12 Miners Found Alive!

  • Thread starter MistaX
They should have said nothing if they were not sure. Now the families went from happiness and relief to sadness. It's really cruel to do that when they could have said : We don't know if they're okay yet, but we'll do all we can to save them.
Brilliant move. Absolutely brilliant. They figured out a way to take the attention away from the horrible safety record of the mining company. Just brilliant.
I saw this on the news earlier today and I was gobsmaked, it showed a video clip of the families all screaming fo rjoy when they were told they were still alive, then 3 hours later they were told it was a mistake, it was misscommunication, they shouldn't have said anything until it was 100% clear what the situation was.
Another instance where the Mainstream Media runs with a story without factual evidence.
Well, um, incompetence sucks – not sure what more there is to say. Sucks for the family, sucks for the company, sucks for the press, sucks for you and I watching it all unfold.
Viper Zero
Another instance where the Mainstream Media runs with a story without factual evidence.

Factual evidence? Company rep says "your boys are alive"... then says "oops, my mistake... where would you like us to send the bodies?".

Yup. All the media's fault.
From what I've heard, people who weren't in the loop overheard things that made them think that twelve miners were still alive. From there on, the false information spread and the officials, while aware that these reports were false, did not do anything about it for few hours. I feel so sorry for the friends and families of the victims. :indiff:
^That's it. I heard that nobody official ever said that they were alive, but citizens were intercepting the radio transmissions, and heard something to the effect of "we found them", and started spreading rumors like wildfire.

This is an awful story, and I must say that coal-mining is probably the hands-down worst job in the world.
^That's it. I heard that nobody official ever said that they were alive, but citizens were intercepting the radio transmissions, and heard something to the effect of "we found them", and started spreading rumors like wildfire.

This is an awful story, and I must say that coal-mining is probably the hands-down worst job in the world.
In today's newspaper, here, it say & "Company reps said they were alive" which was, knowing the media, probably a supervisor, or simply a mine company employee, though It may have actually been company reps, I wasnt there, I don't know for sure. Question:: Is this man dead? Answer:::: Can he speak? is he breathing? does he have a pulse? does he flinch if you kick him? Is he not completley limp? if you answered no to all of these, he's likely a dead man. Curious, how does it go from 12 alive, 1 dead, to, 1 alive, 12 dead?how Go*d@mn stupid do you have to be to think they're alive? Silencer would kill them.....So would I, but I'd probly scream for 5 to 10 minutes first, building my anger as I screamed... Hell, I'd ***** slap him now.....
In an interview, one distraught lady claimed that it was a company man who made the announcement in front of a big audience... if this is true, I bet the guy's in pretty hot water now.

Simple mistake... but it's costing the company a hell of a lot of bad PR.
In today's newspaper, here, it say & "Company reps said they were alive" which was, knowing the media, probably a supervisor, or simply a mine company employee

Just like "High Ranking Pentagon Official", whatever the hell that is.

The Media got it wrong.

I didn't see any official statement from the company, so the media got it from unreliable sources and ran with it anyway.
Viper Zero

Just like "High Ranking Pentagon Official", whatever the hell that is.

The Media got it wrong.

I didn't see any official statement from the company, so the media got it from unreliable sources and ran with it anyway.
well, thats what the media always does, wether or not an actual spokesperson said anything or not, I think it's part of the job criteria: "Must be able to impose imagination on unknown topics, and generally attempt to scare audience with said imagination"
Simple Mistake
Can we really call it that?
Simple mistake for the guy who made it... obviously a big one for the people he told it to.

Obviously the company isn't saying anything. It's the relatives of the deceased who are complaining that someone from the company told them that the miners were alive, or led them to believe it was so. Knock it off, Viper.

Did you read the article? Did you watch the interviews of the families of the deceased? I did. The company made no official announcement to the media but someone from the company told them the miners were alive. Get a grip.

Again. Simple mistake. But very very VERY stupid.
It was a simple mistake to make, but the consequences in this case have hurt a lot of people even more than they would have been had they just heared the truth the first time.

I heared is was someone from the company that told them, but they never said if it was a company announcment or just someone saying what they though they'd heared.
On the radio this morning they were explaining the whole situation like this:

  1. Rescuers group A finds victims.
  2. Rescuers group A radios to Rescuers group B half way up the mine.
  3. Person A, on the surface, intercepts poor quality radio signal after it travelled nearly a mile through rock.
  4. Person A calls Person B, who is at the church with the families.
  5. Person B tells the families what Person A said, but Person A heard wrong.
Now, since Person A and Person B worked for the mining company everyone took it as hard fact, even though working for the company in question does not suddenly make you infallible.

As was said before, it was a simple mistake with a bad outcome.

