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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I am still anchored at 1:30, with glimmers of 1:29. I can see some of the areas I am losing time on after viewing the race from that practice. First 2 corners, then the corner after last tunnel and last corner. But getting better...
I realize there might be other events planned for tonight, but I thought I would post this anyway. I will be hosting another session of practice and/or tutoring tonight Is anyone interested in joining? I'm thinking about 9pm EDT, maybe 8 pm EDT at the earliest.

Yeah sure, I'll pop by in a couple hours....that'll give me time to recharge the mic and get my stuff sorted before the evening :)
So I'm guessing we have to wait until the 24th hour to have updated driver lists. Which would be 10PM EST, right?

10pm EST is the deadline for our Advanced Notice Policy. Once that deadline passes, kcheeb and I will finalize the lists and announce the official promotions and relegations for Sunday night.

cheeb, wanna meet me in the D2 lounge after the deadline so that we can finalize the list?
10pm EST is the deadline for our Advanced Notice Policy. Once that deadline passes, kcheeb and I will finalize the lists and announce the official promotions and relegations for Sunday night.

cheeb, wanna meet me in the D2 lounge after the deadline so that we can finalize the list?

Sounds good Zer0, I'll be there.
Sure, I can help out. I'm no wizard with photo mode but I've spent a bit of time there. Capturing an actual race instead of an "incident" might allow me a bit more creativity, too.

If by "incident", you mean "awesome feat of skill" then yeah I know what you mean! :lol: I'm looking forward to what you come up with!

I'm normally up for about an hour after the scheduled race time, so if you need any other help right after the races let me know. I'll probably come lurk in whatever lobby you're in, anyway to try to get an early report.

The division directors always meet up after the races for a debrief. Just meet us in the D2 lounge if you want to come hang out and discuss the how the evening went.
I'm hosting a practice / tutoring session in 5 mins.

Dock, those pics are hilarious. I laughed out loud. Brilliant! I think if you play with the shutter speed, you can give them just a touch of blur so they look like they are in motion, and not just parked that way.

Yeah. Normally I like a lot more motion in the pictures, but this time I didn't have time to play with it. Sunday's photos will.
Hello S.N.A.I.L.s

The lineup for tomorrow nights festivities has been set and can be found here. Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any errors or omissions.

The first thing the astute in the crowd will notice, and I mean all of you :), is there was no movement between Division 1 and Division 2. The reason for this is two-fold.

The first being there was some question during last weeks race as to the status of ND_4_SPD_Naruto. This led some to believe he would be relegated. As it turned out he did provide notice and was not eligible for relegation.

The second being a tie at the top of Division 2 with a tie breaker being won by Zer05ive. Zer05ive graciously offered to remain in Division 2 to provide a smooth transition to our shiny new Advance Notice Policy.

I think this is a good solution and emphasizes the friendly and cooperative nature of the S.N.A.I.L. group. We could have done the relegation/promotion any number of ways, this seemed to fit the best.

That said, I would like to ask that all Division Directors not discuss Promotion or Relegation during a race night as it pertains to the people involved in the lounge you are responsible for.

The general guidelines we use to promote and relegate people among the divisions are:

Relegate 1 driver from Division 1 to Division 2, Promote 1 driver from Division 2 to Division 1.
Relegate 2 drivers from Division 2 to Division 3, Promote 2 drivers from Division 3 to Division 2.

There are a few other factors that can play into the decisions made, how many people are out that week, how many people are returning that week and how many people are in each of the divisions. It's not a simple cut and dried formula, so the fewer complications the better.

Frig, sounds like a lawyer wrote that :lol:

Some things you can do to help make race night enjoyable for you and everyone in the lounge.

