1 car, 1 track

  • Thread starter woodyagw
they would never do it.
Phil Harrison was just using GT as a hypothetical, but I thought it may scare some of you!

"Well, I'll give you an example; Kazunori [Yamauchi, producer of the Gran Turismo series] would kill me for this: Imagine Gran Turismo shipping on a disc with one car and one track. And then you can browse, online, a dynamic circuit of vehicles that's growing every day because either the car manufacturers are adding new vehicles or we're adding new vehicles. And you can see a specific-type car that's being called up and say, "I think I'll play with that one. Let me download and play it." Maybe the business model allows you to play it for a day; maybe the business model allows you to own it forever. But that content is now yours on your hard drive. Or [maybe you could download] new tracks, new music, whole games."

Imagine a GT like this......... people would want blood!
I think something more realistic would be content similar to the level of content in GT3 (or hopefully GT4) with an "online dynamic circuit of vehicles that's growing everyday"
I think this would please alot of people so that you would get quite a lot of cars to begin with, and it's expandable later.
The only problem is the pricing of extra vehicles.....
No offense, but that idea is hardly new at all. All sorts of PC games have enjoyed first- and third-party after-release add-ons. The best example of this in the genre of racing games would have to be Need for Speed: High Stakes, which has zillions of fan-websites with cars and tracks to download.

Microsoft has begun to bring this feature to the console market on XBOX, with XBOX Live add-ons. Again, the best example of this in the genre of racing games would be Project Gotham Racing 2 and 3, which both feature add-on packs that you can buy, with extra cars and tracks.

Phil Harrison is an idiot. Wasn't he also the guy who gushed about how "cool" and "unique" the PS3's controller was at E3? I wonder if he lives under a rock.
...then I wouldn't get GT5 because I'm not an online guy. I know at E3 someone said that online gaming is the future, but it doesn't mean I'm obligated to getting broadband and downloading stuff away... otherwise be left behind. And if I was to get this stuff, I'd have to download from school to save onto my Flash Drive (I'll have to get a second one with more space to do more stuff) and eventually upload to my PS3. You can be new and innovative, but I'm still an old school cat. Gotta please all us, ya know?

Interesting idea though I wouldn't buy this idea.
Peter Harrison-> You know what? You're a dumb*****!!!

-> As with John, I too am not an online guy either. The point of Peter of having 100% online for GT is that, its abandoning us non-online gamers. And if they follow that, they will lose a humungus chunk of their sales.
Sony's not gonna do that. They will have downloadable content. But for all of us who want a complete game, it will still be there. Hence the GT mode. But, Phils idea is pretty good. Not really good cause of the limited choices off the bat. With a dual layer Bluray thats 50 to 54 gigabytes. More than enough space to put thousands of cars and tracks and modes. But, for the new cars that come out after the release of GT5, I would love to download them. But, the price should be good. Not to high. I'm not paying 5 dollars for one car. Not to be cheap, but I probably won't pay 2 dollars.
SO not an Online guy. I want ALL the cars IN the game. then, if I go online, I would like some third-party Paint schemes, but that's about it.
THis game can't be dumbed down for so there every person in the world likes it. By denying high reliabillity on online play we're talking about basically the same thing as dumbing down the bphysics so more people can enjoy it. While I think there should be a good deal of base cars in the shipping game there should be more content for those willing to fork over the money to PD. They realize not everyone is even going to want these extra cars. And like John said if people REALLY want them they can get them on a jump drive from somewhere with a decent connection.

Having the option of downloadable content would be great - but since i'm not online i'd still like a pretty comprehensive selection of both cars and tracks on the disk please.
Beiong able to download new cars, upgrades and tracks would be great, but I wouldn't want that to compromise the content on the disk in any way at all. Basically say GT4 was online and would feature downloadable content, I'd want what we got on the disk to all be there, but the downloadable stuff to be extra.
This idea would only work if at least 60-70% of people that play GT5 have broadband Internet, have access to it quickly and easily, and have a flash drive. Asking alot from your customers, isn't it? :irked:
Jim Prower
SO not an Online guy. I want ALL the cars IN the game. then, if I go online, I would like some third-party Paint schemes, but that's about it.

