Project Scorpio — Digital Foundry Reveals Specs

I imagine for most games that run sub-native 4K on the Pro the Scorpio will probably be native 4K and with slightly higher settings. Everyone seemed to want a CPU that makes most games run at 60fps but they don't seem to have went for that.
I imagine for most games that run sub-native 4K on the Pro the Scorpio will probably be native 4K and with slightly higher settings. Everyone seemed to want a CPU that makes most games run at 60fps but they don't seem to have went for that.
The CPU might not be as important, as most of the load would be on the GPU at higher resolutions. But I am a bit surprised (and disappointed, but I'll reserve my judgement until I see more testing) that they didn't go for a more powerful CPU.
The CPU might not be as important, as most of the load would be on the GPU at higher resolutions. But I am a bit surprised (and disappointed, but I'll reserve my judgement until I see more testing) that they didn't go for a more powerful CPU.
Agree I'm disappointed with the CPU, but I think what P*ssed me of the most is still no price point. Judging by the specs I wreckon it will cost more then the Xbox Ones original $500 price.
I saw the video, it looks very impressive but I have no reason to buy an Xbox to begin with. I have my PC and the Switch looks attractive, but Xbox even releases some of their games on Windows now so it's hard for me to find a reason to want to buy their console, no matter how powerful it is.

I don't have a PS4 either, I only bought Playstation for Gran Turismo and PD release 1.5 games per decade these days.
Agree I'm disappointed with the CPU, but I think what P*ssed me of the most is still no price point. Judging by the specs I wreckon it will cost more then the Xbox Ones original $500 price.

What your missing is that with the lengths Microsoft have gone to improving computing efficiency that the CPU is now twice as powerful as the X1 CPU. Don't only look at the 31% clock increase. There is much more to it then that. You should read the articles over at Digital Foundry. For instance the fact that DX12 on the Scorpio is now a hardware feature (not even on PC is DX12 a hardware level feature) makes massive improvement in how much less CPU resources are tasked. When you go from 1000 commands to 9 or 10 that is a massive amount of CPU overhead gone. Like I said, with this console it's more then just the "specs".
I'm impressed with the specs but take the specs on that screenshot with a grain of salt as well. Please do remember that the Forza engine is a highly XBox-optimised engine. If you run non-Microsoft games on the Scorpio for sure it will demand a bit more power as well. Nevertheless, I'm impressed by the console and definitely will get one. Also seriously happy they did put in a 4K UHD Blu-Ray player since I really want that as well. Sony failed to deliver here on the PS4 Pro. :)

Right now my living room system is a 65"3D 4K UHD screen with 4K AV receiver and 5.1 home theatre sound system. Already got a PS4 Pro and XBox One connected to it, I will happily swap that XBox One out for the Scorpio later that year and put the old XBox One permanently in my second room (with Obutto Revolution racing rig). Bring on Project CARS 2! :)

That Scorpio will also be the first time I will see Final Fantasy XV and Forza Horizon 3 in HDR. For FFXV I was silly enough to buy that last year for XBox One without planning to buy the PS4 Pro yet. And I'm sure my growing catalogue of XBox games will have a couple of more HDR enabled games, CoD Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 I think?

By the way the main reason I bought that PS4 Pro lately was that I wanted to play Horizon Zero Dawn after all those great reviews and even though I have my 4K HDR TV for over a year now, I never had any HDR source to connect to it. Let me say you that HDR really blew me away and for me this is the future of gaming / Blu-Rays / general TV viewing. Screw 3D and screw VR (for now).

Now... all this in a climate where I should really focus more on my social life and less on my multimedia life. :P

What I found a bit weird on the Digital Foundry Scorpio clips is the complete absence of anything about VR. I'm not impressed by PS VR so for sure will skip that but if the Scorpio is powerful enough to deliver some decently looking VR I might give it a try. Hopefully Dirt Rally will get a VR upgrade for the XBox as well then, that would be sweet.
It's cool tech but I'll stick with my PC and PS4 Pro, that's were the games are at.

I agree the PS has better exclusive titles like Horizon Zero Dawn, the Uncharted series and Last Of Us. Especially now that the XBox One exclusives seem to be available for Win 10 as well I can fully understand your perspective.

However having both an XBox and a PS4 Pro I much more prefer the XBox menu than the one from the PS4. Same goes for the controllers, I prefer the XBox One over the PS4 one.
I agree the PS has better exclusive titles like Horizon Zero Dawn, the Uncharted series and Last Of Us. Especially now that the XBox One exclusives seem to be available for Win 10 as well I can fully understand your perspective.

However having both an XBox and a PS4 Pro I much more prefer the XBox menu than the one from the PS4. Same goes for the controllers, I prefer the XBox One over the PS4 one.

Yeah, it's a hard direct comparison. I got my XB1 first (May 2015, PS4 November 2015), and up until a few months ago, the PS4 was barely more than a Netflix machine, but that's largely because I played a lot of racing games. Now with my game library expanding, PS4 offers more (and, if I'm playing a multi-plat online, there's more players on PSN, even if it's a lousy network).

