◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Zer0 and I have discussed this and I think zer0 made a post about it too.

What we see is S.N.A.I.L. continuing in GT5 until GT6 is adopted by the vast majority of S.N.A.I.L.s, from a Sunday night perspective.

Other nights can and should switch to GT6 when it makes sense for them to do so. If your group all have GT6 make the switch 👍

I'd imagine there will be a bit of figuring out how the whole league/event part is going to work and how we can take advantage of it.

The Pit Board


“All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”
- Calvin Coolidge

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
– Margaret Mead

Gran Turismo 6... Has it really been fifteen years? As a kid I had always loved cars, and still do. (what I wouldn't give to have my old Hot Wheels/Matchbox collection now!) I started gaming back in the Pong/Atari days and haven't stopped since. When Gran Turismo first came along, it was the perfect match. I have played hundreds of games over the years and the one constant has always been Gran Turismo. GT6 will be no different. There are as many opinions about the next generation of Gran Turismo as there are individual personalities within SNAIL. Much debate on what it will be will continue until it is released (and months after...) There have also been stirrings on what may become of our league as well. I believe that we shall overcome and prevail. SNAIL has become much more than a group of folks having a couple of beers a playing a video game. SNAIL has a soul. Sometimes we love it and sometimes it pisses us off but that, it itself, shows passion. Where zer05ive and kcheeb are the heart of SNAIL, guys like Schmiggs are soul of our league. Pure passion. There are times that I want to take the PS3 outside and run it over with my truck because I am so angry about something or other, but week in and week out I just keep coming back. Just like most of us do. Why? Because I enjoy the racing, the organization, the anger and the joy and the people that make up this league we all call home. GT6? I will be there. SNAIL? I hope to be a part of the "2 Year Club!!"

The Pit Board was originally put together to highlight the SNAIL Results Document. In light of the recent news of Gran Turismo 6 release and a few other triggers, I want to take this week and highlight "What is SNAIL", and if you look closer, "Who is SNAIL". The following links are a tribute to all that is SNAIL and those who make our league what it is now and why it will make the transition into the next generation of the GT series.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L.

The S.N.A.I.L. Bible

Who Are We?

Who Run Barter Town? (Team S.N.A.I.L.)

S.N.A.I.L Has A Conscience!

What Makes You Special?

What Else Are We Into?

This Proves We Are Sentient!

Race Hard, Race Clean, Race S.N.A.I.L.
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Your daily panda update for spa is quite impressive tonight. Yesterday I ran a 1:21:021 and tonight I pulled off a 1:20:812

I might have a 1:20 flat by next Wednesday.
Your Steward Report for the Week

* * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, just PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***

Thanks to all the stewards who helped out this week! I've updated the results posts. Also, there were several errors I made when these results were originally posted due to the fact that I didn't factor in several tie-breakers between those that ended up with the same score in the same division. Those have not been corrected.
Your daily panda update for spa is quite impressive tonight. Yesterday I ran a 1:21:021 and tonight I pulled off a 1:20:812

I might have a 1:20 flat by next Wednesday.

Sooooo glad I am in D4.... On a side note, I am having a fire sale on custom ice picks this Sunday... Specifically designed to create small holes in Panda type tires:dopey:
Announcing the latest two entries into S.N.A.I.L.s 1 Year Club




Congratulations gentlemen 👍

And thank you for being a part of S.N.A.I.L.!


Congrats to both of you on the joining the 1 Year Club! 👍

Also, thank you both for your huge contributions to S.N.A.I.L. in the past year! :bowdown:
I started gaming back in the Pong/Atari days and haven't stopped since.

Didn't think you were quite this old Exo. :cheers:

Read it on a regular basis. It seems I made the mistake of falling asleep watching replays and thought I could ride the sleepy wave and go back to bed shortly after eleven. Now I find myself awake and thinking of either cruising around nurb in the anniversary TT for a while or getting the lap counts counted for Sunday. And, writing this. Strange things for a Friday night.

Read it. More than once. Can be summed up with the phrase "Don't be a Ricardo Cranium."

We Are S.N.A.I.L.! Long live SNAIL!

