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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

With the announcement of another division (8) we must restructure once again. The following is the preliminary roster for tomorrow night. Again, this is the absolute minimum each division will need to get through a race night.​

Division 1:
Division 2:
Division 3:
Division 4:
Division 5:
Division 6:
  • Host/Director: @Handlebar
  • Scorekeeper: Help Wanted
  • Replay Uploader: @Handlebar
  • Data Specialist: Help Wanted
  • Steward: @jobyone
Division 7:
Division 8:
Once more, this is the prelim roster. The final roster will be posted tomorrow. There are still several positions that need to be filled. Please let me know if you are interested in filling a slot or if you can do double or triple duty this week until we get everything sorted out. Thank you all for your time!!

Wheres the West Coast division?

Some of the guys racing in the West Coast division were asking if they will get points towards the Allen Berg challenge. Will participating in the WC division earn Allen Berg points?
Did we ever get clarification regarding West Coast room participants receiving Allen Berg Racing School Points?
Speaking of the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge, the West Coast division is now eligible for the contest thanks to the efforts of @kcheeb. You will see your points in there once the spreadsheet is updated. 👍
Everyone who was in the lobby can come back now, I managed to change it back.
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

With the announcement of another division (8) we must restructure once again. The following is the preliminary roster for tomorrow night. Again, this is the absolute minimum each division will need to get through a race night.​

Division 1:
Division 2:
Division 3:
Division 4:
Division 5:
Division 6:
  • Host/Director: @Handlebar
  • Scorekeeper: @Handlebar
  • Replay Uploader: @Handlebar
  • Data Specialist: Help Wanted
  • Steward: @jobyone
Division 7:
Division 8:
Once more, this is the prelim roster. The final roster will be posted tomorrow. There are still several positions that need to be filled. Please let me know if you are interested in filling a slot or if you can do double or triple duty this week until we get everything sorted out. Thank you all for your time!!
So what is the full line up for this week. Will all of D7 move to D8?
@ExoSphere64 - Three times today I have been discon - even when I was the only one in the room. I will plan on opening the Div-5 Room at 9:00pm EST as usual. But have little confidence in my connection. Just letting you know ahead of time.
So what is the full line up for this week. Will all of D7 move to D8?

I will be placing any last minute time trial submissions tonight after the deadline to submit for Sunday has passed. Once that is done, Oshawa-Joe will update the drivers list. I believe he said he would get to this around 9 AM tomorrow morning. In addition to that, Skills will be sending out division reminders sometime during the day Sunday. After that has been done, I would keep your eyes open for a friend request from the division host that you are assigned to if you don't already have them on your friends list.
I do not mind the scorekeeping, @ExoSphere64 - Put me down for it - I just do not do well on the Data Entry.

If you would like, I can give you some "coaching" in that regard. This invitation is extended to all score keepers and data entry specialists. If you want to take up this offer, PM me, and we'll can make arrangements to meet, either in a GT6 lobby or PSN chat.
S.N.A.I.L. January 19th Division Lineup
Hey gang, I've update the scoring spreadsheet to match the new Division lineups.

If your name is in BOLD you are in that Division. If you are listed in a Division and your name is not in BOLD, you are not in that Division and you will be listed in BOLD in another Division.

@Oshawa-Joe will have the Drivers List updated tomorrow 👍 and as @JLBowler said @Skills will be sending out the Division reminders tomorrow.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.


The deadline to submit a time trial for a new racer to participate this Sunday has been reached. If you have submitted a time trial in the last couple of hours, you will be receiving a PM in the next few minutes with your division placement.

@kcheeb There are two drivers to be placed and I will be doing that momentarily.
Not sure whether this is possible but consider it an educational request...

