Hi everybody,
I think I've got a relatively simple question for you, but I don't come on it...:
Is it possible to play/store 2 different careers in the granturismo-modus?
The thing is: My friend's PS2 got broken, I bought a new one and use his memory stick (8MB) and his games. He played GT3 in the GT-Modus and stored his career on the stick.
Yesterday I wanted to start a new career of my own, but I always came in his career... I couldnt start/create/stored a new one...
Am I too stupid or is this simply impossible?
What would be the solutions - Delete his storage, buy a second memory stick...?!
Greetings & rock on,
I think I've got a relatively simple question for you, but I don't come on it...:
Is it possible to play/store 2 different careers in the granturismo-modus?
The thing is: My friend's PS2 got broken, I bought a new one and use his memory stick (8MB) and his games. He played GT3 in the GT-Modus and stored his career on the stick.
Yesterday I wanted to start a new career of my own, but I always came in his career... I couldnt start/create/stored a new one...
Am I too stupid or is this simply impossible?
What would be the solutions - Delete his storage, buy a second memory stick...?!
Greetings & rock on,