If backup is needed for data specialist in D3 I would be happy to help there. My data addiction isn't nearly as refined or sophisticated as kcheeb's, but I've been known to stay up to the wee hours building spreadsheets and databases.

And it's a collective! So 21st century.

Not sure who's updating this these days, but my colors can be updated to the following;
Car - Sapphire Blue Pearl
Wheels - Barriquerot Metallic (copperish color)
Number - 13, unless or until I end up in the same division as Apmaddock then I will fall back on some other number that will likely add up to 13.

Lots! And, it's dynamic!

Statistics extraordinaire!

Well, time to get on with option 1 or 2.

Nice pit board Exo! 👍 :cheers:
I noticed that the laps for the new combos weren't entered.

I got 7 laps for round 1

and 7 laps for round 2

That takes care of option 2. May run some laps anyway since I just hopped into D1.

I noticed that the laps for the new combos weren't entered.

I got 7 laps for round 1

and 7 laps for round 2

We looking for 10 minute races, yes? You musta been loafing tcrash. I know you're faster than me. Actually, now that I think on it, if you say 7 you musta been about 20 seconds faster than my 42s. Were you really running 1:25s?

I count 6 laps for round 1. Ran several mid 1:42s in the Solstice. I like this car. 600/102.5 = 5.85

On to the Merc.

Best lap here was a 1:53.8xx. This one looks like at most a 6 lap. 600/113 = 5.31 The Snailiens probably get this well into the 51s and possibly a 50 but... Gawd I hope not much lower than that.

I don't think you're running 1:25s here either. I'm slow, but I don't think the gap is that wide.
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oh my god.....I actually came to the thread, and was automagically at the last page, when I hit the "last post" link! WTF is going on??

Great Pit Board, Exo! Time to break in cars for tomorrow!
Has anyone communicated the lap counts to zer05ive? Would be nice.
6 at Monza?

6 Laps at Monza is going into the 12 minute mark which may delay the rest of the night. I suggest should be 5.

Only the fast D1 guys had it under 12 minutes.

I noticed that the laps for the new combos weren't entered.

I got 7 laps for round 1

and 7 laps for round 2


That takes care of option 2. May run some laps anyway since I just hopped into D1.

We looking for 10 minute races, yes? You musta been loafing tcrash. I know you're faster than me. Actually, now that I think on it, if you say 7 you musta been about 20 seconds faster than my 42s. Were you really running 1:25s?

I count 6 laps for round 1. Ran several mid 1:42s in the Solstice. I like this car. 600/102.5 = 5.85

On to the Merc.

Best lap here was a 1:53.8xx. This one looks like at most a 6 lap. 600/113 = 5.31 The Snailiens probably get this well into the 51s and possibly a 50 but... Gawd I hope not much lower than that.

I don't think you're running 1:25s here either. I'm slow, but I don't think the gap is that wide.

Hmm.. So is it 6 or 7 laps for Round 1? I'm going with Dragon's 6 laps because for now because tcrash's Round 2 suggestion seems like it might be long as well. For Round 2, I've split the difference between Wolfsatz's 5 laps and tcrash's 7 laps and have gone with Skills' original suggestion of 6. Let me know if there was a mistake anywhere along the way and I'll correct the laps as needed.
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Hmm.. So is it 6 or 7 laps for Round 1? I'm going with Dragon's 6 laps because for now because tcrash's Round 2 suggestion seems like it might be long as well. For Round 2, I've split the difference between Wolfsatz's 5 laps and tcrash's 7 laps and have gone with Skills' original suggestion of 6. Let me know if there was a mistake anywhere along the way and I'll correct the laps as needed.

Pretty sure it's 6 and 6, low 1:40's and 1:50's respectively.
Getting worried. Haven't practiced yet.

Oh? really? Did you practice much for that F1 race?

If ten minute races are the target then round 3 might, oughta, should be, 4 laps. 2:23.xxx was my best there way early this morning.
Practiced total of less than an hour over 2 nights for the F1, and but I have a lot of experience with those.

That takes care of option 2. May run some laps anyway since I just hopped into D1.

We looking for 10 minute races, yes? You musta been loafing tcrash. I know you're faster than me. Actually, now that I think on it, if you say 7 you musta been about 20 seconds faster than my 42s. Were you really running 1:25s?

