15 years?

  • Thread starter Talentless


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
I am not a death penalty proponent, but where others get off, usually some "enlightened" European, or so it seems, criticising us is beyond me. Unless Fox is mistaken, some guy convicted of being connected with 911/01 got 15 years, the maximum sentence. One might think that being a co conspirator or accessory to an act that cost nearly three thousand lives would warrant life or at least a 30-50 year sentence. I guess not. I think the pacifism of Germany has gone too far. Ridiculous.
I was thinking the same thing. So he'll be around 40 or so when he gets out, really pissed off and ready to get back at it. He should've gotten at least twice that.
But what did he do really? Know that they were going to attack? If you for instance heard that America was going to bomb Iraq on this date and kill 3000 people would you go and say to Saddam, look you're going to get bombed. Would they believe you? No. Would they put you in a looney bin? Yes.
Although I'm not versed in the subject, it sounds like he was given a charge of manslaughter in the first degree, or conspiricy for murder in the second degree. Obviously, not a first-degree murder charge. You can't put someone in jail for life if they're only connected by 2 degs.

Didn't we have lawyer on this forum once?
His crime is less the issue than the sentence structure of Germany. If the maximum sentence is 15 years, that is a mockery of justice. It may have been less absurd to let him walk.
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
But what did he do really? Know that they were going to attack? If you for instance heard that America was going to bomb Iraq on this date and kill 3000 people would you go and say to Saddam, look you're going to get bombed. Would they believe you? No. Would they put you in a looney bin? Yes.

He knew what they were going to do and helped them do it on an organizational level.
Also, the guy covered the terrorists expenses in the US - including flying lessons. It's strange how a regular 30-ish year old Marocan can be such a key player regarding the events of 9/11.

And when you say that the fact that he knew but didn't squeel is sickening, you're being failry hypocrite, for there were quite a few people who knew, including American journalists and eventually the American government. Let's not forget that.
I do not know of the claim that the US knew of anything specific enough to stop a threat is true. It may have had intelligence that indicated a danger, but warnings and such could have been for naught, because the attack is not common, planes flown into buildings in the example of septembr 11th, and resources could have ended up being spent securing the wrong things.
Bin Laden had announced the attacks to an American journalist, not vaguely, but specificely. I'm afraid I'm going to have to look up the article to back this up... -- If I find it I'll post it here.
He may have, but who knows how many threats of that kind are made? I don't know who the journalist was, but I did hear that one person who had claimed to have interviewed the Al Qaeda leader may have been discredited. And announcing attack plans with great detail could be to divert attention from another plan.
As far as this guy getting "only" fifteen years. If he is in one of the more harsh facilities, He won't survive that 15 years if he is in the general population of prisoners. It will get out that he was involved in the 9/11 plot and he will be "shanked" in the yard, or in the shower at some point.
If he's in solitary, he'll be a basket case in a few MONTHS.
I personally believe that he needs to be cell mates with a large, horny, man (called Bubba, Jim Bob, Billy Joe, or some such) convicted of multiple forcible rapes.
I think he will be begging for death after a week.
The thing I forgot to say that "Life" is only 20 years. That is because it has been determined that the life expectancy of an inmate in a "max" facility is about 20 years.
Jeffrey Dahmer (the celebrated cannibal) was killed in prison within 5 years of being incarcerated, John Holmes (the porno star) was in jail for less than 7 years, I believe, before he succumbed to his pre-incarceration lifestyle. OF the infamous inmates that I can think of. Only Charles Manson remains alive after more than 20 years of continuous incarceration. However, his mind is not what it used to be. IF he were to be released tomorrow, I believe that he wouldn't be able to get ten steps from the gates of Soledad, before some well meaning citizen would shoot him dead.
i heard yesterday that 15 years is not the maximum sentence under german law, therefore germany is ok in terms of sentencing.
Well, the last hanging in the US was in the 1970's, and other nations still have it as a sentence... 30 years ago isn't tooo long ago, maybe we should bring it back? The total cost for the last hanging & funeral was something like $30 US, so with inflation it'd probably be a little more. I'm not saying this should take over Ol' Sparky, but it's just something to think about.

I just think the Gillatine is too far by today's standards, just reminds me of Hitler and WW2, as well as the French Revolution...
I've been saying this for years. Imagine all the money they could make by bringing back the public hanging. Of course it'd only be used for the most despicable violent criminals like Molosovic, Dahmer, OJ, etc. Sentence them to die by hanging and put it on pay per view. It's a goldmine! They may also want to bring back burning at the stake. It takes longer so people would feel like they got their money's worth and not just a snap... like a stick in a wet towel.
Perhaps he was innocent of the actual killing. But I have a feeling in my gut that He knows who IS responsible.
I know. He was a running back in the NFL. Doesn't that mean anything to you people? It means you get three strikes. You can kill two people, but the third and you're out.
Just think--OJ is out there looking for the REAL killer and you people are saying he should be hanged. Tsk tsk.

Yes, I know I'm mixing baseball with football.
Originally posted by milefile
There is something creepy about team sports. Sweaty groups of men, touching eachother's butts, undressing together.

In my 20 years of actively competing in team sports, never once have I undressed another person :odd: