GTPlanet Weekly Rewind: Project Scorpio Will Set New Standards for Console Gaming


Contributing Writer
United States
It will be interesting. MS have changed the architecture in a mid term refresh, and I wonder if the software driven emulation is going to work on all platforms, and if all developers will do it. Usually this is only ever done on change of generation when backwards compatibility in the hardware isn't as important.

I personally will buy one, but I don't already own X1 games (apart from those on the PC). Its a bold move that will certainly give X1 fans back bragging rights (and finally a deserving console), but its an interesting decision considering the next generation was due in 2019, giving it only a 1-2 year lead time.

Another effect is that it makes even first party studio games multi-platform, with significant optimisation for the 2 architectures required to ensure they don't unfairly treat one console better than the other. Ps4 doesn't really have this issue as the architecture is the same (and in fact probably easier to port between Scorpio and PS4 now that they have more in common than the XB1).
Driveclub just keeps delivering. I madly love this game and just roaming around in this closed and very punishing enviroment and taking pictures. Too bad Sony didn't get that they not only have just 1 racing franchise now, but it's one that will never be stable in terms of release and.. well, alternative is never a bad thing. But yeah, DC is awesome!
I wonder how long will it last in terms of visuals.

Also one more reason to love the game is for that kitty formed from a cloud, hehe.
Now I have to make a decision on whether to stick with the Playstation or go with the XBox. I don't have either yet, but I guess it's all gonna depend on the future of the Gran Turismo games. If this next one isn't all it's cracked up to be, I'm going to the XBox. If it's something I see everyone raving about it in a good way, I'll go with the PS4.
...If it's something I see everyone raving about it in a good way, I'll go with the PS4.
Personally I'd go with what you feel like raving about. Do you have any friends who have either of the consoles? I appreciate that not everyone is 12 here and goes around to their mates houses, I first played GT4 at a friend's house at the tender age of 44 when I was visiting. That way you will have the best impression of all, your own.

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