Thrustmaster Announces T150 PRO & TMX PRO Wheels

I actually don't see the point of having a clutch pedal if I don't get the H-shifter in the same package... :confused:
Pretty much my exact same thought with every single wheel package nowadays, even logitech strayed away from it, (thanks alot for that ish guys) at this point ill either mod my dfgt which in itself will be more problematic or pointless to some degree or catch a g25/g27 on sale that wont break a tax refund check, hell ill buy a fanatec wheel if i have to, but its gonna hurt me come gt sport time however and im still waiting for more details on this new gt sport thrustmaster wheel.
I actually don't see the point of having a clutch pedal if I don't get the H-shifter in the same package... :confused:
I guess this kind of set is for those ones who already planned to get a shifter too...
I dont understand why they dont do bundles with the shifter included too like the good old G25-G27...
I actually don't see the point of having a clutch pedal if I don't get the H-shifter in the same package... :confused:

Maybe because some people would like to use the clutch pedal regardless of whether or not they have a shift lever? I'd personally like to get a separate shifter for my wheel but for various reasons it has never happened. Doesn't mean I wouldn't fly into a fit of uncontrollable rage if somebody broke my clutch pedal and ruined a large part of my enjoyment of any decent racing game. I'd also probably never even consider buying a set of pedals that didn't have a clutch, period.
Not sure how old this news is. But I've seen the T150 pro at Gamestop quite a few times. Likewise it's not worth it unless you have the H-shifter....
They should have included the 3 pedals with the TMX/T150 in the first place (instead of releasing a "Pro" version) and maybe make a bundle with the Shifter too for those who want that.
That T150 PRO looks like the perfect deal. Great entry level and some of the best pedals on the market, and all in one neat package! Can't find pricing in the UK yet though.
Me too,probably do not have it in stock.I'll keep an eye on their website and will let you know when the price becomes available.
It took them a year but at last they announced an official price for the T150 PRO/TMX PRO wheels and can now be bought from their shop for £199.99/249,99 €.

T150 PRO ForceFeedback
TMX PRO Force Feedback
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For those who say it is weird they include this set without a shifter... what is way more important with this pedal set is the conical brake mod.

Thrustmaster could make a "pro" two pedal set with a better brake pressure system, but they already have this budget 3 pedal set so they are using that.

I have seen people mod the set to put one wide pedal across the clutch and brake so that it works like a two pedal set.