It really is quite astounding to see how far GT has come; regardless of your views about it as a game, PD, etc. I remember playing my first GT; GT2, and being quite simply mind blown, since it really shook things for me. It has so much with regards to content (despite it flaws, but if anything that's made it even more mind-boggling, with all the amazing stuff found in the
Searching for Hidden Things Thread, hence why it remains my favourite and the best IMO. And when I played GT3 for the first time, I was mind blown again, thinking graphics couldn't get much better at the time. And even now, it still holds up remarkably well. So I thank GT and PD for creating some awesome games, and many happy memories.
I assume GT3 is where it all really started?
To be honest, it really did all start with GT1. Graphically every GT has been great on every system it's been on, but I think GT3 had a massive impact for many, given the jump visually, from 2 to 3 in such a relatively short amount of time. And aside from that, things were revolutionised from the start, with GT2 adding to the formula, and 3 shaking things up (in a good way IMO).
Personally I'm eager for GTS, as whilst it's a new direction for the series, I see a lot of GT3's intent, in the way the quantity has been reduced for quality, with a new(ish) formula, and visually it's another level, despite graphics/fps etc, not being my most important feature. Either way, will be interesting to see how things develop.