la primera publicación y me gustaría unirme.
He leído la primera publicación y me gustaría unirme.

Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add zer05ive, JLBowler, nmcp1, SAMHAIN85, llNovall & Akzl298
as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL
Hello Snails! How has everyone been? I hope you all had a great holiday! I used to race in the league a few years back and was wondering what I may need to do to join again. I would love to participate in the league again. I remember always enjoying it but life got in the way. I hope to see you all soon on the track!
Hello Snails! How has everyone been? I hope you all had a great holiday! I used to race in the league a few years back and was wondering what I may need to do to join again. I would love to participate in the league again. I remember always enjoying it but life got in the way. I hope to see you all soon on the track!
Check out the first post! Good to see you again.
I have read the first post and ready to join.

Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add zer05ive, JLBowler, nmcp1, SAMHAIN85, llNovall & Akzl298
as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL
SNAIL Racing League 2023 Season Recap: A Year of Thrills and Achievements

In the dynamic world of virtual racing, the SNAIL Racing League concluded its 2023 season with 52 drivers participating in 47 nights of intense competition. The league showcased the passion and skill of its community throughout the year.

Year-Long Dominance
@Nicktune emerged as the undisputed year-long points winner, accumulating an impressive total of 3125 points. This achievement solidifies Nic-KL's position as a top contender and reflects consistent performance across the various racing events.

Monthly Seasons Highlights
The league's best 9 of 12 monthly seasons featured intense battles for supremacy. @Worst_Driver claimed the top spot with 2489 points, closely followed by @Timlour at 2413 and @Nicktune at 2398. These standings underline the competitive spirit that defined each month's racing action.

  1. @Worst_Driver : 2489​
  2. @Timlour : 2413​
  3. @Nicktune : 2398​
  4. @Kgffy : 2001​
  5. @JamCar0ne : 1983​
  6. @Xradkins : 1934​
  7. @racingchamp30 : 1930​
  8. @CANOWORMS1 : 1551​
  9. @Gurney67 : 1539​
  10. @Dragonwhisky : 1525​
Podium Dominance
The battle for podium finishes saw @Worst_Driver leading the pack with 210 total podiums, securing 87.50% podium percentage. @Nicktune and @Timlour closely followed, showcasing their racing prowess with podium percentages of 72.96% and 81.86%, respectively. These top drivers consistently demonstrated their skill and determination.

  • GTP_Worstdriver: 107 Gold, 62 Silver, 41 Bronze​
  • Nic-KL: 68 Gold, 72 Silver, 57 Bronze​
  • Timlour: 69 Gold, 61 Silver, 37 Bronze​
Speed Records and Milestones
April 23rd marked a significant moment in the season when @Nicktune set the fastest lap speed at Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicane, reaching an impressive 149.492 MPH with the R18 '16. The lap time of 1 minute 26.143 seconds showcased not only speed but precision in handling.

Collective Achievements
SNAIL drivers collectively completed 34,351 laps, covering an astounding 94,295.75 miles, equivalent to almost four times around the Earth. This endurance and dedication highlight the commitment of the entire SNAIL Racing League community.

Individual Excellence
@Worst_Driver took the lead, covering a total of 886 laps across combined division race data. Additionally, GTP_Worstdriver achieved the best Inter-Quartile Rating across all lap times, with an average of just 1.169 seconds. This impressive statistic underscores the driver's consistency and mastery on the track.

Outstanding Endurance
@racingchamp30 deserves special recognition for completing the most laps, an astonishing 2564, while participating in races every night throughout the year. This remarkable feat not only showcases RacingChamp30's endurance but also adds a unique and commendable element to the league's achievements.

As the 2023 season comes to a close, the SNAIL Racing League can reflect on a year filled with thrilling races, fierce competition, and remarkable achievements. The dedication and sportsmanship displayed by the drivers, including RacingChamp30, have undoubtedly contributed to the league's success. Here's to another year of virtual racing excellence in 2024!

