360 degree chase camera

  • Thread starter Mikeye90
Unfortunately it's still missing for what ever reason. Every racing game allows you to rotate the camera in chase view but GT. I see no reason why this isnt featured. I was also asked by some friends who arent familiar with GT games if this is a bug or if Something is wrong with the settings.

We should keep this thread alive and Hope that PD updates this.

And please no comments about use Cockpit or bumper cam etc. Let people drive as they like to and enjoy the cars in its full beauty.
I agree with you 100%, Im new to the GT world since I been a loyal fan of Forza. I personally love GT7 and its near perfect, but the chase camera needs to be updated or there should be an option to get a 360 view in order to show the cars details while on the track. I use the cockpit view for regular races but when it comes to drifting, since drifting is about style and having fun it would be best portrayed with a 360 degree view similar to forza.
I have a few friends that refuse to buy the game just because they hate the chase camera GT provides. Not something that I agree with since the game is overall amazing.