Be aware, you can go now and buy any of these games used on console for even cheaper price, and you actually will own them (not only rented digital

) which means you can sell them for higher price, which means you can "gain" money by playing games..

example, I got used Asseto corsa PS4 for 25 euro, played it for almost two months, sold for 30 euro
new games cost 10 - 15 euro every time.. any single player game or just something to try, grab it brand new (blu ray) for 60 euro, play it, and after more then a month it will still cost 50 euro easy (depends on country). and next disc owner will be also happy, you can be the next disc owner if you want..

I tell you, this far while we have our own Blu-rays we can game for FREE! I would never buy a console when it goes digital only, no reason.. just get a PC.. but now its the cheapest way to play!
Already know about those people who wants to collect games or similar, but you have to admit that actually owning stuff and option to sell them and get most of money back is a very good option to have!

also not every game deserves to stay in collection!