Top Gear's Chris Harris Puts Bugatti's Chiron to the Test

Man that sixteen cylinder engine sounds meeean! And those four turbos make such a sweet noise. Can't wait to get in this in GTS.

At first, I really didn't like the back end and the tail lights, but it's growing on me after seeing the car in motion.

Always a pleasure watching Chris Harris push a vehicle :bowdown:
Beautiful machine. I love how it looks "less exotic," or at least less flamboyant than the Veyron. Modern Hondas look a lot more exotic. Added to the reputation the Veyron has and all the attention it still gets, this would be the perfect exotic to own. People will notice it less. Just you and the car to enjoy. I love it!

And I love this guy's reviews. Honest and passionate. No cocky and entitled attitude like most car reviewers.
Chris Harris' own YouTube channel has always been better than Top Gear ever was, is, or will be. I love his reviews.

Chris' video's for TG are identical in format to the ones he did for 'Chris Harris On Cars'. He took his camera man (Neil, I think) with him to Top Gear, and he's shooting the Harris videos.
Chris' video's for TG are identical in format to the ones he did for 'Chris Harris On Cars'. He took his camera man (Neil, I think) with him to Top Gear, and he's shooting the Harris videos.

I meant that as a reaction to the old trio of Top Gear. Chris can actually drive, so he's so much more capable of explaining a car's behaviour.

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