◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I would like to join. I'm not all that good but I race clean.

Hi quade420,

Thanks for your interest! We are always happy to have drivers who race clean. To get in on the racing tomorrow, we'll need you to run the time trial first.

Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday

The February 10th, 2013 lineup is:

Suzuki Cappuccino (EA21R) RM '95 (Racing Hard tires)
Circuito Madrid / Reverse (6 laps)

Renaultsport Clio V6 24V '00 (Sports Hard tires)
@Grand Valley East (8 laps)

Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione '08 (Sports Soft tires)
@Road Course - Daytona (??? laps)

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
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Hey guys, so I know that we just got a new qualifying procedure but I have another idea for that. I was just watching a video of someone doing an online race and the race just happened to have collisions disabled and something popped into my mind, I was thinking that we could make it so that the qualifying could be a one lap race where it's all or nothing, the race would have no collisions (which means no drafting) and it would be just who could get the fastest lap time in one lap. It could bring a lot of very close qualifying and also it helps people become better when they need to like for that one lap where you need it most. This could also take out the hassle of setting a time in between racers so that there's enough room for them to set times.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm one of those guys that can get my best lap time when I'm trying to hunt a guy down.

This is just an idea, some feedback would be nice.
Had a lot of fun tonight with Wolfsatz Goat and Ap. especially that last race:) how that Fiat, Mercedes and Sileighty have the same PP only makes sense to Kaz.
Had a lot of fun tonight with Wolfsatz Goat and Ap. especially that last race:) how that Fiat, Mercedes and Sileighty have the same PP only makes sense to Kaz.

I was going to get on, but I watched Happy Gilmore instead. I missed something good :(
Hey guys, so I know that we just got a new qualifying procedure but I have another idea for that. I was just watching a video of someone doing an online race and the race just happened to have collisions disabled and something popped into my mind, I was thinking that we could make it so that the qualifying could be a one lap race where it's all or nothing, the race would have no collisions (which means no drafting) and it would be just who could get the fastest lap time in one lap. It could bring a lot of very close qualifying and also it helps people become better when they need to like for that one lap where you need it most. This could also take out the hassle of setting a time in between racers so that there's enough room for them to set times.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm one of those guys that can get my best lap time when I'm trying to hunt a guy down.

This is just an idea, some feedback would be nice.

We looked into doing that when that option and draft was added to free run. However, no one was willing to turn collision off for the actual race, and when someone hops out to turn collision back on, it resets the track and clears everyone's lap times.
We looked into doing that when that option and draft was added to free run. However, no one was willing to turn collision off for the actual race, and when someone hops out to turn collision back on, it resets the track and clears everyone's lap times.

What I was talking about was an actual one lap race to see who's fastest and then do the races based on that
What I was talking about was an actual one lap race to see who's fastest and then do the races based on that

How would you determine the order of drivers for that one lap race? Whoever had pole would obviously have a huge advantage over the guy who starts last.
You would have to manually set the grid based off of lap times…which someone would have to jot down and dictate. Sounds messy.

Alfa TZ2 at Nurb 24hr. (9PM Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
1. Schmiggy wiggy biggy aka Schmiggz
2. GTP_Worst_Driver
3. nmcp1

S.N.A.I.L. Nurb Recycler (10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacfic)
1. Wolfsatz
2. NannyGoat
3. Apmaddock (Depending on how good/bad the game is)
How would you determine the order of drivers for that one lap race? Whoever had pole would obviously have a huge advantage over the guy who starts last.

Well if the lap was long enough, the drivers would naturally come to the front and because there's no collisions there'd be nothing stopping then from doing that, but if it was a go kart track or something like that, then you'd just do normal. Or if that doesn't suit your needs, just do a one lapper around the ring and then that could be used as starting grid
Alfa TZ2 at Nurb 24hr. (9PM Eastern / 6pm Pacific)
1. Schmiggy wiggy biggy aka Schmiggz
2. GTP_Worst_Driver
3. nmcp1
4. dabneyd
5. OwensRacing

Ill post a room number at 8pm. Please when entering mention SNAIL or GTP I may not recognize all names and hate to kick anyone.
Well no, ig it was a stupid idea anyways, just thought it would be unique
Baah, dont get so down about throwing out an idea. one thing to be said about that. I actually think the idea has merit. Not on sundays, but perhaps for one of the monday events or somewhere else. to fix the whole starting last on the grid thing, have everyone line up on the start/finish line. wait till the next 10 second mark (ie, 20 seconds, 40 seconds, ect. which ever is going to be the best next 10 second mark to start) then everyone sets off.
Again, this wouldnt do for a sunday event. But I do like it as an idea for a real quick qualify option for other events, especially for longer Nurb events.
I'd have signed up for the Alfa at Nürb but it's too early. The game'll never be over by then. :(

'salright. After last night's fun I'm sure the recycler will be similarly awesome…and maybe afterward we can go back to the format we did last night. :)


Jalapeno Sandwich


Sneaking and taking 2nd place...


Trying to get a Time trial in. Can anyone help me with that? I'd like to race tonight.

