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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I would agree if one of the plays I had to see wasn't 3 people in a room talking with someone standing in a corner acting like a statue. Don't remember the name of that one but that's when our professor told us why crappy plays like that are made

"Strange Interlude" - at least he had the title right. We left after 3 hours, 2 hours were still remaining, blech.
So is there any evidence that there will be any more (or new drivers) this weekend due to the new start time? If not, then why not keep it at.10pm as usual?
It will be very strange having people come and go on race night. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze here... for a half hour change???
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What's the tally, on folks who haven't been participating and voted for an earlier start time, that have confirmed they will be running this and future Sundays? If there's only 1, certainly bail on the idea. If there are more, management will have to decide if the numbers warrant the change. Kinda thinkin' Zero might've pulled the trigger on this a little quick.
Drivers who are willing to help fill the grid for their fellow SNAILs when their division is done racing:


Not sure how much help it will be for a D5 driver to be there, but always gain experience from being around Aliens. Hope the idea increases the activity.
So is there any evidence that there will be any more (or new drivers) this weekend due to the new start time? If not, then why not keep it at.10pm as usual?

It will be very strange having people come and go on race night. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze here... for a half hour change???

What's the tally, on folks who haven't been participating and voted for an earlier start time, that have confirmed they will be running this and future Sundays? If there's only 1, certainly bail on the idea. If there are more, management will have to decide if the numbers warrant the change. Kinda thinkin' Zero might've pulled the trigger on this a little quick.

I don't think you're looking down the road far enough.

Is this going to be an immediate benefit, as in this Sunday? Likely not.

Is it going to benefit S.N.A.I.L. long term, as in beyond this Sunday? Quite likely.

Many, many drivers have left this league because of how late we finish, East Coast wise. By having league night end a half hour earlier, we're trying to make it more accessible. Hopefully, not only will more drivers join, but they'll be more likely to stay.

S.N.A.I.L. has always been about leading the way and adjusting to changes happening around us. Those changes have been discussed, implemented and proven or they're rolled back. We TRY new things and work from there. We don't sit back and say, 'geez what a good club we have here'. We try to make it better for the majority.

The majority likes larger grids. The majority likes to race earlier. So, we're trying something for the March season that will enable larger grids at an earlier time. Be positive about this change, it could lead to more exciting racing.
Drivers who are willing to help fill the grid for their fellow SNAILs when their division is done racing:


Not sure how much help it will be for a D5 driver to be there, but always gain experience from being around Aliens. Hope the idea increases the activity.

Hey zer0, please add me to the list for second chance grid filler :lol:
Oh I'm in either way. I'm east coast but I am allotted two nights a week to race by my boss ;) I use Monday for PP Cap racing and Sunday for SNAIL. The only time the new start time could be an issue is if my kids are being a pain in the ass about getting to bed and STAYING in bed by their normal bed time of 8:30pm.

I usually tried to be on the PS3 by 9:30pm to get a couple of laps in on each car just to familiarize myself before I open the room at 9:45pm. I don't get any practice with the combos during the week so in retrospect I think I do pretty well considering some people in my division are on several hours a week practicing the combos before race night.

With the new times I will try to be on at 9pm for my car/track introduction and open the room at 9:15pm.

Could be cutting it close but under most circumstances it won't be a problem.
Yes and no. Yes some of the chatter can be distracting....and no as it can be useful; say someone spins out right in front of you and you're not sure whether you gave them a tap that caused it, you just jump on the mic and ask.

I think this is a great idea. Chit chat and/or texting while a race is in progress (the results have not been posted yet) can be very distracting. I know I've been battling for 6th, 7th or 8th place and had it happen to me and I've likely done it to others too :( It's really just about being polite and letting everyone race under the same conditions.

There are definitely times when it's useful to use your mic during a race. Letting someone know they're lagging being a prime example.

Thanks for the responses. I don't think we need a formal rule but maybe a gentleman's agreement to limit the talk to things that are useful to other drivers. I don't want to have to take my headset on an off and if I take it off, I can't hear anything that might be pertinent but, I also don't want to listen to things that are unproductive during the race. In the end, the power is in my hands whether I want to listen or not. Just thought it would be nice to keep the headset on during the race, just in case.
As for the mics, the only time I find it annoying is when I can hear every sound from someone else's game. This is very distracting as I'm trying to listen to my engine and tires and all I can hear is another guy that has their TV turned up way too loud or their mic set way to sensititive.

On the subject of the requested math-fu from Zero. I will accept the challenge and use March as a trial run to try and find something that works if that's acceptable. There are a lot of variables involved in this one so it may take some time to iron something out.
Thanks for the responses. I don't think we need a formal rule but maybe a gentleman's agreement to limit the talk to things that are useful to other drivers. I don't want to have to take my headset on an off and if I take it off, I can't hear anything that might be pertinent but, I also don't want to listen to things that are unproductive during the race. In the end, the power is in my hands whether I want to listen or not. Just thought it would be nice to keep the headset on during the race, just in case.

