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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I re-aggravated a back injury late afternoon yesterday. Took a muscle-relaxer & pain killer and figured I would be ok. Laid down, fell asleep woke up around midnight. Sorry.
It took a lot of laps but I really grew to like them both. Cape Ring had pretty much every turn that a person can think of and the NSX was just about the right speed for it. Something about the NSX and I get along pretty well. Occasionally, though, it would just decide to step out despite the fact that you were doing what seemed identical to what you did in every lap before that.

I never noticed it before last night, but does anyone else feel like there's a near-imperceptible bump right in the middle of the Cape's carousel? That threw me a few times last night.

Yeah that bump was really noticeable. It put me off quite a bit last night.
Back injuries are terrible. I just got over one a couple of weeks ago. Best of luck to a speedy recovery!
I know the bump. And it seems like its right at a point where the loop tightens ever so much. I definitely tripped up on it myself.
Hey bowler, was I responsible for your off on the last race? In game I didnt hear anything. I knew I was very close to you but in my screen it looked like you ran wide. However, when I reviewed that race, I could hear and see the contact on the chase cam. in the replay, it looked like you were able to hold on after the touch, as the off happened a little ways after. But the replays show others kinda glitchy at best and so I ask you for the verdict. If its the case that I did put you off I'd like to forfeit my points on the last race, pending Bowlers reply.
That said, what a crazy night last night was. Great racing! Very close. Especially in the front. Being a steward is kinda neat, since you really get to see the whole race. However, the more people in the race, the glitchier everyone moves in the replay, so any decision made from these races I think should be deliberated between the steward, director and persons involved in private before a public announcement is made. I think this will help mitigate aggravated banter on this thread as well.

I will watch the replays starting in about 10 minutes. I'm west coast so I just got the kid off to school and ate breakfast. From what I remember you were in my rear quarter panel and it felt like we were hooked together somehow. I'll see it on the replay from all angles. The trouble started when I hit the grass on the right and that started me sideways and then off on the other side of the track.
Indeed. Did get you too. Man. We have history on that set of turns huh? I did touch you. But i cant tell if my contact put you in the grass. It looks like you were holding straight afterwards then the touch caught up to you. Idk. I went through the races last night and this morning before class. Races 4 and 6 are the main races to look at. All the others went smooth and correct.
As the night wore on, sudden lag spikes were increasingly common. I can recall the last race following spooble, badger and one other down the stretch leading into the bus stop and in one instant I appear to cover 4-5 car lengths. That shook me and as we came to the stop I backed off and lost the draft. :ouch: Pity to end so poorly after being 2,3 or 4 each other race.
As the night wore on, sudden lag spikes were increasingly common. I can recall the last race following spooble, badger and one other down the stretch leading into the bus stop and in one instant I appear to cover 4-5 car lengths. That shook me and as we came to the stop I backed off and lost the draft. :ouch: Pity to end so poorly after being 2,3 or 4 each other race.

Hey guys, I got disconnected from the lobby server as the 1st Daytona Road Course race was starting and I can not log back in to the PSN. I keep getting an error message. :grumpy:

Interesting, seems Psycho Tuber had issues with the PSN later on. Must have been something going on last night with it.

Sad it happens on race night!!!
Indeed. Did get you too. Man. We have history on that set of turns huh? I did touch you. But i cant tell if my contact put you in the grass. It looks like you were holding straight afterwards then the touch caught up to you. Idk. I went through the races last night and this morning before class. Races 4 and 6 are the main races to look at. All the others went smooth and correct.

I'm just barely started on race 1 and there are alot of instances that need to be addressed for clarification in the future at least. Quite a bit of corner cutting going on at deep forest. I'll post pics after I watch everyones race.
I'll have to look through them better, But the one corner I did notice getting "cut" was turn 4. On a track like that the "edge" can be confusing to figure out as there are multiple lines, curbs and rumble strips use through out. To be honest, I ran over the white, though I never had more then two tires off the track there. The rest I will have to look through today. I was tired last night and was only really looking for big issues. Crashs, run offs, things of that nature. This morning I recapped what I had found and sent some videos to Diabolic. I'll share them with you as well.
I'm just barely started on race 1 and there are alot of instances that need to be addressed for clarification in the future at least. Quite a bit of corner cutting going on at deep forest. I'll post pics after I watch everyones race.

I said it over the mic lap 6 on deep forest, can't remember which race, was really bad. I nearly lost it with racefan approaching and over corrected onto the concrete. Definitely had all four tires on it and should a penalty be accessed, so be it. I know I lost a second or two in momentum.