I will be cleaning up the forum and archiving stuff throughout the week in preparation for the 2024 year. Thank you to everyone for managing and participating night in and night out to keep SNAIL operating!

EOY 2023.png
SNAIL Racing League 2023 Season Recap: A Year of Thrills and Achievements

In the dynamic world of virtual racing, the SNAIL Racing League concluded its 2023 season with 52 drivers participating in 47 nights of intense competition. The league showcased the passion and skill of its community throughout the year.

Year-Long Dominance
@Nicktune emerged as the undisputed year-long points winner, accumulating an impressive total of 3125 points. This achievement solidifies Nic-KL's position as a top contender and reflects consistent performance across the various racing events.

Monthly Seasons Highlights
The league's best 9 of 12 monthly seasons featured intense battles for supremacy. @Worst_Driver claimed the top spot with 2489 points, closely followed by @Timlour at 2413 and @Nicktune at 2398. These standings underline the competitive spirit that defined each month's racing action.

  1. @Worst_Driver : 2489​
  2. @Timlour : 2413​
  3. @Nicktune : 2398​
  4. @Kgffy : 2001​
  5. @JamCar0ne : 1983​
  6. @Xradkins : 1934​
  7. @racingchamp30 : 1930​
  8. @CANOWORMS1 : 1551​
  9. @Gurney67 : 1539​
  10. @Dragonwhisky : 1525​
Podium Dominance
The battle for podium finishes saw @Worst_Driver leading the pack with 210 total podiums, securing 87.50% podium percentage. @Nicktune and @Timlour closely followed, showcasing their racing prowess with podium percentages of 72.96% and 81.86%, respectively. These top drivers consistently demonstrated their skill and determination.

  • GTP_Worstdriver: 107 Gold, 62 Silver, 41 Bronze​
  • Nic-KL: 68 Gold, 72 Silver, 57 Bronze​
  • Timlour: 69 Gold, 61 Silver, 37 Bronze​
Speed Records and Milestones
April 23rd marked a significant moment in the season when @Nicktune set the fastest lap speed at Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicane, reaching an impressive 149.492 MPH with the R18 '16. The lap time of 1 minute 26.143 seconds showcased not only speed but precision in handling.

Collective Achievements
SNAIL drivers collectively completed 34,351 laps, covering an astounding 94,295.75 miles, equivalent to almost four times around the Earth. This endurance and dedication highlight the commitment of the entire SNAIL Racing League community.

Individual Excellence
@Worst_Driver took the lead, covering a total of 886 laps across combined division race data. Additionally, GTP_Worstdriver achieved the best Inter-Quartile Rating across all lap times, with an average of just 1.169 seconds. This impressive statistic underscores the driver's consistency and mastery on the track.

Outstanding Endurance
@racingchamp30 deserves special recognition for completing the most laps, an astonishing 2564, while participating in races every night throughout the year. This remarkable feat not only showcases RacingChamp30's endurance but also adds a unique and commendable element to the league's achievements.

As the 2023 season comes to a close, the SNAIL Racing League can reflect on a year filled with thrilling races, fierce competition, and remarkable achievements. The dedication and sportsmanship displayed by the drivers, including RacingChamp30, have undoubtedly contributed to the league's success. Here's to another year of virtual racing excellence in 2024!

I will be cleaning up the forum and archiving stuff throughout the week in preparation for the 2024 year. Thank you to everyone for managing and participating night in and night out to keep SNAIL operating!

Hope to do better next year!
SNAIL Racing League 2023 Season Recap: A Year of Thrills and Achievements

In the dynamic world of virtual racing, the SNAIL Racing League concluded its 2023 season with 52 drivers participating in 47 nights of intense competition. The league showcased the passion and skill of its community throughout the year.

Year-Long Dominance
@Nicktune emerged as the undisputed year-long points winner, accumulating an impressive total of 3125 points. This achievement solidifies Nic-KL's position as a top contender and reflects consistent performance across the various racing events.

