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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.
We should always be willing to try something new or doing old things a new way. We can also take another vote and see where the majority stands based on knowing what they will be getting into. Use a simple vote. I would vote 10 to 12.

I don't know why, but I think Ap has a microwave of evil.
I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

I don't have a problem with that at all!:)👍
I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Hope you will get better!!
From my own perspective even though i missed the voting period! The only reason I would be in favor of starting early is because ever since the new and improved qual procedure it usually delays the qual time by much longer than the usual 10.
Add that to the discos and waiting for racers to reconnect.

I prefer the 10 oclock start time if we keep things moving along per the schedule.

That's just an issue with the drivers in your room not getting in and getting out on the track and getting moving. D2 has run right on time, if not finishing a little early since we've been using the new qualifying procedure.

It's strange that you say that Wolf. I've been racing in D3 these past four weeks and don't remember not finishing on time. Even with the discos and reconnects and also with the few minutes sometimes needed for snail reasons.

In fact, the new qualifing procedure, I think, has helped us finish on time. Ap also has done a great job in keeping the races moving.

I'm :confused:
I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

My first impression is that I like it. It might make promotion/relegation a bit more complicated, but we could cross that bridge if/when we come to it.
My first impression is that I like it. It might make promotion/relegation a bit more complicated, but we could cross that bridge if/when we come to it.

How does D3 starting at regular time and D1, D2, D4 and D5 starting earlier make promotion/relegation more complicated?
It doesn't effect it at all.
How does D3 starting at regular time and D1, D2, D4 and D5 starting earlier make promotion/relegation more complicated?
It doesn't effect it at all.

I meant that if one of the three people in D3 that cannot start later is promoted or relegated to one of the other divisions, we would have to consider changing the start time for that division, too.
The only semi complicated part is knowing what time your division starts.

Admittedly, that does expect some ability to read and follow directions, or remember what you have been told, but since we're old enough to 'drive' we can do that.

Daughter wants some Dad-time while Mom is on travel, so I am on a Friday night hiatus. Good luck tonight, y'all.
I meant that if one of the three people in D3 that cannot start later is promoted or relegated to one of the other divisions, we would have to consider changing the start time for that division, too.

I don't see that scenario playing out! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


WE can use a little :lol::lol::lol::lol: after all the back and forth thats been going on.
I meant that if one of the three people in D3 that cannot start later is promoted or relegated to one of the other divisions, we would have to consider changing the start time for that division, too.

We can cross that bridge if/when we come to it! Who said that???:lol::lol::lol:
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I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

Hope you feel better zero. That's fine here as long if I am still in D3.

This is for zer05ive and all the others that just need a little "SNUG"...
I had a big long retaliatory post written out after zer0's last long one, but I decided to give it some time before posting it. It wasn't inflammatory in any way, but I figured it was best to give it some air. I'm glad I did.

I have no problem with your latest proposal, zer0. I fear it may be a case of kicking the can down the road (to use recent governmental parlance) but it should work for now. My only worry is the fact that I may have won D3 this month, and while that doesn't guarantee promotion, it certainly brings up Dr.K's concern! hehe
But... He is a vegetarian (mostly), healthy, and all that. What is wrong with yoga?

(Would have to electrocute me to do that successfully; bad back)

If you have a bad back you should look into doing yoga, or my personal suggestion, tai chi. Tai chi is great and one of the newest researched methods for treating back pain and nerve damage
Hey, I'm in D3 and that sounds good to me. I've been doing yoga so I'm flexible.

Haha good one

This guy gets me. It was just a little joke.

Handlebar, cut out the dairy and gluten and I bet you will feel right as rain. I use to suffer from chronic lower back pain, then I found out that I have mild sciliacs, so I cut out gluten and feel great. Don't forget to eat your vegetables also! With so many snails getting sick I think I should preach more often.:sly:
I'm sick as a dog right now, so I went to go take a nap to get some rest. Instead, I tossed and turned trying to figure this out and here's what I came up with.. Since there are only three members in the entire league who can't race earlier (myself, Ap, and tez) and we're all in D3, why not just let D3 start at the regular time and let the the other four divisions try out the slightly earlier time for the March season? I see it as a win-win, but I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts.

You're beating yourself up too much about this. Your just trying to make things better and you know in your heart that it is easier to start earlier than be up late and wake up tired on Monday. It is just common sense logic.

While I am not interested in debating what is better or worse, I think it is self evident that the sacrifice is greater for EST racers who go to bed late and it isn't even close to the same as the inconvenience of starting earlier.

Saying that isn't meant to marginalize the challenges western racers may have with the time change because that challenge is real for those people. My point is a general point about the plain reality that it is less stressful to start early than to finish late when sleep on a work/school night is in the balance, and it isn't even a close call.

Before you vehemently disagree with me for agreeing with Zero's decision or pointing out what I think it is obvious logic, remember my post where I said that I thought we shouldn't change the time if we lose regulars in the process. Regardless of the logic of the choice to change, I knew it would be a divisive decision that would cause Zero a lot of headaches and that thought was proven correct. His GTP job just doesn't pay enough for all that.
get better soon zero...

Huurrrrr... i feel humiliated!!! Last night i joined Dabneyd, Tez, Nik, Wolf and Turbo in a FR-S BRZ competition with a not broken in car and they beat the crap outta me!!!
I couldn't even beat Wolfsatz!!!! Can you believe this???? LOL! Just teasing...
get better soon zero...

Huurrrrr... i feel humiliated!!! Last night i joined Dabneyd, Tez, Nik, Wolf and Turbo in a FR-S BRZ competition with a not broken in car and they beat the crap outta me!!!
I couldn't even beat Wolfsatz!!!! Can you believe this???? LOL! Just teasing...

:cool: Thanks for the compliment! Hope to see you in D3 soon!

This is for zer05ive and all the others that just need a little "SNUG"...

Exo, I love your posts. Right before you post that picture, my wife told me to go lay down because I was feeling so crappy.. I didn't wake up until twelve hours later! Usually I don't even get half that much sleep! It must have been from that little "SNUG"... :lol:
Exo, I love your posts. Right before you post that picture, my wife told me to go lay down because I was feeling so crappy.. I didn't wake up until twelve hours later! Usually I don't even get half that much sleep! It must have been from that little "SNUG"... :lol:

Lol nice pic!!!
While I imagine everyone is trying to get some last minute practice in for Sundays Races I would like to remind everyone that Monday is Performance Cap Racing. We only have 4 slots open so if you want to join us signup now and then choose your cars and come have some good casual fun.

Monday Race Night in D3 Lounge

3/11/13 at 10:00 PM EST/ 7:00 pm PST

This event will run with a combined PP cap of:
All cars PP must be between 345 and 467

Qualifiying and the first race will take place at

Road Course Daytona