Does this mean no grunting and swearing as I veer off the track? On second thought....I'll just shut off my mic. Lol.
Two things from me.
As soon as I can get my wheel set back up, I'll be back to racing, mostly because of the time change.
And for the mic debate. If you are not able to mute your mic, you should not use it. I'm with bowler in that it is annoying as all hell when your racing and someone mic is picking up dogs barking, little kids crying, annoying music blaring, and the whole gambit that goes along. I expect that in an open lobby, but not during our league night.
So my stance, on sunday nights, mute it, or leave it off. No one wants to hear your loud breathing.
If anyone needs a broken in Corvette RM, let me know since mine will just be sitting in my garage gathering dust unfortunately as I'm out.

I loved battling with the same people all night and with the combined division race for those who can't make the earlier start, I know I won't have as much fun :(
Regarding the Mic discussion: At the start of every race - I turn off the mic and turn down the volume on the Chat. That way all I hear are the racing sounds, mine and the cars around me. Since I am easily distracted by other sounds and conversations it is just best that I concentrate on the race. After the race I "re-join" and either text apologies or verbally convey them.

Some drivers keep up a steady stream of chatter - and it interferes with my focus too easily ....... even if it has nothing to do with me or the cars around me.

I usually let the room know of my "silence" and so far there have not been any difficulties, that I know of anyway.
I don't think you're looking down the road far enough.

Is this going to be an immediate benefit, as in this Sunday? Likely not.

Is it going to benefit S.N.A.I.L. long term, as in beyond this Sunday? Quite likely.

Many, many drivers have left this league because of how late we finish, East Coast wise. By having league night end a half hour earlier, we're trying to make it more accessible. Hopefully, not only will more drivers join, but they'll be more likely to stay.

S.N.A.I.L. has always been about leading the way and adjusting to changes happening around us. Those changes have been discussed, implemented and proven or they're rolled back. We TRY new things and work from there. We don't sit back and say, 'geez what a good club we have here'. We try to make it better for the majority.

The majority likes larger grids. The majority likes to race earlier. So, we're trying something for the March season that will enable larger grids at an earlier time. Be positive about this change, it could lead to more exciting racing.

I looked at it and tried to imagine what it would be like. To me it would feel like a "drop in" race lobby with guys coming and going. I understand the concern but I think this is more bandaid than long term solution (my opinion).

If we want a long term solution that will promote and facilitate growth, we should more strongly consider other options such as an East and West Conference, Each with perhaps 2 or 3 divisions to start. The racing would be light for the first few weeks (I think the divisions would actually fill up quickly), but it would be organized and we would know who the players are in our Conference and Divisions. Every so often (monthly?) we could have an East Vs West Championship. Then we immediately start recruiting more drivers into one of the two Conferences.

This is just me thinking out loud ,or on forum , or whatever it's called.
For what it's worth I think that if a change has to be made (which apparently it does…) ditching qualifying and racing for only 90 minutes is the best solution: Same start time; earlier finish time.

Braking up by time zone, etc only stretches out the field and reduces the closeness of the racing. As does zer0's current plan. As does contracting to four divisions.

In other news, I imagine the board of directors will be looking for a new steward for Division 2 and a director for Division 3.
I don't think you're looking down the road far enough.

Is this going to be an immediate benefit, as in this Sunday? Likely not.

Is it going to benefit S.N.A.I.L. long term, as in beyond this Sunday? Quite likely.

Many, many drivers have left this league because of how late we finish, East Coast wise. By having league night end a half hour earlier, we're trying to make it more accessible. Hopefully, not only will more drivers join, but they'll be more likely to stay.

S.N.A.I.L. has always been about leading the way and adjusting to changes happening around us. Those changes have been discussed, implemented and proven or they're rolled back. We TRY new things and work from there. We don't sit back and say, 'geez what a good club we have here'. We try to make it better for the majority.

The majority likes larger grids. The majority likes to race earlier. So, we're trying something for the March season that will enable larger grids at an earlier time. Be positive about this change, it could lead to more exciting racing.

To me this is just crazy. As I understand it there was more objection to starting early than to staying at the same start time. Then as a solution for changing something that doesn't need changing we come up with something that isn't really fair as now I don't have to race against my division to get points for the first race. On top of that it's so complicated we need someone to come up with an equation to run this room for people who can't make it on time. I believe this is the start of the death of SNAIL. I hope not as I enjoy racing this series but when people change things that are working usually they don't last much longer.

What we should do is leave the start time alone. Start getting the membership to promote more or maybe even see if we can get Jordan to put a post about our league on the main page. We should stop changing things every time one person complains. We should go to 4 divisions for now with the ability to expand back to 5 divisions once we get more active drivers. We should see why people are leaving or not racing and handle that. I wouldn't be surprised if all the drama on this thread makes people not want to race with us. Anyways I'm sure my suggestions will go out the window and we'll end up with an even crazier solution such as on every third Sunday you get the most points if you drive with a G27 and live in Albuquerque and finish last but if you have a T500 and live in Texas you have to finish 2 places better than last week or you get demoted to D5 unless you race in D5 in which case you have to drive with a chicken on your head while singing Mary had a little lamb in Bugs Bunnies voice. :banghead:
The East and West conference is also a good idea but would envolve a major re-organization regarding directors, stewards and overall control of the NSL (National Snail League) eheheheh .
For me, anything that brings larger grids, brings more competition, improves the overall fun and that's what we are all aiming for.
You're wrong, Schmiggz.