During all this, "how could they make a mistake like this," freak out the media forgot to ask what happened to cause the collapse and to report on the 170 people that died in a landslide in Indonesia. I belive that instead of asking how this mistake could be made we should ask how the collapse happened and how are the rescue efforts in Indonesia, where a natural disaster has buried men women and children.

The time to be angry at whomever made this mistake is past. They didn't kill those men and I am sure that they deeply regret the trauma that they have caused. The first step towards healing is to move on past this mistake and to begin grieving.
On the radio this morning they were explaining the whole situation like this:

  1. Rescuers group A finds victims.
  2. Rescuers group A radios to Rescuers group B half way up the mine.
  3. Person A, on the surface, intercepts poor quality radio signal after it travelled nearly a mile through rock.
  4. Person A calls Person B, who is at the church with the families.
  5. Person B tells the families what Person A said, but Person A heard wrong.
Now, since Person A and Person B worked for the mining company everyone took it as hard fact, even though working for the company in question does not suddenly make you infallible.

As was said before, it was a simple mistake with a bad outcome.

During all this, "how could they make a mistake like this," freak out the media forgot to ask what happened to cause the collapse and to report on the 170 people that died in a landslide in Indonesia. I belive that instead of asking how this mistake could be made we should ask how the collapse happened and how are the rescue efforts in Indonesia, where a natural disaster has buried men women and children.

The time to be angry at whomever made this mistake is past. They didn't kill those men and I am sure that they deeply regret the trauma that they have caused. The first step towards healing is to move on past this mistake and to begin grieving.

Well said.
what i really hate is big bertha eating her way onto the camera saying that they killed the miners and she's gonna sue somebody. first off, what is that going to solve? you can afford to move up from mc.donalds dollar menu to wendy's value menu? is this the latest get rich quick scheme in america? sue everyone and his brother? second of all, THEY didnt kill your family. the miners knew the risk they ran when they went UNDERGROUND with thousands of pounds of earth above them. second of all, sue the meal ticket? from the looks this is just a small mining community and that mine has probably supported the whole town, and is pretty much the only source of income. now they want the mine to be shut down for a while to get the safety measures back up. this is the problem with people, something has to happen before they want anything done. people *****ed about the long lines and having to pay extra for air marshalls, then two planes crash into two buildings, and they want to know where the protection went. humans are like animals; ignorant, fatass, animals.
Errh... isn't it the mining company's job to protect miners and to ensure a safe working environment?

To be fair, though, there is an on-going investigation into the cause of the disaster, and some clues point towards a lightning strike as being part of the cause.

And, c'mon, this is America. Someone's always going to sue. :nervous: If you'd lost a loved one and your source of income, you'd be royally pissed off, too...
second of all, THEY didnt kill your family. the miners knew the risk they ran when they went UNDERGROUND with thousands of pounds of earth above them.
I agree with you. I feel sorry for them for geting their feelings hurt, but taking it out on the mining company is just so ridiculous. :indiff: Miners knew the risks. Tragedy like this happens like every other week in the Chinese mining operations(not really, but it's pretty frequent). If you are afraid of getting buried alive, become a bus driver or something. Don't take it out on the mining company when an accident occurs.

I do feel that whomever made the false report should be penalized. Not too harsh though. I think niky said, it was a simple mistake? I can totally understand how easily something like this could have occured also.

Errh... isn't it the mining company's job to protect miners and to ensure a safe working environment?
You are right, but I think accidents like these are inevitable. I do think the company's operation record should be checked.
I saw this on the news, and I also understood it like there was an accidental misinformation. In these situations, the relatives are eager to get any news about the miners. So, they try to get every little piece of information they can get. In my opinion, it was "just a case of being too enthusiastic. Somebody heard something like "we found them!" on the communication channels, misinterpretated it and spread "they're alive!" among the relatives. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't stop that from spreading immediately. And before you know, everybody thinks he knows better than you.
People make mistakes. There are mistakes noone even notices, and mistakes that make you want to kill the one who made it. Anyway, mistakes sometimes just happen, and I don't think you can blame anybody for it.

the Interceptor
I agree with you. I feel sorry for them for geting their feelings hurt, but taking it out on the mining company is just so ridiculous. :indiff: Miners knew the risks. Tragedy like this happens like every other week in the Chinese mining operations(not really, but it's pretty frequent). If you are afraid of getting buried alive, become a bus driver or something. Don't take it out on the mining company when an accident occurs.
This depends entirely on if the mining company was at fault, if the company hadn't used the proper precautions and saftey measures ect. If the saftey measures were taken then the company is not liable, it's not the companies fault. As you said the miniers knew the risks when they took the job. It's tragic really but the last thing you need is erveryone pointing the finger at everyone. Let the investigation find out what happened, and if the company is at fault, so be it. If not, let it be, as hard as it is to do so, going through a lenthy law suit won't bring back the dead, nor will it make their lives happier.