Monthly Seasons Highlights
The league's best 9 of 12 monthly seasons featured intense battles for supremacy. @Worst_Driver claimed the top spot with 2489 points, closely followed by @Timlour at 2413 and @Nicktune at 2398. These standings underline the competitive spirit that defined each month's racing action.

  1. @Worst_Driver : 2489​
  2. @Timlour : 2413​
  3. @Nicktune : 2398​
  4. @Kgffy : 2001​
  5. @JamCar0ne : 1983​
  6. @Xradkins : 1934​
  7. @racingchamp30 : 1930​
  8. @CANOWORMS1 : 1551​
  9. @Gurney67 : 1539​
  10. @Dragonwhisky : 1525​
Podium Dominance
The battle for podium finishes saw @Worst_Driver leading the pack with 210 total podiums, securing 87.50% podium percentage. @Nicktune and @Timlour closely followed, showcasing their racing prowess with podium percentages of 72.96% and 81.86%, respectively. These top drivers consistently demonstrated their skill and determination.

  • GTP_Worstdriver: 107 Gold, 62 Silver, 41 Bronze​
  • Nic-KL: 68 Gold, 72 Silver, 57 Bronze​
  • Timlour: 69 Gold, 61 Silver, 37 Bronze​
Speed Records and Milestones
April 23rd marked a significant moment in the season when @Nicktune set the fastest lap speed at Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicane, reaching an impressive 149.492 MPH with the R18 '16. The lap time of 1 minute 26.143 seconds showcased not only speed but precision in handling.

Collective Achievements
SNAIL drivers collectively completed 34,351 laps, covering an astounding 94,295.75 miles, equivalent to almost four times around the Earth. This endurance and dedication highlight the commitment of the entire SNAIL Racing League community.

Individual Excellence
@Worst_Driver took the lead, covering a total of 886 laps across combined division race data. Additionally, GTP_Worstdriver achieved the best Inter-Quartile Rating across all lap times, with an average of just 1.169 seconds. This impressive statistic underscores the driver's consistency and mastery on the track.

Outstanding Endurance
@racingchamp30 deserves special recognition for completing the most laps, an astonishing 2564, while participating in races every night throughout the year. This remarkable feat not only showcases RacingChamp30's endurance but also adds a unique and commendable element to the league's achievements.

As the 2023 season comes to a close, the SNAIL Racing League can reflect on a year filled with thrilling races, fierce competition, and remarkable achievements. The dedication and sportsmanship displayed by the drivers, including RacingChamp30, have undoubtedly contributed to the league's success. Here's to another year of virtual racing excellence in 2024!

I will be cleaning up the forum and archiving stuff throughout the week in preparation for the 2024 year. Thank you to everyone for managing and participating night in and night out to keep SNAIL operating!

Well done with all information on lap times, podiums, participation, etc. Is more than worth racing in Snail all these years. With Snail living on, count me to racing along with many others. Happy New Year's to all.


Check out our very own @vovik05 putting SNAIL in the news!!

Don't miss GTPlanet's feature of our very own @CoachMK21!

Congrats to @Neovre for making his debut at Le Mans
(where he scored an incredible P5 finish!)

Congrats to all the SNAILs who competed in the
2015 GT Academy USA Finals!!

2015 USA Finalists

Back Row: @LoCoArMeN, @vovik05, @Ryan Lynch, @Ricky Wilson, @TRL_Importlife, @Tyler Utley, @gtr3123
Front Row: @ConnorWolf, @Crystalline_T
Not Shown (qualified for, but unable to attend finals):@GTP_Compton3, @Matt Sierras, @msgt-sd
* - advanced to Silverstone finals!!

And good luck to the SNAILs who are competing in the 2016 GT Academy Mexico Finals!!

