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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I know how to do this already as I was helping Handlebar back in D5; however, sometimes work and family does not allow me to fully be responsible as the pictures also are time consuming. I could be a back up; I did not know that you needed the replays...I could've upload them since Monday since I was off.

I'll be willing to be Co-video uploader with someone else and do one week in / out.

Okay, that sounds good. cmbeal317 has been uploading the D4 videos since Goat moved to D4. How about I put you two down as co-uploaders? I'll then leave if up to you guys to work out a schedule for who's uploading the replays each week. 👍

I was going to say you could just upload the replays when 'beal misses a Sunday, but that doesn't ever happen! :bowdown:
That would certainly save on shipping costs! :lol:

Unfortunately, even a bulk deal would be more expensive than T-shirts. :(

Check out 'cafe press' website. They make T-shirts, print mugs, stickers, posters, etc. They will make you one or 10,000. Your own design or a design they have on file. There is no minimum order. I got four polo shirts made for a team golf tournament that I was in four months ago.
I like the idea of coffee mugs and window clings (not stickers). With the way we drive, the coffee mug might need to be spill proof though.
Standard Car Thursday's/ESCarGoT will be taking place in the D2 lounge tonight at our normal race time. Check out the SCT thread for the combos and show up with your favorite standard cars!
I'm going to do that b-spec seasonal a few times more and see if that does the trick....

Edit: it's finally broken in! :eek:
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Okay, that sounds good. cmbeal317 has been uploading the D4 videos since Goat moved to D4. How about I put you two down as co-uploaders? I'll then leave if up to you guys to work out a schedule for who's uploading the replays each week. 👍

I was going to say you could just upload the replays when 'beal misses a Sunday, but that doesn't ever happen! :bowdown:
Its a great idea to have a co-uploader in the event I can't make it. Though don't count on that happening anytime soon! Hard to believe it's almost been a year since I joined the greatest league on GTPlanet!

One other thing I wanted to call to attention is that S.P.E.C. Racing will be starting it's 5th season this Saturday night! This season we'll be racing the Acura NSX RM! For more information and how to join us, just follow the link below and hopefully we'll see a few more S.N.A.I.L.s joining us Saturday!



If there is anyone on the fence about racing in the SCT group, don't hesitate. It is tons of fun and has some of the highest quality SNAIL drivers participating. Having different cars levels the playing field a lot so don't worry about being in a lower division. I consider myself a mid-range D4 driver and found myself with several high finishes and close door to door racing all night long.

Many of you have a hard time fitting it into your schedules, myself included, but this is worth the effort. So quit your job, kick out your significant other, close the blinds, and get your ass to D2 on Thursday night.

That is all.
Not to throw a cat into a tree full of pigeons, but I have to bring this back up before the new season begins…

Bowler's idea of a multiplier of three percent for each driver over 10, or a reduction of the same under 10, seems to work quite well.

I'll bring back the chart of the winning score versus the number of drivers in the room. The left side is the least number of drivers, the right has the most.

Screen Shot 2012-11-27 at 5.06.32 PM.png

Now, if you apply his multiplier, the trend graph should level off, which would prove that the multiplier is working, making comparing un-level divisions more fair. Of course, there will be blips from racers who dominated the field or some particularly even nights.

Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 11.59.38 PM.png

That seems to have worked even better than I expected…

What are the thoughts on this?
I really like how Bowler's formula gives every division the same chance at winning a prize, regardless of how many drivers are on the grid. It would automatically eliminate the disadvantage that drivers in full divisions have against drivers in smaller divisions. If anything, drivers competing in fuller divisions are the ones who should have the advantage, not the other way around. This formula makes it so that nobody gets an advantage! 💡

Of course, we do our best to "level" the divisions at the beginning of each season, but there's no denying that predicting how many drivers are going to show up in each division on any given Sunday night is a very inexact science. This formula adjusts for that unpredictability fairly, and the two comparison graphs above prove it. 👍
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Is there a trick to this? I could not get into B-Spec if I had the Kart already selected.

Seasonal Online B Spec

Try the london trick set at 40 lap increments and drive some of it. ;) 40 laps on pause at London take roughly two hours.

Also if you got a few friends in the Route X is fun drafting with trans tune.

Also after practice have we concluded the 125 twins are just that. Twins and both are eligible to be raced?

I can be in a regular 125 as I broke it in thinking SPL was a no go.