Lap 2 was similar, but I think I put just two on. In the pack it was happening quickly.
I've been looking through the Div. 3 race replays while taking photos. Admittedly, I haven't looked through each drivers' race, but from what I've seen things were run very cleanly. There was a problem with one driver taking the concrete nearly every chance he got, but nothing that he did will change the standings. I'll notify him privately.

Other than that things were very good. Things were kept very clean with minimal incidents of any kind, and those that there were seemed to be acknowledged and "paid for."

Thanks for the good clean racing, guys. And thanks to garris for his fantastic work as our division's Director.
Quite a bit of corner cutting going on at deep forest....

On a highly positive note, in D3 I didn't see this.

The only racer that I saw it close to being on all 4 on the pavement was in the first lap. I said a reminder to the channel (and possibly to the driver - hopefully politely) to remember to not use it as a shortcut, and the 2 wheel ruling. It didn't affect our results.

As I kept following that driver, I was pleased to see an immediate change in driving style on the next lap. I don't think the driver had a mic, but certainly had ears! Lost sight of him after that, but I'm hopeful.

Is there a way to watch the D1 races somehow? I'd love to learn from watching from their view - I re-watched all the practice races I'd been in right before we started. I watched from one of the leaders seats, focused on areas I've struggled to find a line or hold it. In some areas, I do think it helped. I know I learn by seeing, thinking it through, then doing it.
Awesome pic! You guys couldn't have lined up more evenly if you tried! It looks like a car commercial, but I wonder if Microsoft gets a royalty check for the use of their default Windows desktop background.. :lol:

I played around with the shutter speed and focus in an attempt to make it a little blurry so we look like we're actually moving and not just parked on the track :lol:

Great pics!

I need to look at that feature more.

Here's the link to my spin, Handlebar :) (edit: I can't read properly, I thought you wrote 'feature movie', not 'feature more' :dunce: )

I would take a look at the replays for more photo ops but my TV decided that now would be a good time to require a replacement lamp (I thank the racing gods that it didn't decide last night to do that) so I have a repairman coming in an hour or so to hopefully fix it :grumpy:
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Immensely n00b question to follow...

In the standing starts, we all start moving, and my broken-in car is clearly slower. It wasn't until this morning that I remembered MoPar asking me what gear I was in during a training session. I'm afraid I know the answer to the question, but here goes... :nervous:

Does anyone use an automatic transmission, like I currently do? What effect could this have on speed and handling in GT5? Given my current challenges as a driver, is this something I should pursue now, later, or not-at-all-non-issue?
Immensely n00b question to follow...

In the standing starts, we all start moving, and my broken-in car is clearly slower. It wasn't until this morning that I remembered MoPar asking me what gear I was in during a training session. I'm afraid I know the answer to the question, but here goes... :nervous:

Does anyone use an automatic transmission, like I currently do? What effect could this have on speed and handling in GT5? Given my current challenges as a driver, is this something I should pursue now, later, or not-at-all-non-issue?

I do use AT when I use the controller....mainly because I could never get a comfortable button positioning for MT.

The main problem is that, if you take a tutorial session from Devious or MoPar and they say "I'm in 4th through here with high revs", you don't have a choice with the AT; if it wants you to take it in 5th, you're taking it in 5th.

This killed me at Cape Ring as I found the loop much more stable in 4th, then kick it down to 3rd at the exit to build the speed up. As it was, I had to baby it through there a lot (in 3rd), probably giving dock and beer heart palpitations when they were following me as I was just barely keeping from spinning :scared:

However, I did say that I am switching to the wheel this week so I'll also switch to MT....not sure how that will go :nervous:
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MT is definitely the way to go. You get more control through acceleration, deceleration, and turns. (Is there any other part of racing?)

Admittedly I've been racing MT since I played GT1 on a keyboard on my friend's PC, but I find it very easy on the controller. Once you get used to it you find that you can use sound cues to know when to shift, and before you know it, you're using them to judge speed for corners, etc.

Give it a go. I used the DS3's d-pad, buttons, and L and R2 for shifting until last week. A wheel makes it even easier, but what else are your index fingers doing while you're racing?

