F1 2017 Tips and TricksF1 2017 

It looks like you are playing this on a PS4, standard or pro? I've been visiting the Codemasters forums and this game is a bug ridden mess, graphics problems, gameplay problems etc etc. There are pages and pages of bugs and CM are up to patch 1.06 attempting to fix this mess.
I have not purchased F12017 due to the state it is in. It reviewed really really well, but unfortunately the day 1 patch seems to have put this game into a sad condition.
I'm wondering if you are even playing the same game?? Have you not suffered the numerous bugs and graphical glitches that so many are reporting?
I don't doubt your sincerity, but reading what you have written and reading the official forums it's like two different games.
It looks like you are playing this on a PS4, standard or pro? I've been visiting the Codemasters forums and this game is a bug ridden mess, graphics problems, gameplay problems etc etc. There are pages and pages of bugs and CM are up to patch 1.06 attempting to fix this mess.
I have not purchased F12017 due to the state it is in. It reviewed really really well, but unfortunately the day 1 patch seems to have put this game into a sad condition.
I'm wondering if you are even playing the same game?? Have you not suffered the numerous bugs and graphical glitches that so many are reporting?
I don't doubt your sincerity, but reading what you have written and reading the official forums it's like two different games.
Well, the game runs almost perfectly for me. No gameplay bugs, and only a minor graphical glitch. Maybe if I play more I'll encounter some glitches, but so far, it's fine.
I'm running it on the PS4 Pro, it's a good game but it does have its bugs, massive black lines across the track making some parts of the track feel like your racing at night, I'm on season two, never noticed this one in season one but the sky has started shaking plus driving through the pits at Monaco the game slows down big time, I think the games runs at 60fps I'm not sure but Monaco pits must run at 20fps
Nice article. Like the game as a f1 fan but one not knowing a lot of the behind the scenes parts, the games seems to blend that with actual driving. And like having access to the same tracks used in the season