What Mystery Wheel is Fanatec Teasing?

It's no doubt going to be the Podium series of DD wheels they've been teasing. I'm hoping they're not so crazy expensive that you have to sell a kidney to get one, cause I'm real keen to pick one up.
Top edge of Mclaren logo clearly visible in teaser image - so at a minimum it may be a new CSL and Club Sport Mclaren wheel rim

I am hoping these will be attached to a Podium DD wheel base as option - my wallet is ready Thomas!! :)
Top edge of Mclaren logo clearly visible in teaser image - so at a minimum it may be a new CSL and Club Sport Mclaren wheel rim

I am hoping these will be attached to a Podium DD wheel base as option - my wallet is ready Thomas!! :)
Hmm, I am looking for the McLaren logo and I am not seeing it would be cool though.
Hopefully it's free gizmo to get their older but expensive wheelsets to work with PS4...
If ps would let them they probably would. The drive hub works good enough but you have to pay. It could be better on gt, once they get a fanatec up for gt it should be better though.
Is there a @Fanatec... windows 10 app that takes money when I throw it at my monitor? If so, I'm going to start throwing.

Yesterday evening at the gym, there was a guy working out with a T-shirt that said: "there is no finish line".
@Fanatec... is it just the wheel that will be up for pre-order or are the DD bases coming too?

Sorry for being slightly off-topic and I realise you probably can't answer anyway but SimX have just announced an Accuforce V2 Black Friday deal for $999 about £1080 once shipping/duty and conversion fees are taken into account or €1210. I don't know what to do, I want a Fanatec DD base since I already have the XB1 universal hub and all my Fanatec gear (Shifter 1.5SQ, V3 pedals with dampener, Fanatec handbrake) all plugged into the V2 base with one USB to PC, love the ecosystem, wheel Rim options plus EU warranty and much easier/cheaper shipping if something does go wrong.

However it seems like a great deal not to be missed, I just don't feel like I have enough info on the podium base to make an informed decision either way! If I wait and it's a fair chunk more expensive then probably should get the Accuforce but if I get the Accuforce and the Podium is much better for a similar price I'll be disappointed then too :banghead:.

Any input would be appreciated whether via here, pm, email, phone, live chat, anything, I'll happily sign an NDA if need be!! :scared:
If ps would let them they probably would. The drive hub works good enough but you have to pay. It could be better on gt, once they get a fanatec up for gt it should be better though.

Atwork do you have the Drive Hub yourself with the V2 or V2.5? If you do will please let us know how satisfied you are or your experience? I am trying to decide right now and I would really rather go iwth the V2.5 over the CSL Elite for various reasons...unless the DD wheel IS around the corner.

@Fanatec... is it just the wheel that will be up for pre-order or are the DD bases coming too?

Sorry for being slightly off-topic and I realise you probably can't answer anyway but SimX have just announced an Accuforce V2 Black Friday deal for $999 about £1080 once shipping/duty and conversion fees are taken into account or €1210. I don't know what to do, I want a Fanatec DD base since I already have the XB1 universal hub and all my Fanatec gear (Shifter 1.5SQ, V3 pedals with dampener, Fanatec handbrake) all plugged into the V2 base with one USB to PC, love the ecosystem, wheel Rim options plus EU warranty and much easier/cheaper shipping if something does go wrong.

However it seems like a great deal not to be missed, I just don't feel like I have enough info on the podium base to make an informed decision either way! If I wait and it's a fair chunk more expensive then probably should get the Accuforce but if I get the Accuforce and the Podium is much better for a similar price I'll be disappointed then too :banghead:.

Any input would be appreciated whether via here, pm, email, phone, live chat, anything, I'll happily sign an NDA if need be!! :scared:

You and me both! I could write up the NDA, I was just drafting one yesterday for work! :lol:
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Atwork do you have the Drive Hub yourself with the V2 or V2.5? If you do will please let us know how satisfied you are or your experience? I am trying to decide right now and I would really rather go iwth the V2.5 over the CSL Elite for various reasons...unless the DD wheel IS around the corner.

You and me both! I could right up the NDA, I was just drafting one yesterday for work! :lol:
Haha, honestly it's such a dilemma right now, I love researching stuff before I buy to know I've got the best thing for whatever budget I set and whether I need to adjust it or not but it's killing me not having any Fanatec details to go off of!

I feel weak for not waiting but I think I'm just going to go for the Accuforce because it's here now and switch back to Fanatec if it ends up a lot better and take the financial hit selling stuff if need be. We'll see what pops up tomorrow though before making my final decision.
Haha, honestly it's such a dilemma right now, I love researching stuff before I buy to know I've got the best thing for whatever budget I set and whether I need to adjust it or not but it's killing me not having any Fanatec details to go off of!