1. Restart your PS3 prior to entering your assigned SNAIL_DivisionX lounge.
2. Clear your System Cache from the GT5 Options menu.
3. Show up on time, qualifying starts at 21:00 CDT.
4. Join the correct Snail_DivisionX lounge, you can find out which lounge to join here.
5. Race hard, race fair 👍

Sorry I'll be missing the fun tomorrow, good luck all and have fun racing!!!
Something I've been thinking about adding is a weekly rules awareness post. This is meant as a friendly reminder of the rules we all agreed to when we signed up to race in a series on :gtplanet:. I've always wanted to use that emoticon, but couldn't find the right place :)

Rule of the week from the GTP OLR

14: Recovering from an incident:

It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident. A relevant incident may include, but not limited to -

Being spun out
Facing the wrong way,
Perpendicular to the track
Going abnormally slow for where you are on the track.
Getting penalized for any amount of time by the penalty system

If you are off the track then the rules on "Re-entering to the track after running off" apply.

In the event that your car turns to a 'ghost car' you assume the responsibility of avoiding hazards at all costs, refer
to 13-B.
Kcheeb, thanks for the reminder.

Reviewed tonight's practice race and found I am in need of improving race-craft as well. Sorry, APMaddock! (mid lap 2 I think).

I plan on being there - D3, obviously- tomorrow, but we will be out of town the following Sunday, and the one after that is Easter, so I believe we'll have plans.

I can still consider some practice until thurs eve, I think.

Beyond that, a brief arriva derci (sp?) and then back.
I'm going to see if I can twist my parents' arm and hopefully get them to call on Saturday nights instead, that would free up my Sunday nights for this :sly:
Hey all, sorry i havent been on the past few days, i've had inventory at work, from 7-10 at night Friday & Saturday, and needed the sleep on Thursday.

I'll join you doughboy :)

On my way as well.
Kcheeb, thanks for the reminder.

No problem handlebar 👍

I plan on being there - D3, obviously- tomorrow, but we will be out of town the following Sunday, and the one after that is Easter, so I believe we'll have plans.

I'll update the driver list, thanks for the heads up.

I'm going to see if I can twist my parents' arm and hopefully get them to call on Saturday nights instead, that would free up my Sunday nights for this :sly:

That would be great tez, the more the merrier :)
That said, I would like to ask that all Division Directors not discuss Promotion or Relegation during a race night as it pertains to the people involved in the lounge you are responsible for.

:rolleyes: > :ouch: > :(

PS: Logging on for practice.
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Can the powers that be ensure that I have a friend request for D2. I know I have friended D1 and D3, but I won't be on today until right before race time and I honestly can't remember sending or receiving one for D2.
Super pumped for tonight. If I can continue my current trend of improving every week, maybe I can sneak onto the podium this week!
Can the powers that be ensure that I have a friend request for D2. I know I have friended D1 and D3, but I won't be on today until right before race time and I honestly can't remember sending or receiving one for D2.

I just sent you a friend request from the D2 account. Simply accept it when you log on to race and you'll be all set.

To All Snails,
Anyone who foresees the potential to move between divisions, please go ahead and send a friend request to the accounts that you don't have on your list. The choices are:


Please remember that due to our divisional lounge system, all of these lounges are utilized throughout the week as well, so go ahead and send friend requests to the accounts that you don't already have added.
I'll be along in a few hours to practice, gotta few things around the house that need attention first though.
Hello S.N.A.I.L.s

The lineup for tomorrow nights festivities has been set and can be found here. Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any errors or omissions.

The first thing the astute in the crowd will notice, and I mean all of you :), is there was no movement between Division 1 and Division 2...

Something else the astute in the crowd will notice is that last week's D3 Director (leadbedr) has been promoted to D2. Therefore we currently don't have a D3 director.

If you're interested in being the D3 Director tonight, please let us know. The requirements are:

1. Must be listed under Division 3 in tonight's Driver List
2. Must have a headset to allow efficientl communication
3. Must configure the lounge with the proper league settings
4. Must have access to Google Docs and log points for pole bonuses and race results into said Google Doc
5. Must alternate grid settings between 'Fast First' and 'Reverse Grid' as needed
6. Must change track after completion of each round
7. Must change tire restrictions after each round
8. Must meet in the Division2 lounge after the races are over for debrief

If we're unable to find a D3 Director for tonight, I will serve as the D3 director.
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