2016 Mexico Finalists

@Enzo_Goiko (second from left), @Ness (second from right), and @pakicote (far right)

Welcome to SNAIL
From our humble beginnings, SNAIL (aka Sunday Night American Interactive League) is now the largest console-based sim racing league in the world. Our mission is to provide our members with clean, intense, and competitive racing - regardless of skill level! We believe that providing full grids of evenly-matched competitions is the most realistic way to race, improve skill, and refine racecraft! Our league night is Sunday at 9:30pm Eastern / 6:30pm Pacific, but we also have a a wide variety of other events held on other nights of the week. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please keep reading to learn more about us and how to join.

What Makes Us Different
SNAIL is the only sim racing league in the world that's able to combine five key features into one consolidated package. First of all, we provide you with evenly-matched competition to drivers of all skill levels. In fact, the intense level of competition that we produce has established SNAIL as the "go to" place to prepare for GT Academy. And if you want to keep track of your improvement along the way, you'll be glad to know that we keep the most comprehensive race data available on GTPlanet. We also feature an interactive process that allows all of our members to have a say in which cars and tracks we race. And last but not least, we're the only league that awards our members with valuable prizes just for racing with us!

Evenly-Matched Competition
Have you ever watched a professional race where drivers with completely different skill levels were competing on the same track? Of course not! That wouldn't be fun to watch, let alone fun to participate in. Unfortunately, that disparity of pace is something you'll often find in organized online racing. When this happens, you'll be lucky to have just a few drivers that you're truly competitive with. Everyone else will usually either be faster or slower than you. We prevent that from happening in SNAIL by dividing our drivers into separate divisions based on speed and skill. This results in full grids of evenly-matched competition and creates the closest and most intense sim racing experience around!

Prepare for GT Academy
If you'd like to compete in GT Academy, there's no better place than SNAIL to hone your skills to the elite levels necessary to make it to the finals. You need to be the best of the best to make it to Silverstone, and that's exactly what the drivers in our top division are. Half of last year's and half of this year's Silverstone Finalists have raced in SNAIL. And since our race format (which features multiple sprint races) is almost identical to the format used at the GT Academy national finals, they were able to use their SNAIL experience to help them advance to Silverstone. Click here if you want to advice from last year's eventual champion and click here if you want advice from last year's runner-up.

Valuable Prizes
Have you ever wished you could win free stuff just for having fun? If so, then you might want to know that our members win valuable real-world prizes just for racing with us! These prize are based on participation and not on race results. Some examples of prizes our members have won include GranStand sim racing products like this, this and this, ButtKicker products like a Gamer2 and a Wireless ButtKicker Kit. You can also join Team SNAIL and earn even more prizes, such as shirts (e.g. S.N.A.I.L. shirt, F1 shirt, GT Academy shirt), video capture devices (e.g. Hauppauge PVR), sim racing equipment (e.g. Playseat Evolution), and even gift cards (e.g. Amazon and PSN).

Spec Racing
SNAIL has always been a one-make series, but when we decided to prohibit tuning in all of our races, we became the first "spec" racing league on GTPlanet. Spec racing ensures that success is determined primarily by driving skill and not by differences in power, gearing, suspension, weight, or aerodynamics. Because variables in the car are eliminated, spec racing is the truest measure of driver skill! It also produces intense battles for position because all of the cars are equally strong or weak in the same areas of the track. Plus, you'll never spend hours tuning cars or wondering if someone is truly faster than you or if they just have a better tune.

Race Format
Our league night lasts for two hours and is split into three rounds. Each round consists of two races that last 10 to 12 minutes on a predetermined car and track combo. At the beginning of each round, a brief qualifying session determines the order of the starting grid. The first race is set to 'Fastest First' to reward the best qualifiers and the second race is set to 'Reverse Grid' in order to promote on-track action. Points are awarded based on our "perfect" points system. After a round is completed, we move on to the next round and repeat the same process with the next car and track combination. Once all three rounds are complete, we tally up the points and then let our interactive format kick in.

