17 year old high school student's article under controversy

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Sweet, delicious
From the Washington Times -

A dissenting student hounded for his views

"Tim Bueler recently received some unusual advice: His principal and a campus police officer suggested that he stay home from his California high school for a few days.
They feared for his safety because Tim, the founder of Rancho Cotate High School's new Conservative Club, said he had received threats from other students after writing an article for the club newsletter calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration.
The 17-year-old junior says that stance inspired threats from which teachers have refused to protect him. Some faculty members even started a public campaign against his group, which seeks to promote "the pillars of the Bible, patriotism and conservative beliefs as balance to the mostly liberal viewpoints of teachers," according to its newsletter, "The Conservative Agenda."
In a telephone interview, Tim said he's been threatened at least three times by Hispanic students who call him "white boy" and "racist." One boy said he was going to "find someone" to beat up Tim.
In two of those instances, Tim said two faculty members stood by and did nothing to help him. Most recently, Tim said, he was confronted by a dozen Hispanic boys, who blocked him from walking down the hallway.
"They said, 'You're a racist,' and I said, 'Are you guys going to let me through?' " Tim said. "So I ducked into a classroom and told the teacher what was happening, and said, 'Can you help me?' And she said, 'No. Get out of here.' "
Earlier, he said he was eating lunch in a classroom when about seven Hispanic students surrounded him. Worried for Tim's safety, his father, Dennis Bueler, said he asked for help from a teacher who was also in the room.
"The teacher told him, 'When you say things like that, you've got to expect that things like this are going to happen. Why don't you go out the back door?' " Mr. Bueler said in recounting the incident.
Tim said teachers have also joined in the name-calling. One called Tim a Nazi, while another described the club as "a bunch of bigots." In a parody of the newsletter, biology teacher Mark Alton called on students to "take a stand against the neoconservative wing-nuts who call themselves Americans."
Tim thought about leaving the school, located in Rohnert Park about an hour north of San Francisco, and then made his decision: No way.
"They said, 'It's in your best interest not to go to school,' " Tim said. "I said, 'Well, why? What have I done wrong?' "
The club has invited students to call its "liberal assault hot line" to report whether they've been "verbally assaulted for being conservative."
With about 50 members, the club has hosted speakers from the Eagle Forum and National Rifle Association.
Forty school staff members signed a letter to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat calling on the Conservative Club to back up its accusations that students are being indoctrinated.
"They've made all these sweeping statements about liberal teachers warping the curriculum, but as a science teacher, I'd like to see some evidence," said Mr. Alton, who co-authored the letter.
Mr. Alton said he was also disturbed by Tim's article on illegal immigration, which says, "Liberals welcome every Muhammad, Jamul and Jose who wishes to leave his Third World state and come to America."
"No one at the high school opposes the formation of the Conservative Club," Mr. Alton said. "What bothers me is the extreme views that border on racism or homophobia, the negative tone, and the hot line that calls teachers 'traitors.' "
Tim admitted that his zeal sometimes gets the best of him. He apologized for the "Muhammad" remark, saying, "I made a mistake, but I'm not racist." Club adviser Bernadette Tucker stepped down after Tim printed the newsletter without allowing her to edit it first.
Rancho Cotate Principal Mitchell Carter and district officials did not return several phone calls.
Mr. Bueler said he's ready to bring in lawyers if the school cannot protect his son. "The police don't think they were real threats, but I disagree. He shouldn't have to be threatened every day," the father said."


How sad, students are suppose to receive an education at school, not be victims partisan politics. What bothers me the most is that the teachers stood by and did nothing, blinded by their political agendas. I applaud this student for standing up for what he believes to be right, but his school may not be the appropriate place to voice his thoughts in the way that he did.

How come there wasn't a Conservative club at my school? Damn Liberals! ;)
I have a feeling that the article was not written in the nicest terms. High school students are more likely to be offended by a personal matter rather than a political one, which makes me wonder how the article was worded. This does not excuse the staff for not doing their job protecting the student.
I really don't feel we're getting the whole story here.

That said - I was under the impression the schools were supposed to provide a safe environment for students.

