24 Hours of Le Mans B-Spec Challenge - $100 in prizes - August 31 - 0/28 Positions Filled

  • Thread starter Earth


What is this?
This is a team manager race using the PC simulation game rFactor 2. The AI race the cars, you control the team.

Is there prize money involved?
Yes. The winner of each of the 4 classes will receive $25 through PayPal. The race must reach a distance of 12 hours for this to happen.

What is needed for the race to actually happen?
At least 40 cars must have managers by the Test Day for the race to happen. Initially users will only be allowed to control one team of 2 cars. Eventually this will be opened up further allowing users to control 2 teams / 4 cars (but in different classes) to help fill out the field

What kind of control do I have over the team cars?
  • As a team manager you may choose each of your car's drivers.
  • You may also alter the downforce and brake bias of each of your cars.
  • You may adjust each car's reliability. For reliability, you may choose between 4 levels. 85%, 75%, 65%, and 55%. If you choose 85% for one of your cars, that car will have an 85% chance to finish the race without breaking down. If you choose 75%, your car will have a 75% chance of finishing the race without breaking down, but it will also be 3kgs lighter for prototypes, and 4kgs lighter for GT cars. 65% reliability will be 6kgs lighter for prototypes and 8kgs lighter for GT cars. 55% will be 9kgs lighter for prototypes and 12kgs lighter for GT cars.
  • All cars will run at 85% reliability during the practice sessions. Only during hyperpole and the race will cars be allowed to run at a different reliability setting.

What do the driver stats mean?
The SPD (speed) stat determines the maximum driving potential of a driver. The CON (consistency) stat determines how consistently a driver performs to his max potential. The AGR (aggression) stat details how daring a driver is when overtaking.

How are each of the sessions organized?
The test day, and both practices are 4 hour long mixed sessions with all 4 classes competing on the course at the same time. Hyperpole qualifying will take place roughly 2 hours before the start of the race.

How do I watch the race?
Hyperpole and the entire 24 hour race will be broadcast live on twitch.tv. The practice sessions will not be broadcast.

What classes are racing?
There will be 4 classes with 7 teams in each class with 2 cars each for a total of 56 cars. The 4 clases are:

Hypercar - Cutting edge, top of the line prototypes. Driven by all Platinum rated drivers with a top speed of around 350kph.
LMP2 - All the cars are identical Oreca 05 models with a top speed of around 320kph. All drivers are silver rated
GTPRO and GTAM - use identical GT cars that have a top speed of around 300kph. The difference is each GTPRO car is driven by one platinum and one gold driver, whereas each GTAM car is driven by one Bronze and one Gentleman driver.

Will the race have rain?
Each session, including the race, will have weather based on the actual weather in Le Mans France at the time. A forecast will be given 48 hours in advance of each session.

How do I enter?

Entry Guide - Read this for everything you need to know.
- For the list of drivers available and their stats, use the spreadsheet -> HERE <-. In the next step the signup form will walk you through which drivers you can use for your team cars.
#3 - Signup using the form -> HERE <-.
#4 - Once you are signed up in time I will message you in a private conversation with more information about car setups, reliability, etc.
#5 - That's it, you're done!

@Eh Team
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