I count 6 laps for round 1. Ran several mid 1:42s in the Solstice. I like this car. 600/102.5 = 5.85

On to the Merc.

Best lap here was a 1:53.8xx. This one looks like at most a 6 lap. 600/113 = 5.31 The Snailiens probably get this well into the 51s and possibly a 50 but... Gawd I hope not much lower than that.

I don't think you're running 1:25s here either. I'm slow, but I don't think the gap is that wide.

Hmm.. So is it 6 or 7 laps for Round 1? I'm going with Dragon's 6 laps because for now because tcrash's Round 2 suggestion seems like it might be long as well. For Round 2, I've split the difference between Wolfsatz's 5 laps and tcrash's 7 laps and have gone with Skills' original suggestion of 6. Let me know if there was a mistake anywhere along the way and I'll correct the laps as needed.

Pretty sure it's 6 and 6, low 1:40's and 1:50's respectively.

Darn it! I knew I shouldn't have stopped off at the Collective before coming home:crazy::lol: It threw off my conceptual continuity.
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So as I'm sitting here watching this video of Thierry Neuville tear through Argentina, I had a great concept for a small series. The kicker, is that you will need a physically present friend. The idea is to do actual rally style rally racing. Build a set of 5 to 15 tracks, you get a "walk through" to build notes, a practice run to get the set up, then you get a third run to set your time on the stage. Could possibly make it a weekend event, the first day run all the practice stuff, morning people set up their notes, then in the afternoon hold the practice events, then hold the main event on sunday. Or, whomever makes the tracks can take a slow drive while recording the stages and people can set there pace notes up watch that video on youtube. It would take a lot of commitment but I think it would be a good time. It would also require one person at least to monitor times, make the courses and videos and other logistics, and they wouldn't be able to race.
So as I'm sitting here watching this video of Thierry Neuville tear through Argentina, I had a great concept for a small series. The kicker, is that you will need a physically present friend. The idea is to do actual rally style rally racing. Build a set of 5 to 15 tracks, you get a "walk through" to build notes, a practice run to get the set up, then you get a third run to set your time on the stage. Could possibly make it a weekend event, the first day run all the practice stuff, morning people set up their notes, then in the afternoon hold the practice events, then hold the main event on sunday. Or, whomever makes the tracks can take a slow drive while recording the stages and people can set there pace notes up watch that video on youtube. It would take a lot of commitment but I think it would be a good time. It would also require one person at least to monitor times, make the courses and videos and other logistics, and they wouldn't be able to race.

Im in!!
If ten minute races are the target then round 3 might, oughta, should be, 4 laps. 2:23.xxx was my best there way early this morning.

The general rule of thumb is to shoot for ten minute races without going under ten minutes. So while a nine and half minute total race time is closer to ten minutes than let's say a eleven and a half minute race, we'd go with the laps that result in a eleven and a half minite race. In general, that's why almost all of our races end up being between ten and twelve minutes.

Using these guidelines, all six races should take about two hours to complete after you factor in qualifying and switching tracks etc. :)
The Pit Board

Who Are We?

We Are S.N.A.I.L.! Long live SNAIL!


If backup is needed for data specialist in D3 I would be happy to help there. My data addiction isn't nearly as refined or sophisticated as kcheeb's, but I've been known to stay up to the wee hours building spreadsheets and databases.

Thanks for volunteering, Dragon! The more guys that help, the easier it is for all involved. I've updated the TEAM S.N.A.I.L. post. :)

Anyone else want to volunteer for either a primary or backup position?

al, I think you expressed some interest in helping out. See anything that suites you? :D
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Can someone tell me what lap times people in d1 or d2 are turning with this weeks combos? So far I've only tried the pontiac and got down to a 1:41.6.
Good day to you drivers! I'm jetting off to Nashville Tennessee for a few days and won't be able to make the races Sunday night. Good luck and good race craft to all!:cheers:
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Heads Up guys!

I probably won't be able to race tomorrow night due to me having final exams on Monday. Best of luck to all and hopefully everyone has a fun night with hard and clean racing!