Who knows what really happened?
uhm...I'd like to see this article before I say anything on this topic....
obviously, what he said must have been EXTREMELY offensive if he's had that many things happen to him. If they were that offensive, people could very well take action against him.

by the way...can someone explain to me what the hell is wrong with having liberal views or the other way around for that matter?
I could care less about the reactions of the immigrants, I'd much prefer see the article that listen to all of "Tim's" 'scary' anecdotes.
imagine if tim was out of high school and worked as a writer, then who would care what people do to him. i strongly believe that when you f#ck up, you gotta pay, and nobody has a right to mess around especialy on race and immigration

but tim is in school, different story now. the teachers: (leader, mentor) by looking the other way and offering no guidance to poor confused tim is being just as iggnorrant as the rest of the party in support of him. got to know when to hold'em and know when to fold'em.

dont wanna steal tims thunder here but i like what maddox says about imigration (this time he can defend something other than smack it down)

great article
I would have to read the guys article.

If he is saying, that statistically, illegal immigration is dragging down the economy. Well, he does have a point, I guess, in terms of what is good for a country. However, I dont think people should think that way at all.
I would like to read what this kid wrote, but since I live in California, I can imagine what his gripes were about.

I feel the hispanics who immigrate to America are more of a financial burden, than anything else. They come here with no money, and quickly sign up for financial aid and medical aid. All attempts by voters to put this to a stop has been blocked by just one, usually hispanic, judge.

If they don't get medicaid, or medical, they show up at hospital ER rooms, and never pay their bill. This is why ER rooms are closing, BTW. Many other people in California hear what the hispanics are doing for free medical help, and they do the same. They go to the ER with no drivers license, or social security card. By law, they have to be seen.

There are a places were hispanics can go to recieve info and help getting benefits from the Government, and this includes free legal help. They don't help anybody, other than hispanics.

If they get jobs, they claim they got injured and file lawsuits and apply for Workers Compensation Benefits, which the cost of is going through the roof here in California. California has WCB costs that are 6.5 times more than any other state. Over half of work place accidents, that involve hispanics, are alcohol related and happen right on, or the day after, pay day.

They also apply for General Relief and Social Security Disability Benefits and have free legal aid to help them get it. Most Department Of Social Services benefits are issued to hispanics, yet they only make up 29 percent of our population.

But the big problem with hispanic immigrants is once they do get some money, either with lawsuits or with jobs, most of them take it back to Mexico, which doesn't benefit America one bit.

It's no wonder California's economy is suffering. Any attempt to correct these problems and instantly some hispanic rights group cries racism.
I, too, would like to read the article. I suspect it used inflamatory language, which can be expected form a youngster, but that is no excuse for the school abandoning him to ethnic thugs. I've also noticed that when it comes to Hispanic immigrants hypocrisy runs rampant. Hispanics are typically very conservative, family oriented and religious. But it doesn't take them long to compromise all of that in favor of American liberalism. They don't seem to think the policies they tout, and the liberal garbage they regurgitate for the sole purpose of protecting their own illegal status will result in an America that can no longer absorb them. We'll all lose.
In this case, Maddox should have stuck with comeday.

1. The complaint is primarily about illegal immigration.

2. The min contention is that people who come here illegally should not be eligible to compete for jobs.

3. Maddox later only labels the "competitors" as immigrants, drawing away from the fact that the argument about their pay stemmed from their illegal status.

4. He may be right about equitable pay, but that is irrelevant. If one does not belong, the level of pay should not be an issue.

5. The effect of not saving someone trapped in a well is a practical certainty. Only if the trapped free themselves is there a chance of survival. Death from underpaying is not a certainty. The comparisons are flawed in that they take a logical similarity to an obnoxious level. A vast majority would not leave someone trapped in a well. The purpose of that comparison was to make someone analize their conscious. I did. They don't compare. And I feel fine.
wow, didnt see it that way the first time.
gotta love that picture tho,


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Originally posted by emad
uhm...I'd like to see this article before I say anything on this topic....
obviously, what he said must have been EXTREMELY offensive if he's had that many things happen to him. If they were that offensive, people could very well take action against him.

by the way...can someone explain to me what the hell is wrong with having liberal views or the other way around for that matter?

