Thanks to everyone for giving the proposed format a shot. I was initially against the idea as well, but it grew on me enough to think that we should at least test it out. Now that we've done that, it's pretty clear that it was a flop. 👎
That being said, I still think we need to find a way to tame the overly-aggressive driving that some drivers are able to get away with simply because others don't take the time to file complaints. With that in mind, I'd like to revisit
Skills' idea last month of a rating system based on racecraft.
Here's what I propose.. At the end of each month, every driver in the league would be asked to fill out a quick survey in which they rate every other driver in their division. It was would be a 5-star ranking system in which 5 stars is the best and 1 star is the worst. Of course, if a driver hasn't raced with someone enough to form an opinion, then they would simply not rate that driver.
We would then take an average of how each driver was rated and that would be their "Racecraft Rating" for the month. We could even do something (very loosely based on what they do in the Olympics) by canceling out the ratings given by person in each division who handed out the highest scores and also cancel out the ratings given by the person in each division who dished out the most critical scores (basically like throwing out the Russian judge's score

Once the final calculations are made, we'd make a post in which everyone in the league is stack-ranked based on their "Racecraft Rating". We could either post all the names, or perhaps just post the names with a rating of 3.0 or higher (in case posting the names with low scores would cause too much drama on the thread). Or we could just put their Racecraft Rating next to their name in the final season standings.
However we decide to do it, it would at the very least acknowledge those with the best ratings in the league. More importantly, it would put something in the back of the mind of anyone thinking about attempting a divebomb or perhaps someone who caused contact with another driver, but is thinking about not lifting off the throttle and trying to complete the pass anyways.. The hope is that this list (and the desire to protect their reputation) would give them pause and help them make the right choice. Thoughts?