Could someone post incident report videos from a few angles? I don't need to see driver names, I'm just interested in learning from other driver's mistakes.
Don't bother with a DFGT or lesser wheel. Go with a G27 or better, even if better is fairly subjective.
Oh that's nice, just throw all of those who do use 'a DFGT or lesser wheel' under the bus next time 👎
Don't know how that happened up there but chuyler isn't the correctly quoted post. Pretty sure I tossed the DFGT users "under the bus" here. Since I used a DFGT for a year and a half before getting a G27, I feel well qualified to say such.
Hah hah, that's funny. I actually use a DFGT. Had it since GT5 first came out. I've never raced with the G27 but most of the drivers faster than me usually admit to having a G27 or use a DS3. I don't necessarily like the DFGT, I'm just a cheap bastard and would rather spend money on other things. When the wheel breaks, I'll upgrade. I think most complaints about the DFGT is related to pedal feel. A few small bungie cords resolves that. I can't believe I've put as many miles as I have on pedals strung up with cords but it works and I am used to the feedback now.
Hah hah, that's funny. I actually use a DFGT. Had it since GT5 first came out. I've never raced with the G27 but most of the drivers faster than me usually admit to having a G27 or use a DS3. I don't necessarily like the DFGT, I'm just a cheap bastard and would rather spend money on other things. When the wheel breaks, I'll upgrade. I think most complaints about the DFGT is related to pedal feel. A few small bungie cords resolves that. I can't believe I've put as many miles as I have on pedals strung up with cords but it works and I am used to the feedback now.

Yeah, I used a bungee and a sponge on my DFGT brake pedal while I was using it. Once you try a G27 or better you'll wonder how you ever drove at all with that thing.

Race Date - Sun Jan 12 2014
Penalty Rate 33%
Replay Reviewable rate 75%
Banner by dabneyd
These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to everyone in the Steward Corp that made the effort to get reviews done this week. You know who you are. It's been especially frustrating, playing this lottery.
Don't forget to claim your $hells for attempting reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

Thank you Stewards for getting the Incident Reviews done.

The Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge points are now up to date for the races run January 12th.

If you notice anything out of order with your Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge Points, let me know right away.

Sim racing product discounts for S.N.A.I.L. members:

GranStand is offering a 10% discount to all S.N.A.I.L.s and a 15% Discount to members of Team S.N.A.I.L.

Take advantage of being a S.N.A.I.L. ;)
Thanks @kcheeb for all the work you put into getting the WC division integrated and also listed in the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge. Since the WC division started on the first week of the Challenge, can you please create a tab for @jobyone enter the results? That way, those who raced in the very first week of the WC division can get credit for those races.

Speaking of WC drivers getting credit for races, S.N.A.I.L. leadership has decided that the only way for this to work without becoming a monumental headache is for all drivers to be either assigned to a regular division or to the WC division. In other words, we won't allow drivers to hop back and forth between time slots (at least not in the middle of a season). If you race at one time slot during one season, but decide the other time slot works better for you, then you'll need to request a switch so that we can get you set up in the other time slot at the beginning of the next season.

This also means that drivers who race in both time slots in the same month will only get credit for racing in the time slot that they're assigned to. So for example, if ExampleDriver123 is assigned to a division in a regular time slot, he will get credit for any races he races in the regular time slot. However, if he decides to race in the WC time slot, he will not be able to collect any Challenge points for those races because he's not assigned to the WC division.

@jobyone, if anyone who's assigned to a regular division races in the WC division, it's imperative that you not add their name to the director's doc or results doc etc. Doing so will cause the data and challenge points to get FUBAR so please help us avoid that situation by simply scoring the results as if they were not on the track. They can race with you guys for fun, but adding them to the data pool in two separate time slots needs to be avoided at all costs please.
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Thanks @kcheeb for all the work you put into getting the WC division integrated and also listed in the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge. Since the WC division started on the first week of the Challenge, can you please create a tab for @jobyone enter the results? That way, those who raced in the very first week of the WC division can get credit for those races.

Speaking of WC drivers getting credit for races, S.N.A.I.L. leadership has decided that the only way for this to work without becoming a monumental headache is for all drivers to be either assigned to a regular division or to the WC division. In other words, we won't allow drivers to hop back and forth between time slots (at least not in the middle of a season). If you race at one time slot during one season, but decide the other time slot works better for you, then you'll need to request a switch so that we can get you set up in the other time slot at the beginning of the next season.