Yep,... I think there is A LOT more to this story than what we're being told.

I'm getting the impression that little Timmy is a bit more guilty than we are being led to suspect........
Originally posted by milefile
[...] I've also noticed that when it comes to Hispanic immigrants hypocrisy runs rampant. Hispanics are typically very conservative, family oriented and religious. But it doesn't take them long to compromise all of that in favor of American liberalism. They don't seem to think the policies they tout, and the liberal garbage they regurgitate for the sole purpose of protecting their own illegal status will result in an America that can no longer absorb them.
I've definitely noticed the same thing, and it annoys the hell out of me... all of the Hispanics in California are in an uproar about Arnold repealing the driver's license for illegal immigrants thing (and praised Gray Davis when he signed the bill). It's really pah-theh-tick.
i dont care what the kid said, if your a teacher and you see a kid in danger of getting his A** beat to a bloddy pulp in school, you should do something. To just stand around like an idiot and watch this stuff happen is really F'ed up:banghead:

i think that tim, while he had a great point, he took it to the point of no return.:irked:

this whole situation is F'ed up:tdown:
Originally posted by Sage
I've definitely noticed the same thing, and it annoys the hell out of me... all of the Hispanics in California are in an uproar about Arnold repealing the driver's license for illegal immigrants thing (and praised Gray Davis when he signed the bill). It's really pah-theh-tick.

Heh, what are they going to do? Vote him out?
I love people accusing other people being racist. The accusers are more racist than the people they accuse being racists. I love liberails if you don't few the world in their eyes you're a racist, bigot, mean and awful person. I have had the same hatred directed to me during my life, because I'm white, male, own guns, and Christian. Oh I'm also a card carrying member of the NRA, and thinks the Happy Tree Friends is one of the funniest websites in the World. -----> http://www.happytreefriends.com/ <-----

It's sick but so funny!

Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
If he is saying, that statistically, illegal immigration is dragging down the economy. Well, he does have a point, I guess, in terms of what is good for a country. However, I dont think people should think that way at all.

You don't have a ****ing idea about what you are talking. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
I feel the hispanics who immigrate to America are more of a financial burden, than anything else. They come here with no money, and quickly sign up for financial aid and medical aid. All attempts by voters to put this to a stop has been blocked by just one, usually hispanic, judge.

If they don't get medicaid, or medical, they show up at hospital ER rooms, and never pay their bill. This is why ER rooms are closing, BTW. Many other people in California hear what the hispanics are doing for free medical help, and they do the same. They go to the ER with no drivers license, or social security card. By law, they have to be seen.

There are a places were hispanics can go to recieve info and help getting benefits from the Government, and this includes free legal help. They don't help anybody, other than hispanics.

If they get jobs, they claim they got injured and file lawsuits and apply for Workers Compensation Benefits, which the cost of is going through the roof here in California. California has WCB costs that are 6.5 times more than any other state. Over half of work place accidents, that involve hispanics, are alcohol related and happen right on, or the day after, pay day.

They also apply for General Relief and Social Security Disability Benefits and have free legal aid to help them get it. Most Department Of Social Services benefits are issued to hispanics, yet they only make up 29 percent of our population.

But the big problem with hispanic immigrants is once they do get some money, either with lawsuits or with jobs, most of them take it back to Mexico, which doesn't benefit America one bit.

It's no wonder California's economy is suffering. Any attempt to correct these problems and instantly some hispanic rights group cries racism.

I pitty your stupid generalization. Do you have any idea about what you are saying? So according to you, all hispanics are from Mexico :rolleyes: You should know that California is an area heavily populated by Mexicans. Thats it! There maybe some puertoricans, dominicans and other people from Southamerica, but the majority are Mexicans.

Another thing about your stupid generalization. All the people that do that (not paying medicare, doing file lawsuits) are not all Hispanics. The ones who do it are the Puertoricans and Dominicans. I know that , because I see it here in CT.