Interactive Participation
Our unique format allows everyone to have a say on which cars and tracks we race. It's also used to strike a balance between familiarity and variety of our car and track combos. In other words, the progression of cars and tracks that we race is slow enough for us to learn them well, but fast enough that they don't get "old". At the end of every league night, everyone votes on which car and track combo they enjoyed the least. The combo that receives the most "elimination votes" is dropped from the next week's lineup entirely. The combo that receives the second most votes is also dropped, but only partially. This is where our prizes come into play:

A prize is awarded to the divisions winners with the three highest scores*. The division winner with the highest score gets Prize A. The division winner with the second highest score gets Prize B. The division winner with the third highest score gets Prize C: (NOTE: We now have a new process for breaking ties in the elimination vote)
Prize A: The right to select the new car and track combo to replace the combo that was voted off
Prize B: The right to replace either the car or the track of the combo that received the second most votes
Prize C: The right to "freeze" either the car or the track of the combo that received the second most votes

Promotion and Relegation
Although we split our drivers into separate divisions based on performance and skill level, we realize that our drivers are constantly improving and deserve a chance to climb the ladder of success. That's why we promote and relegate drivers before every season based on the results and data compiled during the previous season. This is also done to ensure that our races are as competitive as possible for all of our league members, top to bottom. Regardless of which division you're in, you will almost always be fighting to gain or defend a position on the track. Simply put, no other Gran Turismo league in the world can offer this much competitive racing to so many different skill levels.

Comprehensive Race Data
It's not always accurate to promote and relegate drivers based on championship points alone. That's why the massive amounts of data we track are invaluable to our league. You'd be hard-pressed to find a sim racing league anywhere in the world that tracks driver data and race results more comprehensively than we do. In fact, our SNAIL Data document contains so much information that we have to archive old data to avoid exceeding the GoogleDoc's maximum capacity! You can use this data to track the points championship for each season and compare yourself to other drivers in categories such as fast laps, total race pace, total points, average points per race, and power rankings.

We expect all drivers to follow our OLR Rules and pursue good racecraft at all times. If you're not sure what good racecraft is, watch this video. It can be summed up in one simple 'Golden Rule' of motorsports: It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free. If you don't agree with this rule or don't think it applies to you, this is not the league for you. If you ever feel like a driver is not following the rules, please wait until league night is over, then file a Racing Incident Report. Our Stewards will review the incident and issue the appropriate penalties.

Lobby Settings
Tire Settings:
Based on Dealership PP (not the PP after an oil change)
below 349 PP -> Comfort Mediums
350-399 PP ---> Comfort Softs
400-449 PP ---> Sports Hards
450-499 PP ---> Sports Mediums
500-549 PP ---> Sports Softs
550-599 PP ---> Racing Hards
600 PP & up --> Racing Mediums

How To Join Us
Step 1: Post a reply (by clicking the 'Reply' button at the bottom of this post) stating, "I have read the first post and would like to join," and tell us how you heard about SNAIL. (Do not start a conversation with anyone, just post your request on this thread).
Step 2: Watch the thread for a reply to your post and follow the instructions provided.
Step 3: Purchase the three cars listed in the lineup for our next races.
Step 4: Wait to be assigned to a division and then join that division's lounge on Sunday night.
If you are not sure which division you are assigned to, please check the Offical Driver List

For a list of helpful links and FAQ's, please click here.

"I have read the first post and would like to join,
"I have read the first post and would like to join,

Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add zer05ive, JLBowler, nmcp1, SAMHAIN85, llNovall & Akzl298
as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL
@Akzl298 Your year in review post is amazing !

Thanks a lot for your work throughout the year, I’m a 100% sure no other Gran Turismo league or any other game for that matter has that much in depth data going back more than 10 years. Truely awesome work ! I’ll work again this year on filing data each night, you do great things with that data.

@racingchamp30 Well done on that 100% attendance rate !

I’m looking forward for a new year of racing with you guys and thanks again to those running the league day in day out making SNAIL possible.