On that. I think the 125 Kart can be duped. So no real excuse to run an SPL ;) it's my preferred for looks mainly so if we can run them I'd prefer to run my SPL based solely on looks.
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If there is anyone on the fence about racing in the SCT group, don't hesitate. It is tons of fun and has some of the highest quality SNAIL drivers participating. Having different cars levels the playing field a lot so don't worry about being in a lower division. I consider myself a mid-range D4 driver and found myself with several high finishes and close door to door racing all night long.

Many of you have a hard time fitting it into your schedules, myself included, but this is worth the effort. So quit your job, kick out your significant other, close the blinds, and get your ass to D2 on Thursday night.

That is all.

When I have time I really like this series simply because you can race standard cars. My only beef with this series is there is no policing of the rules regarding the 10% engine detune rule. Oddly enough the few times I have raced there, there were a couple of people violating this but they did not change cars after I said something in chat.
Is there a trick to this? I could not get into B-Spec if I had the Kart already selected.

I've a feeling you're not doing the online events.

From GTLife:

Seasonal Events

B-Spec Seasonal Two

Choose the Nürb event.

Run the kart.

Each round takes about 28 minutes, pays about 185k (for the loss, I wish I could find that in real life), and puts on over 30 miles. Run it 6 times and you should have enough to be broken in.
I've a feeling you're not doing the online events.

From GTLife:

Seasonal Events

B-Spec Seasonal Two

Choose the Nürb event.

Run the kart.

Each round takes about 28 minutes, pays about 185k (for the loss, I wish I could find that in real life), and puts on over 30 miles. Run it 6 times and you should have enough to be broken in.

I think Karts require a few more miles before they can rebuild the engine and have it fully broken in.

I think Karts require a few more miles before they can rebuild the engine and have it fully broken in.


Confirmed. I rushed to run the seasonal six times so that I could have the kart fully broken-in for Wednesday's practice races. Unfortunately, it wouldn't let me rebuild the engine so I just practiced without the rebuild. However, after the practice races I ran the seasonal for a seventh time and then I was finally able to do the rebuild.

I guess it requires a few more miles to do a rebuild than it requires for oil change (which makes sense I suppose).
I can't say for certain as I had over 200 miles when I finally brought it in for the engine rebuild. I had already put over 40 miles on it before breaking it in.
D1 drivers, as you know last Sunday's grid was smaller than usual and neither of our usual video uploaders raced. If you have all of the D1 replays from this past Sunday, please let me know if you're willing to upload them just this once. They're the only replays we're missing from the November season and we'd like to reference it for our promotion/relegation discussions. Thanks!
Observations from Wed night practice - Kart Races:
(while watching more accomplished drivers in the replays)

In my opinion, it will be very hard for drivers to keep from crossing the white lines, unintentionally, with all four wheels at times:
1) Going into the circle section,
2) Coming out of the circle section, and
3) The last turn before the Start/Finish Line, as examples

An upper Division driver crossed the white lines with all four wheels 26 times in one race.
Not counting all the "maybe" or "very close" incidents.

In my own race, and practice sessions since then, violations were much more numerous than that. It would appear then, that the Stewards are going to have another truck load of Penalties to hand out after the Kart races on that tight track.

Just mentioning it - for awareness and focus on practice sessions leading up to Sunday night.
Observations from Wed night practice - Kart Races:
(while watching more accomplished drivers in the replays)

In my opinion, it will be very hard for drivers to keep from crossing the white lines, unintentionally, with all four wheels at times:
1) Going into the circle section,
2) Coming out of the circle section, and
3) The last turn before the Start/Finish Line, as examples

An upper Division driver crossed the white lines with all four wheels 26 times in one race.
Not counting all the "maybe" or "very close" incidents.

In my own race, and practice sessions since then, violations were much more numerous than that. It would appear then, that the Stewards are going to have another truck load of Penalties to hand out after the Kart races on that tight track.

Just mentioning it - for awareness and focus on practice sessions leading up to Sunday night.

At Kart Space the limit of the track is the rumble strip.

At least two wheels must remain within, on or above the rumble strip at all times. Going outside of this will result in a penalty.

The same holds true at Tokyo, where the track boundary lines are actually very similar to kart space.

We aren't using the white lines as a track boundary at Kart Space. This is similar to how we treat the line at the end of the Mulsanne (sp?) straight at La Sarthe or the yellow-painted areas at Trial Mountain. There are some tracks we treat differently -- Indy Road Course, for example -- so it's a good question.

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