^ I highly agree! (just take a look on my sig)

-> I think everything should be taken at a balance, I don't want to see PD going to weigh more than another. I like to enjoy GT5 while offline, and if I have the chance, I'll go online for some fun tournys and downloadable content. But altogether, this will expand the world of GT on a whole another level. Even GT6 will be 10 years away after GT5 comes out, even thou we finished GT5's main game, the online part will keep us busy before GT6 comes out. (:

~> Napakasimple lang ang hiling ko, yun lang. (:
I would still want GT5 to ship with all the cars available from disc, but sensibly released updates would be good for the longevity of the game, and could be good from a marketing point of view for manufacturers.

For instance, in the UK, as part of the marketing for the new Honda Civic, a demo version of RaceDriver 3 was released with only Honda's available including the new Civic.
Would an update to GT5 allowing the new model to be included not be a good way of generating awareness of the new model.

It would also be nice to get updates to race cars year on year. Could be good publicity for sponsors.

What I don't want to see is the quality of vehicles drop, and anyone be able to issue cars with ludicrous performance. I'm thinking of some of the worst hybrids people created in GT1 & GT2. I belive that their would have to be control over what content could be added, and that manufacturers represent their vehicles correctly.
I agree with the above, that there should be all the content on the disc to start with, and then just the odd update as a download, or maybe bonus stuff such as special colour versions of some cars.

I don't think Polyphony would be stupid enough to release with just one car and track though. It'd be commercial suicide. :dunce:

If it did ship with just one car and track, it better well be the FTO LM Edition and SS Route 11 (with the double roadworks chicane, like in GT1)! :D
they would never do it.
Phil Harrison was just using GT as a hypothetical, but I thought it may scare some of you!

"Well, I'll give you an example; Kazunori [Yamauchi, producer of the Gran Turismo series] would kill me for this: Imagine Gran Turismo shipping on a disc with one car and one track. And then you can browse, online, a dynamic circuit of vehicles that's growing every day because either the car manufacturers are adding new vehicles or we're adding new vehicles. And you can see a specific-type car that's being called up and say, "I think I'll play with that one. Let me download and play it." Maybe the business model allows you to play it for a day; maybe the business model allows you to own it forever. But that content is now yours on your hard drive. Or [maybe you could download] new tracks, new music, whole games."

Imagine a GT like this......... people would want blood!
I think something more realistic would be content similar to the level of content in GT3 (or hopefully GT4) with an "online dynamic circuit of vehicles that's growing everyday"
I think this would please alot of people so that you would get quite a lot of cars to begin with, and it's expandable later.
The only problem is the pricing of extra vehicles.....

im not sure if i am correct but i think ive heard a rumor or a true statement that some of the PS3 games will support 3rd party developers to make mods and add ons for games. if this is true... ooo :dopey:
The other problem is that it would take ages to find and download all the cars and tracks you would want. I know I wouldn't settle for anything less than GT3's selection (but that's even pushing it), and that's still over 150 cars and over 20 tracks. That could take a week!
Uncle Harry
I have a concern about 3rd party downloads causing the game not to work.
How does PD and Sony protect against that?
The companies would be hired to create the addons, it's not talking about you me or the next guy sitting at home with too much spare time, it's talking about Sony contracting com[any B to create xx addons for a game so Sonys stuidios can focus on new products ect.

As for finding everything, why would it be hard? It's hard in the home made mods communities beacuse they're just scattered across hundereds of different forums, but look at X Box live, you download something, it get's a tick next to it, you can search for all the downloads by the game they're for and it's really easy. It's not going to be hard to have a system as effective and easy to use as that.

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