I feel weak for not waiting but I think I'm just going to go for the Accuforce because it's here now and switch back to Fanatec if it ends up a lot better and take the financial hit selling stuff if need be. We'll see what pops up tomorrow though before making my final decision.

I hear you. F Inferno, though, I just don't think the BF Sale will have anything to do with the DD wheel, other than compatibility with whatever new rims may be made available in 2018 (referenced in the BF sale).
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Not that I am on the edge of my seat...but I am on the edge of my seat.

What time tomorrow will we know?

It is 3:45 pm EST, right now...what time GMT will we know?
I hear you. F Inferno, though, I just don't think the BF Sale will have anything to do with the DD wheel, other than whatever new rims may be made available in 2018, and referenced in the BF sale, will be compatible.
I know but I can always hope!

So annoying, I'll also be losing essentially 6 buttons as it won't have a funky switch and needs a cord. Not to mention I also need to reinforce the rig and get another pci-e card for the fact I'll need 2 extra USB slots :mad:. I'm trying hard to talk myself out of it but I'm a real sucker for a big price drop!
I know but I can always hope!

So annoying, I'll also be losing essentially 6 buttons as it won't have a funky switch and needs a cord. Not to mention I also need to reinforce the rig and get another pci-e card for the fact I'll need 2 extra USB slots :mad:. I'm trying hard to talk myself out of it but I'm a real sucker for a big price drop!

Inferno, what do you have in your PC now?

Curious as that will be another eventual purchase for me.

BTW, there were those who thought the AF2 price was a deal when it was originally announced a few months ago, so I doubt anyone would get on your case for pulling the trigger on the BF deal!
Inferno, what do you have in your PC now?

Curious as that will be another eventual purchase for me.

BTW, there were those who thought the AF2 price was a deal when it was originally announced a few months ago, so I doubt anyone would get on your case for pulling the trigger on the BF deal!
Right now I have one USB from the V2 which has my shifter and V3 pedals attached, the V3 pedals have my handbrake attached and all works perfectly.

Fortunately I have a Fanatec USB adapter which I originally had the handbrake on but will use for the shifter.

Then I have my mouse, keyboard, 2 rift sensors, xb1 wireless receiver and the rift itself for a total of 7 USB's. Now the real issue is the rift doesn't work on any of my USB 3.0 (ASMedia rubbish) and neither does my keyboard, mouse or Fanatec wheel, the handbrake was ok but wasn't giving perfectly smooth output, the only thing which works fine is the xb1 receiver!

I have 6 Intel USB 2.0 all filled and 6 USB 3.0s which basically work with nothing and intermittently die requiring me to power off the psu before they reappear! So will just get an inateck USB 3.0 and use it with the rift to free up 3 USB's and it's meant to work better like that anyway.

I've been putting it off as I was going to build a new PC with Volta since nothing currently can push VR sims at the level I want, oh well.
Umm...I am speaking for myself. Some of us are eager to know what the deal is with the DD wheels with regard to when their launching and at what price. But I'm glad your happy.

I would love Podium series news, as well, buddy. I just don't think it is going to be during BF. Still hoping for before the end of the year, with a release by about March, 2018.
Looks like no DD wheel for me!

Got up at 4.45am to try and grab a Momo upgrade for free (only first 5), autofilled everything I could, copy my card number ready to be pasted, practiced the checkout procedure for top speed.

It all starts going wrong when I lock myself out of my account 8 minutes to 5 because I can't remember the password that early, lockout time 10 mins :scared:. I try the password reset as that normally does the trick, nope not having any of it even now it's unblocked whatever password reset system they use is broken!

3mins to 5 I'm panickedly creating a new account and filling in all the forms, just finish in time and 5 hits and I'm there entering the code, not valid :odd:. Retry, not valid, repeat for 5 mins, still not valid :irked:.

Right off I go to google in confusion I'm pretty sure 12am on a Friday is the morning and google confirms what I already know, so I try again, not valid

Next their Facebook page and I see other people from Europe also having issues but within that a comment from SimX saying there was a time zone issue which they have now corrected 12mins ago. I try again, nope still not working here but by this point it's now abundantly clear I got up for nothing because those Momo wheels are long gone! :mad:

Finally the code stats working 30mins later I decide to press ahead maybe it's 5 per region, nothing appears in my cart but I'm still deludedly hopeful. Make it to the final checkout page enter my card details, press process, instant pop-up card declined, check details all is fine try again same thing 🤬.

So final attempt I try changing putting in spaces every 4 numbers despite have bought SimVibe off the site just fine, granted a different card but still exact same details, error duplicate card details, well 🤬 this!!

