Welcome to the new Gran Turismo Speed Forums!

  • Thread starter AltF8


Staff Emeritus
Welcome to the Gran Turismo Speed Forums!

Gran Turismo Speed has partnered with GTPlanet.net's forums and will be moving all of its forum traffic here. There will be some issues, I'm sure - but if you can just point them out to me personally rather than posting threads about it, it will make things much easier.

All GTSpeed specific discussions can happen here, where the forums look just like the GTSpeed homepage. All non-GTSpeed related Gran Turismo discussions should be posted in GTPlanet's main GT forums.

This accomplishes several things. First, as GTSpeed supporters, you'll now have a much more functional forum system than our old ezboard. For a free board, ezboard did pretty well - but I think we've outgrown it. This vBulletin board is extremely feature rich and I think you'll really enjoy it.

Also, there is a mutual benifit by bringing the GTS forums here. You'll have access to many more topics and a wealth of new information already posted by the members of GTPlanet. On the flip-side, GTPlanet members will benifit from you and your information. I'm quite proud of GTS's user base, as 99.33% of you are top-notch, friendly, well-behaved and mature people. I've found the same type of people here at GTPlanet. I really hope new friendships can be made.

To finalize this really long post (sorry), I welcome you to the GTS section of GTPlanet.net's forums. I really hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to contact either Jordan or myself if you have any concerns or questions regarding the new system.
Welcome aboard AltF8, and all the GTS regulars! I hope you enjoy your stay at GTPlanet. :)
Originally posted by AltF8

BTW, your little smilie in your sig cracks me up!
LOL, I thought it would be good for a sig.