This also means that drivers who race in both time slots in the same month will only get credit for racing in the time slot that they're assigned to. So for example, if ExampleDriver123 is assigned to a division in a regular time slot, he will get credit for any races he races in the regular time slot. However, if he decides to race in the WC time slot, he will not be able to collect any Challenge points for those races because he's not assigned to the WC division.

@jobyone, if anyone who's assigned to a regular division races in the WC division, it's imperative that you not add their name to the director's doc or results doc etc. Doing so will cause the data and challenge points to get FUBAR so please help us avoid that situation by simply scoring the results as if they were not on the track. They can race with you guys for fun, but adding them to the data pool in two separate time slots needs to be avoided at all costs please.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've just confirmed with @GranStand Bill that he'll be sponsoring another GranStand Challenge for us! It will begin in March and end in April, so get ready for some more GranStand fun. 👍

For all you new guys who haven't experienced a GranStand Challenge, all you need to know for now is that this could be you very soon if you keep racing with us. Membership has its privileges. :)
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Sadly it looks like life is going to get in the way again of me racing tomorrow. Really bummed as I think I had a chance at a competitive night for a change. Depending on the timing I might try to do the WC division races. Hopefully I'll get on the grid soon.
If you would like, I can give you some "coaching" in that regard. This invitation is extended to all score keepers and data entry specialists. If you want to take up this offer, PM me, and we'll can make arrangements to meet, either in a GT6 lobby or PSN chat.

It tends to be a matter of time available. In a few weeks, the spring sports cycle and various kid activities commence, along with the relentless monkey chant of data-data-data leading to the spring Hunger Games state mandated testing.

That and the idea of actually trying to see even more replays.... Shoot me now.

But thank you for the offer!
Having issues updating Driver List. Also can't get rid of >👍:)

Will try again about noon when I get home.
Having issues updating Driver List. Also can't get rid of >👍:)

Will try again about noon when I get home.

Thanks, Joe! Good luck. I also found editing anything substantial was a computer-only proposition, at least for my patience. I will update my PSN Friends once we have the wiggled and sprouting lists.
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

With the announcement of another division (8) we must restructure once again. The following is the preliminary roster for tomorrow night. Again, this is the absolute minimum each division will need to get through a race night.​

Division 1:
Division 2:
Division 3:
Division 4:
Division 5:
Division 6:
  • Host/Director: @Handlebar
  • Scorekeeper: @Handlebar
  • Replay Uploader: @Handlebar
  • Data Specialist: Help Wanted
  • Steward: @jobyone
Division 7:
Division 8:
Once more, this is the prelim roster. The final roster will be posted tomorrow. There are still several positions that need to be filled. Please let me know if you are interested in filling a slot or if you can do double or triple duty this week until we get everything sorted out. Thank you all for your time!!
I could be data specialist for division 7.
Looks like I'm not going to make tonight's event.

I apologize for the late notice, but I was hoping to get some time to prepare today, but that's not gonna happen.

Good luck...have fun...see ya next week.


Starting to have GT6 withdrawals...
Thanks @kcheeb for all the work you put into getting the WC division integrated and also listed in the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge. Since the WC division started on the first week of the Challenge, can you please create a tab for @jobyone enter the results? That way, those who raced in the very first week of the WC division can get credit for those races.

I've created a 2014.01.05 WC1 sheet in the results document. @jobyone, let me know when you've entered the results.

Speaking of WC drivers getting credit for races, S.N.A.I.L. leadership has decided that the only way for this to work without becoming a monumental headache is for all drivers to be either assigned to a regular division or to the WC division. In other words, we won't allow drivers to hop back and forth between time slots (at least not in the middle of a season). If you race at one time slot during one season, but decide the other time slot works better for you, then you'll need to request a switch so that we can get you set up in the other time slot at the beginning of the next season.