Of course, there are many (some very fast racers) who will tell you differently.
Revs also have a huge factor at the start....I never just floor it on countdown in an attempt to minimise wheelspin and this has generally led to me being decent off the line.
Ok, I'm the idiot that selected delete all in my photo gallery when I really only wanted to delete one. I had pics for examples but I don't anymore. My point is, there is a white line all the way around Deep Forest. Is this the official marker for the edge of the track and are we required to keep two wheels inside or on the white line. This is the assumption I have been running under after reading the OLR rules that are linked in the first post. After watching the replay, there are many instances of people with all four tires beyond the white line.
Ok, I'm the idiot that selected delete all in my photo gallery when I really only wanted to delete one. I had pics for examples but I don't anymore. My point is, there is a white line all the way around Deep Forest. Is this the official marker for the edge of the track and are we required to keep two wheels inside or on the white line. This is the assumption I have been running under after reading the OLR rules that are linked in the first post. After watching the replay, there are many instances of people with all four tires beyond the white line.

Unfortunately, the OLR rules a bit lenient when it comes to that. Click here for the post where I discussed just sticking to the OLR rules "as is" even though I wish they were more strict. Anyways, here is the rule that is at the center of all of this:

Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.

According to that, you are okay as long as two wheels are in contact with the rumble strips. Therefore, it's technically possible to have all four tires outside the white line and not be violating the OLR rules. Again, I wish the OLR rules did not include the rumble strips as part of the track, but they do.. :yuck:
I found a couple of isntances where drivers were completely in the grass but they never gained anyting by doing it. In fact, it cost them time or positions every time it happened. I would say that the Deep Forest races can be called official at this time. Race #3 and #5 are good as well. Rally and I are still discussing #4 and #6 but should be done soon.
Good news everyone, my TV is all shiny and new again :D

Apparently the glass had melted due to a cooling fan that was clogged with dust and had distorted the lamp so it basically burnt out.
Changes Eligible Cars for Endurance Series

Instead of making the series open to any car, I will be producing a list of eligible cars for each event in the series. There will still be a draft to select cars but the number of eligible cars will determine how many times it can be selected. The list for race #1 is as follows and any car may be selected by no more than two drivers:

BMW 135i
Chevy Camaro Z28 '69
Ford Mustang '07
Infiniti G35 Coupe
Jaguar XK Luxury Coupe
Mazda RX-8 '07
Fairlady Z 300 '89
Fairlady Z (z33) '07
Toyota Supra 3.0 GT '88

All cars are in the dealership so there isn't a problem with obtaining them. All cars must still be run at no more than 276hp (you will have to use the power limiter on most of these) and tuning is still prohibited. Sorry for anyone who has already started testing cars but this should make it easier for all who want to attempt the series.
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Pictures from the Division 3 races.

56k warning!

...too late...

Deep Forest

Off we go:

My lame attempt at art:






Cape Ring














Daytona Road Course












First turn, Lap 2. Yikes:


Tez's Epic Spin:



He wasn't the only one:



Too high:


Changes Eligible Cars for Endurance Series
Ford Mustang Mach 1 '71

Have you run the Mach 1? It's pretty much useless in stock form due to a very low transmission limit.

Unless you're running a very short course. I'm too lazy to go back and look but even Autumn Ring Mini would be pushing it.

I think that is Eat_Lead89 in the blue. That is me in the yellow. This is right after turn 1 on the fourth lap or so of the first race. We are fighting for second, i think. I got through the first turn gloriously fast, stayed on his inside and got to the top of the hill before him. It was a fantastic pass.

I binned it on the left hander after the last tunnel.

Cape Ring

Me in the red. I got through the last corner faster, and was beating him down the straight. But I had to back off for the first hairpin. It was a blast.


I need to watch the replay for this. I think Reaper may have passed me on the apron here.


The last corner, the last lap. I tried to draft past him, but he started moving up and I moved just a touch too high and tagged the wall. That was it, lost my speed.
I need to watch the replay for this. I think Reaper may have passed me on the apron here.

He did. Very shortly after that photo was snapped. The authorities have been notified. ;)

The last corner, the last lap. I tried to draft past him, but he started moving up and I moved just a touch too high and tagged the wall. That was it, lost my speed.

Yep. I moved up to pinch you a bit but I think I left enough room for you to come through. Had to get in your head a bit, though, to give myself a chance.

I lost control twice in that race. I really had no business finishing in second place.
56k? Does anyone have dial up anymore? Lol. I remember when cable companies started doing internet. My father worked for comcast (tci at the time) and I worked for a company called Amcomm. He worked for the warehouse, I pulled in the long range fiber needed to run it. Still remember my first time browsing the web in it. Jeez fast!