Contributing Writer
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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Brendan Rorrison (@Brend) on October 17th, 2017 in the Gran Turismo Sport category.
I am surprised at how into this game I am.
Hallo glad you enjoy it. Quastion does GTS have button maping?Me too !!!7 hours non-stop of happiness, car loving and inmersion, from 0h00 today to 7h-am. I'm loving every detail, every car and every event in GTS !
Hallo glad you enjoy it. Quastion does GTS have button maping?
Thanks for the responseYes. You can configure buttons, all as you want. Even correct traction control, brake balance and others things while driving.
The Alsace Village track looks like it was created in the GT6 track creator. It is a very "meh" looking track that could have easily been scrapped for something else. Makes me wonder why Trial Mountain couldn't make the cut.
Because PD will have a very stong Dcl and it will be part if their old school gt update, one hopes. There will be a decent mix if paid and unpaid since GT has been anti dlc in the past.
Fishermans Ranch looks very detailed. Especially in the dirt. I like it.
I still can't play the game until next week though. Don't get paid this week.