I'm out :banghead: :grumpy:.

To cap it off I'm also knackered now :(. On the plus side I'm back waiting for Fanatec DD now so it best be good Thomas ;).
Looks like no DD wheel for me!

Got up at 4.45am to try and grab a Momo upgrade for free (only first 5), autofilled everything I could, copy my card number ready to be pasted, practiced the checkout procedure for top speed.

It all starts going wrong when I lock myself out of my account 8 minutes to 5 because I can't remember the password that early, lockout time 10 mins :scared:. I try the password reset as that normally does the trick, nope not having any of it even now it's unblocked whatever password reset system they use is broken!

3mins to 5 I'm panickedly creating a new account and filling in all the forms, just finish in time and 5 hits and I'm there entering the code, not valid :odd:. Retry, not valid, repeat for 5 mins, still not valid :irked:.

Right off I go to google in confusion I'm pretty sure 12am on a Friday is the morning and google confirms what I already know, so I try again, not valid

Next their Facebook page and I see other people from Europe also having issues but within that a comment from SimX saying there was a time zone issue which they have now corrected 12mins ago. I try again, nope still not working here but by this point it's now abundantly clear I got up for nothing because those Momo wheels are long gone! :mad:

Finally the code stats working 30mins later I decide to press ahead maybe it's 5 per region, nothing appears in my cart but I'm still deludedly hopeful. Make it to the final checkout page enter my card details, press process, instant pop-up card declined, check details all is fine try again same thing 🤬.

So final attempt I try changing putting in spaces every 4 numbers despite have bought SimVibe off the site just fine, granted a different card but still exact same details, error duplicate card details, well 🤬 this!!

I'm out :banghead: :grumpy:.

To cap it off I'm also knackered now :(. On the plus side I'm back waiting for Fanatec DD now so it best be good Thomas ;).

Man, I got frustrated just reading that, Inferno. That stinks, buddy!

BTW, and if it is any consolation, I really don't think we are going to be able to stroll in and buy one of the DD wheels when they are available. I think supply is going to be a problem.

Sure I'm guessing on this and previous posts and I'm pulling this out my backside a bit, but I bet the wheels don't hit until March of 2018 and then they aren't readily (or more abundantly) available until the fall of 2018.

Hey...I did say "any" consolation. :lol:
Look, I am going to be blunt with you guys...I am starting to go insane with anticipation.

What's more, I think Thomas and everyone at fanatec enjoys seeing this in their customers.

Some people like to watch sports. Some people like to knit and go for walks. People like us like sim gear and petrol smells even at the dinner table.

These guys like to be internet sale teasers. "Oh you want it? You really want it?!...Ohhhhh, too bad. Just a little bit longer!"

It's not right. No Sir, it is not.

I am now even following fanatec on twitter.

Until this misery is rectified I will leave my computer on and continue to chew the remainder of my finger nails off.

When the wheel deals start, I'm going to need smaller gloves.
Man, I got frustrated just reading that, Inferno. That stinks, buddy!

BTW, and if it is any consolation, I really don't think we are going to be able to stroll in and buy one of the DD wheels when they are available. I think supply is going to be a problem.

Sure I'm guessing on this and previous posts and I'm pulling this out my backside a bit, but I bet the wheels don't hit until March of 2018 and then they aren't readily (or more abundantly) available until the fall of 2018.

Hey...I did say "any" consolation. :lol:
Well turns out it was my bank blocking it, had a lovely call from them this morning from the anti-fraud department, yes it was me thank you very much and to add insult to injury the £ has lost some more value today so it'll cost an extra £2 if I do go for it!

Still bitter they messed up the code so I had no chance of getting a Momo rim, I'll reassess once I've calmed down and got some sleep. Fanatec gear is selling for good prices right now as the £ is screwed so I may just go for it as I won't be losing much on what I paid last year and it's always good to try different brands.

I bet by the time I get home it will be sold out for the final kick in the balls though.

Still keep checking for the Fanatec deals though don't I!
Well turns out it was my bank blocking it, had a lovely call from them this morning from the anti-fraud department, yes it was me thank you very much and to add insult to injury the £ has lost some more value today so it'll cost an extra £2 if I do go for it!

Still bitter they messed up the code so I had no chance of getting a Momo rim, I'll reassess once I've calmed down and got some sleep. Fanatec gear is selling for good prices right now as the £ is screwed so I may just go for it as I won't be losing much on what I paid last year and it's always good to try different brands.

I bet by the time I get home it will be sold out for the final kick in the balls though.

Still keep checking for the Fanatec deals though don't I!