This also means that drivers who race in both time slots in the same month will only get credit for racing in the time slot that they're assigned to. So for example, if ExampleDriver123 is assigned to a division in a regular time slot, he will get credit for any races he races in the regular time slot. However, if he decides to race in the WC time slot, he will not be able to collect any Challenge points for those races because he's not assigned to the WC division.

The monumental headache part is what I'd like to avoid :) The Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge Points are calculated automatically when the scoring sheets are copied to the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge Spreadsheet. The formulas are pretty simple and I'd prefer to keep it that way, complexity adds, well complexity :sly: If you are a fulltime East Coast Time slot driver you get credit for the races you raced in the East time slot, same if you're a fulltime West Coast Time slot driver, you get credit for the West time slot races you compete in. As zer0 said above.

@jobyone, if anyone who's assigned to a regular division races in the WC division, it's imperative that you not add their name to the director's doc or results doc etc. Doing so will cause the data and challenge points to get FUBAR so please help us avoid that situation by simply scoring the results as if they were not on the track. They can race with you guys for fun, but adding them to the data pool in two separate time slots needs to be avoided at all costs please.

@zer05ive, I guess I didn't explain very well how the scoring sheets work, my apologies. The simplest is as you said, for @jobyone to not enter the results for the non-West Coast time slot drivers. However, the Directors, Results and Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge documents will only recognize the Votes, Points and participation in the West Coast scoring sheet, for West Coast drivers. And conversely, West Coast drivers that appear in an East Coast time slot scoring sheet.

However, the latter should not happen. Which brings me to an important point, ultimately each Division is racing for a season championship and ideally the same group of drivers compete during the season. This month is a really bad example of that ideal, we've had to restructure, however the ideal is still held as a carrot in front of the cart.

In the perfect racing world, 16 drivers would race on week 1, race for 4 weeks and a winner would be determined. Real life and growing a new time slot doesn't allow for that to happen, exactly. To get drivers on the grid and encourage participation in the West Coast time slot, we've allowed East Coast time slot drivers to race there. I can see a time in the future, when that won't be allowed. Ultimately, when the West Coast time slot is self sustaining in terms of numbers of drivers on the grid. We're not there now, but momentum is growing 👍

Think about it in terms of a D3 driver hopping in to D4 for a week, not only is that driver potentially faster than the D4 guys, he's also taking away season long points from the D4 drivers that are regulars. The same can be said for a West Coast driver to East Coast time slot and East Coast driver to West Coast time slot.

Dumb car question - is a 2007 350Z Roadster (3.5 L 6 cyl/6 speed) any good for autocrossing/etc? It would be my fun 'weekend' car or for amateur level track days. Wife is still considering letting me work my way into the savings for a Factory Five, but I'm not setting my heart on one so she won't break it. That's still my first choice for a 'cool car' though at the moment.

I can't drive my Honda Odyssey Minivan for autocrossing (thank goodness), and I'm dithering on a couple of cars. The car above just popped up on my radar, I was about to go test a convertible MX5.

For autocrossing, I know the 350Z will be a bigger beast but I have no idea what class it is in. I'm comparing the S2000, and MX-5's (possibly also for Miata Spec racing at Summit Point), and a couple of older cars, usually a TR6 or an Alfa Spider that I almost get a bead on locally before they are gone. Those would be my autocross or used in a vintage division of SCCA.

Off to test drive the MX-5 this afternoon, just to see if I like how it feels - I haven't driven a Miata / MX5 since my roommate's boyfriend bought one in '89. I liked it then, but I was a knucklehead then and didn't appreciate it enough.

Can't wait to drive a 'real' car again.
Miata is more fun to drive and push to its limits, IMO. The 350 obviously has way more power for acceleration and highway cruising. If you get a Miata you will need to get a roll cage or at the very least a roll bar installed if you want to be safe at an actual track day. Some clubs/tracks won't even let you on track without roll protection.