100% Completion

  • Thread starter tanner07
My friend only has 3 endurance races left to complete in simulatin mode, yet he is only 77.x% done the game. I searched the forums for this question, but nothing came up. How do you 100% complete the game? Is there something he is missing? Thanks alot in advance.

PS-I have been wandering around GTP for a really long time now, but this is only my first post.
win all licenses including the S license which he must have done.
Win every race, if he's not got gold on every race including each individual race in a series, he needs to do that and the 3 enduro's left.
All the arcade mode races and the time challenges in the arcade mode.
Yep, at 77% it sounds like he's missed the entire arcade section. Win every "Single race" and beat the top time in the time trials.

Welcome to GTP.

Originally posted by Der Alta
Yep, at 77% it sounds like he's missed the entire arcade section. Win every "Single race" and beat the top time in the time trials.

Welcome to GTP.


You're right : completing the Gran Turismo mode (all 48 licences and all races) represents only about 75% of the game.
The Arcade section (including the 10 time trials) represents about 25%.

When you're 100%, you can start the gold licences. Should keep you busy until GT4 is finally released.
Or for about 5 hours, if you're already a Goldjunkie.
Originally posted by flat-out
You're right : completing the Gran Turismo mode (all 48 licences and all races) represents only about 75% of the game.
The Arcade section (including the 10 time trials) represents about 25%.
Close. Simulation mode (including licenses) is 412/524 or about 78.6% of the game. Arcade mode (single runs+tt's) is 112/524 or about 21.4% of the game.
Originally posted by overpowered
Close. Simulation mode (including licenses) is 412/524 or about 78.6% of the game. Arcade mode (single runs+tt's) is 112/524 or about 21.4% of the game.

Wow. GTP has a Mathematician. ;) Damn I have to beat the Time Trials too. :irked: I like proper racing. Time Trials are boring
Originally posted by overpowered
Close. Simulation mode (including licenses) is 412/524 or about 78.6% of the game. Arcade mode (single runs+tt's) is 112/524 or about 21.4% of the game.

The calculation is correct, but I wonder whether the game does the same.
I got stuck to 99.0% for a long time while I was only missing Time Trial 10.
When I finally beat it :mad: the counter jumped to 100.0%

It seems that the TT have a bigger value that the estimated 1/524th.

Anyone wants to start the whole game again to see what the exact proportions are ? :lol:
Licences carry half the percentage weighting of time trials, simulation races, simulation series races and arcade races.

The game will always stick at 99.0% no matter what the final component left is.
Originally posted by flat-out
The calculation is correct, but I wonder whether the game does the same.
I got stuck to 99.0% for a long time while I was only missing Time Trial 10.
When I finally beat it :mad: the counter jumped to 100.0%

It seems that the TT have a bigger value that the estimated 1/524th.

Anyone wants to start the whole game again to see what the exact proportions are ? :lol:
You don't have to. Just scroll down to question #3 of my GT3 FAQ. It has a complete breakdown of how much each league counts in the game.

The status display does not show fractional increments above 99.0% so you won't see a change in the display for 4 of the last 5 races you win. The TT's don't count any more or less than any event.
Originally posted by Famine
Licences carry half the percentage weighting of time trials, simulation races, simulation series races and arcade races.
This is incorrect. The licenses have the same weight as any other event.
Wow??!! I thought the time trials didnt count??!! thats what a lot of people told me..

Please dont be angry at me fore double posting.
Originally posted by Gabkicks
i've got 4 or endurence races left and i'm 95.9 or 96% complete
Then you're missing something else besides 4 enduros and the TT's. Do you have gold on all races and all series and all arcade single runs?

Because the status display truncates instead of rounding off decimals, you can't ever actually have 96%. You can have 95.9% (21 events left) or 96.1% (20 events left).
yeah, its 95.9 like i said before. I dont have all golds in the licences and time trials, i think there are a few races i dont have golds in, they shouldnt say u've completed the beginner/amateur/ pro untill u've gotten golds in all the races. lazy people like me forget the courses they skipped over cus they were too lazy.
ive got 99.65 complete and ive won all the races all licenses and all arcade done ,any suggestions as to where the last tiny peice is?

katshiro ueo
Last time I checked, the game wouldn't show anything above 99%, until you hit 100%.

ANyways, the usual suspect is the Time Trials. Have you completed all 10 of them? After that, I'd check and make sure you have all of the Arcade races completed.

If you've got all of them done (you'll be awarded a Panoz Esperante if you have) the next step is looking through the Sim portion to see if you've not gotten all Gold medals in a series race.

Good luck,

Originally posted by Gabkicks
yeah, its 95.9 like i said before. I dont have all golds in the licences and time trials, i think there are a few races i dont have golds in, they shouldnt say u've completed the beginner/amateur/ pro untill u've gotten golds in all the races. lazy people like me forget the courses they skipped over cus they were too lazy.
You have to get gold in all races, all series, all arcade mode single runs and first place in all time trials.

You don't need gold in the licenses. Gold licenses don't do anything for you except give you cars.
refering to the reply which talked about thje % stopping until he beat the last tt, I have heard that no matter what it will stop at 99% untill u beat everything, no 99.2,.6,or .8 just 99% till everything is done then it jumps to 100%
Originally posted by katshiro ueo
ive got 99.65 complete and ive won all the races all licenses and all arcade done ,any suggestions as to where the last tiny peice is?

katshiro ueo
The status display only shows one digit to the right of the decimal point and it doesn't show fractional increments above 99.0% so I don't know how you can claim 99.65%.

Even given the real numbers, the closest you could get to that would be with 522 events completed which would really be 99.6183206107%

The display progression is like this:

517 98.6%
518 98.8%
519 99.0%
520 99.0% (should have been 99.2%)
521 99.0% (should have been 99.4%)
522 99.0% (should have been 99.6%)
523 99.0% (should have been 99.8%)
524 100.0%

As someone else noted, it is most likely a time trial that you don't have first place in. Also check "Clear Status" in the arcade menu to make sure you really have first place in all single runs. It also sometimes happens that people will have a bronze or silver on a race or two in smiulation mode and not notice it as they're running through the race selection screens.
i think the gold licenses and the time trials are the real challenges in GT3 :)

i think the races make up the "fun" part of the game, and if u happen to chose a car that makes it too hard for you to win a series, u can easily just choose another car.

but there's no way getting around those time trials and gold licenses.
Originally posted by Famine
And make you look cool.
Well, yeah, there's always the bragging rights. I got over that when I entered my times at GT3 Times and Racing Line. That humbled me really quick. Gold is only the beginning.
Originally posted by overpowered
Well, yeah, there's always the bragging rights. I got over that when I entered my times at GT3 Times and Racing Line. That humbled me really quick. Gold is only the beginning.

Ok, one more new-guy's-damn-stupid-question :
where's that GT3 Times and Racing line you mention ?
Thanks for the answer Famine.

But, damn it :mad: :mad: :banghead:
I started to submit my licence times on GT3edit, and who do I see in the list, ahead of me by the skin of a teeth... Famine.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I'll go back and practice a little bit more.