The only Microsoft exclusives that interest me are Forza, and Cuphead (if it ever releases). And yeah, the controller is far better for my purposes — though the DS4's touch pad can be used in interesting ways if developers try.

I get the argument that some are putting forward, that a PC makes more sense instead of a more expensive console. But some of us just prefer a console for the plug-and-play factor. Or, if you're like me, you're solidly in the Mac ecosystem in terms of a desktop, and don't feel like spending even more than the Scorpio's likely price to get a PC (and find space for it). Plus, if I bought a PC, my girlfriend would very likely leave me. :lol:
Something tells me this console is going to be worth a lot for Canada, like around $599 at best or possibly more. If only I could build a powerful PC if I had the money, though I plan to in the future since my bro knows which parts to buy.
Oh boy, if you are right then in Australia it'll cost ~ $680-700 AUD. I might give it a pass then.
But, they could go the Direction of Printer MFG's.
Sell the hardware at a loss, and make the Profits up on the Game Sales.
With that in mind, they Might try to Match the Price point of the PS4 Pro at $399.99
Oh boy, if you are right then in Australia it'll cost ~ $680-700 AUD. I might give it a pass then.
If it really can game at native 4K, $700 is pretty cheap for the hardware. It'll probably end up costing upwards of $1000 in Aus, but even that would be "cheap" for 4K gaming.
Something tells me this console is going to be worth a lot for Canada, like around $599 at best or possibly more. If only I could build a powerful PC if I had the money, though I plan to in the future since my bro knows which parts to buy.

Well look at it this way... The console (GPU wise) is said to be in performance parody (not specs but in "real world performance") to a Nvidia GTX1070. The GTX1070 in Canada is $599 just for the GPU. If the Scorpio can be priced at that same level (in Canada) then that is an AMAZING achievement if you ask me. You are getting an entire system (CPU, GPU, RAM, Motherboard, 1TB HDD, 4K BluRay Drive, Power Supply and Case) for the same price as just the GPU... I also realize that the GPU in the Scorpio is more in line with the RX480 spec wise... But like I said earlier, it is performing more like the GTX1070 in real world scenarios. Just look at the example of Forza Motorsport 6 running at 4K with Ultra settings only using 55% to 75% GPU utilization! That is actually better then what the GTX1070 offers on PC (when running Forza Motorsport Apex at the same settings)! It's quite exciting to be honest...
Well look at it this way... The console (GPU wise) is said to be in performance parody (not specs but in "real world performance") to a Nvidia GTX1070. The GTX1070 in Canada is $599 just for the GPU. If the Scorpio can be priced at that same level (in Canada) then that is an AMAZING achievement if you ask me. You are getting an entire system (CPU, GPU, RAM, Motherboard, 1TB HDD, 4K BluRay Drive, Power Supply and Case) for the same price as just the GPU... I also realize that the GPU in the Scorpio is more in line with the RX480 spec wise... But like I said earlier, it is performing more like the GTX1070 in real world scenarios. Just look at the example of Forza Motorsport 6 running at 4K with Ultra settings only using 55% to 75% GPU utilization! That is actually better then what the GTX1070 offers on PC (when running Forza Motorsport Apex at the same settings)! It's quite exciting to be honest...
Dang. I'm not so much of a wize when it comes to this kind of stuff but judging by your post, that doesn't sound too bad at all for a console that consists of all of what you mentioned only to be priced up that much (if so). Looks like ambition and confidence is on MS's side this time around?

Can't wait to see what's in store at E3 for the Scorpio because I'm curious to see what else the devs (especially Turn 10) can do with that much GPU it spares.
I'm so hyped for Scorpio, definitely gonna pre-order.

Personally, I play racers and nothing else so Xbone>>>PS4.

The only PS exclusive I have/had any excitement for was Persona 5, which I got for my PS3 instead.
I imagine for most games that run sub-native 4K on the Pro the Scorpio will probably be native 4K and with slightly higher settings. Everyone seemed to want a CPU that makes most games run at 60fps but they don't seem to have went for that.

It will just be resolution difference between Xbone, PS4, PS4P like 900P, 1080P, 1800P checkerboard, 2160. It will be interesting to see the actual difference. May be Microsoft games they will put more effort in getting some other settings as well. We already knew about 6TF and Ram speed. BR drive was also a given. CPU though is still a bottleneck. 12bg ram and integrated power supply and cooling taken into consideration. It is probably going to be 500$ or at least 450$.

This is another bad decision by Microsoft IMO. They should simply start a new gen with exclusive games coming to Scorpio and utilizing it specs instead of going with same games just at 4K resolution. Since Microsoft are making all their games available to win10. There is also a possibility that they will release a console every 3yrs with better specs and will not have any generation anymore :confused: Which IMO is more depressing. I do not think I will ever buy their so called console