The Xbox One X has power to spare even when running Forza at 4K, 60FPS

  • Thread starter FordGTGuy
United States
Amazing specs, but yeah... where are the AAA exclusives? Scalebound/Fable would have been very nice additions!
That extra capacity in the GPU hopefully means the Forza Horizon 3 visual updates can get the game running at 4K/60fps on the One X.
Amazing specs, but yeah... where are the AAA exclusives? Scalebound/Fable would have been very nice additions!

Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Forza Motorsport 7, State of Decay 2 and we also had Halo Wars 2 release this year.
Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Forza Motorsport 7, State of Decay 2 and we also had Halo Wars 2 release this year.

True, but the thing about MS exclusives is that none of them are really GOTY worthy.

Halo Wars 2 and Sea of Thieves are very niche (although SOT looks really interesting to me). I need to see more of Crackdown 3, because graphically it looks kinda weak - hopefully gameplay will make up for that. I'll need to see more of State of Decay 2 also. That was an XB arcade game - maybe they did give it some AAA spectacle this time around? Forza 7 looks to be one of the only games that will be a possible top 3/top 5 of its genre, and the only one that really takes advantage of the system's power.

Also, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay release next year.
True, but the thing about MS exclusives is that none of them are really GOTY worthy.

That's a handy crystal ball you've got there!

In terms of general gaming, I'd absolutely agree — PS4 is my preferred platform in terms of exclusives. But, as this is a racing-oriented site, when we look at both systems' racing genre offerings, PS4 is a distant second. At the moment, it has precisely one that fits our wheelhouse... and it's dead.
For the first time ever, I'm more looking forward to see the release of a Forza game than a GT game...
But then I'm also secretly eyeing yet another one.
Graphically they're all going to blow us away so the most important thing will be the feel & fun factor.
If one (or hopefully more) of these games manages to catch that magic touch, it will be sweet. If it manages to do it with an AC feel, it will be epic.
Amazing specs, but yeah... where are the AAA exclusives? Scalebound/Fable would have been very nice additions!
since this is gt planet, forza motorsport 7 should be the only exclusive needed.
anyway, until the mega exclusives hit -and just by understanding the new machine, you just know they are coming- you can entertain your despair by playing the best multiplatform version of pretty much every big game release... think you could handle it?
That's a handy crystal ball you've got there!

In terms of general gaming, I'd absolutely agree — PS4 is my preferred platform in terms of exclusives. But, as this is a racing-oriented site, when we look at both systems' racing genre offerings, PS4 is a distant second. At the moment, it has precisely one that fits our wheelhouse... and it's dead.

Agreed - wrong thread for that :dunce:
True, but the thing about MS exclusives is that none of them are really GOTY worthy.

Halo Wars 2 and Sea of Thieves are very niche (although SOT looks really interesting to me). I need to see more of Crackdown 3, because graphically it looks kinda weak - hopefully gameplay will make up for that. I'll need to see more of State of Decay 2 also. That was an XB arcade game - maybe they did give it some AAA spectacle this time around? Forza 7 looks to be one of the only games that will be a possible top 3/top 5 of its genre, and the only one that really takes advantage of the system's power.

Also, Sea of Thieves and State of Decay release next year.

You play games based on whether they can win GOTY? Must be a boring life.

BTW Sea of Thieves is easily GOTY worthy.

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