What do you need help with?
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I understand where both of you are coming from, but there are plenty of events on the schedule that are "last-minute friendly". Personally, I think there's room for an event that requires a little bit of advanced planning and scheduling. After all, why limit the scope of our imagination to only what's convenient for everyone? For those of us who's schedules are always changing, not being able to participate in everything you want to is unfortunately just one of the negatives of a constantly changing schedule. On the other hand, for those of us that have the luxury of being able to schedule race nights in advance, why not let our minds wonder? Why not think BIG?!

I'm not saying the draft idea is perfect, I just don't think it should be eliminated from consideration simply because not everyone would be able to participate. Like I said, we got races pretty much every night of the week. Let's allow ourselves an opportunity once in a while to get creative and think outside the box (even if not everyone will be able to participate all the time).

I think it'd be cool if we created a Fantasy Racing League - a fusion between a fantasy sports league (aka rotisserie league) and a racing league. We could treat the cars like players, have a draft board and then have a random drawing to see who gets to the coveted #1 pick. From there, we could snake draft the cars so that each team manager could fill their roster as they see fit. Since jobyone's idea required each driver to pick one of each of the four main layouts, we could view these as roster spots on each driver's lineup (kinda like needing to have a shortstop or a running back on each team).

As for the draft itself, I'm thinking all the team managers would meet in the D1 lounge for a draft party! Everyone bring a bag of popcorn and your favorite beverage and get ready for an intense and entertaining battle of wits and strategy. We'd communicate with our mics and chat, but we'd post our picks on the Fantasy Racing League thread. Each team manager would have up to two minutes to make their selection or they lose their place in the snake draft. That would keep things moving along that it wouldn't take more than a couple hours. And when it's not your turn to pick, you can test out cars on the track. Or just drive a car for the purpose making the other team managers think you're about to pick it, just so that they don't know the car you're really after. :dopey:

Anways, sorry if I'm getting carried away. Maybe I just miss playing fantasy football. :lol:
You do put forth a good argument.

How about a bit of a compromise. I also like the idea of a FRL. So lets have one. Everyone who wants to sign up for the FRL can do so. Those that sign up will meet to choose cars. Once that is done people who want to race but not be a part of the FRL can then choose their cars. They can choose any car as long as it is not on the chosen list of the FRL drivers.

Then we all meet and Race:)

I am still waiting to here back about available dates to hold the race. Once we get a date I will post a FRL signup list. You can join as a team* of two or as an individual. If you are racing in a team* you are also eligible for the individual championship. Non FRL drivers can compete but will not be eligible for the prizes.

*To keep teams from being stacked with guys that are to fast lets say that the combined Division Number of each team must be 6. Therefore a D1 driver needs to pair with a D5, a D2 driver needs to pair with a D4 or D5 driver, and a D3 Driver should pair with either a D3 D4 or D5 driver. This may also provide an opportunity for the guys in the higher divisions to coach the guys in the lower divisions and help them improve their times.

Lastly one note on the PP of the cars. Since this event has a wide open list of cars that are an option it is important that you pay attention to the miles of the car you choose and how that effects the PP. Once a car hits 5000 miles it starts to loose PP that can never be regained even with an engine rebuild. For this reason you should try to make sure when you are calculating PP for cars that you try to use the PP of a car that has been broken in and has an oil change with less than 5000 miles. As I can I will start to compile a list of cars maximum PP.

The PP of the car will be treated as the maximum the car can possibly have not what your car actually has. So if your car has a maximum PP of 370 but your car has 350 due to not being broken in or excessive miles it will still be counted as a car with 370 PP towards the 1600PP limit.
Trying to get a Time trial in. Can anyone help me with that? I'd like to race tonight.

Hey quade420,

You shouldn't need anyone else to help you with it. You just run the time trial in Arcade Mode.

The instructions are here.

To keep teams from being stacked with guys that are to fast lets say that the combined Division Number of each team must be 6.

…or higher…

Your ideas all sound really good. I'm going to try to talk my way into joining this, at least initially. I'm interested to see how it works. I've a bit of a worry that the field will disperse early in every race and just turn into time trials of sorts, because people will choose cars of different PP, etc, but those worries may be unfounded.

Hopefully I can make this work.
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I havent been tuning since joining SNAIL. But I was pretty into it before hand, and back then there was a large disparity between most cars in the same pp range. In the tuning events in the tuning section of GTP, often you tune cars with in the given requirements. Most often weight and horsepower were used, but PP was as well. Amid a group of 20 or so tuners, obvious standouts would shine. Mostly things like the miata or s2000. But there have been a number of updates and changes made since I last did a lot of tuning. So this may be wrong. But I'm going to guess that one or two cars are always going to be in the lead, and the rest will be in a group behind that.
I havent been tuning since joining SNAIL. But I was pretty into it before hand, and back then there was a large disparity between most cars in the same pp range. In the tuning events in the tuning section of GTP, often you tune cars with in the given requirements. Most often weight and horsepower were used, but PP was as well. Amid a group of 20 or so tuners, obvious standouts would shine. Mostly things like the miata or s2000. But there have been a number of updates and changes made since I last did a lot of tuning. So this may be wrong. But I'm going to guess that one or two cars are always going to be in the lead, and the rest will be in a group behind that.

I can vouch for this.

Just last night during our few races at the Nürb we found a few cars that were just smoking others in the same PP range. Admittedly these cars may not have had the same advantage at, say, Tsukuba, but on the Green Hell they were obvious favorites.

It's the matter of being able to find those cars that keeps things interesting. ;)