1/4 mile is now possible. Now updated.


You guys can scratch this track and do something new and better i have just found out.

This works online as well!

So here it is explained in full below..

I figured out how to measure a quarter mile in this game simply with a X1.
I started at the beginning of the go cart track with the .25 straight and "tapped x" very quickly just 1 time with the x1, which sends it up to 32 miles per hour, then back down slowley, but the distance it travles is always the exact same. So when the x1 crossed the finish line i measured it in TIME.

Another words it took 37 seconds for the X1 to go from the beggining to the end of the 1/4 mile exactly.. no more.. no less.

This means that anywhere (as long as no elevation change is envolved) you tap X with the X1 and wait 37 seconds, where it goes at that exact time is equal to a quarter mile!!

Now here is the good part...

Here is a picture based instruction manual of the best place i have found to do the quarter mile online (Top Gear Test Track)

Why didn't you just go on Google earth and measure out a 1/4 mile on the real Top Gear track and just relate that info to the game's version of the track.

This still has way too much margin for error and cheating. Am I correct in saying it's all down to how you pause the game once you cross the finish line?

I'd you have a third person in the game they can also do a arm drop type start by saying 3 2 1..... And waiting a random interval until saying Go. This is actually more realistic and removes the chance to jump upon the start.

Or.... You could just go when the clock hits 30 or 00s?

There is no method that will prevent jumping the start except if pd implemented it.
Or.... You could just go when the clock hits 30 or 00s?

There is no method that will prevent jumping the start except if pd implemented it.

you must have mis read or mis understood

if a third person says go at a random interval its like a arm drop

impossible to jump, period.

but yes most starts are done on a time interval, but the competition will not be this way

BTW this thread can be clossed as i have opend a new one with the updated online version of a 1/4 mile
Wow thats great! Many thanks for your work resolving this. I'm gonna try it online when I can,


Not a problem mate

Doing anything i can to help resolve issues for those who are addicted to dragging the 1/4 and feel they no longer can

Why didn't you just go on Google earth and measure out a 1/4 mile on the real Top Gear track and just relate that info to the game's version of the track.

This still has way too much margin for error and cheating. Am I correct in saying it's all down to how you pause the game once you cross the finish line?

Or.... You could just go when the clock hits 30 or 00s?

There is no method that will prevent jumping the start except if pd implemented it.

i have tested it about 500 times now, and there is only .005 or so margin of error, and thats it

you just have to do it correctly :D

do this by backing against the wall, and do a run all the way through.

then watch the replay in the cam close to the ground, and just before you hit the white stripe, hit pause and go into photo mode and see just how percise it really is by seeing just how close our front fender is to the start of the line :D

as for distance, its EXACT.

exact every time i promise, just use quick reactions

Just used google earth and mapped the exact cordinates

EXACTLY .250 miles :D
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easier is u change gears to get any gear to top end at around 60mph. 60mph for 1 min = 1 mile .. 60mph for 15seconds = 1/4 mile

not exactly, because the climb to 60 would cause you to have to start in a odd area. I dont think there is any better way to measure it, nor is there a need to. The way i did it is exact so no point in changing it ;)

Now for those of you who have been racing with me and others online, its been great fun tuning and perfecting our cars!

Anyone can message me with questions of any kind so dont be scared :)

Please don't multi post. Use the edit button, or the multi quote feature
, in future. Thanks.

Oh, and i didnt multi post, but thanks anyway?
Yes, you did. I merged 3 of your posts together. 💡

and they all had good reaasoning for being posted.

but to all there own

any way i would like to online drag with some more people, iv tuned just about all 100 i have in my fav list and about 100 others. So tiring lol
about the jumping i have created a way of minimizing it if not ruling it out. so if u could please bare with me as i try to explain it.
firstly the max is about 3 cars but two cars are better get thees to park on a white line or against a back wall.

secoundly get them to beep there horn to say when there ready.

lastly flash ur light twice with a gap of 3 sec to make sure they can see properly ur light then when u flash the next time they go.
the reason why we did this: the person who flashes the lights can easily see if some one jumped as they know when they pressed the button on the controller.

and about the 1/4 mile i generally use the short straight on Indianapolis road course as it pre-marked out with white lines. hope this could help as there are lots of potential drag racing series that could happen
Best 3 man technique for drag racing hands down is for the 3rd person to sit 90 degrees and have the racers line up against the side of his car, the person calling the go (both racers line up, the official asks if they are ready, once both say yes, then the official randomly says 'GO') then times his announcement of the go with pausing his game. If done right his car will ghost instantly and anyone jumping the gun will obviously hit his car. Technical but one of the easiest and definitely the most effective i've seen on all racing games involving drag racing, besides an obvious drag racing mode.
another way is ghosting, need 3 people, two racers, 1 ghoster, when the 2 racers are ready to go and lined up, the ghoster gets in front of the two racers, and "ghosts" (presses start which therefore turns him into a ghost) and thats when the racers can launch...