Splitting into fewer divisions or into East and West conferences would only mean that the drivers in each room would have more disparate skill levels. This is more true of time zone conferences than going to four divisions, but it happens either way.

Some believe that more drivers will enter if you split into two conferences. I doubt that entirely. The number of drivers for whatever conference SNAIL currently races in would remain vaguely the same, save for the loss of drivers to the other conference. The other conference might add some drivers, but I'll bet it would struggle to come close to the first conference.

Larger grids are fun, but only if you can at least hope to keep their tail lights in view. If I told you that you could have sixteen people in your room every night but 14 of them would be five seconds per lap faster than you and the other was three seconds per lap slower, would you say that "improves the overall fun?"

Also, this is awesome:
every third Sunday you get the most points if you drive with a G27 and live in Albuquerque and finish last but if you have a T500 and live in Texas you have to finish 2 places better than last week or you get demoted to D5 unless you race in D5 in which case you have to drive with a chicken on your head while singing Mary had a little lamb in Bugs Bunnies voice.
The East and West conference is also a good idea but would envolve a major re-organization regarding directors, stewards and overall control of the NSL (National Snail League) eheheheh .
For me, anything that brings larger grids, brings more competition, improves the overall fun and that's what we are all aiming for.

And they will need to make sure all racers will be here often for all the work. Imagine if any of east or west doesn't have enough racers to have fun because some won't be here.
I confess that the solutions are endless but by the other hand i have to agree with hillracing. Maybe Snail should run down the list of "lost snailers" and make a full competent study about the reasons people quit. Try to figure out what is the real percentage of "due to race schedule" absence and how big is it when compared to the other 3000 reasons that lead people to give up.
I had friends that simply gave up GT5 cause the game became boring for them. People get other interests in life, get married, move away for college, get new jobs, go to jail and die.......
Advertisement and recruitment is also a good path to follow. I joined Snail because one of you saw me racing in some random room and invited me to join. All of us can do a little recruitment everytime we have the luck to find a real good clean driver out there.
To me this is just crazy. As I understand it there was more objection to starting early than to staying at the same start time.

The objections were stated after the change was announced. By people that said racing earlier was either #1 or #2 :crazy:

Then as a solution for changing something that doesn't need changing we come up with something that isn't really fair as now I don't have to race against my division to get points for the first race. On top of that it's so complicated we need someone to come up with an equation to run this room for people who can't make it on time.

When the majority of drivers say racing early is their preference or works for them, what makes you think it doesn't need to be changed? Zer0's solution is to try and get people not able to race earlier racing. The points may not be the best idea ...

I believe this is the start of the death of SNAIL. I hope not as I enjoy racing this series but when people change things that are working usually they don't last much longer.

You're entitled to believe what you like.

What we should do is leave the start time alone. Start getting the membership to promote more or maybe even see if we can get Jordan to put a post about our league on the main page. We should stop changing things every time one person complains. We should go to 4 divisions for now with the ability to expand back to 5 divisions once we get more active drivers. We should see why people are leaving or not racing and handle that. I wouldn't be surprised if all the drama on this thread makes people not want to race with us.

Having the membership promote more is always encouraged.
Not sure Jordan would put us on the front page.
What makes you think it was one person and was it complaining.
We send out notes periodically to drivers that have left. We invite them back and if they decline, ask why they left. Sometimes we get responses, most times the pms are ignored. But we do try.

Anyways I'm sure my suggestions will go out the window and we'll end up with an even crazier solution such as on every third Sunday you get the most points if you drive with a G27 and live in Albuquerque and finish last but if you have a T500 and live in Texas you have to finish 2 places better than last week or you get demoted to D5 unless you race in D5 in which case you have to drive with a chicken on your head while singing Mary had a little lamb in Bugs Bunnies voice. :banghead:

This is just insulting.
We should consider sending any future changes to The Board Of Directors for a vote. Changing is not worth losing 2 senior and dedicated SNAILS. :nervous:

I think Hillracing was trying to be more "funny" than insulting.

Regardless, I'm racing when I can either way. Broken SNAILS is better than no SNAILS.
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This is just insulting.[/QUOTE]

Oh c'mon Kcheeb... Pure humour has to hit the subject straight.... specialy sarcastic humour... i laughed my bum bum off :)
I know it's a little late with the suggestion but why not run at 9ET and again at 11ET. Allow drivers to choose which one they want to run and also allow drivers to run both if they wish. Keep two sets of standings and have two seperate championships in addition to a combined championship. The east coast guys could race and be done by 11ET if they wanted to and the guys that want to run later would have an hour later start time.